Wednesday, May 1, 2024

What Age Can Depression Be Diagnosed

What Are The Signs Of Bipolar In A Woman

Bipolar Disorder vs Depression – 5 Signs You’re Likely Bipolar

The signs of bipolar disorder in a woman are different from that in a man. In women, a major change in mood is the primary sign of bipolar disorder, while in men, a change in energy level is the major sign. If a woman has bipolar disorder, she may have periods of depression or mania that last a few days or months. Her moods may change rapidly and unpredictably between the two extremes. If a man has bipolar disorder, he may have periods of depression and short periods of feeling extremely energetic and active..

Symptoms And Signs Of Depressive Disorders

Basic manifestations of depressive disorders in children and adolescents are similar to those in adults but are related to typical concerns of children, such as schoolwork and play. Children may be unable to explain inner feelings or moods. Depression should be considered when previously well-performing children do poorly in school, withdraw from society, or commit delinquent acts.

In some children with a depressive disorder, the predominant mood is irritability rather than sadness . The irritability associated with childhood depression may manifest as overactivity and aggressive, antisocial behavior.

In children with intellectual disability, depressive or other mood disorders may manifest as somatic symptoms and behavioral disturbances.

Anxiety And Depression In Children: Get The Facts

Many children have fears and worries, and may feel sad and hopeless from time to time. Strong fears may appear at different times during development. For example, toddlers are often very distressed about being away from their parents, even if they are safe and cared for. Although some fears and worries are typical in children, persistent or extreme forms of fear and sadness could be due to anxiety or depression. Learn about anxiety and depression in children.

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How Is Depression Diagnosed In Children

If the symptoms of depression in your child have lasted for at least 2 weeks, schedule a visit with their doctor to make sure there are no physical reasons for the symptoms and to make sure that your child gets proper treatment. A consultation with a mental health care professional who specializes in children is also recommended. Keep in mind that the pediatrician may ask to speak with your child alone.

A mental health evaluation should include interviews with you and your child, and any other psychological testing that is needed. Information from teachers, friends, and classmates can be useful for showing that these symptoms are consistent during your child’s various activities and are a marked change from previous behavior.

There are no specific medical or psychological tests that can clearly show depression, but tools such as questionnaires , combined with personal information, can be very useful in helping diagnose depression in children. Sometimes those therapy sessions and questionnaires can uncover other concerns that contribute to depression such as ADHD, conduct disorder, and OCD.

Some pediatricians start using mental health screens at a child’s 11th-year well visit and each year after.

The United States Preventive Service Task Force recommends screening for anxiety in children and adolescents ages 8 to 18 years and screening for major depressive disorder in adolescents ages 12 to 18 years.

How Can I Help The Doctor Make A Proper Diagnosis

Statistic Of Depression In Malaysia : Malaysian Client Statistics

Before your appointment, write down your concerns about depression and specific symptoms of depression you might have. Itâs also helpful to get an in-depth family history from relatives before meeting with your doctor. This information can help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and ensure effective treatment. Before your visit, think about and write down:

  • Your mental and physical health concerns
  • Symptoms you’ve noticed
  • Causes of stress in your life
  • Questions you have about depression and depression medications

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How Does A Doctor Make A Depression Diagnosis

We’ve gotten used to doctors using special blood tests or other complex laboratory tests to help them make a conclusive diagnosis. But most lab tests arenât very helpful when it comes to diagnosing depression. In fact, talking with the patient may be the most important diagnostic tool the doctor has. The recommendation is that doctors routinely screen everyone for depression. This screening might take place during a visit for a chronic illness, at an annual wellness visit, or during a pregnancy or postpartum visit.

To effectively diagnose and treat depression, the doctor must hear about specific symptoms of depression. They may use a series of standard questions to screen for depression. While a physical examination will reveal a patient’s overall state of health, by talking with a patient, a doctor can learn about other things that are relevant to making a depression diagnosis. A patient, for example, can report on such things as daily moods, behaviors, and lifestyle habits.

A depression diagnosis is often difficult to make because clinical depression can show up in so many different ways. For example, some clinically depressed people seem to withdraw into a state of apathy. Others may become irritable or even agitated. Eating and sleeping patterns can be exaggerated. Clinical depression may cause someone to sleep or eat to excess, or almost eliminate those activities.

How Can I Find Help For My Child

If youre concerned that your child might be depressed, start with your pediatrician or other primary care provider. Some clinics and health centers will have in-house mental health services, and you may be able to have your child seen there. Some doctors will have links to local therapists with experience with young children. Mental health specialists can be in short supply , so be open to the possibility of care being delivered remotely, through telehealth. Dr. Kovacs also suggested that parents who are looking for treatment consider clinical psychology department clinics at a local university, where students in psychology and counseling are supervised by licensed psychologists she said such clinics often have good availability.

Also Check: How Do Parents Deal With Teenage Depression

Treatment References: Suicide Risk And Antidepressants

  • 1. Hetrick SE, McKenzie JE, Merry SN: Newer generation antidepressants for depressive disorders in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database Syst Rev Nov 11 2012.

