Sunday, May 12, 2024

Brain Wave Treatment For Depression

How Deep Brain Stimulation Is Used To Treat Depression

Deep brain stimulation treats depression

Deep brain stimulation is an elective surgical procedure most commonly used to treat movement disorders, like Parkinsons disease. However, deep brain stimulation is now becoming a treatment that can soothe even the most stubborn symptoms in certain mental illnesses.

For example, major depressive disorder, often simply referred to as depression, can be challenging to treat. Unfortunately, some do not experience relief from medication and psychotherapy. However, treatment-resistant depression can benefit from deep brain stimulation.

Experiencing severe depression can be a painful, isolating, and frustrating journey. If youre reading this, youre likely interested in how recent innovations in mental health care can alleviate even the most persistent depressive symptoms. Read on to see if this treatment could be a fit for you or a loved one.

What Is Tms Therapy

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a type of brain stimulation therapy.

Its a noninvasive treatment that uses electromagnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells, which may improve symptoms of neurological or mental health disorders.

TMS is mainly used to treat depression. Its had success helping people who dont respond to antidepressant medication and psychotherapy. In fact, in 2008 the Food and Drug Administration approved TMS for this purpose.

Theres also some evidence that TMS may help other disorders, like anxiety and Parkinsons disease.

Since TMS uses repetitive electrical impulses, its sometimes called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation . The terms are often used interchangeably.If youre curious about the benefits and side effects of TMS, read on.

The therapy is done by a TMS technician or TMS physician. Its an outpatient procedure, so it may be done in a medical clinic. If its done in a hospital, you wont need to stay overnight.

Before the procedure, youll need to remove items that are sensitive to magnets, like jewelry.

Heres what you can expect during TMS:

  • Your technician will have you wear earplugs to minimize the clicking sound of magnetic impulses. Theyll have you sit in a comfortable chair. You wont need general anesthesia, and youll be awake throughout the treatment.
  • Your technician will place the coil above the front area of your brain. Next, theyll start the treatment.
  • Symptoms Of Major Depressive Disorder

    Depression, also called Clinical Depression or Major Depressive Disorder, can have a range of symptoms, with varying degrees of severity. These can include:

    • Increased anxiety, agitation, or restlessness
    • Feelings of worthlessness
    • Loss of interest in activities and relationships
    • Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness
    • Loss of sex drive
    • Emotional outbursts, even over insignificant matters
    • Chronic exhaustion
    • Changes in appetite
    • Fixating or ruminating on failures or past events
    • Physical symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, or headaches with no known cause
    • Improved ability to cope with stress
    • More self-confidence and self-esteem

    * Results are based on active and strict observation of our regimens. Results may vary based on the individual user and are not guaranteed.

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    How Does Neurofeedback Work With Depression

    The brain naturally wants to stay in a neutral position. This balanced state helps us to manage our thoughts and emotions.

    Well all experience negativity, but staying in these thought patterns keeps us unbalanced. The longer we stay in them, the harder it gets to reach that balanced state again.

    States like depression affect how we think and make choices. Depression creates a ripple effect. Our thinking affects our choices, and these choices then impact our thinking. These patterns keep us trapped in negative thought cycles.

    Most Common Mental Disorder

    The buzz around brain stimulation

    Major depression is the most common mental disorder in the United States, affecting about 7% of adults in 2017, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Among those, about half never get diagnosed. For those who do, finding the right treatment can take years, Trivedi said. He pointed to one of his past studies that showed only about 30% of depressed patients saw any remission of symptoms after their first treatment with an antidepressant.

    Amit Etkin

    Current methods for diagnosing depression are simply too subjective and imprecise to guide clinicians in quickly identifying the right treatment, Etkin said. In addition to a variety of antidepressants, there are several other types of treatments for depression, including psychotherapy and brain stimulation, but figuring out which treatment will work for which patients is based on educated guessing.

