Friday, July 26, 2024

How To Pray For Someone With Depression

Prayer For Feeling Alone

Prayer For Depression

Almighty God, help me in this moment of great difficulties, in this moment of sadness and in this moment of loneliness.

Father God, help me feel better, help me feel stronger, more willing to live and more willing to be happy.

Take this loneliness out of my heart, my body and my soul.

God, fill my heart with love, joy, happiness, peace and will to live. Take this depression out of me. Take this unhappiness from me. Help me to be happier and more willing to live.

I believe in Your powers and Your strengths. Father God, help me, right now.


This type of feeling might be due to a lot of factors. It might be due to a breakup, betrayal, or relocation to a new environment that is far away from your friends. Therefore, if you are in this situation, this is the best prayer for you.

Whenever you offer this prayer to God, you should expect to enjoy the following benefits:

  • The wisdom on how to make new friends in a new environment.
  • The emotional strength to get over the breakup and betrayal.
  • The best relational skill that will help you to learn how to relate with people faster and make new friends.

This prayer will equip you to become a better friend to the people around you. Therefore, apart from the fact that the universe will take away the feeling of loneliness from you, there is also going to be a divine equipping, which will help you to learn how to relate with the people around you for communion.

A Prayer For Healing Depression

Healer and Great Physician, I know that you can heal a person if it fits within your will. I see my friend struggling, and I wish I could take away their pain. I know that you have a purpose for everything, and perhaps you have used this illness to bring my friend closer to you and to have a better understanding of your grace and the comfort to come in your second coming. God, if it is in your will, I ask that you remove the thorn from my friends side. However, if it is not in your will, this does not make my friend any weaker or lesser. Your grace is sufficient for them, and power made perfect in weakness . Amen.

Depression can often be an uneasy topic in the church. For the longest time, Christians thought that those who had depression simply didnt trust in God enough to heal them. Since we have opened up more conversations about mental health, we have eradicated many of these stigmas.

Those who have never dealt with it before may not know what to say to someone in the throng of depression. But we can remind them of Gods love and plan and sit with them in the discomfort. We can listen and pray earnestly for our friends, knowing that God can often use some of the most difficult moments of our lives to grow us and to help us to bring joy and comfort to others.

To Recall Gods Promises In Time Of Depression

Lord Jesus, I have proved in my life that when I am weighed down with sin and cares and the worries of life, that an evil depression invariably descends on me and drags me down into greater despair. Lord, I dont want to succumb to this act of unbelief in my life, for I have learned that depression and despair are the fruit of unbelief, while the fruit of the spirit are the treasures You give to those that hope in the Lord, no matter what problems life may throw at us. Help me not to be afraid or discouraged when things go wrong and not to dwell on the problem. But when evil thoughts arise in my heart, bring to my mind Your Word of truth I pray, for Your Word is health and healing and strength to my soul. Help me to remember that the eternal God is my refuge and strength, and underneath are Your everlasting arms to support and carry me. Help me Lord, to cast all my cares on You, for You have promised to sustain me and never to let me fall. Help me to remember that You are the one that can heal my broken-heart, bind up all my wounds and help me not to be anxious for anything.Lord, I lift this prayer to You with thanksgiving, knowing that You are a God Who hears and answers all that cry out to You. Guard my heart and mind I pray, in Christ Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer For Inner Peace

Heavenly Father, grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I cant seem to find my balance so I stumble and worry constantly. Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path youve laid out for me. I trust your Love God, and know that you will help me out of this darkness. Just as the sun rises each day against the dark of night. Please bring me clarity with the light of God.

In your name I pray. Amen.

Misconception: Depression Is A Punishment From God

Overcoming Depression Quotes. QuotesGram

Variation: If you feel depressed, its because you have unconfessed sin.

Reality: Depression is not the fault of the person who is suffering. It is a difficult trial that can refine someones faith, but its not a punishment for sin.

Once, after I shared my testimony with a group of students at my university, a friend came up to me and said, When I feel like that, I try to figure out what Ive done wrong that I need to confess. The comment, while totally inappropriate, was actually meant to be a helpful piece of advice, not a judgment.

