Friday, May 10, 2024

What Does The Bible Say About Sadness And Depression

Extra: How Jesus Focused His Fight The Good Fight Vs More Works To Prove His Faith

Biblical Tools For Dealing With Sadness and Depression

When the devil approached Jesus in the wilderness, he tried to tempt Jesus by questioning His identity in relation to his pain. If you notice, the questions were related to testing Jesus identity in order to create fear, tempting Him to prove Himself and even give up His identity for earthly glories.

The devil tempted Jesus by saying,

If you are the Son of God, then .

Jesus “fought the good fight” by resting in the Truth of who He was and His secure relationship with the Father, not by testing or proving it with works.

Jesus responded with the Truth,

It is also written: Do not put the Lord your God to the test” .

Jesus rested securely in the true focus of who He was, His secure relationship IN THE Father, and what His true mandate and focus on earth was for for us . Thus, Jesus endured the wilderness with intimate security, not a formula of a distant God.

As a result, the devil departed and Jesus returned from the wilderness in great power .

Maybe you will return from the wilderness in great power, too!

Elijah Was Discouraged Weary And Afraid

After great spiritual victories over the prophets of Baal, this mighty man of God feared and ran for his life, far away from the threats of Jezebel. And there in the desert, he sat down and prayed, defeated and worn:

I have had enough Lord, he said. Take my life, I am not better than my ancestors. 1 Kings 19:4

There Is Hope In The Midst Of The Grieving Process

The process of mourning and grieving the death of a loved one can be categorized into five general sections. Some people may experience all five, while others may only go through some of them. They include:

  • Denial: A reaction of shock that one has when experiencing and feeling loss. A common response in this phase might sound something like, This isnt happening! or This cant be happening!
  • Anger: Here, the emotions kick in and a wave of heartache can flood you. Its usually at this phase the why questions arise. Often, unlawful emotions can be directed at anyone in the situation, some of whom may not even be at fault.
  • Bargaining: This is a phase of regret. For example, in the case of death, one may reason that, If only we had gotten the tests earlier, she would still be here. Or, in the case of job loss, If only I had worked more overtime, they wouldve seen my value. You may try to bargain that if something happened earlier, everything would have been okay. This often leads to being upset with yourself/others and triggers the next phase.
  • Depression: In this stage, many people isolate themselves. They may need time to process everything that has happened. Emotions catch up with them and they might feel heavy and muddled. This stage could last only a couple days or years.

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How Should Christians View Depression

Its clear, then, that depression isnt just a problem today, but one people struggled with hundreds of years before Christ. They might have called it anything from melancholy to spirit possession, but it caused great suffering, despair, and in some cases, suicide.

It was a real, pressing problem, one that started wars and leveled leaders and one that had no easy solution. Time after time, the Bible presents stories of depressed people crying out to God, begging for help or for Him to just take the pain away. Its not identified as a sin but an earthly hardship, perhaps much like oppression or even poverty, which Jesus himself said we will always have with us .

The Reality Of Depression

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As a society, we are becoming much more aware of the reality of depression, and we are getting better at speaking about it openly. Companies and churches alike are taking positive steps forward with regards to the conversation around depression and the care and oversight that they offer to those who are walking through this particular battle.

However, as Christians, it can often be unclear how best to handle depression. This is the case either when we are affected by it personally or when it affects someone we know. While we have to recognise that each persons experience of depression is unique and that there are no blanket answers that can help everyone, we can nonetheless look to Gods word for wisdom, guidance and advice.

Many people, Christians included, can feel overwhelmed by depression and are often looking for some wisdom and guidance to help them navigate these challenging times. In these situations, Scripture is a great starting point. The Bible contains some powerful verses for depression that can help us to gain a deep understanding of who God is and what He is saying to us about the reality of depression.

