Friday, July 26, 2024

Can Dogs Be Depressed After Moving

What Causes Dog Depression

Do Dogs Get Depression?

If you suspect your dog is suffering from depression, think about what has changed or is changing in their life, such as changes in their environment or social situations. Any significant change to a pets normal routine can cause stress and/or depression. This is not a complete list, but dog depression can be caused by:

  • Chronic pain or chronic illness

  • Trauma

  • Isolation

  • Lack of mental or physical stimulation, especially in energetic or working dogs

  • Changes in the household:

  • The addition of a new family member

  • A change in work or school routines, like a pet parent going back to work after an extended stay at home

Pets can also feel empathy with pet parents, including depression. A 2019 study in Sweden looked at the concentration of long-term stress hormones in humans and their pets and found that dogs had similar stress levels as their owners.

They concluded that the dogs…mirror the stress levels of their owners rather than the owners responding to the stress in their dogs. Dogs can pick up on our moods and recognize our facial expressions and body language. They know when we are happy or sad, and our moods can affect them.4

Dog Phobias Anxieties And Fears

Phobias in dogs happen when they are around a specific situation such as a thunderstorm or fireworks. This can occur every time they are around this situation. Anxiety, on the other hand, is when a dog thinks that a situation may happen, such as separation anxiety when you put your shoes on, take your coat out and get ready to leave.

Fear, on the other hand, is when a dog has an instinct that something bad is about to happen. Their bodies prepare for freeze, fight or flight. This is an instinct in most dogs and a big part of how they survive.

The Signs And Symptoms Of Pet Depression What You Need To Know

As we mentioned earlier, nobody knows your four-legged friend better than you do. You know their eating habits, potty schedule, the type of toys and treats they like, and what their favorite activities are. So, its not difficult to tell when they start acting withdrawn and inactive.

So, how do you know if your pet is suffering from depression? Here are several common signs, many of which are similar to signs of depression in people:

  • Withdrawn behavior
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of interest in favorite activities

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Causes Of Dog Depression

Beaver said major changes in a dogs life could lead to periods of depression. Those include moving into a new home, a new spouse or baby in the household, or adding another pet. Even a change in the dogs schedule, for instance a stay-at-home owner who takes a job, can cause a dog to get down.

But the two most common triggers of severe dog depression are the loss of a companion animal or the loss of an owner. And be careful the dog isnt simply responding to the reactions of other people in the home.

Dogs pick up on our emotions, so if the owner has died, the dog could be responding to the grief of others, Beaver said. Or the dog may not be getting the attention hes accustomed to, which is stressing him out.

Ways To Cheer Up A Depressed Dog

How Do You Cheer Up a Dog Who

Whenever were sad or depressed, we try to find things that will make us feel better. Were also lucky enough to be able to communicate and vent out our issues to others who care about us when we need to. The same cant really be said for our beloved dogs if they happen to be sad, lonely, or depressed.

But they have their own ways of communicating. We have to pay close attention to our dogs behavior to figure out if something is wrong. And if youre close with your pooch, then it isnt hard to figure if theyre feeling down.

If you happen to find your dogs mood change for the worse, here are five ways to cheer them up when they feel depressed.

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Why Is Your Dog Acting Weird After Grooming What You Need To Know

Grooming your dog is a necessity, which keeps your dogs fur in check and free from mattes. Its also great for the hot weather or if your dog is shedding too much! However, have you ever noticed that your dog starts to act a bit weird, even sad after a grooming session? It really makes you wonder why your dogs acting weird after grooming!

Dont worry, because you arent alone and there are various reasons why your dog acts a bit off. So read on as I explain about dogs acting weird after grooming to help you out!

How To Help Your Dog Cope With Homesickness

There are two scenarios when your dog can get homesick. When you are away and when you are present but in a different environment maybe when you are traveling. If you are going away, you will need to leave your dog with a dog sitter. If you leave your dog at the sitters house, the dog will feel your absence and most likely develop homesickness. Packing a few of your dogs favorite toys and a blanket that smells of you may help calm things down. If the sitter is dog sitting in your house, the dog may develop separation anxiety when he notices your absence. Your sitter can take the dog out for a walk or play with him to distract him. Leaving him a blanket that smells of you also helps.

Travelling with your dog might sometimes cause him to develop homesickness. If this happens, you will need to distract him from concentrating too much on the new surroundings. You can play a game of fetch or take the dog out for a walk. Alternatively, you can take the dog to a dog park if he is a social dog. Interacting with other animals can ease homesickness. When you get back inside, you will need to stay close to your dog for the first few days. Leaving the dog alone in new surroundings will make homesickness even worse. The good thing is that homesickness does not last very long. With proper care and attention, your dog can get used to the new surroundings in a matter of days.

