Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Major Depressive Disorder Clinical Trials

Other Systems And Pathways

Small Pharma – Study of DMT for Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder

There is no doubt that several other systems or pathways are also involved in the pathophysiology of depression, such as oxidant-antioxidant imbalance , mitochondrial dysfunction , and circadian rhythm-related genes , especially their critical interactions . The pathogenesis of depression is complex and all the hypotheses should be integrated to consider the many interactions between various systems and pathways.

Analysis Of Clinical Trial

There are 6,516 clinical trials in the field of depression in the database, and among them, 1,737 valid trials include the ongoing recruitment of subjects, upcoming recruitment of subjects, and ongoing clinical trials. These clinical trials are mainly distributed in the USA , Canada , China , France , Germany , UK , Spain , Denmark , Sweden , and Switzerland . The indications for clinical trials include various types of depression, such as minor depression, depression, severe depression, perinatal depression, postpartum depression, and depression comorbid with other psychiatric disorders or physical diseases, such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, stroke, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

Based on the database of the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry website, a total of 143 clinical trials for depression have been carried out in China. According to the type of research, they are mainly interventional and observational studies, as well as a small number of related factor studies, epidemiological studies, and diagnostic trials. The research content involves postpartum, perinatal, senile, and other age groups with clinical diagnosis and intervention studies . It also includes intervention studies on depression comorbid with coronary heart disease, diabetes, and heart failure.

Cognitive Training Delivered Remotely To Individuals With Psychosis

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Primary study: This study is a single-site, double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial to compare an evidence-based structured program of 30-35 hours of on-line cognitive and social cognitive training exercises performed over 16 weeks , delivered with an innovative digital app which provides users with a motivation coach to set personalized goals and with secure social networking for peer support, “PRIME” vs. 2) A control condition of computer games, encouraged at ~2 hours per week over 16 weeks, delivered with “PRIME”. Unblinded Cognitive Training Sub-Study: Participants who were randomized to the computer games arm of the trial may be offered access to the active cognitive training at the end of their 6 month follow up appointments, if they still meet inclusion criteria. PRIME Super Users Sub-Study: Participants who have provided all follow up data to the initial study, including those who are currently enrolled in the Unblinded Cognitive Training sub-study, may be offered continued participation in the PRIME community as super-users.

San Francisco, California

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Sleep And Healthy Aging Research On Depression For Younger Women

open to eligible females ages 25-44

Compelling evidence indicates inflammation plays a role in depression, but potential mechanisms linking inflammation to depression, such as dysregulated reward processing, are poorly understood. This study comprehensively evaluates effects of inflammation on reward across dimensions and types in younger and older women. Characterizing how inflammation shapes the dynamic and multidimensional reward system, and how this may differ by age, may give insight into risk factors for depression and help identify critical points for intervention.


Beyond Treatment: Things You Can Do

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Here are other tips that may help you or a loved one during treatment for depression:

  • Try to be active and exercise.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself.
  • Try to spend time with other people and confide in a trusted friend or relative.
  • Try not to isolate yourself, and let others help you.
  • Expect your mood to improve gradually, not immediately.
  • Postpone important decisions, such as getting married or divorced, or changing jobs until you feel better. Discuss decisions with others who know you well and have a more objective view of your situation.
  • Continue to educate yourself about depression.

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Meditation Accelerated Brain Stimulation For Depression

open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

Repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation is an FDA-approved treatment for depression that involves brief magnetic stimulation pulses on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex brain region. The ultimate goal of this treatment is to increase excitability and long-term plasticity in DLPFC, a brain region shown to be hypo-active in depression. Unfortunately, rTMS only has low to moderate efficacy remission rates for patients range from ~15-30% in large randomized controlled trials. The focus of this research is to develop a next-generation rTMS protocol that is guided by the basic principles underlying brain plasticity, in order to improve the efficacy of rTMS for the treatment of depression. Specifically, in this study the investigators will test rTMS paired with a depression-relevant cognitive state of internal attention.


How Is Depression Diagnosed

There isnt a specific test meant to diagnose depression. Instead, your doctor will ask you about your symptoms to determine whether you are suffering from depression.

It is possible that your doctor will perform a physical examination and/or order laboratory tests, in order to rule out any other disease or condition which might cause depressive symptoms.

The evaluation must determine which depressive symptoms are present, when they started, a thorough personal and family history, along with any other factors which could contribute to the patients condition.

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Analysis Of Patented Technology Application

There were 16,228 patent applications in the field of depression between 2009 and 2019, according to the Derwent Innovation Patent database. The annual number and trend of these patents are shown in Fig. A. The top 10 countries applying for patents related to depression are shown in Fig. B. The USA ranks first in the number of depression-related patent applications, followed by China. The largest number of patents related to depression is the development of antidepressants, and drugs for neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia comorbid with depression. The top 10 technological areas of patents related to depression are shown in Fig. C, and the trend in these areas have been stable over the past decade .