  • 2. US FDA: Review and evaluation of clinical data: Relationship between psychotropic drugs and pediatric suicidality. 2004. Accessed 11/4/16.

  • 3. Dubicka B, Hadley S, Roberts C: Suicidal behaviour in youths with depression treated with new-generation antidepressants: Meta-analysis. Br J Psychiatry Nov 189:393â398, 2006.

  • 4. Adegbite-Adeniyi C, et al: An update on antidepressant use and suicidality in pediatric depression. Expert Opin Pharmacother 13 :2119â2130, 2012.

  • 5. Gibbons RD, Brown CH, Hur K, et al: Early evidence on the effects of regulators’ suicidality warnings on SSRI prescriptions and suicide in children and adolescents. Am J Psychiatry 164 1356â1363, 2007.

  • 6. Garland JE, Kutcher S, Virani A, et al: Update on the use of SSRIs and SNRIs with children and adolescents in clinical practice. J Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 25:4-10.

  • 7. Dwyer JB, Bloch MH: Antidepressants for pediatric patients. Curr Psychiatr 8:26-42F, 2019.

  • 8. Gibbons R, Hur K, Lavigne J, et al: Medications and suicide: High dimensional empirical Bayes screening . Harvard Data Sci Rev 2019. doi: 10.1162/99608f92.6fdaa9de

Treatment For Major Depression

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Early treatment is key to reducing distress, improving functioning, and preventing future depression episodes. Without treatment, your childs depression could persist for longer and become increasingly more severe, leading to significant impairment in school, at home, and with friends and family.

At Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, a specialist will design an individualized treatment plan based on your childs symptoms and other personal factors. The treatment plan may include:

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Depression Can Look Different Depending On A Persons Cultural Background

Signs and symptoms of depression can look different depending on the person and their cultural background. People from different cultures may express emotions, moods, and mood disorders including depression in different ways. In some cultures, depression may be displayed as physical symptoms, such as aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems.

Testing And Diagnosis Of Major Depression

If you believe your child suffers from major depression, talk to your childs pediatrician or seek out either a therapist or psychiatrist who specializes in children and adolescents. An accurate diagnosis and early treatment are keys to success in managing major depression. Depression can also occur alongside other behavioral health disorders, such as substance abuse or anxiety disorders. With the level of complexity often involved in diagnosing and treating depression, finding a highly trained professional, such as a pediatrician, licensed clinical social worker, a child psychologist, or a child and adolescent psychiatrist, is important.At Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, a specialist will perform a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. The evaluation may assess:

  • Your child’s age, overall health, and medical history

  • Extent of your child’s current symptoms, behaviors, and functioning

  • Expectations for the course of the condition

  • Family dynamics and environmental stressors

  • Family psychiatric and medical history

  • Input from teachers and other care providers

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How Can Depression Symptoms Lead To A Depression Diagnosis

To be diagnosed with major depression, you must have at least five of the symptoms listed above with at least one of the first two nearly daily for at least 2 weeks.

Depression symptoms can last weeks, months, or sometimes years. They can affect personality and interfere with social relationships and work habits, potentially making it difficult for others to have empathy for you. Some symptoms are so disabling that they interfere significantly with your ability to function. In very severe cases, people with depression may be unable to eat, maintain their hygiene, or even get out of bed.

Episodes may happen only once in a lifetime or may be recurrent, chronic, or longstanding. In some cases, they seem to last forever. Symptoms may appear to be precipitated by life crises. At other times, they may seem to happen at random.

Clinical depression commonly goes along with other medical illnesses such as heart disease or cancer and worsens the prognosis for these illnesses.

Can Depression Be Prevented

Exercise and the Treatment of Depression

Many people wonder if depression can be prevented and how they may be able to lower their risk of depression. Although most cases of depression cannot be prevented, healthy lifestyle changes can have long-term benefits to your mental health.

Here are a few steps you can take:

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Outlook For Major Depression

Most children who receive early and effective treatment for major depression will improve and may even go on to experience complete resolution of symptoms. Children with more severe episodes of depression and children who have depression as well as other disorders may continue to work with treatment providers for a longer period of time. Some children will have a recurrent type of depression that can come and go over the course of their lifetime. These children benefit from periodically re-engaging in treatment as symptoms arise.

Treatment In Clinical Practice

The relative dearth of scientific evidence to guide the treatment of early childhood depression leaves the clinician with the challenge of attempting to ameliorate the symptoms and suffering of the young child and family while also doing no harm. In this light, the focus on emotion development, as described in the experimental treatment reviewed above or in other, related forms, is the treatment of choice at this time. If the primary caregiver also suffers from an axis I affective disorder, referral for treatment of the caregiver is warranted and known to ameliorate the childs risk . However, it is important to recognize that treatment of the caregivers mood disorder alone, while necessary, is also known to be insufficient to effectively address the young childs symptoms . Therefore, a developmental/psychotherapeutic treatment that targets the young child directly is also necessary. When emotion development programs are unavailable, behavioral activation strategies as described above may also be worth pursuing given their high feasibility and ease of implementation. Notably, the evidence base suggests that watchful waiting, the common and traditional but misguided approach to early childhood psychopathology, is ill advised.

