Thursday, May 2, 2024

Is Binge Watching Tv A Sign Of Depression

More Shows Are Depicting Real


While we all know that television programs are exaggerated for dramatic effect, today’s writers, directors, and actors do an eerily realistic job depicting traumatic events that resonate with audiences because they’re derived from things happening in the world now. Considering the breathtaking graphics, special effects, and dramatic displays of emotion on fictionalized shows these days, it’s no wonder so many people feel like they’re there and experiencing what a character is going through.

“People who are sensitive, emotional, anxious, or depressed are more affected by these shows,” Dr. Lieberman explained. “In particular, if a viewer has experienced something in the plot lineâlike rape, or had a loved one die a violent deathâthey will be more affected.” If you are watching a show like SVU, you might feel a connection to or identify with a victim, which might cause you to feel their pain. You might worry about something similar happening to you or find yourself overwhelmed by recollections if it did happen to you.

How I Eased My Tv

One of the most effective things to do if you feel triggered by a particular program is to stop watching it entirely. After all, television should be relieving your stress, not be a cause of it. However, if it is your absolute favorite show and you can’t live without it , some steps can put you more at ease. Dr. Lieberman suggested the following strategies:

  • Keeping the lights on while watching TV
  • Sitting on a comfortable couch
  • Cuddling with a pet
  • Watching with a family member or friend.

Dr. Lieberman recommended not watching emotional or frightening programs before bedtimeâotherwise, you might be too wired with negative emotions to sleep.

As for me, I’m taking a break from my weekend SVU-binging and switching to Real Housewives. The shift from watching sexual assaults that are based on true stories to watching pointless but entertaining catfights has helped me feel less anxious but a little cattier, which is a trade I will gladly take.

Set Time Limits On How Much Tv You Watch

It is so easy to binge-watch TV shows, especially while coping with depression. Episodes play automatically one after the other, instant gratification is our society’s motto, and a lot of shows come out a full season at a time so we dont even have to wait for a new episode each week.

It’s crucial to stick to the time limits you set for yourself. Set boundaries before you’re sucked into a show and make sure to follow through with your pre-binge plans. Use a TV timer, set the remote across the room, do whatever you need to do to hold yourself accountable.

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Depression Emotional States And The Experience Of Binge


Terms like binge-watching and the showhole suggest a relationship between binge-watching and emotional health. This study sought to understand the relationship between binge-watching, unhealthy emotional traits, and regular emotional states such as sadness. The study found that emotional states experienced after binge-watching had implications for entertainment gratifications. However, the study did not find a conclusive connection between binge-watching and unhealthy emotional traits.

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Psychological Impacts Of Binge Watching

It may seem strange that an activity often used to relieve stress is so closely tied to depression. Yet theres a biological explanation.

When engaged in an activity thats enjoyable such as binge watching, your brain produces dopamine. This chemical gives the body a natural, internal reward of pleasure that reinforces continued engagement in that activity, said Dr. Renee Carr, Psy.D. in an NBC Better article. You experience a pseudo-addiction to the show because you develop cravings for dopamine.

A short-term increase in dopamine can be a good thing when watching TV its excessive and solo binge-watching that can trigger depression.

When we disconnect from humans and over-connect to TV at the cost of human connection, eventually we will starve to death emotionally, says Dr. Judy Rosenberg, psychologist.

That leads to the social reason for binge-watching: talking about entertainment is a way to establish social connections with others. It also shapes social expectations in the real-world. People are drawn to fictional characters and real people on screen to make social comparisons, says researchers in an article published in BMC Public Health. And, when people feel inferior to people on screen, higher levels of depression may be observed.

The Irony Of Reality Tv Shows

Reality tv. Its one of societys most common guilty pleasures and yet it is still shrouded in veils upon veils of negative stigma. Perhaps this is because it is the one genre of tv that invites viewers to judge real people, as opposed to characters that are written and performed. Or perhaps, it is because the lives that are often documented through the lens of reality tv are often wildly out of touch with those being led by viewers. I mean it goes without saying that most people dont find themselves in situations where they must give out single roses to their suitors. With that being said though, I think there lies a certain understanding between producers and viewers that the content within reality shows is so rarely derived wholly and naturally from reality itself, and that- by nature- reality tv is a sort of oxymoron. It is nothing but irony, as it claims to be completely real in that it captures the unscripted reactions of real people, but then proceeds to put these- singular- people into scenarios that are far from realistic.

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Tips For Managing Binge Watching

  • Limit yourself to a certain number of episodes, like two or three at a time. When you’ve reached your limit, turn off the TV and move on to something else.
  • Set a time limit. Decide the amount of time you watch TV per night. Use a timer for accountability.
  • Balance TV-viewing with other activities, such as physical exercise, seeing friends and reading.
  • Keep lights turned on in the viewing area and your house so you don’t lose sense of time.
  • Make it a social thing and invite a friend, spouse or kids to watch TV with you. Chat with fellow fans about characters, plots and cliffhangers.

You may start out planning to just watch one show, but if you burn through an entire season in one sitting, it may be time to reassess.