Even in Jesus day, people were eager to ascribe blame for illness and disability, but He challenged their assumptions. We see this in John 9:1-3 .

As Jesus was walking along, He saw a man who had been blind from birth. Rabbi, His disciples asked Him, why was this man born blind? Was it because of his own sins or his parents sins?

It was not because of his sins or his parents sins, Jesus answered. This happened so the power of God could be seen in him.

The assumption that depression or any mental illness is a punishment for sin is just as faulty as the disciples assumption that the mans physical blindness was a result of sin.

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A Prayer For Depression

We come to You today Lord with hearts, minds, and spirits that may be struggling to their keep heads above water. We ask in Your Name that You give them a refuge, a glimmer of hope, and a life-saving Word of Truth. We dont know every circumstance or situation they are facing, but Heavenly Father You know.

We cling to You with hope, faith and assurance that You can heal our hurt places and pull us from the dark waters of depression and despair. We ask in Your Name that You will allow those who need help, to reach out to a friend, family member, pastor, counselor, or doctor.

We ask You to release the pride that may keep them from asking for help. May we all find our rest, strength, and sanctuary in You. Thank You for setting us free and giving us the glimmer of hope in living an abundantly full life in Christ. Amen.

Prayers For Sadness And Depression

When someone suffers from grief, sadness or depression, it feels like their life is over with. It is hard to find a reason to be happy or to move on in life. No matter how terrible the sadness, God does not give a burden that you cannot bear. The following prayers for sadness and depression can help you turn to God for support when life seems too difficult. Through these prayers for sadness and depression, you can get help and work on overcoming your pain. These prayers include options for yourself and other people as well, so you can also pray for someone you love who suffers from depression.

1. Heavenly Father, I ask you to be merciful and to hear my prayer. My spouse lives with terrible depression, and I do not know what I can do to help. I feel inadequate and powerless in the face of their depression. The way my spouse feels any day is unpredictable, and I dont know how to help. I pray that you will help me find the resources that I need to support my spouse during painful times and to be their rock of refuge. In Christs name, I pray. Amen.

3. Lord, it seems like the world is collapsing around me. I feel like I am falling into a deep, dark pit. All I can do is come to you and surrender my spirit. I feel helpless and afraid. I am desperate for you to take me out of this pit and show me your way. If it is your will, uplift me from this depression and help me to find refuge. Amen.

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Mercy For Those Struggling With Their Faith

Heavenly Father, You are our refuge and strength in the bad times as well as the good times. Although the difficulties of life cause many of us to tighten our grip on the hope we have in You, there are some dear believers that struggle with depression, and who fall into despair when times of trouble hit their lives. Lord, we grieve when this causes men and women to question their hope in You and even walk away from the trust they had in the Lord Jesus Christ. But You are a God of great grace and loving-kindness, and we bring before You all believers who are going through the testing of their faith in the form of despair or depression today. Look down in pity and mercy on all who are struggling in this way. Bring peace and comfort I pray, to all who are facing the pain that depression brings, and reach down in Your love to touch each life and to draw them back into Your loving arms of forgiveness and grace. We ask this in the lovely name of Jesus, Amen.

A Prayer To Stand Your Ground Against Depression

Healing Prayer For Depression – Mel Bond

O God, You are my Rock. I can stand my ground on You because You are a firm foundation. Holy Spirit, when fear comes my way help me to resist and overcome it. Help me to tap into God’s strength so that I can stay in peace. May I always remember that You are in charge. Difficulties may come and go but, I will not move from where I stand in Christ! Amen.

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A Prayer For Depression And Anxiety

Dear Jesus, my friend deals with both depression and anxiety. They often feel like theyve been placed in a tennis match between the two illnesses. I ask, that in their darkest moments, that you remind them of your goodness. That you will comfort them in the midst of their pain and suffering and will not let them fall. Lord, you care for even the sparrow . How much greater is your plan for my friend! Help them to trust even when their mind betrays them. Amen.