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At What Age Do People Experience Depression For The First Time

Depression can affect people over long periods of their lives. Some people experience this condition continuously, while for others, it occurs in episodes with long stretches without symptoms.

But when do people tend to experience it for the first time?

The age when people experience depression for the first time is called the age of onset.

But this can be measured in different ways. One way is to find out when people first had the symptoms of depression. This is done by interviewing them about symptoms they have had in their lives so far some people describe having symptoms in the past that meet the diagnostic criteria of depression. Another way is to find out whether people have been diagnosed with the condition, and the age when they were diagnosed with it for the first time.

This chart shows the age of onset of depression based on a meta-analysis by Marco Solmi and colleagues. The researchers combined data from studies that took place around the world.1

As the data shows, on average, people experienced the symptoms of depression 5 years before they were diagnosed. When measured on the basis of symptoms, the median age of onset was 26. When measured on the basis of a diagnosis, the median age of onset was later, at 31 years old. The data also shows that there is a wide range for both symptoms and diagnosis. One quarter had not experienced symptoms before the age of 34. For diagnosis this was even later: one-quarter were not diagnosed before the age of 46.

Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder In Children

3 Ways I Manage Depression (not therapy or meds)

Kids might find it hard to express what they are experiencing and adults may not understand a complicated disorder like manic depression. However there are certain signs which may indicate that a child is beginning to develop bipolar disorder and needs to receive psychiatric attention. Manic symptoms can differ greatly from depression so it is important to know the difference.

Manic symptoms in children include:

  • Severe mood swings that are different from their normal mood changes
  • Hyperactive behavior and increased energy
  • Impulsive or aggressive behavior
  • Distracted and having trouble focusing on one thing
  • Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
  • Involvement in risky behaviors or activity

Depressive symptoms include

  • Physical complaints about aches and pains
  • Significant change in appetite or body weight

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Tips For Parents To Help Their Struggling Teens

Are you concerned for your teen?If you worry that your teen might be experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts, there are a few things you can do to help. Dr. Christine Moutier, the chief medical officer of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suggests these steps:

Look for changes.Notice shifts in sleeping and eating habits in your teen, as well as any issues he or she might be having at school, such as slipping grades. Watch for angry outbursts, mood swings and a loss of interest in activities they used to love. Stay attuned to their social media posts as well.

Keep the lines of communication open.If you notice something unusual, start a conversation. But your child might not want to talk. In that case, offer him or her help in finding a trusted person to share their struggles with instead.

Seek out professional support.A child who expresses suicidal thoughts may benefit from a mental health evaluation and treatment. You can start by speaking with your childs pediatrician or a mental health professional.

In an emergency:If you have immediate concern for your childs safety, do not leave him or her alone. Call a suicide prevention lifeline. Lock up any potentially lethal objects. Children who are actively trying to harm themselves should be taken to the closest emergency room.

Its like walking through the world with dark-colored glasses, Dr. Busman said. Its about myself, about the other person, and the world I suck, this sucks, everything sucks.

Can Depression In Children Be Prevented

Children with a family history of depression are also at higher risk of depression. Children who have parents with depression tend to have their first episode of depression earlier than children whose parents donât have the condition. Children from chaotic or conflicted families, or children and teens who abuse substances like alcohol and drugs, are also at greater risk of depression.

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How Can I Take Care Of Myself

Once you begin treatment, you should gradually start to feel better. Go easy on yourself during this time. Try to do things you used to enjoy. Even if you dont feel like doing them, they can improve your mood. Other things that may help:

  • Try to get some physical activity. Just 30 minutes a day of walking can boost mood.
  • Try to maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time.
  • Eat regular, healthy meals.
  • Do what you can as you can. Decide what must get done and what can wait.
  • Try to connect with other people, and talk with people you trust about how you are feeling.
  • Postpone important life decisions until you feel better.
  • Avoid using alcohol, nicotine, or drugs, including medications not prescribed for you.

Managing Depression In Children: Support At Home

February 2014

As well as working with mental health professionals, here are some simple and effective ways that you can help your child:

  • Make time to talk with your child and listen to their feelings. You could do this when youre making dinner together or going for a walk.
  • Gently encourage your child to do something they would normally enjoy when theyre feeling depressed instead of dwelling on their feelings. For example, a trip to the park or spending time with friends.
  • Manage your childs stress and tension. Regular family routines that make time for exercise, relaxing and socialising with friends can help. Getting enough sleep can also reduce your childs stress levels.
  • Look for apps that can help your child learn relaxation strategies, like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, visualisations and mindfulness.
  • Speak with your childs teacher or school counsellor to find the best ways to support your child at school.

When siblings and other family members know that your child has depression, they can help by being accepting and compassionate. But before you tell other people, ask your child whether this is OK. Its important for your child to give permission for you to tell others.

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