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Association Of Depression And Binge Watching Factors In Early Adults

Binge-Watching TV Linked To Loneliness

Reni Sriana Sriana, Marty Mawarpury Mawarpury, Haiyun Nisa Nisa, Syarifah Faradina Faradina


Binge watching is a form of coping that focuses on emotions that tend to be used to eliminate negative feelings such as depression. Theoretically, individuals who are depressed need coping that can help reduce their negative feelings, one of which is watching. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between depression and binge-watching factors in early adulthood. This study used a quantitative approach with 157 early adult samples selected by incidental sampling technique. Data analysis using the Spearman correlation technique showed that there was a relationship between depression and six binge watching factors, namely there was a relationship between depression and engagement , depression with positive emotion , depression with pleasure preservation , depression with dependency , depression with severity to continue watching/binge-watching , depression with loss control , and there was no relationship between depression and the desire/savoring factor with r=0.132 . The majority of respondents were at a level of minimal depression and problematic high-involvement. This explains that although there is a relationship, depression is not a significant predictor of binge-watching behavior.


Full Text:


Beck, A. T. . Beck Depression Inventory . Psychological Corpotration, USA.

Hazzel. . Depression in adolescents. BMJ.

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Binge Watching Isolates You

Watching TV has traditionally been a way to wind down. It can bring temporary relief from the daily stress of work, school and parenting.

However, binge watching makes it easy to disconnect from other people. With multiple streaming accounts and multiple ways to view a show, it’s easy to retreat to your corner of the house and zone out for hours at a time.

How To Break The Habit

The best way to reduce the effects of binge-watching is to make television watching an occasional pleasure and not an everyday thing. Some ways to break this habit include:

  • Limiting yourself: You may want to watch a small number of episodes, i.e., two episodes of a show at a time. Once you have reached your limit, turn the TV off and find something else to do.
  • Setting a time limit: Decide on an appropriate amount of time you will watch television every night. Then set an alarm or timer to keep yourself stay on course.
  • Finding a balance: Balance your TV-watching with other activities, including exercise, reading, a hobby, or spending time with a friend.
  • Making TV watching a social thing:If you invite someone else to watch with you, you likely wont spend as much time watching and you wont get sucked into hours of streaming.
  • Making sure you have a bedtime: Binge-watching can cause you to sacrifice hours of sleep, which can affect you the next day and harm you in the long-term. It might help to set a bedtime alarm, so you dont lose track of time watching television.
  • : Rather than eating unhealthy snacks while watching TV, opt for snacks that have more nutritional value. Fruits and vegetables are healthier options over salty, fatty foods.

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Lonely Depressed People Are More Likely To Binge

Turns out that a Walking Dead marathon may not be a healthy way to bust stress at the end of a long week: a study from the University of Texas has found that people who struggle with loneliness and depression are more likely to binge-watch television than their peers. The activity provides an escape from their unpleasant feelings.

Unsurprisingly, they also found that people with low levels of self-control were more likely to binge-watch, letting the next episode auto-roll even when they knew they should be spending their time more productively.

The researchers said that binge-watching should no longer be seen as a harmless addiction and pointed out that the activity is related to obesity, fatigue and other health concerns.

Geekend: Binge Watching Tv A Sign Of Depression

Binge Watching Definition

I must admit to you, friends, that when it comes to my TV watching ways, I’m a bit old school. I had cable growing up, but I still vaguely remember the three-channel TV universe. I actually used to tape things on something called a VCR. When I record on the DVR, I still say Im “taping.” I tape reruns of The Love Boat, for instance. Yes, friends, The Love Boat is making another run on cable right now. Probably literally right now.

The Love Boat is on maybe eight hours a day. You can binge watch it, but I don’t. Because for me, you watch a show for an hour and then you watch a different show. Yet even with my Luddite ways, I was shocked to learn of a study that says binge watching a TV show is a sign of depression, self-medication, or a lack of self-control.

Really? Wanting to watch three or four hours in a row of Sherlock or Orange Is the New Black is a sign of depression? I assumed it just meant you didn’t have a date. Sure, watching four hours of Love Boat reruns might give you depression, but it isn’t a sign of it. Love Boat is a harmless show about aging stars finding love. What could be the problem?

They also found people who binge watched were more likely to be obese and have major signs of fatigue.

Basically, binge watchers were in serious trouble.

I’m sure the study is going to talk about ratio of TV watching to binge watching. I’m sure there really is some value to the study. I also know that if you can self-medicate with TV, it beats the heck out of heroin.

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Tv Can Trigger Anxiety And Depression

Dr. Lieberman said it is common for television shows to trigger anxiety and depression in their viewers. TV producers almost count on this reaction from viewers to keep them tuning in. “It may seem counterintuitive since it doesn’t make sense that someone would want to keep watching a show that makes them feel anxious or depressed, but they are drawn like a moth to a flame,” explained Dr. Lieberman. “When the show ends, they can feel reassured that they survived and that the bad guys were punished.”