    To diagnose depression, clinicians rely on a patient reporting at least 5 of 9 common symptoms of the disease. The list includes symptoms such as feelings of sadness or hopelessness, self-doubt, sleep disturbances ranging from insomnia to sleeping too much low energy, unexplained body aches, fatigue, and changes in appetite, ranging from overeating to undereating. Patients often vary in both the severity and types of symptoms they experience, Etkin said.

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    Why Shock Therapy Is Performed

    It is most common to see shock therapy used in severe cases of depression. Shock therapy is also performed to improve the condition of the following disorders:1

    • Occasionally, types of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders

    Electroconvulsive therapy has also shown effectiveness in treating other disorders such as neuroleptic malignant syndrome .

    Shock treatment for depression and other disorders is indicated when the patient needs rapid improvement because the patient is:

    • Refusing to eat or drink
    • Refusing to take medication as prescribed
    • A danger to themselves

    How Much Does Tms Therapy Cost

    One course of TMS can cost between $6,000 to $12,000 out of pocket.

    Your health insurance provider might offer coverage, but this depends on your medical history. You may be required to try at least four antidepressants before receiving TMS coverage.

    Alternatively, they might provide coverage if you experience negative reactions when using antidepressants.

    Also Check: Persistent Depression Vs Major Depression

    Brain Biofeedback: A Treatment For Anxiety And Depression

    Many biological predispositions exist for anxiety and depression. Mood and anxiety disorders are among the most common types of mental disorders. These conditions are debilitating and are associated with considerable costs at an economic, societal, and personal level.

    Common treatment options for such disorders include pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. But new research shows that medications for anxiety, depression, and related symptoms such as insomnia are only slightly more effective than placebo treatments. Additionally, not all patients respond positively to pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy and often experience unpleasant side effects.

    The good news is there are other treatment options that can be quite effective, such as biofeedback. Biofeedback is a non-invasive treatment technique that helps patients get feedback from how their body or brain is functioning and then use that information to improve their body or brain function. In biofeedback therapy, a persons psychophysiological state is captured by specials sensors that measure heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, or brain activity. With the patient receives this information, he/she can then try to change his/her heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, or brain activity.

    How Shock Therapy Feels

    Depression Healing Brain Waves, Binaural Beats for Depression Treatment, Brainwave Music

    When you awake from the anesthesia, you may be confused and tired. You will likely experience short-term memory loss around the time of the procedure. With multiple treatments, this may increase. Adverse cognitive effects tend to be the most concerning factors around ECT and tend to affect the frequency and duration of treatments and whether ECT is offered at all. Your vital signs will be monitored closely after the shock treatment to ensure proper recovery. You may feel head, muscle or back pain. Such discomfort tends to be relieved by mild medications. If any post-treatment effect is concerning you, you should talk to the treating physician immediately.

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    Shock Treatment For Depression: How Ect Shock Therapy Works

    “Shock therapy” was so-called, as an electric shock is used to induce a controlled seizure intended as a treatment, primarily for mood disorders, although other conditions may be treated as well. Shock therapy is now known as electroconvulsive therapy or ECT.

    The brain is still not well understood, nor is the reason for the treatment effects ECT therapy has on some individuals. It is known that ECT affects hormones, neuropeptides, neurotrophic factors, and neurotransmitters in the brain. All of this may come together to explain how ECT works in treatment.

    Shock therapy was overused and misused in the past and since has come to have a mixed reputation . Great care is now taken to ensure ECT treatment is warranted, and signed consent must typically be given before its use.

    Neurofeedback Therapy For Anxiety

    Anxiety sufferers tend to have repetitive, negative thoughts that make them feel like theyre in a constant state of fear or dread. Medication can help ease symptoms, but the relief is temporary and the side effects can be severe. Therapy can take years to work and may require revisiting painful memories and past trauma to yield positive change. Neurofeedback is an all-natural, pain-free way to relieve anxiety that has long-term positive results.

