Sunday, September 8, 2024

Can Depression Cause Panic Attacks

What Can Cause Panic Attacks

Can Menopause cause Anxiety, Depression or Panic Attacks ? | Apollo Hospitals

If you have panic attacks its likely to have started with one particular situation one day which made you feel panicky, anxious or frightened. You could have been giving an important work presentation, trapped on a crowded bus or stuck in a lift, for example.

Its not surprising that you may have started to avoid similar situations for fear that they might trigger another attack. And this has helped to increase your sense of fear, helping to keep panic attacks happening. Our case study shows how panic attacks can develop in this way.

Case study

Suzanne Smith is a single mum of a 14-year-old girl, Jess. Last year Suzanne and Jess were at Leeds Bradford Airport getting ready to board a plane to Spain when Jess collapsed and was taken very ill. Suzanne started to feel very frightened as she waited for emergency help to arrive. Her heart started to race, her breathing got very fast and she felt very dizzy, nauseous and light-headed. A crowd formed around Jess who was lying on the floor in her mothers arms. Many faces were looking at them as Suzanne got more and more anxious. When help arrived, Jess was transported on a stretcher through the crowded airport.

Suzanne and Jess want to go on holiday this year, but Suzanne is too scared to go back to Leeds Bradford Airport. She is frightened about having a panic attack in front of lots of people and is worried that, if she does, she wouldnt be able to take care of her daughter if she was takenill again.

My Doctors Think I Am Too Symptomatic All These Things Cannot Be Wrong With Me Its Wearing On Me Emotionally

Above we described some of the stories we hear from people. Some of these people are being affected by a double burden. The physical manifestation of symptoms from cervical spine instability and the emotional stress of their illness. In this illustration, we see the two sources, stress and cervical spine instability side by side and their emotional and physical influences on the inferior ganglion of the Vagus Nerve.

Can Seasonal Depression Cause Panic Attacks

Many symptoms of SAD are similar to those associated with ordinary depression, such as anxiety, changes in mood and panic attacks.

While the geographical service does not help several types of depression as well as other psychological health and wellness challenges, it can work wonders for seasonal depression. If moving to a brand-new location is not a choice for you, there are various psychological tests for clinical depression other strategies you can attempt. Body clock The reduction in sunlight could disrupt your bodys natural rhythms. Without healthy rest, youre more probable to battle with sensations of depression and also anxiousness.

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What Are Panic Disorder Symptoms

A panic attack is a sudden strong feeling of fear that can happen anywhere, at any time. Youâll have four or more of these signs:

  • A sense of approaching danger
  • Pounding or fast heartbeat
  • Shortness of breath or a feeling of being smothered
  • Throat tightness
  • A fear of losing control or going crazy
  • A fear of dying

An attack usually passes in 5 to 10 minutes, but it can linger for hours. It can feel like youâre having a heart attack or a stroke. So people with panic attacks often wind up in the emergency room for evaluation.

Many people with panic disorder relate an attack to what they were doing when it happened. They may think the restaurant, elevator, or classroom caused the attack. Then they’ll avoid those places. That may lead to something called agoraphobia, the fear of leaving home or being in public places.

If you feel like you’re having a panic attack, see your doctor right away. They arenât dangerous, but they can get worse without treatment.

Also keep in mind that symptoms of a panic attack are similar to those for more serious conditions. If you’re not sure if what you’re having is a panic attack, call your doctor, just to be safe.

How Panic Disorder And Depression Are Linked

What can cause panic attacks IAMMRFOSTER.COM

Panic disorders can be brought on by overwhelming anxiety, and anxiety disorders are usually found in people who are also dealing with depression. It is also common for both conditions to co-occur when they appear.

Its not uncommon for someone with an anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa, the ADAA says. Nearly one-half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. It also highlights that generalized anxiety disorder often co-occurs with major depression.

According to VeryWell Mind, people with panic disorder have a greater chance of developing clinical depression, which is the more-severe form of depression, as the Mayo Clinic explains.

Research has indicated that approximately half of those diagnosed with panic disorder will have at least one incidence of major depression in their lifetime, the web publication writes.

The Mayo Clinic, which also confirms it is possible to have both conditions at the same time, advises people to seek treatment for them. That treatment is similar to the methods used to address each condition individually.

Symptoms of both conditions usually improve with psychological counseling , medications, such as antidepressants, or both, it says. Lifestyle changes, such as improving sleep habits, increasing social support, using stress-reduction techniques, or getting regular exercise, also may help.

