Thursday, July 25, 2024

Helping My Son With Depression

Think Together About Whether Theres Anything In Particular Thats Making Them Feel This Way

How Do I Help My Son with his Depression?

This could include a problem with a friendship or family relationship, feeling bullied or left out at school, feeling overwhelmed by school work, struggling with a change such as divorce or separation in the family, or a combination of things.

Are there changes that could be made at home or school that would make things easier?

What Are The 4 Significant Sorts Of Pain With Instances

The four significant kinds of grief are:

  • Severe grief: This is an unexpected and unexpected loss. It can result from a fatality, separation, or work loss.
  • Persistent despair: This is a long-lasting mourning process that may last for several years or decades.
  • Recurring grief: This kind of mourning process happens when the person has actually had an unresolved loss and surface areas after another loss.
  • Challenging despair: This sort of mourning process takes place when there is a substantial amount of shame, rage, and also rejection involved with the fatality.

How Ive Learned What To Say To My Adult Daughter With Anxiety And Depression

My 22-year-old daughter is truly wonderful. She is bright and beautiful and kind and considerate all of those qualities I prayed for in a daughter. I am a lucky mom. She has recently moved out to a nearby city, and she is succeeding in a job she trained for in college. Perfect, right?

Well, not really.

Since she was 17 or so, my daughter has experienced extreme periods of self-doubt and anguish, partnered with contrasting episodes of extreme determination and competitiveness. It is a continuous roller coaster well, two roller coasters if you can imagine it, running side by side. When one climbs the other dips, sometimes simultaneously. Thats what its like for her, what her life is like. And because I am her mother and I love her, my life is like that too.

I really believe that a mothers first instinct is to help her child. And along with that we try to take away their pain. And we will do or say anything to try and help our children reach a conclusion or a solution, a compromise or even reconciliation. We want them to feel better. As babies they receive a cuddle and a spoonful of medicine. As adults they get advice and soothing words. And maybe we offer a distraction.

For a long time I didnt know this. And I failed miserably.

My point is, listen to your child. They can tell you how to be. And thats helpful because, even though we always think we know better, we dont.

Listen. And believe. And care. And stay on track.

Thinkstock photo by nautiluz56

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What Depression Is And Isn’t

Of course, it’s hard to seek treatment if you’re not sure what it is that you’re experiencing. Both depression and anxietywhich may occur in tandemcan show up as irritability, forgetfulness, and anger. And although rage has long been ascribed to men, it can signal that a mom feels unheard and overburdened, her needs are not being fulfilled, and an underlying mood disorder may be brewing, says Sarah Oreck, M.D., a reproductive psychiatrist and mom in Los Angeles.

The National Institute of Mental Health uses the terms clinical depression and major depressive disorder interchangeably to refer to a severely low mood that persists for an extended period. These disorders go beyond feeling overwhelmed or having “the blues,” causing what experts term functional impairment, meaning a person is unable to parent, work, or go about the day as they once did. This impairment can arise when certain risk factorsgenetic predisposition, personality, brain chemistry, a history of mental-health issues, or adverse life eventsconverge, explains Dr. Smith. In the case of postpartum depression, which afflicts roughly one in four new moms in the three years after they give birth, it can erupt from “hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, and the burden of caring for a baby’s every need,” Dr. Oreck says.

Depression Affects The Whole Family

Childhood Depression: How to Identify the Symptoms in Your Child ...

It is important to recognize your own feelings about your child’s depression. Since it is not always known why children become depressed, you might find that you are feeling guilty or frustrated. Without wanting to, you may let your child know this and make him / her feel rejected and misunderstood.

It is not easy to cope with the needs of a depressed child. You may need help in learning how to help your child deal with his/her unhappy feelings as well as how to deal with your own feelings about his/her problems. Consider getting counselling for yourself as well as for your child. Many therapists automatically schedule family counselling sessions when they are working with a depressed child.

You should also be honest with brothers and sisters, and other family members about your depressed child’s needs. That way, he / she will have several sources of support and understanding.

