Thursday, April 25, 2024

What Questions To Ask A Depressed Person

Overall How Would You Describe Your Mood

Depression Questions To Ask A Person!!

Robert Thayer , who studied how moods influence behavior, suggested that we should see moods as a form of internal barometer and a reflection of the interactions between our psychological states and our physiology, rather than mysterious, purely emotional reactions to events around us.

Unlike fleeting emotions, moods are more like the weather and represent the underlying biology of our daily cycles of energy and tension.

When we find ourselves overwhelmed by stress or tiredness, we are more likely to reach for self-destructive habits. Understanding our moods and their fluctuations better can allow us to improve our personal effectiveness substantially, both mentally and physically.

  • Describe your typical daily mood. Is your mood like a roller coaster, or is it pretty steady?
  • What energizes you and makes you feel more upbeat?
  • What brings you down or makes you feel blue?
  • How do you typically handle irritations, aggravations, and frustrations? Do you get mad easily? How does your anger come out?
  • Do you feel mad when you donât get your way or lose control?
  • How do you get yourself out of a bad mood?
  • We all use different strategies to cope. Do you find yourself reaching for caffeine, drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, the internet, or something else to make you feel better?
  • What have people close to you told you about your moods?

Questions To Encourage Self

Self-education and self-care are both vital to successfully helping care for and foster a healthy relationship with a partner living with depression.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness reminds caregivers that you must first take care of yourself to be able to take care of the people you love. To do this successfully, here are a few questions to ask yourself in private:

  • Are you getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night?
  • Are you drinking or using drugs to cope with the stress?
  • Are you exercising daily?
  • Are you experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, insomnia, or digestive issues?
  • Do you have people you can talk to who understand what youre going through?
  • Where can you locate resources to help you?

Karen likens it to the oxygen mask that will drop from the ceiling of an airplane in the unlikely event of losing cabin pressure. Any parent would have the impulse to put it on their children first, but that usually results in the parent losing consciousness before they save the child. Both people suffer.

Put your oxygen mask on first, so you can best help your partner with this challenging situation.

What Questions Should A Therapist Ask

Therapists may ask questions pertaining to your reason on seeking therapy, you coping with the issue or problem that brought you to therapy, if you have done therapy before, ask about your family history and/or background, if you have attempted harming yourself, how is your relationship with others, your expectations with the therapy and information about your medical history and mental state and any questions relevant to your condition that will be useful for them.

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Is There Something You Would Like To Talk About

Acknowledging that something is troubling them is a difficult step, so knowing you provide a safe space for them to speak is essential.

This type of open-ended question can take the conversation deeper if they are open to it. Even if they dont answer, they know you at least asked and may come to you in the future ready to share more.

What Are You Eating These Days

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Recent research identifies the physiological causes of depression as sometimes originating in the gut.

Serotonin is one of the chemicals that gives people a relaxed and happy feeling. Ninety-five percent of your serotonin is located in your gut, the rest in the brain. So when your gut is happy and healthy, so are you.

If your friend is eating a lot of sweets and carbs, this can wreck their gut, encouraging bad bacteria to overtake the good bacteria like lactobacillus or bifidus strains. Scientists have found that overgrowth of bad gut bacteria actually directs negative behaviors, urging you to eat more unhealthy food so the bad bacteria gets fed. When this happens you feel awful, resulting not only in gut issues, but potentially depression as well. The unhealthy environment in your loved one’s gut may be adding to their depression.

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How To Answer Your Therapists Questions

Mental health professionals vary on their approaches in therapy. While this is so, it is important to know what to expect and how you hope the therapy will go as you move forward. If you are not sure yet, it will be good and will be easier by letting your therapist know about this.

Therapists may ask a lot of open-ended questions. Being ready and willing to answer their question will facilitate the process. This is also one of the many ways therapists do to make the client feel comfortable and safe during sessions as the client therapist relationship is also key to having an efficient intervention.

While you want the therapy to go smoothly on the first session, there are times or even other people who are not yet ready to be as open and honest as they can during the first appointment. However, therapists are more eager to make you feel more comfortable than make you feel uneasy, especially during the first appointment.

There might also be questions that you are not ready to answer yet or not willing to open to your therapist and that is okay. You have the right for privacy and you can disclose only what you are comfortable to your therapist.

Moreover, note that the therapy session is a safe haven. It is a place where this person is keen to listen and acknowledge your condition and your stories and is willing to help you in the best way possible to better your condition.

