Saturday, May 11, 2024

How To Cure Depression Without Drugs

Other Options For Depression Treatment Without Drugs

Managing depression without medication

For those seeking a more natural approach to the condition, learning positive coping skills is a must. The following techniques below are supported by medication prescribers and scientific research as methods that help depression. These skills are commonly recommended as essential parts of treatment, even for those using antidepressant medications.

Please note, these are suggestions, and if youre already using antidepressant medication, you shouldnt stop abruptly without your doctors approval.

If Youre Up For Exercise Consider A Walk Around The Block

On days when you feel as if you cant get out of bed, exercise may seem like the last thing youd want to do. However, exercise and physical activity can help to lower symptoms of depression and boost energy levels.

future depressive episodes.

Even when you have the feeling that youre unable to or have very little energy, see if youd be willing to do the opposite of what your mood is telling you to do, such as curling up in bed. Instead, set a small goal for yourself, such as taking a walk around the block.

Can Major Depression Be Treated Without Medication

Yes – there is a range of evidence-based treatments for major depression that do not involve medication. Anti-depressant medications are only effective in around 40-60% of people and there has been extensive research into alternative treatment options. Even for people who take antidepressant medications, they do not usually represent a long-term solution, and many participate in other types of treatment alongside.

Other evidence-based treatments for major depressive disorder include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Complementary therapies like yoga and mindfulness meditation

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How To Treat Depression Without Medication

by Ryan Nielsen | Oct 30, 2020 | Depression Treatment |

Depression affects an ever-increasing portion of the population. According to the latest data from the World Health Organization , more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. More than 17 million adults in the United States have experienced an occurrence of major depressive disorder sometime in the last year. We expect these numbers to greatly increase, given the world we live in today in the midst of a pandemic. According to the Census Bureau, more than one-third of Americans have displayed clinical signs of anxiety, depression, or both since the coronavirus pandemic began. Theres no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic will be the most psychologically toxic disaster in anyones lifetime, says George Everly, who teaches disaster mental health and resilience at Johns Hopkins. This pandemic is a disaster of uncertainty, and the greater the uncertainty surrounding a disaster, the greater the psychological casualties.

While these are staggering statistics in and of themselves, even more troubling is the fact that only 20% of people diagnosed with depression receive modern care that is consistent with treatment guidelines, and 35% seek no treatment at all.

Were going to look at why people reject typical treatment options and explore some alternatives that dont involve antidepressant medications.

Dig Out The Underlying Cause To Beat That Depression

How To Treat Depression Naturally Without Drugs

Even though were talking about beating depression without medication, I urge you to try and figure out if there could be any underlying cause for your depression.

Without knowing whats wrong, youre unlikely to find the right way to beat your depression without meds.

So, whats going on for you?

What has happened in the past, and whats happening to you now?

  • Are you bored with life?
  • If you can identify the root cause of your worries and troubles, you can start taking practical steps to address them. That is the most direct and effective way to get rid of depression without medication!

    Cant seem to put your finger on whats making you feel depressed? Think most of your life is fine?

    In that case, too, I recommend you talk to a therapist or even a trusted friend. An outside perspective can really help you to figure out whats going on for you right now.

    Cant seem to put your finger on whats making you feel depressed? Think most of your life is fine?

    In that case, too, I can really recommend you talk to a therapist or even a trusted friend. An outside perspective can really help you to figure out whats going on for you right now.

    Your next step is making sure you witness youre making progress in beating your depression without medication.

    Heres how to do that

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    Eating Right And Exercising

    Moderate exercise five times a week for 30 minutes a day can dramatically increase your mood. Moderate exercise describes a level of activity where singing from your diaphragm is challenging. In addition to training, you should also pay attention to the food or drinks youre consuming as they have an influence over your mood. A fad diet is unnecessary, but anyone will be depressed if they binge on junk food, carbs, and energy drinkseverything in moderation.