Lets take a look at a few together:

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How Can I Help Someone Who Is Depressed Or Anxious

  • Avoid cliché responses when someone tells you they are struggling with anxiety or depression. Although well intentioned, saying things like, Just have faith, or, Read the Bible and pray more, or, Is there unconfessed sin in your life? can feel dismissive. Christians who struggle with this have usually already tried to read their Bible and pray more.
  • Listen to them. If talking to someone about how they feel is the first step to healing, then they need people who will listen to them and not judge them or think any less of them.
  • Be their friend, ask questions about their life, and show genuine interest. Many people who struggle with depression or anxiety will often isolate themselves because they feel uncomfortable around people. Seek them out invite them to hang out treat them like you would any other person.
  • Let them know that they are loved, wanted, and appreciated even though they struggle with this issue. It goes a long way.
  • Educate yourself. The better you understand what they are going through, the better you can minster to them.
  • God Can Bring Good Even Out Of Something As Painful As Depression

    God can handle your doubts, frustrations, failures and darkest moments because He is astoundingly gracious. He loves you through it all because thats simply who He is.

    God will use us to bring hope to others. Hope means the most when it comes, stumbling, out of the dark places.

    I find myself in tears whenever I hear people say they want to kill themselves because Ive been there. Empathy is powerful. It enables us to comfort others and know how to pray for them.

    As I was healing from a season of deep depression and anxiety, I got to sit next to a young woman who was in the thick of it. I listened. I offered my story. Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, Me too, again and again. I put my arm around this woman and prayed for the things I had needed just a few months before.

    Ultimately, God will use us to bring hope to others who are hurting because weve been where they are and made it to the other side. Hope means the most when it comes, stumbling, out of the dark places.

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    A Prayer Against Depression

    Heavenly Father, please strengthen our hearts, and remind us to encourage one another when the troubles of life start to overwhelm us. Please guard our hearts against depression. Give us the strength to rise up each day and fight against the struggles which seek to weigh us down. Amen.” – John Barnett

    What Does The Bible Say About Depression

    What does the BIBLE say about DEPRESSION & ANXIETY?

    Proverbs 12:25 mentions depression directly, “Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad” . That’s a good place to begin. In this little couplet God, via the wisdom of Solomon, provides both a diagnosis and prescription that can help people grow beyond depression. A heart full of anxiety is the culprit. Jesus said:

    “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light”.

    Matthew 11:28-30

    In broad strokes, many Christians suffering from depression can find hope in biblical foundations. You can also find stories of the Bible where certain people experienced depression: Moses , David , Elijah , Job, Jonah , Psalmist .

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    God Is Not Angry About Our Depression

    Discouragement and depression are normal parts of being human. They can be triggered by the death of a loved one, illness, loss of a job or status, divorce, leaving home, or many other traumatic events. The Bible does not show God punishing his people for their sadness. Rather, he acts as a loving Father:

    David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God.

    For when we came into Macedonia, we had no rest, but we were harassed at every turn-conflicts on the outside, fears within. But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus, and not only by his coming but also by the comfort you had given him.

    Bible Verses For Depression: Turning To The Word Of God For Hope

    Are you one of the 300 million people worldwide who experience depression? Those pervasive feelings of sadness and hopelessness that come with depression are, unfortunately, very common, and symptoms can have a huge impact on your daily life. Depression affects you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and relationally and when youre in the midst of a depressive episode it can be hard to find even a shred of hope.

    Everyone experiences depression differently and there are a variety of different treatment options. The effectiveness of medications for depression varies from person to person, too, so medical interventions dont work for everyone. The Bible, however, is an unchanging, dependable source of hope if youre experiencing depression.

    There are many Bible verses for depression, and it can be helpful to realize that there are stories of some famous heroes experiencing depression in the Bible:

    A common question is what does the Bible say about depression? Seeking Gods perspective about depression can help to alleviate intense feelings of sadness and despair. In this article, were going to explore 5 Bible verses for depression that can give you hope when your world seems bleak.

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    Depression Will Not Have The Final Say

    Revelation 21:4 says: He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.

    In this Bible verse for depression we are given a picture of what our eternity will be like. And what an amazing picture this is! We will live forever in a kingdom where there is no more pain nor crying nor tears. There will be no more depression, no more anxiety, nor any other mental illness. While our earthly battles can be challenging and at times overwhelming, we must always remember that God has the final say. We must hold onto this promise that God will make all things new.