    Neurofeedback Can Help Reverse Hyperactive Responses in Anxious Brains

    Scientists have discovered that neurofeedback can help enhance the connectivity between the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. In healthy brains, these areas of the brain work together to analyze and react to social and environmental cues. When you experience a potential threat, the amygdala sends signals throughout the brain, activating the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, which helps your brain respond to the situation appropriately. Anxiety weakens the connection between the vlPFC and the amygdala, making you less likely to respond to the threat rationally. Neurofeedback can enhance the connection between these parts of the brain. With the connection restored, the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex can effectively provide the amygdala with an appropriate, rational, and logical response to potential threats, lessening the impulsive, hyperactive responses commonly associated with anxiety.

    Neurofeedback Can Help Calm Overactive Brain Cells

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    Alternative Treatments To Depression That Work

    We combine TMS therapy, ketamine treatment, and neurofeedback to help treatment-resistant patients or those who are looking for a breakthrough without medication.

    My experience with TMS has been totally life changing. I highly recommend it for anyone experiencing depression and anxiety. It’s not another band aid, it’s a true solution! ~ Amanda K.

    I was introduced to TMS through TMS & Brain Health and it has been a positive experience from the outset. After not responding to antidepressants for nearly a decade, I saw results from TMS after 2 weeks. The staff here are exceptional and I felt comfortable and informed throughout the progression of treatment. I highly recommend both TMS and this office for anyone struggling to address their depression. ~ Audrey K.

    Ive been dealing with depression and anxiety since I was 14 or so. I have tried several medications in the past but have been very reluctant on taking psych meds for the rest of my life. I started looking up depression treatment alternatives being that my symptoms were becoming unbearable and stumbled across your business on google. I couldnt have found a better place. My life has changed drastically for the better. I wake up hopeful and I actually have a chance at life again. Spravato was instant relief and TMS was just icing on the cake. ~ Nick B.

    Alto Neuroscience Is Developing Drugs Based On Brain Waves And Blood Draws To Target Subtypes Of Depression

    Smart CES/TENS/EMS Device for Insomnia and Depression/Anxiety Relief ...

    Alto Neuroscience is a biotech company focused on using biomarkers to treat psychiatric disorders. Founded in 2019, the company has raised $40 million from investors like Apeiron Investment Group, Windham Venture Partners, and Able Partners to develop drugs tailored to specific subtypes of depression and PTSD.

    Alto uses EEG caps, or helmets that track brain waves in patients, as well as blood draws and wearable devices to determine which measurements correlate with different kinds of mental illnesses.

    “The main point for us is it’s not just about the drugs and it’s not just about the biomarkers, it’s really about their marriage,” Amit Etkin, the founder and CEO of Alto Neuroscience, said.

    The goal is twofold, according to Etkin. The first step is to develop treatments for specific kinds of depression and PTSD that work better on that patient population than other medications on the market. The second is to simultaneously develop tests that patients can take in order to figure out if they have the precise biomarker that would qualify them for that drug.

    Alto has two drugs in its pipeline that have finished phase 1 studies, and both of those compounds, ALTO-100 and ALTO-300, have begun mid-stage trials.

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    What Is Deep Brain Stimulation

    In deep brain stimulation treatment, electrodes are planted into different parts of the brain during surgery. These electrodes begin to regulate abnormal brain activity through a series of electrical pulses. The electrodes are controlled by a device called a generator. It is often compared to a pacemaker because it is planted in the upper chest and is connected to the electrodes by a wire running from the chest to the brain.

    A doctor determines, based on the recorded abnormal brain activity, where the electrodes are planted. Typically, the electrodes will be placed on both sides of the brain, allowing the brain to receive bilateral stimulation. Under some circumstances, medical professionals will opt to utilize unilateral stimulation, meaning only one side of the brain is receiving the electric pulses.

    Engaging in deep brain stimulation is a process. There is a recovery period from the surgery that takes a few weeks.