Are There Different Types Of Depression

As with other types of illness, depression takes different forms. Some of the most common depressive disorders are:

  • Major depression is characterized by symptoms that affect a person’s work, sleep, eating habits, and interest in activities he or she once enjoyed. Episodes of major depression can last for six months or more. To be diagnosed with major depression, a person must have several of the symptoms noted in question 3 LINK on most days for at least two weeks. People with major depression may have just one episode of the illness, but more often the symptoms return several times during their lifetime.
  • Dysthymia is a low-intensity mood disorder characterized by similar but less severe symptoms than major depression, but the condition is longer-lasting . While not totally disabling, dysthymia makes it difficult for a person to feel good or function normally. Many people who have dysthymia also have periods of major depression.
  • Bipolar disorder, which is sometimes called manic-depressive illness, is much less common than other types of depressive disorders. It is marked by cycles of intense highs, called manias, followed by intense lows, or depressions.

Other common forms of depression include:

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How Can I Take Care Of Myself

Once you begin treatment, you should gradually start to feel better. Go easy on yourself during this time. Try to do things you used to enjoy. Even if you dont feel like doing them, they can improve your mood. Other things that may help:

  • Try to get some physical activity. Just 30 minutes a day of walking can boost mood.
  • Try to maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time.
  • Eat regular, healthy meals.
  • Do what you can as you can. Decide what must get done and what can wait.
  • Try to connect with other people, and talk with people you trust about how you are feeling.
  • Postpone important life decisions until you feel better.
  • Avoid using alcohol, nicotine, or drugs, including medications not prescribed for you.

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Why Are You Worrying So Much

How Can I Help a Depressed Person? – Your Questions, Honest Answers

Depression can cause us to worry more. We cant always help or control our anxieties, but if were feeling up to it, we could ask our friends to help us work through the things were worrying about. It might help them to understand where were coming from, and could help us to put those particular worries to bed.

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What Are Open Ended Questions In Counseling

Open-ended questions are queries by the therapist that are not answerable by yes or no. This may be answered freely like telling a story, saying whatever comes up one someones mind and may answer the questions who, what, when and where and why. These questions can help the therapist in facilitating the therapy and client therapist relationship.

Betterhelp: A Better Alternative

Those who are seeking therapy online may also be interested in BetterHelp. BetterHelp offers plenty of formats of therapy, ranging from live chats, live audio sessions and live video sessions. In addition, unlimited messaging through texting, audio messages and even video messages are available here.

BetterHelp also offers couples therapy and therapy for teenagers in its platform. Furthermore, group sessions can also be found in this platform, covering more than twenty different topics related to mental health and mental illness. The pricing of BetterHelp is also pretty cost-effective, especially considering the fact that the platform offers financial aid to most users.

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How Does This Problem Typically Make You Feel

Validating clientsâ feelings is an integral part of rapport building. Feelings are not facts, and there is no right or wrong way to feel about any given situation. Some clients are less equipped at articulating their feelings and may need help naming them.

When strong negative emotions show up, one way to deal with them is to parse them into smaller, less potent feelings. Practitioners also often observe that their clients are subject to conflicting emotions, and probing into those can often prove to be very useful, although at times uncomfortable for the client.

  • How does this problem typically make you feel?
  • How do you feel when a problem pops up unexpectedly?
  • Do you feel sad, mad, hopeless, stuck, or something else?
  • What else do you feel? Tell me more.
  • When you tell me you feel angry, what else do you feel? Disappointed, hurt, betrayed, lonely, or something else?

Example Questions About Wellbeing

What questions should I ask my friend who is really depressed about ...

The Canadian Mental Health Association provides some self-report questions that you can start with these questions cover six areas and require only agree/disagree responses. Try some of these as an example:

  • Sense of self questionsâ e.g., I see myself as a good person. I feel that others respect me, yet I can still feel fine about myself if I disagree with them.
  • Sense of belonging questions â e.g., I have others around me who support me. I feel positive about my relationships with others and my interpersonal connections.
  • Sense of meaning or purpose questions â e.g., I get satisfaction from the things I do. I challenge my perspectives about the world and what I believe in.
  • Emotional resilience questions â e.g., I feel I handle things quite well when obstacles get in my way. I accept that I cant always control things, but I do what I can when I can.
  • Enjoyment and hope questions â e.g., I have a positive outlook on my life. I like myself for who I am.
  • Contributionquestions â e.g., The things that I do have an impact. My actions matter to those around me.
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    Important Mental Health Questions To Ask Yourself As 2020 Draws To A Close

