Friday, July 26, 2024

Anxiety And Depression Affecting Work

Diet Is Important To Mental Health

How to manage anxiety and depression at work

Even factors like what you are eating can impact stress, anxiety and depression. It is extremely important for students to eat healthy meals regularly and pay attention to the ingredients in their food. Research has proven time and time again that what you eat affects your mood.

Different food can even change the chemical balance of the body. For example, Tryptophan is found in poultry, oil-rich fish, beans, baked potatoes, oats, nuts and seeds and it aids in serotonin production, which helps regulate mood.

With so many different factors leading to anxiety and depression its nearly impossible for teachers to identify these disorders without any prior training. The longer anxiety and depression go without treatment, the higher risk students face of a worsening condition, academic disengagement and a steep decrease in academic performance.

Why You Might Be Depressed At Work

There are various reasons why you may be dealing with an increase in depressive symptoms at work. And while no two people or experiences are the same, some common themes seem to emerge when pinpointing the causes or triggers of signs of depression at work.

While not an exhaustive list, the following situations may contribute to work depression:

  • feeling like you have no control over work issues
  • feeling like your job is in jeopardy
  • working in a toxic work environment
  • being overworked or underpaid
  • experiencing workplace harassment or discrimination
  • working irregular hours
  • lacking balance between work and home
  • working in a setting that doesnt match your personal values
  • doing work that doesnt further your career goals
  • experiencing poor or unsafe working conditions

Mental Health In The Workplace

Mental Health Disorders and Stress Affect Working-Age Americans

This issue brief is

Mental health disorders are among the most burdensome health concerns in the United States. Nearly 1 in 5 US adults aged 18 or older reported any mental illness in 2016.2 In addition, 71% of adults reported at least one symptom of stress, such as a headache or feeling overwhelmed or anxious.4

Many people with mental health disorders also need care for other physical health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory illness, and disorders that affect muscles, bones, and joints.58 The costs for treating people with both mental health disorders and other physical conditions are 2 to 3 times higher than for those without co-occurring illnesses.9 By combining medical and behavioral health care services, the United States could save $37.6 billion to $67.8 billion a year.9

About 63% of Americans are part of the US labor force.10 The workplace can be a key location for activities designed to improve well-being among adults. Workplace wellness programs can identify those at risk and connect them to treatment and put in place supports to help people reduce and manage stress. By addressing mental health issues in the workplace, employers can reduce health care costs for their businesses and employees.


Mental Health Issues Affect Businesses and Their Employees

Poor mental health and stress can negatively affect employee:


Action steps employers can take include:

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What Is A Mental Impairment

In terms of the ADA, a mental impairment includes mental or psychological disorders such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders , schizophrenia, and personality disorders.

Problems not covered by the ADA include adjustment disorders, relationship troubles, or illegal drug use. In addition, behavior “traits” such as irritability or stress are not included.

Even if these conditions aren’t continual, but cause flare-ups of impairment, they qualify under the ADA as long as the disorder is considered a long-term problem.

Usually a condition has to be present for several months before it qualifies as a long-term problem. Disorders that are included in the definition of disability are those that are permanent or have potentially long-term effects, not those that are temporary such as the break up of a relationship.

How Do I Know Its Depression

How Diet And Stress Can Affect Depression and Gut Health

Most people will feel down or sad in the workplace at some stage these feelings are entirely normal. Whats important is that youre aware of the symptoms of depression, so you can recognise when your feelings are moving into more damaging territory and act if you need to.

Its also important to recognise when your feelings might be workplace stress, rather than depression. Typically, you should be able to identify the cause of your workplace stress it might be an upcoming presentation, a tight deadline or particularly long workday. When that trigger passes, your feelings of stress should pass too.

Depression, on the other hand, is characterised more by an increased feeling of sadness and guilt, often seemingly without any explanation. You might also lack motivation and focus in your role.

Also Check: Helping Your Child With Depression And Anxiety

Signs Of Depression At Work

Here are some signs that you may be working while depressed:

  • Missing work:It could be you start calling in sick or make excuses for needing a personal day.
  • Trouble concentrating:Just cant keep your mind focused on work? If it feels like youre in a fog all the time or in a hopeless state of mind, this can be an indication that youre trying to work while depressed.
  • Missed deadlines and goals:Inability to get work done or complete tasks, avoidance of phone calls and meetings, failing to achieve personal or career goalsthese can be signs of depression at work.
  • Feelings of depression only when youre at work:It could be that your workplace is the cause of depression. If youre largely overcome with depression while at work, but not as much elsewhere, it could be that feelings of depression are driven by your job. Serious workplace issues like harassment, discrimination, abuse, and bullying can eventually lead to feelings of depression, if left unaddressed.
  • Fatigue and lack of energy:Tired all the time? Feel like you have no energy to do your job? Persistent fatigue can be a sign of depression.

How Does Depression And Anxiety Affect Your Ability To Work

Having an anxiety disorder can make a major impact in the workplace. People may turn down a promotion or other opportunity because it involves travel or public speaking make excuses to get out of office parties, staff lunches, and other events or meetings with coworkers or be unable to meet deadlines.