    Once recovery is complete, there is a period of time where the correct settings for the electric pulses are tested. This means a medical provider will turn the generator on and test which settings are the most effective.

    It is worth noting that this can be a somewhat challenging process at first due to some side effects. The most common side effect reported early in treatment is mild speech issues.

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Service

    TMS is a non-invasive method of brain stimulation that relies on electromagnetic induction using an insulated coil placed over the scalp, focused on an area of the brain thought to play a role in mood regulation. The coil generates brief magnetic pulses, which pass easily and painlessly through the skull and into the brain. The pulses generated are of the same type and strength as those generated by magnetic resonance imaging machines. TMS was FDA-cleared in 2008 and now is widely available at clinics and hospitals across the country. The Johns Hopkins Brain Stimulation program offers a few TMS services:

    Repetitive TMS

    When these pulses are administered in rapid succession, it is referred to as repetitive TMS or rTMS, which can produce longer lasting changes in brain activity. rTMS has been shown to be a safe and well-tolerated procedure that can be an effective treatment for patients with depression who have not benefitted from antidepressant medications or cannot tolerate antidepressant medications due to side-effects. If you reside locally and are interested in being evaluated for outpatient rTMS treatment, contact .

    Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

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    The Future Of Depression Treatment

    The World Health Organization reports that about 264 million people globally experience depression. While people with depression can have similar symptoms, each person with the disorder experiences it in unique ways. For example, the disorder can be brought on by different causes, and people respond to treatments differently.

    The first-line treatment options for depression include cognitive-behavioral therapy and antidepressant medications. For many people with depression, these and other available treatments work well. However, some patients never respond well to these options. Hope is on the horizon for these people and anyone who develops depression in the near future. The emerging trends below showcase how different depression treatment choices will be in just a few years.

    Dr Prakash Bhatia Answers Your Questions:

    Alternative treatments for depression with TMS & Brain Health
    • How does TMS work?

    The exact cause of depression is not known, but the brain scans of people with depression reveal low activity in the areas of the brain involved in mood regulation. TMS helps to stimulate those areas, effectively resetting the brain and reducing the symptoms of depression.

    The TMS treatment process involves placing a small electromagnetic coil lightly onto the patients head. Magnetic pulses are then delivered to a specific area of the brain to stimulate the nerve cells there. These magnetic pulses are the same type and strength as those used in an MRI machine. Theyre perfectly safe, and the procedure is painless, non-invasive, and drug-free. Treatment sessions last 30 to 40 minutes, and must be done 5 times per week for 4 to 6 weeks.

    Some patients begin to experience positive mood changes within a few sessions. It is important to note, however, that the best way to ensure optimum benefits is to complete the full treatment process as prescribed by the TMS physician.

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    Neurofeedback Uses The Same Safe Natural Approach In Improving Your Brain Function

    A More Optimistic Outlook

    Thank you so much to The Brain Wave Center for the neurofeedback treatment. The experience is life changing & your support throughout the process very helpful. Overall, my outlook on life is more optimistic and enjoyable.

    TS P

    The Training Is Enjoyable

    A neurofeedback training session is a relaxed, pleasant, enjoyable experience. All you need to do is sit comfortably, relax, and watch a video that you pick out. During the training session, the equipment measures your real-time brainwave activity using several small sensors placed lightly on the scalp.

    The measurements taken during the session provide immediate feedback on how the brain is functioning. If you start feeling sad, and have negative thoughts, this will be measured as an excess of Alpha energy. When this happens the movie dims, and the sound goes down. Your brain responds to this feedback by creating new, healthier neural connections. Over time, the continuous feedback helps your brain to create new neural pathways that allow you to think in a calmer, more positive manner.

    An All-Natural Solution

    This is a natural learning process known as operant conditioning. Similar to learning how to ride a bike, this is a natural, easy way to teach the brain how to think better. Not only does it help to create change, but the improved neural connections represent a permanent improvement in the way your brain processes information. So No More Depression!.

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