For Strength In The Cloud Of Depression

Heavenly Father, Thank You for loving me! Help me when I feel the cloud of depression settling down, to keep my focus on You. Allow me to have glimpses of Your glory, Lord! May I draw nearer to You each day as I spend time in prayer and in Your Word. Please strengthen me as only You can. Thank You, Father! In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Try This Prayer For Anxiety And Depression

Im guessing that if youre reading this, youve struggled or are struggling with anxiety or depression and youre looking for hope. Maybe you feel like youve tried everything and you just cant seem to beat it. Youre hoping to find a prayer for anxiety that will fix it all and make it go away. Poof! That nagging, aching, painful feeling inside is now gone and you can go back to normal. Maybe you feel lost, afraid and alone. I bet you also sometimes feel a little guilty that youre supposed to be anxious for nothing as a Christian and you cant seem to get it right. That depresses you, and now you feel like quitting and pulling away from everyone. That was me. I was there, and I was there big time.

It wasnt until I learned to do nothing that I finally found peace.

God is a giver. He has the answers, and He has our back. Some things we just cant do ourselves, but that is exactly how He designed it. All we have to do is trust Him and come to Him. He does the rest! And you know, all of those things I worried about worked out, one way or another. My self-imposed worry was causing horrible physical symptoms and depression. It wasnt until I took a breath, rested, truly came to Jesus, got quiet, let go of all the details, told God that I trusted Him completelyand then learned to do nothingthat I finally found peace. My prayers became less about my situation and more about my trust in Him.

Who Should We Pray For

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God gives us instructions to pray for others in several places in the Bible. The apostle James tells us to pray for one another, that you may be healed .

The apostle Paul encourages us to intercede for Church members and ministers, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saintsand for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains .

Paul urges us that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence .

So we are even to pray for government leaders and others who may not know we exist and who havent asked us to pray for them.

Jesus Christ even commanded, Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you .

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Point Them To A Doctor

Depression is both a spiritual and bodily affliction. We inhabit fallen, broken bodies, in which brain synapses dont fire correctly and serotonin levels are depleted. We live in a world under the curse of sin, and every part of our bodies, including our brains, has been affected. The fact that Christians struggle with mental illness shouldnt surprise us.

Doctors are a common grace, and one of the best ways you can serve depressed friends is to recommend they see a doctor. Unless youre a trained medical professional, dont try to be a doctor for them. Dont suggest a particular diet plan or cleanse or supplement that helped you feel so much better. Let someone with training make those recommendations.

Some of you may be thinking, But isnt depression a spiritual battle? Yes and no. Our afflictions are very often both physical and spiritual in nature. Cancer, for example, will tempt you to fear the future. Does that mean you shouldnt treat the cancer? Of course not.

When Im depressed, Im much more prone to doubt the goodness of God and wallow in the depths of despair. Thats a spiritual battle, and going to a doctor wont solve that part. But receiving medical care can alleviate some of the worst physical symptoms, which then helps me wage spiritual warfare. Wisdom says you deal with both the physical and spiritual elements of cancer, depression, migraines, and any other sickness. If you want to serve your depressed friends, encourage them to see a doctor.

For A Christian Friend Going Through Depression

Loving Lord, I come to You on behalf of a friend and colleague that I care about but who is going through such deep depression. Sadly, he seems to have given up on life and does not want to speak to me or anyone else, causing him to sink lower in the cess-pit of doubting Your love, despairing of life and sinking into an ever deepening depression. Lord, I pray that You would meet this man at his point of need, and give Him the reassurance of Your love in his spirit and Your hope in his heart. I ask You Lord, to lift the curtain of doubt that has played such havoc with his assurance of salvation in You, and which has caused him to walk away from the joy he once knew in You. Give me wisdom as I lift my friend up in prayer. Show me the way that I can be a support to him in his time of trouble. Meet him Lord, at his point of need I pray, restore to him the joy of Your salvation and give him the peace that only comes from You. I ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Bible Verses To Help Fight Depression And Anxiety

Scriptures in God’s Word help you battle and overcome depression and anxiety. Here is a list of some powerful Bible verses for depression to help someone find peace in their storm.

Matthew 11:28 – Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.Proverbs 3:5-6 – Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. Psalms 30:5 – For his anger endureth but a moment in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.Psalms 143:7 – Hear me speedily, O LORD: my spirit faileth: hide not thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit. Philippians 4:6-7 – Be careful for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

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