Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Teen Depression And Anxiety Why The Kids Are Not Alright

Teen Anxiety And Depression Are Normal

The Kids Are Not Alright: The Mental Health Crisis Affecting Latina Teens

Apart from using statistics and the Bible to assure teens that anxiety and depression are common, one of the best ways we can normalize these problems is to talk about mental illness and other emotional disorders as common experiences in a fallen world. Speak about it around the supper table or in the car. If we are teachers or preachers, we can talk about it in the classroom, in the pulpit, or at youth groups. Look out for long-term changes in your teens behavior and moods and take opportunities to ask her whats going on in her thoughts and feelings. You could say, for example, You seem to be a bit down or troubled. Can I help in any way? To maximize the chances of your teen opening up to you, try not to come across as judgmental, critical, or scared.

Only one thing is worse than never talking about such disorders, and that is to mock, shame, or stigmatize those who suffer with them. Such a cruel and arrogant attitude will ensure that our teens will never talk to us about these challenges or seek our help. They will either bottle it up and suffer in silence, or else they will seek help from others outside of the Christian community, who may lead them astray. At worst, they may start cutting themselves to find temporary relief, or even attempt suicide as a permanent solution.

Sandy Hook Promise Sounds The Alarm For Adults: The Kids Are Not Alright

New PSA Campaign and Suicide Prevention Legislation Demand Action on Rising Mental Health Concerns

Newtown, CT Missed graduations and proms. Detaching from friends and family. Staying in a bedroom for 20 hours a day. Being constantly plugged in online. These are just a few of the stressors that youth have faced over the last year due to the pandemic, leading to heightened anxiety and depression, among other new or worsening mental health struggles. This emotional situation can give rise to various forms of youth violence not just shootings, but also suicide and self-harm.

To help adults better understand the powder keg of turmoil threatening the lives and well-being of kids right now, Sandy Hook Promise released a new PSA campaign today, The Kids Are Not Alright. Created with BBDO New York, this series of three short videos reflects the anxiety, isolation, pressure, boredom, and incessant information overload that teenagers are experiencing. It is a national call to action for parents and other caring adults: learn the signs of a child in emotional distress and get help before its too late.

Recent studies show more than 70% of teenagers are struggling with mental health concerns, and one in four has considered suicide. Suicide is now the second-leading cause of death among teenagers and these tragedies can be preventable.

Media Contact:

Aimee Thunberg, Senior Director, Communications, Sandy Hook Promise | | 646-761-5579

Who We Are

First Check In With Yourself

Children and adolescents often learn how to identify, express, and manage their emotions by observing their parents emotional displayssomething calledmodeling.

So how can you be an effective role model? One of the things I recommend to parents is to first check in with their own mental health, saysCarla Marin, a licensed child and adolescent psychologist who specializes in anxiety-related disorders at the Yale School of Medicine.

Its like when youre in the airplane, and they tell you to put on that mask first before you help other people, she says. What are the stressors in your life? Do you have a support system in place that you can talk to? Are you able to identify symptoms of anxiety and depression? Parents need to manage their own emotions before they can respond to their childrens mental health needs.

Also Check: Things That Cause Depression And Anxiety

What The Studies Say

I actually did a lot of research on the topic of anxiety and depression and teens. What I found was pretty eye opening. Article after article brought up some of the same contributing factors. Surprisingly, a lot of what I read was fairly similar to what my daughter shared with me.

This is just a small list of what I found that seem to be playing a large role in the rise of both anxiety and depression in teens:

  • Technology and social media
  • Lack of coping skills, problem solving skills, and healthy thinking
  • Lack of being taught resilience
  • Increasingly challenging social and political environment
  • Skewed perception of success and accomplishment
  • No realistic understanding of drive, focus, and practice for achieving goals
  • Distracted parents

Im going to break down each bullet, and go over them one by one in more detail. We really need to understand the importance of what each of these mean for our teens. Once we are able to better understand the impact this list can have, I believe it will help us to better help our teens.

Technology and social media

Ok, so from what Ive read and understand, technology is playing a large role in the rise of teen anxiety and depression. Honestly, it makes sense. I think to a degree, weve all been guilty of zoning out while staring at our phones. We take them everywhere, theyre portable constant access to an overload of stimulation and information.

Negative self-talk

Lack of necessary life skills


Perception is:

~ Jess

The Anxious Child And The Crisis Of Modern Parenting

Teen Depression and Anxiety: Why the Kids Are Not Alright ...

In The Atlantics May issue, Kate Julian reports on the rise of anxiety and depression in children, and why changes in parenting may be one key to the solution.