    Your future is not defined by your battle with depression. In fact, your future will one day be completely free from any feelings of sadness, worry and anxiety. God promises that depression will not have the final say. Rather, God Himself will have the final say, and He will draw you firmly into His presence for all eternity. He promises that one day you will be free from all the battles that you currently encounter.

    Combat The Lies Of Your Mind With Truth From Gods Word

    Top 5 Bible Verses

    You already have your identity found in Jesus! His life, death, and resurrection define who you are in the eyes of your Creator. God sees you as forgiven, redeemed.

    Ephesians 1:3-14 in Him

    Quit listening to yourself and start speaking the words of Scripture to yourself. Quit listening to demonic lies and start preaching the Gospel to yourself. Quit listening to worldly counsel and start submitting to biblical counsel. Quit believing the darkness and start believing the truth of who Christ has declared you to be.

    In the darkness, cry out to the Lord. Read the Word of the Lord and remember your identity in Christ. Pray for wisdom and strength to preserver . Stay active . Sing truth. Preach the Gospel to yourself. Tell a trusted friend what youre thinking and seek pastoral counsel.

    If youre a Christian, this is how God loves you! He is the author of Truth. Shoot these arrows at the lies your mind is speaking back at you. God loves you and you are His son, His daughter. Fight lies of fear and anxiety with the Truth of Scripture.

    My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

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    The Bibles Thoughts About Depression

    We draw strength from the word of God, only the word can make you recover totally from depression. The word of God made us understand that God is always with us through thick and thin even in the midst of tribulation he is with us.

    The bible made us understand that God is aware of our trials, in fact, whatever happens to us is not without his permission, he knows we can handle it and get over it.

    He has assured us that he will make way for us in such a terrible situation.

    1Cor 10:13 saysThere hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

    The bible did not really talk about depression but there are scriptures that talk about people who suffered depression and how they drew strength and courage from Gods word. Examples of such scriptures are Moses in the book of , David , Elijah , Job, Jonah , and the Psalmist .

    God encourages us to stay calm in times of trial. There is nothing you are going through now that is not common to man, someone, somewhere and somehow must have experienced such. Instead of worrying over it why not turn to God than allowing yourself to be mentally, physically, and emotionally drained by depression.

    Am I saying tribulation is good, no! But it makes us stronger and rooted in christ making our faith in God stronger.

    A Couple Tips On Enduring And Fighting The Good Fight

    a) Endure the hardship and fight the good fight by ACCEPTING how depression, anxiety, or any other mental health challenge affect you. Acceptance does not equal spiritual failure or that depression, anxiety, or other disorders is your identity it means that it is a condition affecting you.

    Practically, these conditions impact you physically and mentally/emotionally. You need ways to rest , use healthy tools , and just allow time, not a deadline of a breakthrough. Christ is in you, and He is not distant from you in this journey. You are enough, and that’s what it means to lack nothing in Christ!

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    The Lord Is Your Shield

    But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head .

    God is your shield when you are weak, helpless, and hopeless. He is standing over you, guarding you, protecting you, keeping watch over you. Even though you are broken by depression, the almighty God is your shield.

    He will lift your head out of the dirt and set you on your feet again. He will move you to sweet places and green pastures. You can trust HIS sustaining, protecting power even though you have no strength in yourself.

    My Friends Just Dont Understand

    What does the Bible say about depression?

    âYou look so good!â Surely youâve heard this on more than one occasion and you may not know if you should take is as a compliment or as someone misunderstanding the seriousness of your chronic illness. How do you get passed friends who just donât seem to get how much your life has changed since becoming ill.

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    What Does The Bible Say About A Sad Heart

    The Bible uses many words to describe sadness. Some of them include:

    As you read scripture, look for these words. You may be surprised at how many times God refers to these feelings. This can comfort you to know that He knows your human heart and the difficulties you experience in life.

    7. John 14:27 Peace I leave you, My peace I give you not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful.

    8. Psalm 34:18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

    9. Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

    10. Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

    11. Psalm 51:17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.

    12. Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

    13. Proverbs 15:13 A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.

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