Written by: Elysia Richardson

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Supporting Someone With Anxiety Or Depression

There are ways that you can help someone with anxiety or depression. It may be helpful to:

  • let them know if youve noticed a change in their behaviour
  • spend time talking about their experiences and let them know youre there to listen without being judgmental
  • help them to get information from a website, library or community health centre
  • suggest they go to a doctor or health professional, and help them to make an appointment
  • offer to go with them to their appointment and follow up with them afterwards
  • encourage them to get enough sleep, to exercise and to eat well
  • encourage family and friends to invite them out and keep in touch, but dont pressure them to participate in activities
  • contact a doctor or hospital if they become a threat to themselves or others.

It is unhelpful to:

  • put pressure on them by telling them to snap out of it or get their act together
  • stay away or avoid them
  • tell them they just need to stay busy or get out more
  • pressure them to party more or wipe out how theyre feeling with drugs and alcohol
  • assume the problem will just go away.

If you or someone you know needs support, talk to a doctor or other health professional about getting appropriate treatment.

The Relationship Between Anxiety And Depression

Helpful Links


While anxiety is generally considered a high-energy state and depression a low-energy state, anxiety and depression are more closely related than you might think. A person with depression often experiences a lot of anxiety, possibly even to the extent of having panic attacks.1

Anxiety disorders involve more than common nervousness and worry. They can cause terrifying fear about things other people wouldnt think twice about. Many people with anxiety disorders fully comprehend that their thoughts are irrational. But they still cant stop them. Feelings of losing inner control haunt them. This angst is one of the entry ways for depression.2

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Tips For Helping Someone With An Anxiety Disorder:

  • Make no assumptionsask the person what they need.
  • Be predictabledon’t surprise the person.
  • Let the person with the disorder set the pace for recovery.
  • Find something positive in every small step towards recovery.
  • Don’t help the person avoid their fears.
  • Maintain your own life so you don’t resent the person with the disorder.
  • Don’t panic when the person with the disorder panics, but realize it’s natural to be concerned with them.
  • Be patient and accepting, but don’t settle for the affected person being permanently disabled.
  • Say encouraging words such as: “You can do it no matter how you feel. I am proud of you. Tell me what you need now. Breathe slow and low. Stay in the present. It’s not the place that’s bothering you, it’s the thought. I know that what you are feeling is painful, but it’s not dangerous. You are courageous.”
  • Avoid saying things like: “Don’t be anxious. Let’s see if you can do this. You can fight this. What should we do next? Don’t be ridculous. You have to stay. Don’t be a coward.” These phrases tend to blame the individual for the anxiety.

Why Kids Become Dehydrated

Can stress cause panic attacks?

Children are particularly vulnerable to dehydration due to their high activity level and high ratio of body surface area to mass . Also, young children often rely on adults to monitor their intake and provide a drink when needed.

Research shows that kids tend to underestimate how much and how often they need to drink. Even in situations where water is readily available, children may not realize they should be drinking throughout the day, or they may forget to do so.

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What Are We Seeing In This Image

Dr. Hauser is using ultrasound to examine the blood flow through the carotid artery. Blood in and out of the brain has to pass through the neck in its journey back and forth to the heart.

In the above research, we have made the case that the complexity of your problems may be caused by cervical instability caused by weakened and damaged cervical spine ligaments. Now we will begin to make the case that your symptoms may be alleviated on a long-term more permanent basis with the use of Prolotherapy.

Prolotherapy is a regenerative injection technique that utilizes substances as simple as dextrose to repair and regenerate damaged ligaments.

In 2015, Caring Medical published findings in the European Journal of Preventive Medicine investigating the role of Prolotherapy in the reduction of pain and symptoms associated with increased cervical intervertebral motion, structural deformity, and irritation of nerve roots. We concluded that statistically significant reductions in pain and functionality, indicating the safety and viability of Prolotherapy for cervical spine instability.

One of the most revealing tests we do in our office for upper cervical instability is a digital motion x-ray , which includes looking at how the C1 and C2 vertebrae align when tilting the head. In this video, Ross Hauser, MD shows an unstable and stable upper cervical digital motion x-ray.

Can An Infection Cause Anxiety

Yes, an infection can cause anxiety, especially in cases where its chronic, where you already suffer from anxiety, or where the pain, and/or other symptoms, are at a high level. When somebody suffers from an infection, it is more likely that they will develop some type of anxiety.

There are many causes of this. Some come with anxiety listed as a symptom. Some cause anxiety due to the amount of pain or hurt they cause. After a while, that pain and hurt becomes emotional as well as physical, which can cause anxiety.

Some cause anxiety due to the fact that the person already suffers from anxiety and the infection just adds to the amount of stress they feel, so their anxiety worsens.

There are many more reasons as well, but those are just a few ways an infection can cause anxiety.

Now, lets talk about the big question were here to answer today.

Weve just talked about how infections can cause anxiety in some people, but lets get more specific, and ask the question, can sinus infections cause anxiety?

Lets discuss this and find out the answer now.