How do you prepare a child for life in an uncertain world? At a time when anxiety is pervasive and a global pandemic has upended our lives, how can parents raise their children to handle the stress, and even anguish, theyre sure to experience? Even before the coronavirus took hold, data suggested that the kids were not alright: From 2007 to 2017, suicides among 10-to-24-year-olds rose 56 percent, and suicides by children ages 5 to 11 have almost doubled in recent years. Why is this happening, and what can be done for children overwhelmed by life?

The Atlantic has also released a related short documentary interviewing a number of elementary school-age kids about the coronavirus and how they are coping with pandemic anxiety. Later this month, The Atlantic will host a virtual EventCast with Julian about her reporting details are forthcoming.

Read The Anxious Child, and the Crisis of Modern Parenting, at The Atlantic. The May issue of the magazine will continue to publish at The Atlantic across the coming weeks.

Press Contacts:

Also Check: Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder And Depression

Argumentative Essay On Mental Illness

living with depression as, difficult, especially when Im not feeling good and I dont want to come to school and deal with everything going on. While it may appear as if a person living with a mental health disorder is only struggling with the disorder itself, the stigma is another struggle Peers will often negatively stereotype and label with common misconceptions and preconceived notions of mental illness. Mia Velasquez*, a tenth grader attending VISA, details that besides having anxiety, stigma

The Desire For Certainty

And itâs this desire for certainty that allows anxiety to grab your teen and hold on tight. Add to that a conflicting desire to be a part of a complicated and uncertain social world, and itâs no wonder that the withdrawal, hopelessness, and sadness of depression can take hold.

This means that helping children and teens understand and normalize the challenges of relationships, problem solving, disappointment, and uncertainty is critical for prevention and recovery. These are skills that can and should be taught.

Your anxious teen is looking for a guarantee that everything will turn out perfectly. Since you cannot control that, the family goal is acceptance with uncertainty.

Also Check: Vitamin D Dosage For Depression

Active Transportation Is Any Form Of Human

Additional Information

  • Active transportation is any form of human-powered transportation that promotes physical activity this includes: walking, biking, skating, using a wheelchair, and accessing public transportation. If you do any of these to get to work, school, shopping centers, or anywhere else you travel to and from, then you participate in active transportation. Using active modes of transportation is important for a few reasons: it increases routine physical activity, reduces our carbon emissions, and has an overall improvement on peoples health, happiness, and quality of life.
  • OVERVIEWOCTA is looking to constantly improve active transportation facilities countywide. Not only do these efforts enhance public health throughout Orange County, but also ensures everyone has access to effective modes of transportation. Bettering sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes, and green spacessuch as, parks and planting stripsholistically promotes more efficiency and use in multimodal active

Policy And Public Discourse Must Listen To Their Distress And Reconsider Priorities In Terms Of Their Well

Why Anxiety and Depression Are Connected: Avoidance and Willingness With Painful Emotions

The second wave of COVID-19 has left us reeling, exposing the cracks and bigotry in our systems like no other time. It has left most infrastructures shaken and wanting but, mostly, it is our health and welfare services that have come under scrutiny. Post COVID, the central government increased the health budget from 1.2 to 2.5 per cent of GDP , which is still way below developed countries, or even developing countries in our own subcontinent. Within this, the allocation to mental health, on an average in the last couple of years, has been a paltry 0.05 per cent of the health budget. And within that, child and adolescent mental health get a minuscule fraction, if anything at all. This might give us an idea about how much we prioritise child mental health and well-being at a national level.

What makes this even more befuddling is the abject apathy towards shocking realities: India has one of the highest rates of child abuse, depression and suicide amongst children and youth in the world.

Needless to say, the pandemic and consequent lockdown have had a profound impact on mental health and well-being, especially among the youth. Adults across the world, including India, are reporting a four-fold increase in anxiety and depressive symptoms. Adolescents and young adults in the age range of 18 to 25 are exhibiting even higher rates of emotional distress, as well as a marked increase in substance misuse, suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

Don’t Miss: What’s Persistent Depressive Disorder

Cyber Bullying : A Deep Seated Psychological Problem

Cyber Bullying Introduction Cyber bullying among teen occur when the teenagers harms or harass their peers over the information technology network. Cyber refers to any form of information technology and is not limited to social networks such as Facebook, blogs, twitter, SMS. It is important to note that an action can only be considered as bullying if it is repeated and conducted deliberately to harm or harass the victim. This paper

Sickkids Advocating For Return Of In

The Hospital for Sick Children has been a proponent for returning kids to in-person school for a variety of reasons, including mental health benefits.

“One of the biggest concerns that I’m hearing are parents say this is changing who my child is, my child used to be a child who was very social and happy and eager to learn and now my child is timid and nervous when they come across new people and isn’t motivated to participate in school,” Korczak says.

“We need to prioritize kids and we need to prioritize their mental health.”

Ruaraidh Butler, the founder of Your Life Counts, an organization devoted to helping the mental health of young people, says demand for their services has never been higher.