    Healing From Depression The 6 Proven Non

    Depression steals people. So far, despite the colossal investment of resources, there is still no reliably effective treatment. What we know for sure is that antidepressants just arent working. According to Dr Stephen Ilardi, respected psychologist, university professor and author of The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression Without Drugs, antidepressants only have about a 50% success rate. Out of the people who do find relief, half of them will relapse, taking the actual recovery rate to 25%. Then there are the side effects, such as emotional blunting, weight gain and sexual dysfunction.

    When antidepressants fail to deliver, the hopelessness that lies at the heart of depression becomes even more brutal. If we could immunise ourselves and the people we love against depression, wed be lining up. There is no immunisation, but a growing body of research is finding that there are ways to protect ourselves from depression and alleviate any existing symptoms, particularly for mild to moderate depression.

    Its about certain lifestyle factors six of them and the difference they can make to each of us, depressed or otherwise, is phenomenal. The claims may sound extravagant, but science is proving them over and over. The evidence is too compelling for us not to take notice.

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    Break Up With Caffeine

    A cup of coffee, chocolate, or an ice-cold Coke might help you feel better. But if caffeine is your go-to drug of choice, your anxiety could worsen.

    Caffeine gives the nervous system a jolt, which can boost energy levels. But when under pressure, this nervous energy can induce an anxiety attack. Now, the idea of giving up your favorite caffeinated beverage might raise your heart rate and induce anxiety as you read this, but you dont have to stop cold turkey or give up caffeine completely. Its all about moderation.

    Rather than four cups of coffee a day, scale back to one or two normal-sized cups a day normal as in 8 ounces, not 16 or 32 ounces. Give it a test run and see how you feel. As you wean yourself, slowly introduce other beverages into your diet such as decaffeinated herbal tea, which can calm your mind and nerves.

    Avoid Using Drugs Or Alcohol As Coping Mechanisms

    Lift Depression With These 3 Prescriptions- Without-Pills | Susan Heitler | TEDxWilmington

    Avoiding drugs or alcohol as coping mechanisms could easily fit into maintain a healthy lifestyle, but its critical to point out how much they can alter the brains chemical makeup and worsen any symptoms associated with depression and mental illness.

    Mind altering substances like drugs or alcohol can interrupt the brains normal release of neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, both of which are essential for controlling our mood and emotions.

    Chronic substance use can actually lead to damaging, long-term changes in the brains chemical makeup and result in a lifetime struggle with depression.

    Alcohol and drug addiction treatment can be effective in helping people manage their depression issues in a much more positive way.

    Many people begin using alcohol or other substances as a way to numb depression, and sometimes it works in the short term. But over time, the symptoms become worse as the brain becomes addicted to using substances just to feel normal.

    When this happens, depression and addiction combine to form a co-occurring disorder that requires dual diagnosis treatment to properly heal and recover.

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    Mindfulness Meditation And Depressive Thoughts

    Meditation is so effective against depression partly because mindfulness empowers you to handle the painful negative thoughts depression can bring. If you are someone who struggles to manage negative intrusive thoughts, check out the video below. The first shows how a negative thought can turn into a full blown depressive spiral. The second video shows how to stop this spiral at an early stage, using only mindfulness techniques.

    How To Treat Depression Without Medication: What The Science Says

    Flow Neuroscience

    Is it possible to treat depression without medication or antidepressants? There is a simple answer to this question: Yes. Yes, it is. Most people dont know that you can treat depression at home, medication-free. If they do, most people dont know how.

    The fact is, you dont need pills to reduce depressive symptoms or even to recover from depression. By making a few lifestyle changes at home, your symptoms may decrease significantly or disappear altogether. This text introduces five different treatments for depression and none of them includes antidepressant medication.

    So, what, according to research, are the 5 most effective drug-free treatments for depression?

    According to the latest health research, there are at least 5 different ways to effectively treat depression without any medication. Fortunately, 4 out of 5 of these ways are completely free.

    Lets jump right in.