Analysis of patented technology applications from 2009 to 2019 in the field of depressive disorder. A Annual numbers and trends of patents . B The top 10 countries/regions applying for patents. C The top 10 technological areas of patents. D The trend of patent assignees. E Global hot topic areas of patents.

Unlocking The Clinical Trial Potential Of Africa

Major Depressive Disorder | Clinical Presentation

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From 2016 to 2021, the US ranked as the top host of MDD clinical trials with 30% of such studies recruiting from the country in five out of the past six years. China is second place in this ranking, hosting 14% of MDD clinical trials.

Notably, China hosted the most MDD trial initiations in 2020. With sponsors running trials in China experiencing the first signs of clinical trial operations interruption due to the pandemic, these sponsors would also be the first to implement any mitigation strategies to keep MDD clinical trials running compared to other markets. These strategies may have allowed China-based trials to be more equipped in conducting studies in the first year of the pandemic.


Major depressive disorder: where are the top clinical trial locations?

Iran holds third place with 11% of studies, followed by India and Canada which both hold 5% of studies. Notably, no European countries are included in the top five research locations for MDD studies. European countries generally conduct the highest proportion of multinational trials relative to all other regions irrespective of indication. And MDD studies are largely single-country studies , therefore a lower number of European studies may be expected overall.

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Affect Treatment For Depression And Anxiety

open to eligible people ages 18-65

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and mediators of change in Positive Affect Treatment, a psychotherapy specifically aimed at enhancing reward sensitivity in individuals with low positive affect in the context of depression or anxiety. Target enrollment is 100 male and female participants with low positive affect and depression or anxiety and impaired functioning, between the ages of 18 and 65 years, who will be randomized to either Positive Affect Treatment or Negative Affect Treatment . Participants will complete laboratory tests, psychiatric assessments, and self-report questionnaires as part of the study. The total length of participation is around 5 months.


Dropout Rates During Extension Trials

Dropout during ADM clinical trials often includes relapses since many who relapse leave the study. In 10 extended 2436-week ADM trials, the median trial dropout rate was 45% . Most dropouts in maintenance studies occur for administrative or for unknown reasons and relatively few dropouts are due to side effects . Attrition rates are important since they can create serious statistical problems in assessing outcomes. Naudet et al. for example, reported that dropout rates as low as 20% in controlled trials can cause biased estimates of the treatment effect and restrict the scope for generalizing results.

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Patient Discussion About Depressive Disorders

Q. My cousin who is 28 yrs old and doubted as depressed disorder. My cousin who is 28 yrs old and doubted as depressed disorder. What are the defining characteristics of this disorder?


Q. what causes manic depression disorder?? how do you become bipolar?


Q. Is depression related to bipolar if so then how is bipolar disorder different from depression?


Telepsychology In Spinal Cord Injury

(PDF) Double

open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

This study will determine the effectiveness of tele-psychology in treating persons with spinal cord injury with depressed mood in the early period post-rehabilitation discharge. Depression among individuals with SCI is the most common psychological condition following an injury 22% of civilians with SCI and 28% of veterans with SCI experience depression after injury, which is higher than the able-bodied population . Individuals with SCI face many barriers in receiving psychotherapy, such as lack of accessible transportation, unfamiliarity with community resources, or stigma associated with seeking treatment for depression, which this project aims to address. Cognitive behavior therapy , which helps people develop different ways of thinking and behaving to reduce their psychological distress, will be provided via iPad FaceTime by a psychologist with expertise in working with persons with SCI. The objectives of the proposed project are to reduce depressive symptoms, decrease associated symptoms of anxiety, and to improve satisfaction with life with CBT provided via tele-psychology. The secondary objective is to show intermediate efficacy of tele-psychology in persons with SCI with depressed mood.

San Jose, California

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Pain And Major Depressive Disorder

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This study will examine the effects of brain stimulation on pain symptoms associated with Major depressive disorder. This study will enroll 69 Subjects. Study subjects will be asked to complete surveys about their mood and well-being, 2 blood draws, 2 MRIs, 3 electroencephalograms, and receive 30 treatments of blinded transcranial magnetic stimulation. There is no control group as all subjects will receive some form of active treatment. Subjects are required to participate in 30-33 study visits and volunteer 40 hours of their time. Compensation for this study is $150 for completing all study activities.


Genotyping And Reporting Of Test Results

At the screening visit, all study subjects provided a saliva sample for DNA extraction and genotyping of the genetic polymorphisms. DNA was extracted from patient saliva samples with the Genomic DNA Isolation Kit following the manufacturers instructions. Genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms was performed by OpenArray® Technology on the QuantStudio 12 K Flex Real-Time PCR System using a custom designed array . CYP2D6 copy number analysis was performed in an Applied Biosystems® 7500 Real-Time PCR System using Hs04083572_cn and Hs04502391_cn TaqMan copy number assays targeting CYP2D6 intron 2 and intron 6, respectively, and RNase P copy number assay as a reference .