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Set Up An Area For Your Dog To Relax

If you have a dog bed or crate, this is the perfect place for your pet to sleep and relax. You can also set it up with some of their favorite toys so they feel like theyre home.

Providing them with familiar things will help make them comfortable in the new environment much faster. Make sure nothing has been changed in the layout of the home. Dogs are very particular about their surroundings and any change, even if its minor, can be unsettling.

First Time Left Alone

Depression In Dogs – Causes, Treatment and How To Cheer Your Dog Up | Vet Explains

Even the most easy-going dog can suddenly develop a case of dog separation anxiety after moving to a new home. Thats why leaving them alone in their new home for the first time must be handled with care.

The first time you leave them alone, plan to only be away for a short time. Time your departure at a point in your dogs routine when they are most likely to sleep or rest. Associate your departure from the house with something positive for your dog, like giving them a treat or access to their favorite toy.

Perhaps most importantly, dont make your departure a long, drawn-out process. Say goodbye to your dog, give them their food or treat, and then leave. Always remember that your dog is highly adept at picking up on and acting out your feelings and emotions, and if they see you are feeling worried or anxious about leaving them alone, they will too.

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Do Dogs Have Emotions

It is difficult to assess what those mournful eyes mean because our canine friends cannot tell us what they are feeling. Even though dogs do not verbalize that they are happy or sad, astute pet owners interpret their pets emotions based on behavior. With these interpretations in mind, it is commonly acknowledged that dogs do feel happiness, sadness, possessiveness and fear. They also get angry and nervous. And they do indeed mourn.

How Long Does It Take For A Dog To Get Used To A New Home

The length of time it takes for a dog to adjust depends largely on the individual pup. It can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks for them to feel comfortable in their new surroundings.

The best way to determine how long a dog will be upset or depressed by a move is by reflecting on your dogs temperament and how it has acted in similar situations in the past.

Does your dog usually take a while to get comfortable in new environments or do they usually adjust fairly quickly? Is your pup prone to anxiety or are they more resilient?

All of these factors will play into how long it takes for them to feel at home in their new surroundings.

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Let Them Socialize With Other Pets

Sometimes all our pups need is a little comfort from other pooches. Socializing with other dogs can be great. Dogs are certainly empathetic creatures, and they can sense when another is sad or depressed.

Sometimes theyll try and get your dog to come run with them around the dog park or tug on a toy lying on the floor. Its always good to let your dog spend time around others of their own kind, as most dogs are sociable pets who do not like being alone.

In fact, if your dog is happy around other animals, they may appreciate you considering adoption of another furry friend. Lots of dogs get depressed when they feel lonely, and a companion to play with while youre not around might be perfect for them.

How To Deal With Depression In Dogs

How to Know That Your Dog Is Suffering from Depression ...

If you notice any of these symptoms of depression in dogs, its important that you take action as soon as possible. You cant force your dog out of their state if theyre having trouble getting through the tough times on their own. However, there are a few things you can do to help them:

First and foremost, take your dog to the vet. There could be an underlying physical cause for their depression that needs to be addressed.

If your vet rules out any physical problems, try engaging in activities with your pup that they used to love. Going on walks, playing fetch, and visiting the park can all help get them out of their funk.

If your dog is avoiding interaction, start by petting it slowly and calmly. This will show them that youre there for them and they wont feel alone.

Make sure to provide a calm and stable environment for your pup. Dont make any sudden or drastic changes to the household, such as bringing in a new pet.

If you notice your pup is depressed for long periods of time without showing signs of improvement, its recommended that you speak with a professional about treatment options. Some dogs may benefit from training sessions and anti-depressant medications.

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Why Is My New Dog Anxious

You may be surprised that your new furry friend is anxious. After all, you’ve been preparing for his arrival for weeks, and he has all of the love and toys he could want. But dog anxiety is a common issue, especially when confronting the unknown .

Your new pup may also be shy and, depending on his background history and temperament, a little nervous. In addition to the environmental changes, explains Pet Hub, anxiety can be caused by overstimulation , fear-based stimuli , generalized anxiety and illness. Be sure to give your new dog ample exploration time and establish strict boundaries, especially if you have a young pup that’s full of energy.

Unfortunately, a dog’s anxiety is often mistaken for behavioral issues, which is the number one reason why dogs are returned to the shelter. Understanding this, and preparing yourself will help the relationship get off to a better start and hopefully last in many years of happiness for both of you.