Over the two decades since he launched the organization, Butler says his job, in its simplest terms, is about restoring hope.

With no end to the pandemic in sight, many youth have told him they’ve lost hope. They fear the virus, they fear death, their entire lives have been transformed and a belief has settled in after a year that life will be forever changed.

So Butler dug into the past for a history lesson to tell the youth he helps: the First World War, which lasted from 1914 to 1918, and the Spanish Flu pandemic, which began in 1918 and lasted for several years.

That lesson has helped many youth restore some hope in their lives, he says.

Read Also: What It Feels Like To Have Depression

The Mental Health Of The Wealthy

of their fixation on academic success. In 2005 out of 302 middle school students at a private school, the rate of depression for girls was twice that of the general rate of depression for teens . The mental health of the wealthy is underestimated seeing that people believe that wealth is an immunity against mental illnesses. Instead, schools misread the symptoms of depression as stress. Also considering that school is an institute for education, the health of the students is not as prioritized

Causes Connections And What Parents Can Do To Help

Are the kids alright? How to spot anxiety and depression ...

Teen depression is on the rise, and a parents best strategy to help a child is to promote the development of key skills.

One of the most important aspects of healing and recovering, be it from an injury, depression or a broken heart, is the belief that change is possible. Researchers call this positive expectancy, and when we look at the success of therapy, it figures prominently.

In order to do the hard work of changing or healing, we have to believe that change is actually an option. Recently Ive been bumping into more and more information about depression and anxiety disorders that is saying the exact opposite of this.

In an effort to promote mental health awareness and prompt children, teens and adults to seek help for mental health issues, the messages that depression and anxiety disorders are diseases of the brain that just happen and more disturbinglyare how you are wired or are like diabetes and heart disease have been showing up again and again. Drug ads are major offenders, but not the only ones.

Also Check: Natural Remedies Depression And Memory Loss

Dangers Of Social Media

According to the site, Social networking plays a vital role in broadening teen social connections and helping them learn valuable technical skills. But what impact is all of this social networking having on young minds? Teens developing brains are extremely vulnerable to so much time online, and because they often have difficulty self-regulating their screen time, risks increase which means they are more susceptible to peer pressure, cyberbullying and sexting. The parenting site also lists the most common mental health related issues teens can experience from too much social media use, which include:

  • Anxiety
  • Loneliness
  • Dependence

The Harvard Graduate School of Education has posted a research story titled, Social Media and Teen Anxiety, which features a 2015 study, Pew study of teens, technology, and friendships by Youth and Technology Expert Amanda Lenhart. The study describes other social media-induced stressors teens may experience, which include:

  • Seeing people posting about events to which they havent been invited
  • Feeling pressure to post positive and attractive content about yourself
  • Feeling pressure to get comments and likes on your posts
  • Having someone post things about you that you cannot change or control

Another researcher named Emily Weinstein, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, found even more challenges impacting young adults, including:

Teen Depression And Anxiety: Why The Kids Are Not Alright

By Susanna Schrobsdorff, TIME

The first time Faith-Ann Bishop cut herself, she was in eighth grade. It was 2 in the morning, and as her parents slept, she sat on the edge of the tub at her home outside Bangor, Maine, with a metal clip from a pen in her hand. Then she sliced into the soft skin near her ribs. There was bloodand a sense of deep relief. It makes the world very quiet for a few seconds, says Faith-Ann. For a while I didnt want to stop, because it was my only coping mechanism. I hadnt learned any other way.

The pain of the superficial wound was a momentary escape from the anxiety she was fighting constantly, about grades, about her future, about relationships, about everything. Many days she felt ill before school. Sometimes shed throw up, other times shed stay home. It was like asking me to climb Mount Everest in high heels, she says.

It would be three years before Faith-Ann, now 20 and a film student in Los Angeles, told her parents about the depth of her distress. She hid the marks on her torso and arms, and hid the sadness she couldnt explain and didnt feel was justified. On paper, she had a good life. She loved her parents and knew theyd be supportive if she asked for help. She just couldnt bear seeing the worry on their faces.

For some parents who discover, as Faith-Anns parents Bret and Tammy Bishop did a few years ago, that their child has been severely depressed, anxiety-ridden or self-harming for years, its a shock laden with guilt.

Also Check: Why Do You Sleep So Much When Depressed

Suicide In All The Bright Places By Jennifer Niven

Suicide has become the second leading cause of death among teens in the United States. American youth have more risk to mental disorders due to race, sexuality, family, and stress of fitting in with their surroundings. Many mental illnesses will lead to suicidal thoughts or eventually to an attempt at suicide. Anxiety and the pressure to fit in contributes greatly to depression and suicide, particularly in high school. During youth, it’s especially hard to find who you are, and still have the risk

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