Also Check: What To Do When Starting To Feel Depressed

Managing Anxiety And Depression

A therapist can offer more guidance on treatment options for anxiety and depression, but you can also take steps to cope with symptoms on your own.

The strategies below may not always help, but trying different approaches at different times can help you learn more about what works for you. That insight can guide you toward a personalized toolbox of coping strategies, so you always have options to consider when feeling distressed or overwhelmed.

Your therapist can also offer suggestions for new strategies to try, plus offer tips on putting them into practice.

Employees’ Attitudes Towards Depression

Why Do Depression and Anxiety Go Together?
  • Often times a depressed employee will not seek treatment because they fear the effect it will have on their job and they are concerned about confidentiality.

  • Many employees are also unaware they have depression or they fear their insurance is inadequate to cover costs.

  • Most employers will refer a depressed employee for help if they are aware of the symptoms. 64% of NMHA Survey respondents said they would refer an employee to an EAP health professional vii.

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Why Does Depression Make You Less Productive

And that can contribute to anxiety about your performance, about what your employer and colleagues may think of you or expect from you. As your anxiety for your professional life grows, so too can your depression symptoms, those feelings of hopelessness and helplessness that impede your motivation and productivity.

Talk With Coworkers Or Friends If You Feel Comfortable Doing So

When we are depressed, we have a tendency to isolate and close ourselves off, says Ely. But that is actually the worst thing we can do.

Avoiding other people can make the impact of depression on your work worse and it can make it harder for you to get through the day.

Its OK to communicate to coworkers and colleagues that youre going through a difficult time and that you may need some additional support, says Matos.

Having an open dialogue with coworkers and employers about your experience with depression not only normalizes it but allows them to provide the support you might need to do well at work, she says.

Not everyone can open up to their colleagues, and not all workplaces have a safe space to allow employees to discuss their mental health.

If thats the case, it can help to talk with a friend about whats going on with you. This might help lighten the load.

Recommended Reading: What Factors Led To The Great Depression

Dealing With Depression In The Workplace

If youre dealing with depression at work, try these tips. They are not intended as a cure, but could help provide ways to better cope if youre dealing with depression at work.

Self-care alone cannot cure depression. Small positive changes in your daily routine may help you feel better, but working with a behavioral professional is most important for long-term management of depression.

When You Can’t Cope

How Anxiety &  Depression Affect Health

Are you still finding that you can’t cope with anxiety at work? If so, you have additional options to get help.

Your first option is to seek treatment from a mental health professional. If you only have a vague notion that something is wrong but haven’t seen a doctor, now may be the time.

Obtaining a diagnosis and treatmentlike in-person or online therapy or medicationshould always be your first step if severe anxiety is interfering with your life, including your ability to work.

Getting a diagnosis may also help if you are considering applying for disability benefits.You may also be eligible for unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act . Disability benefits or unpaid leave can offer you the time you need to work on your anxiety and then re-enter the workforce from a stronger position.

Also Check: How Do I Get Out Of My Depression Funk

Practice Good Health Habits

While anxiety can cause insomnia, try your best to stick to a regular sleep/wake cycle. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, cut down and avoid consuming it past mid-morning when it’s most likely to disrupt your nighttime sleep. In addition to getting adequate sleep, fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods and getting regular exercise can also help you manage your stress.

Anxiety And Depression Affecting Work

Ever wake up feeling motivated to crush your goals only to be paralyzed by anxiety? Anxiety And Depression Affecting Work

You pump yourself up in the morning with Tony Robbins motivational talks, then in comes anxiety like a wave, totally wiping out all your positive, can-do energy. Instead, you get that heavy feeling in your chest. Or you feel tension and anxiety between shoulder blades and random places like behind your knees. For me, I feel anxiety behind my eyes. If you are looking for relief try this.

So what gives? How can you prepare for anxiety with no trigger? How can you harness all of that previous warm, fuzzy energy?

A friend once told me, learn to make friends with your fears. Rather than run from the thoughts that make you sick, acknowledge them. Like listening to a friend, try to understand what the root cause of the problem is. The goal is not to rid yourself of anxious thoughts because lets be honest we experience anxiety like we experience other emotions. Its about living alongside anxiety.

I know youre thinking, How in the world do you live alongside it?

So what helps anxiety besides medication? How can we naturally cultivate healthy thoughts? For me, its meditation. Followed by a good buzz. No, not of alcohol, though that certainly takes off the edge. I mean caffeine.

Recommended Reading: Strategies To Deal With Depression

Factors Associated With Wfh And Depression

Certain factors appear to play a role in the likelihood of WFH affecting a persons mental health.

A found that the following factors were associated with a decline in both physical and mental well-being while WFH during the lockdown:

  • being a parent or caregiver to a toddler
  • having more distractions at home
  • a lack of communication with co-workers

The results of a 2022 study suggest that stress and depression affect females and younger adults more acutely while WFH. Among females, factors that appear to increase depression include family responsibilities and conflicting work-life balance. Among people aged 1639 years, these factors include loneliness, work uncertainty, and financial insecurity.