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    Verify Your Insurance No Commitment Required

    At Iris Healing, we offer a free and confidential verification of benefits with no commitment required. For our in-network insurance partners, Iris Healing accepts PPO, EPO, and HMO plans. For out-of-network insurance, we accept most PPO policies. We are happy to answer any questions you have related to insurance coverage for mental health and addiction treatment.

    Find Reasonable Goals That Provide Accomplishment

    27 best Healthy Healing System images on Pinterest

    In most cases, those with depression will feel guilty when they talk about goals because they set unworkable and unreasonable goals. Goals are workable only if:

    • Its something you can control and doesnt depend on others
    • Its something thats manageable and not overwhelming
    • Its something realistic for you and not someone else
    • Its measurable, and you know whether its getting finished or not

    If something goes wrong with the goal, adopt a what can I learn from this type of attitude instead of judging yourself. You should never compare your progress to others.

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    Or Spend Time With Loved Ones

    Depression can tempt you to isolate yourself and withdraw from people you love and trust, but face-to-face time can help wash away those tendencies.

    If youre unable to spend time together in person, phone calls or video chats can also be helpful.

    Try to remind yourself these people care about you. Resist the temptation to feel like youre a burden. You need the interaction and they likely do, too.

    Research has shown that keeping a journal can be a beneficial add-on method for managing mental health conditions.

    Writing down your thoughts can help you express what youre feeling more clearly. It can also help you keep track of what symptoms youre having each day and identify what causes them.

    You can make a goal to write for a few minutes each day or week. Most importantly, what you want to write about is completely up to you.

    When you do the same thing day after day, you use the same parts of your brain.

    Research shows doing new things can feel rewarding improve your overall well-being and strengthen your social relationships.

    To reap these benefits, consider trying a new sport, taking a creative class, or learning a new cooking technique.

    When To Seek Depression Treatment

    Holistic, natural remedies for depression can always be something you consider, but its important to keep in mind that with a lack of research for these natural remedies, evidence- based therapies and treatments might be something to consider. Depression can, and typically does worsen over time without treatment, whether thats a medical treatment like prescription medication or natural depression treatment.

    If you are experiencing symptoms of depression that have lasted longer than two weeks, and if theyre interfering with your ability to function daily, you might need to reach out for help.

    If youre having thoughts of self-harm or suicide, you should get help immediately. The Suicide Prevention Lifeline is always available.

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    How Does Antidepressant Medication Work

    The most common antidepressant medications are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors . They work by increasing the availability of serotonin in the brain. Seratonin is a natural hormone our body produces that acts as a chemical messenger, regulating essential functions like mood, sleep, and appetite. Having balanced levels of serotonin is associated with good mental health, while low levels of serotonin may underlie low mood.

    However, while antidepressant medications may be effective in treating depression, they do not work for everyone. They are more likely to work for people living with severe or moderate depression than mild depression. They can also result in a range of uncomfortable, systematic side effects such as weight gain and sexual dysfunction that may not be tolerated. Moreover, a course of antidepressant medication is usually relatively long, with most people taking antidepressants for one to two years to reduce the chance of relapse.

    Know That Today Isnt Indicative Of Tomorrow

    Treating depression without drugs

    Internal emotions and thoughts can change from day to day. Tracking experiences through journaling or keeping a mood diary can help to remember this.

    If you were unsuccessful at getting out of bed or accomplishing your goals today, remember that you havent lost tomorrows opportunity to try again.

    Give yourself the grace to accept that while some days will be difficult, some days will also be less difficult. Try to look forward to tomorrows fresh start.

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    How To Fight Depression Without Medication

    Verywell / Bailey Mariner

    For many people living with depression, prescription medications can be life-saving drugs. Antidepressants, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac and Zoloft , are the most widely prescribed medication for depression, and while they are often effective, they can have side effects and be expensive depending on your health insurance coverage.