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What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor

If you have panic attacks, you may want to ask your healthcare provider:

  • Why am I having panic attacks?
  • What is the best treatment for panic attacks?
  • How long will I need therapy?
  • How long do I need to take medications?
  • Should I look out for medication side effects?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Panic attacks can be extremely uncomfortable. Although theyre not physically harmful, they can take a toll on your mental health and stop you from doing the things you love. Dont be embarrassed to tell your healthcare provider that you have panic attacks. Your provider can help you overcome fears and anxieties that trigger attacks. You can get better with treatments like psychotherapy and medications.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 08/12/2020.


Causes Of Sinus Infections


Sinus infections can be caused by a number of different things. They can be triggered by catching another illness, even something as simple as the common cold. They can be triggered by allergies you may have to things around you, or they can come on spontaneously with not much explanation at all.

If you have a weakened immune system, you are a lot more likely to develop a sinus infection as a result of another illness. Any allergies that affect you nasally is typically one of the most common ways to catch a sinus infection as it inflames your sinuses while you are dealing with your allergies.

There are many different ways to get a sinus infection, but those above are the most common ways.

If you believe you may have a sinus infection, inquire with your doctor as soon as youre able to.

Now that we know possible causes of a sinus infection, lets discuss the different type of sinus infections that there are out there.

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Can A Sinus Infection Affect Your Mood

Yes, especially if youre in pain.

Many people in pain become irritated, annoyed, frustrated, or even sad, depressed, and heavy-hearted. Infections can really mess with your mood, and like I said earlier, sinus infections are not the exception.

There are many different things that could happen to your mood if you are suffering from an infection. Everybody is different. Some people develop more anger, others get anxious, some get just plain irritated, others get sad and sometimes even depressed.

There are so many different ways of having a sinus infection could affect your mood, although typically all of them are not considered good ways. The ones I wrote about above are just a few feelings having a sinus infection could bring on, and just a few ways that having a sinus infection could affect your mood. It could go in many different directions, depending on who you are, but having an infection almost never affects your mood in a positive way, usually only negative.

But, if you experience any of these mood changes due to a sinus infection , just remember its not you. Its the infection causing it, and hopefully with treatment, when the physical symptoms get better, the mental and emotional ones will too.

What Are Sinus Infections

First of all, you may be asking yourself what a sinus infection is. If you dont know, here what it is.

A sinus infection is an infection in your sinuses. This occurs when the sinus area becomes inflamed, and for the most part, it can be very painful. The inflammation itself can be caused by a number of things, but is typically caused by bacteria in your mucus.

A sinus infection can be triggered by catching the common cold, or allergies, or it may come out of nowhere and be created on its own.

It can be a quick sinus infection that can be treated and taken care of right away, or it can be a chronic sinus infection which can last up to 8 weeks .

Sinus infections are very common, but they can be very bad, and dangerous in some cases, so if you believe you have a sinus infection, check in with your doctor and let them know whats going on.

Now, although weve already discussed a little bit about what can cause a sinus infection, I should note there are a lot more causes than that, and theres a lot more information than what we talked about.

So, lets get more in depth with the causes of sinus infections.

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Q: How Do I Know When To Seek Help For Emotional Problems During Menopause

A: Whendepression or anxiety causes difficulties in your relationships or at work, andthere isnt a clear solution to these problems, its probably time to see yourdoctor. More specific reasons to seek help include:

  • You have suicidal thoughts or feelings.
  • Your negative feelings last more than two weeks.
  • You dont have anyone in whom you can confide.If you dont have anyone to share your thoughts with, its hard to know if whatyoure thinking makes sense. A good therapist will offer invaluable perspectiveon the issues most important to you.

What’s The Difference Between Anxiety And Depression

Can Menopause cause anxiety, Depression or Panic Attacks? | Apollo Hospitals

Recently, there has been an incredible amount of media on depression and how prevalent it is in society. It is named as the most prevalent mental health problem in the Western world. If we take a look at our society today, we can certainly see the root causes of why this would be so. But what is the underlying issue of depression? Does anxiety have some contributing factor to the depression people are being diagnosed with? In particular, are the diagnoses of “anxiety” and “depression” distinguishable ?

People who experience an anxiety disorder often experience depression as a secondary condition. That is, if you are experiencing panic attacks, for instance, then it would be logical that the huge physical and emotional impact of this ongoing experience is going to effect you, and you may develop depression. When we live in a cramped cage of fear and anxiety, our system will react to the loss of personal freedom. In our research on Treatment Needs for Anxiety Disorders, 53.7% of people reported they also experienced major depression as a secondary condition. When asked whether they felt this depression was as a result of having an anxiety disorder, they all responded “Yes.”

So when we present to a doctor and speak of our experience, our physical symptoms and general sense of wellbeing, what are we telling the doctor?

What are the defining symptoms of anxiety and depression? The tables on the next page show the differences and the similarities.

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