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Amplification Of Positivity For Alcohol Use Disorder Co

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The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility of a protocol in which individuals with comorbid depression or anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorder will be randomized to complete Amplification of Positivity for Alcohol Use Disorder – a psychological treatment focused on increasing positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors- or a traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention. Assessed outcomes will include participant acceptability and completion rates, participant compliance with the intervention, positive and negative affect, substance use- and depression and anxiety-related symptom severity, and functional disability.


Everything You Need To Know

Major Depressive Disorder, Anxious Distress Sample Clinical Case Study

As one of the largest and most recognized clinical trial organizations in the world, Synexus provides a friendly relaxed environment where you have the opportunity to help others and maybe also yourself. Clinical trials offer an opportunity to help researchers find better treatments for others in the future.

All Synexus studies are approved by an independent ethics committee.

We are looking for volunteers who:

  • Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder
  • Inadequate response to current antidepressant therapy with an SSRI or SNRI
  • Male or female, 18 years of age or older

If you think you may qualify to participate

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How Is Depression Treated

Patients with depression usually have a positive response to treatment. However, it is important to remember that not all patients react in the same way to the same treatments. Therefore, it is possible that you will need to try different alternatives before finding a treatment that works for you. Depression is usually treated with a combination of medications and therapy.

Antidepressants are meant to regulate the brain chemistry in order to relieve depression. Although some improvement might be seen after a couple of weeks into the treatment, their full effect isnt usually apparent until 1-3 months taking the medication, and they are usually prescribed for at least 6 months.

Antidepressants include:

  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors : citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, vortioxetine amongst others.
  • Serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors : venlafaxine, duloxetine, levomilnacipran, levomilnacipram , amongst others.
  • Serotonin-Dopamine Activity Modulators : brexpiprazole, aripiprazole.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants : amitriptyline, clomipramine, doxepin, nortriptyline, amongst others.
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors : isocarboxazid, phenelzine, tranylcypromine, and selegiline amongst others.
  • Atypical antidepressants: mirtazapine, bupropion, trazodone, amongst others.

Use of Psychotherapy in Depression Treatment

What Research Currently Exists Around Depression

There have been many depression clinical trials throughout the years and one of the most famous depression studies was conducted in 1964. It was known as the Stanford depression experiment, which showed some depression treatment options were more effective than others for depression relief.

Over the last 15 years, research into depression clinical trials and depression research has increased dramatically. Some researchers believe depression can be treated with depression prevention research while others believe depression can only be treated by depression treatment programs.

Depression prevention research focuses on depression symptoms and depression triggers to improve depression treatment. One depression study shows depression triggers may be more difficult for depression sufferers to avoid because of the low levels of serotonin in their brain. Depression prevention research involves depression testing which looks at genetics, imaging, cognitive tests and other factors that are believed to affect depression symptoms.

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Latent Structure Of Multi

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In this study the investigators will seek to improve their understanding of how positive and negative valence systems, cognition, and arousal/interoception are inter-related in disorders of trauma, mood, substance use, and eating behavior for women involved in a court diversion program in Tulsa, Oklahoma . The investigators will recruit 100 individuals and use a wide range of assessment tools, neuroimaging measures, blood and microbiome collections and behavioral tasks to complete the baseline and follow-up study visits. Upon completion, the investigators aim to have robust and reliable dimensional measures that quantify these systems and a set of assessments that should be recommended as a clinical tool to enhance outcome prediction for the clinician and assist in determining who will likely benefit from the diversion program, and to inform future revision or augmentation of the program to increase treatment effectiveness.


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  • McGrath PJ, Stewart JW, Fava M, et al. Tranylcypromine versus venlafaxine plus mirtazapine following three failed antidepressant medication trials for depression: a STAR*D report. Am J Psychiatry. 2006 163:1531-41.
  • Trivedi MH, Fava M, Wisniewski SR, et al. Medication augmentation after the failure of SSRIs for depression. N Engl J Med. 2006 354:1243-52.
  • Nierenberg AA, Fava M, Trivedi MH, et al. A comparison of lithium and T augmentation following two failed medication treatments for depression: a STAR*D report. Am J Psychiatry. 2006 163:1519-30.
  • CO-MED

  • Rush AJ, Trivedi MH, Stewart JW, et al. Combining medications to enhance depression outcomes : acute and long-term outcomes of a single-blind randomized study. Am J Psychiatry. 2011 168:689-701.
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    Long Term Follow Up Study To Comp 001 And Comp 003 Trials

    open to eligible people ages 18-55

    The primary objective of this study is to assess the long-term efficacy of psilocybin with respect to use of new antidepressant treatment, hospitalisations for depression, suicidality, and depressive severity rated using the Montgomery and Asberg Depression Rating Scale over a total of 52 weeks .

    at UCSD

    Pilot Study Of Mirtazapine For The Dual Tx Of Depression And Cinv In High

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    The purpose of the study is to estimate the ability of mirtazapine to reduce depression, nausea, and vomiting, and maintain weight in depressed glioma patients undergoing Temozolomide therapy. Of equal importance, the investigators will monitor the tolerability of Mirtazapine in these patients over the course of the study.

    at UC Irvine

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