Dealing With Post Surgery Depression

Post surgery depression can be a temporary condition, but in some dogs, it may last longer. Depression can be controlled with therapy, native remedies or medication treatment.

Pheromone therapy or aromatherapy is a great way to relieve stress and depression in dogs. The smell of pheromones will remind the dog of the scent of his mother and his puppyhood and calm him.

Natural remedies such as Echinacea, Chamomile, Calendula or Astragalus membranaceous can tone up the immune system and this will help the dog get over depression faster.

Medication treatment can be used as a last resort option, as antidepressants can have numerous side effects, including behavior changes, liver issues and lethargy.

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How Can Relocation Cause Depression

You still carry the moving inertia during the first few days after moving into your new home. In the beginning, the excitement of living in a brand new city and the thought of making new good friends will be filling you up and wont leave much room for any negative emotions. Combine that vacation-like thrill with the pressing post-move tasks youll be forced to deal with right away and you get the perfect remedy against any depressing thoughts after your cross country move.

However, once the adrenaline-filled moving day hecticness is behind your back, the new home excitement wears off and your mind realizes that this vacation will last for years to come, you may start to feel one of the strongest side effects of moving depression.

The depression due to relocation is not something that can be touched, or smelled, or seen, but it surely is a powerful force to be reckoned with. This unwelcoming physiological state comes as a direct result from leaving your old life behind a life where you enjoyed the highly familiar and comforting daily routine, the unforgettable moments with good and loyal friends, the unquestionable support of your family and maybe even a greatly satisfying job you loved.

In other words, the post-relocation depression is your mourning period of the life you no longer have and could never bring back.

As seen in:

Ultimate Guide To Moving With A Dog: How To Adjust Your Dog To A New Home Stress

Depressed Dog Stares At Wall For Weeks After Being Abandoned By Owners

Most people have experienced moving house, but have you ever tried moving with a dog? Some dogs are relatively happy-go-lucky and dont appear too fazed after moving from one house to the next. But for other dogs, being uprooted from their familiar surroundings and put into a new home can be downright traumatic.

Some dogs are more likely to be affected by moving house, particularly older dogs, dogs with chronic health conditions, and dogs who rely on a strict routine to ward off anxiety. Added to this is the fact that dogs are naturally territorial, causing a dog to feel a great sense of belonging in their current house and to feel naturally uneasy and uncomfortable in their new surroundings.

Luckily, there are several steps you can take to make the moving process as simple and stress-free as possible. Read on for the ultimate guide to moving houses with a dog and learn how to help your dog adjust to their new surroundings without any unnecessary stress or anxiety.

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Sleeping All The Time

Dogs sleep a lot. Thats old news. But typically this happens when their owners are gone. If you leave your dog for a long time and he continues to sleep after you get home, barely reacting to your presence, something is probably wrong.

Check for physical problems first, but if you cant find anything and the symptoms continue, he may be depressed. Also know that this can work in the opposite direction, with your pup having trouble sleeping and becoming restless.

What Should You Do

Before you blame your dogs behavior on depression, its vet will need to do a full checkup to rule out any other health issues that could be bringing your dog down, like pain or a thyroid problem. If everything else checks out, your vet will likely recommend giving your dog more exercise, a healthier diet, and extra attention to lift your pets spirits. As a last-ditch effort, a vet might prescribe a sad dog one of the same depression medications humans would use, such as Prozac or Zoloft. We dont want all our dogs walking around on Zoloft if we dont have to, and oftentimes we dont need to, says Dr. Nelson. But if giving that little something to take the edge off helps them live a more comfortable life, theres no shame in that game. Watch out for these other silent signs your healthy dog is actually sick.

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How Can You Help Your Pet If They Are Experiencing Dog Depression

Where dog depression may differ slightly to depression in humans is how long it lasts for. For lots of dogs, depression may only last between a few days to a few months, whereas in humans, the mental health issue can of course, be something you live with for years and years.

Most dogs bounce back from depression within a few days to a few months with just a little extra TLC, said John Ciribassi, a past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, speaking to webMD.

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But how can you help your dog to feel better if they are feeling depressed, or showing signs of depression?

The experts over at Canagan advise that we should still be keeping our pet pooches active, even if they dont seem particularly interested in walkies. Take them out regularly and play with them at home after all, staying active can promote better feeling in the brain.

Its also important for them to socialise with other dogs, and not to be isolated. As with humans, social interaction can be a really positive thing for depression, even if they may not feel like it.

Offering your dog more attention can also be another way to get them back on an even keel. However, its important not to overwhelm them with attention and allow them space, and also, not to reward their behaviour when they are exhibiting signs of anxiety or depression such as giving them a treat when they are whining.

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