    There are many ways to counter some of the symptoms of depression that don’t involve prescription medications. If you have depression, you might like to try managing it naturally without medication or supplement your antidepressant with other options. If so, check out these natural alternatives and then talk to your doctor about which might make sense as part of your treatment regimen.

    This article discusses some natural treatments that may help fight depression including lifestyle changes and supplements. It also covers other strategies you might try such as practicing mindfulness or enhancing your home environment.

    Listen To Upbeat Music

    There’s no doubt that music can have an impact on how you feel, so choosing the right music when you’re feeling down might be an effective way of lifting your mood.

    Research has found people who are depressed may have a tendency to choose music that intensifies rumination, sadness, and emotion-focused coping. So while you might be tempted to turn to somber tearjerkers when you’re feeling down, consider listening to more upbeat songs to boost your mood and inspire positive feelings.

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    Being Proactive Is The Best Way To Fight Depression Without Meds

    Unfortunately, some of my clients were already on antidepressants when they came to see me. Theyd consulted their doctor, who may have had:

    • little time for them
    • limited knowledge of how to treat depression without medication
    • not referred my client to a suitably qualified therapist.

    Also, the protocol your doctor follows is often to prescribe antidepressants and offer talking therapy simultaneously .

    Oh, how that frustrates me as a therapist!

    If you do both at once, how would you, as the patient, ever realise that youve made progress because of your own efforts and not because of the medication?

    Most people can get better with time and without any medical intervention.

    However, you do need good information to help you find ways to beat that depression without medication.

    Fortunately, though, these days, doctors are increasingly prescribing exercise and other health-promoting lifestyle changes.

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Therapy

    How To Treat Depression Naturally Without Drugs

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy is an innovative depression treatment that uses gentle magnetic waves to stimulate certain areas of brain cells, leading to pronounced changes in mood and behavior.

    Scientific research suggests that people living with depression may have reduced brain activity in the prefrontal dorsolateral cortex, an area of the brain involved in regulating mood. TMS uses an electromagnetic coil to generate a magnetic field that passes painlessly through the client’s scalp, inducing small electrical currents in the target brain cells and stimulating neuronal activity.

    TMS is a safe and painless therapy for treating depression with few side effects. The most common side effects are temporary mild headaches and scalp discomfort which tend to reduce throughout treatment. In 2008, the FDA cleared TMS as an effective treatment for treatment-resistant major depressive disorder.

    A typical course of TMS involves daily sessions over 4-6 weeks, followed by a few weeks of tapering of sessions. It’s a non-invasive procedure and you remain conscious throughout the sessions, communicating with another therapist throughout. You can return to normal activities immediately afterward and drive to and from the treatment center.

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    Alternative Options For Major Depression Treatment Without Medication

    It is usually advisable for someone struggling with the life-altering impact of MDD to seek out traditional treatment first, that being antidepressant therapy and psychotherapy. However, if these treatments are not successful in relieving symptoms why not try an alternative method? Here are some alternative depression treatments without medication:

    • Physical activity has a powerful effect on mood by the release of certain brain hormones called endorphins.
    • Exposure to sunlight increases vitamin D levels, which boost mood. For areas that have little sunlight, a therapeutic lightbox can help.
    • Certain mood-enhancing supplements can be suggested by your doctor once any drug interactions are eliminated. These include St. Johns Wort, SAMe, L-Theanine, 5-HTP, Omega-3, vitamin B.
    • Avoid caffeine, which reduces serotonin levels, and alcohol, which is a depressant
    • Certain foods boost levels of serotonin, a mood-enhancing brain chemical. These include fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, lean proteins, healthy fats such as nuts and seeds.
    • Mind-body activities. Certain holistic therapeutic activities can promote overall relaxation and centeredness, which can positively impact mood. These include yoga, mindfulness exercises, prayer or meditation, journaling, guided imagery, and massage therapy.
    • Brain stimulation therapy. Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation is a safe and effective treatment for major depression that uses the power of magnets to stimulate nerve cells in the brain.

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