Popular television series like The First 48 and Scandal that depict murder, rape, and terrorism are more likely to cause anxiety in viewers. Yet even science fiction shows, such as The Walking Dead and Stranger Things, which depict death, monsters, and zombies, can be triggering for some people, Dr. Lieberman said.

As traumatic as these types of shows can be, Dr. Lieberman said research has shown that daily news broadcasts cause the most anxiety and depression, thanks to the heavy emphasis on violence and negative events. According to a 2015 study published in Psychiatry, people who increased how often they watched newscasts reported uncontrolled fear, stress, difficulty sleeping, and fearful thoughts.

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Binge-watching TV including popular Netflix shows like House of Cards or Orange Is the New Black is linked to depression and anxiety, a new study claims.

Researchers polled North Americans about their binge-watching habits, which they defined as two to five consecutive hours of TV in one day, according to the University of Toledo study.

Roughly 35 percent of participants qualified as binge-watchers and reported higher levels of stress, anxiety and depression than non-binge-watchers.

Binge-watching is a growing public health concern that needs to be addressed, scientists concluded.

Too many consecutive hours of TV and depression are linked but cause and effect isnt clear, scientists said.

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Be Selective Regarding Which Tv Shows You Watch

I’m finding it more and more important to be conscious of how TV shows affect me emotionally. Naturally, I want to watch an entire Shameless season in two days, but its not emotionally beneficial for me. I feel emotions deeply and I get invested in characters’ lives. When they are sad, I feel sad. When theres a tense situation, I find myself tense when Im done watching.

Its important to note your mental state when youre getting ready to settle in for a show. If youre feeling stressed about work or life, you should consider watching something that doesnt fall into that same line of thinking and emotion. Otherwise, your mental state could continue in a cyclical pattern that doesnt relieve you of your stress but instead intensifies it.

Demographic Characteristics And Scale Scores

What Binge Watching Does To Your Brain | Let Lee Explain

Among the 1488 surveyed participants, the mean ± standard deviation age of the participants was 28.3 ± 7.8 years. Most participants were women and had completed undergraduate education. More than half of the participants were employed full-time, and 58.3% were single. Approximately 29.2% and 45.6% of the participants reported good physical and mental health statuses, respectively. The mean scores on the UCLA Loneliness Scale, PSWS, CES-D, and SIAS-C were 39.3 , 15.3 , 14.9 , and 34.1 , respectively .

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This Is Your Brain On Binge Watching

When binge watching your favorite show, your brain is continually producing dopamine, and your body experiences a drug-like high.

Watching episode after episode of a show feels good but why is that? Dr. Renee Carr, Psy.D, a clinical psychologist, says it’s due to the chemicals being released in our brain. “When engaged in an activity that’s enjoyable such as binge watching, your brain produces dopamine,” she explains. “This chemical gives the body a natural, internal reward of pleasure that reinforces continued engagement in that activity. It is the brain’s signal that communicates to the body, ‘This feels good. You should keep doing this!’ When binge watching your favorite show, your brain is continually producing dopamine, and your body experiences a drug-like high. You experience a pseudo-addiction to the show because you develop cravings for dopamine.”

According to Dr. Carr, the process we experience while binge watching is the same one that occurs when a drug or other type of addiction begins. “The neuronal pathways that cause heroin and sex addictions are the same as an addiction to binge watching,” Carr explains. “Your body does not discriminate against pleasure. It can become addicted to any activity or substance that consistently produces dopamine.”

Your body does not discriminate against pleasure. It can become addicted to any activity or substance that consistently produces dopamine.

When Will We Be Rid Of The Spicy Latina Trope

To say that I was hungry for Latina representation as a preteen would certainly be an understatement simply put, I was ravenous. As per the customs of Internet fandom, especially in the days of my youth, I would headcanon characters who I could easily imagine as Latina or Latino while eating up what little actual representation I could find.

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Ial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling

The PLS-SEM used the variance-based modeling approach and a recognized technique in behavioral research. In addition, the study employed the Smart PLS.3 software owing to its competency in predicting factors involved in inference on the endogenous variables using manifold processes to seek revelation of measurement inaccuracies, appropriateness for multifaceted model, and suitability to forecast multiple factors influences simultaneously.60,61 Moreover, the usefulness of the PLS-SEM method in this study derives from the fact that it includes a variance-based procedure that is more appropriate than regression when the proposed model contains a multifaceted structure.

In compliance with PLS-SEM guidelines,61 we implemented the six recommended steps in executing the PLS-SEM estimates of the measurement model fitness, removal of the items , estimations of reliability multi-collinearity detection, Validity assessments and employing the bootstrapping method for the hypotheses testing. In the first step, assessments of measurement model fitness were performed on the PLS.3 software. The model comprised five constructs, BW, DA, ST, LN, IS, and n=994. The results obtained from running PLS.3 software algorithms demonstrated satisfactory model fitness SRMR =0.061, NFI = 0.97, and RMSEA = 0.036. Nonetheless, 3-items in total were removed to obtain the model fitness. One item each from the constructs of LN, IS, and ST was removed for this purpose.

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