The relationship between WFH and mental health is complex. It is dependent on a variety of factors that may influence a persons experience in a negative or positive way. Some of these factors include:

  • existing mental health conditions

What Is Work Depression

How Depression Affects The Brain – Yale Medicine Explains

While a job may not cause depression, the environment may worsen symptoms for people who already live with depression.

Any workplace or job can be a potential cause or a contributing factor for depression depending on the level of stress and available support at the workplace, said Rashmi Parmar, MD, a psychiatrist at Community Psychiatry.

According to the , a negative working environment can lead to:

  • mental and physical health concerns
  • absenteeism
  • lost productivity
  • increased substance use

Mental Health America reports that depression ranks among the top three problems in the workplace for employee assistance professionals.

As with any other health condition, Parmar says, awareness and early detection are key.

Depression is a complex condition with a varied manifestation of thoughts, feelings, and behavior that can affect anyone and everyone, and a variety of work and non-work-related factors might be at play when we consider someone struggling with workplace depression, she explained.

Also Check: Can Depression Get Worse Even With Medication

Learn To Recognize The Symptoms Of Clinical Depression

No two people experience clinical depression in the same manner. Symptoms will vary in severity and duration among different people. Click here to take a depression screening. See your doctor* if you experience five or more of the following symptoms for more than two weeks:

  • Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood.

  • Sleeping too little, early morning awakening, or sleeping too much.

  • Reduced appetite and/or weight loss, or increased appetite and weight gain.

  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, including sex.

  • Restlessness, irritability.

  • Persistent physical symptoms that don’t respond to treatment .

  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.

  • Fatigue or loss of energy.

  • Feeling guilty, hopeless or worthless.

  • Thoughts of suicide or death.

* As a first step, a thorough physical examination may be recommended to rule out other illnesses.

Study Design And Participants

We conducted secondary data analysis of the implementation of the MDS as a national disability survey in Chile carried out in 2015, using a large representative sample of the general population including more than 17,000 individual interviews. Participants of the survey were children and adults from 15 provinces. ENDISC II is based on the MDS, a project initiated by the WHO and the World Bank in 2011. In the MDS, disability is conceptualized as the outcome of interactions between a person with a health condition and various environmental and personal factors. The survey utilizes a general population sample without screeners or filters and enables a direct comparison between groups with differing levels and profiles of disability, including a comparison to persons without disability. The current MDS Alpha version questionnaire consists of eight modules, and the ones implemented in Chile were module 3000: environmental factors module 4000: functioning and module 5000: health conditions and capacity. Additionally, the ENDISC II collected information on sociodemographic characteristics, work and health care resources utilization.

Read Also: Major Depression Definition Dsm 5

Effects Of Work Anxiety

If you are living with work anxiety, it has probably taken a toll on multiple aspects of your life. Below are some of the most common effects of work anxiety, which can occur both within and outside the workplace:

  • Experiencing reduced job performance and quality of work
  • Seeing effects on relationships with coworkers and superiors
  • Noticing effects on personal life
  • Feeling effects on your relationship with your romantic partner
  • Developing problems with concentration, fatigue, irritability, reduced productivity
  • Turning down opportunities due to phobias
  • Having reduced job satisfaction
  • Avoiding innovation

Coping With Work Anxiety

When Depression and Anxiety Affect Your Ability to Keep a Job

There are some strategies you can use to help you manage your anxiety about work. Know that anxiety at work can be contagious, and try to stay away from people who make you feel worse, as much as possible.

Take a break and talk to someone if you are feeling anxious. Use self-help techniques to help you calm down and seek professional help if work anxiety is interfering with your daily life both at work and at home.

Avoid unhelpful coping strategies such as binge eating, substance abuse, overuse of caffeine, abuse of prescription medications. Here are some strategies you can try during and after your workday to help with your anxiety:

  • Be sure to make time for yourself away from work.

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Mental Health Conditions Work And The Workplace

One in four people in the UK will have a mental health problem at some point. While mental health problems are common, most are mild, tend to be short-term and are normally successfully treated, with medication, by a GP.

Mental health is about how we think, feel and behave. Anxiety and depression are the most common mental health problems. They are often a reaction to a difficult life event, such as bereavement, but can also be caused by work-related issues.

This guidance talks generally about work-related stress but where such stress is prolonged it can lead to both physical and psychological damage, including anxiety and depression.

Work can also aggravate pre-existing conditions, and problems at work can bring on symptoms or make their effects worse.

Whether work is causing the health issue or aggravating it, employers have a legal responsibility to help their employees. Work-related mental health issues must to be assessed to measure the levels of risk to staff. Where a risk is identified, steps must be taken to remove it or reduce it as far as reasonably practicable.

Some employees will have a pre-existing physical or mental health condition when recruited or may develop one caused by factors that are not work-related factors.

There is advice for line managers to help them support their employees with mental health conditions.

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