    1. What were the best experiences you had this year?

    2. When were you the most happy?

    3. What people, situations or events caused you to feel sad or depressed?

    4. What were the most important things you made happen this year?

    5. Did any activities lead to new relationships, partnerships or opportunities?

    6. What activities did you spend the most time on?

    7. How can you measure if the time spent was worthwhile?

    8. What positive changes did you make in 2020 ?

    9. What habits didnt serve you well in 2020?

    10. What did you do to support your emotional well-being?

    11. What made you feel the most alive this year?

    12. What did you do this year that you regret?

    13. What made you cry the hardest this year?

    14. What made you laugh the hardest?

    15. Which people have been there for you the most in 2020?

    16. What are you most grateful for as this year draws to a close?

    17. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?

    18. Who were the people who positively impacted your mental health?

    19. Was it hard or easy to establish boundaries around mean or negative people?

    20. What did you do to take care of yourself this year?

    21. Where was the best place you traveled to this year?

    22. What did you do for the first time in 2020?

    23. What did you do for the last time in 2020?

    24. What did you accomplish this year that youre proud of?

    25. Who did you need to forgive this year?

    26. What were you most afraid of this year?

    27. Who did you miss the most over the past year?

    Signs Of Suicide Risk

    There are some things we should all just know: how to perform CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, basic first aid. How to identify suicide risk needs to be one of those things too.

    Signs of suicide risk include:

    • wavering between not wanting to live and undecided about wanting to die
    • withdrawing from loved ones and self-isolating
    • talking or writing about death or suicide
    • putting personal affairs in order, such as giving away prized possessions
    • previous suicide attempts

    For more details, read our FAQs about suicide.

    Recommended Reading: How Can You Know If You Are Depressed

    Top 5 Questions To Ask When Feeling Depressed

    1,393 total views, 2 views today

    Depression and sadness are emotions that we experience at various points in our lives, for many of us on a daily basis. Its natural for us to feel the blues, but there comes a point where those blues can be full-blown clinical depression.

    How depression is triggered can stem from a variety of sources: a loss in the family, a serious fight, or we feel disappointed about ourselves or something. The list is endless. Depending on the severity of these things, the depression can last for a few hours, upwards to several weeks or months. Theres are more long-term types of depression that people experience throughout their livessuch as bipolar depression, or SAD. You should consult your physician to determine your depression type, and follow their treatment plan.

    Theres are more long-term types of depression that people experience throughout their livessuch as bipolar depression, or SAD. As mentioned before, all of these low moments in our lives are natural. During those periods of sadness, you may experience mild feelings of depression as well. That being said its important to recognize the difference between those emotions and when you need professional help. To help you determine the difference, take some time to ask yourself these specific questions. And remember, if you have any concern at all with your mental health be sure to check with a professional regardless.

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    How Can A Person Know If They Have Bipolar Depression


    A person may suspect they are experiencing a depressive episode of bipolar disorder if they have symptoms associated with the condition. For example, they may feel:

    • sad, worthless, or hopeless
    • a lack of interest in their usual activities

    However, it is necessary for a person to contact a doctor or mental health professional to obtain a diagnosis and begin treatment.

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    Who Can I Rely On To Help Me Get Through Bad Days

    Its important to have a few people to lean on in times of trouble. Whether its a close friend, family member, therapist, or someone else with the condition, building a support network is paramount to finding your way through the dark. If you cant meet that person face to face because of unusual circumstances, try to arrange a phone or video call.

    What Questions Might A Doctor Ask

    To diagnose bipolar disorder, a doctor may ask questions relating to:

    • symptoms and when they began
    • how the person feels in the lead-up to an episode of depression or mania
    • whether the person has thoughts about harming themselves during depressive episodes
    • medical history

    It is best for anyone who suspects they may be experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder, depression, or another mental health condition to contact a doctor.

    Doctors can offer advice, referrals to services, and, if necessary, effective treatment. This may involve prescription medications, which a doctor may adjust or change until they find the best option for the individual in question.

    A person should seek urgent care if they or someone they know may be a danger to themselves or others as a result of certain symptoms.

    Doctors do not know the precise causes of bipolar disorder. However, research suggests various factors may contribute to the condition, including genes and brain function and structure.

    People with certain combinations of genes and those who have a relative with bipolar disorder may be

    from other treatments for bipolar disorder, such as electroconvulsive therapy . During ECT, a doctor places electrode pads on a persons temples to deliver an electric current through the brain.

    A doctor may suggest light therapy for people whose depression worsens during winter.

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