APA ReferenceTracy, N. . How To Help A Depressed Child, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2022, July 29 from

Also Check: Coping Skills For Depression Worksheet

What Causes Depression In Children

As in adults, depression in children can be caused by any combination of things that relate to physical health, life events, family history, environment, genetic vulnerability, and biochemical disturbance. Depression is not a passing mood, nor is it a condition that will go away without proper treatment.

Helping A Child With Anxiety Or Depression

Realising that your child may be struggling with their mental health and experiencing anxiety or depression can be hard to accept. Sometimes parents can feel like its their fault or want to know why their child is struggling with a mental health problem. This is completely understandable, but the most important thing you can do is to reassure your child and not judge them for how theyre feeling.Ways to help a child whos struggling include:

    • letting them know youre there for them and are on their side
    • try talking to them over text or on the phone if they dont feel able to talk in person
    • being patient and staying calm and approachable, even if their behaviour upsets you
    • recognising that their feelings are valid and letting them know its okay for them to be honest about what its like for them to feel this way
    • thinking of healthy ways to cope you could do together, like yoga, breathing exercises or mindfulness
    • encouraging them to talk to their GP, someone at their school or Childline. Especially if theyre finding it hard to talk at home.
    • take care of yourself and get support if you need to. Try not to blame yourself for whats happening and to stay hopeful about your childs recovery.

Read Also: Resources For Someone With Depression

Different Kinds Of Mental Health And Wellness Websites And Why You Need To Pick Them

Psychological health and wellness web sites are a wonderful method to obtain information on different psychological health and wellness conditions and also treatments. They can also be an alternative to typical therapists.

When you are searching for a mental health internet site, there are numerous things that you should take into consideration. These consist of the experience of the specialist as well as the internet sites credentials, as well as their area and also price.

Tip : Support Your Teen Through Depression Treatment

Ray Dalio: Helping my son battle depression

As your depressed teenager goes through treatment, the most important thing you can do is to let them know that youre there to listen and offer support. Now more than ever, your teenager needs to know that theyre valued, accepted, and cared for.

Be understanding.Living with a depressed teenager can be difficult and draining. At times, you may experience exhaustion, rejection, despair, aggravation, or any other number of negative emotions. During this trying time, its important to remember that your child is not being difficult on purpose. Your teen is suffering, so do your best to be patient and understanding.

Stay involved in treatment. Make sure your teenager is following all treatment instructions, whether its attending therapy or correctly taking any prescribed medication. Track changes in your teens condition, and call the doctor if depression symptoms seem to be getting worse.

Be patient. The road to your depressed teenagers recovery may be bumpy, so be patient. Rejoice in small victories and prepare for the occasional setback. Most importantly, dont judge yourself or compare your family to others. As long as youre doing your best to get your teen the necessary help, youre doing your job.

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What Are The Symptoms That Parents Should Watch Out For

Symptoms of depression vary from child to child, so here are some behaviors parents can keep an eye out for, which may hint that your child is depressed or in need of mental health care.

  • The child seems very irritable keep in mind depression in young kids can look more irritable than sad or down.
  • The child is spending a lot of time in their room and does not want to interact with family or friends
  • The child has a significant decrease in energy level and is spending more time in bed/sleeping than usual
  • The child is very sensitive and cries easily
  • The child appears to get angry out of nowhere
  • The child does not want to go to school
  • Big changes to childs appetite suddenly eating significantly more or less

Listen And Provide Emotional Support

Try not to ask too many questions, come up with quick solutions or gloss over their sadness. Empathise with how theyre feeling and remember theyve taken a risk in opening up to you let them know they can talk to you as often and for as long as they need to.

Try not take it personally if youre on the receiving end of anger, frustration and sadness, as its often a sign of how much your child trusts you when they can express these feelings with you. However, it is completely understandable if this sometimes becomes too much for you to manage as a parent – and if that happens, it’s a good idea to seek professional help and advice.

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Why Depression Treatment Might Not Be Working

If your child already is in treatment but it isnt helping, ask them why they think that is. What isnt helpful or what dont they like about therapy? Are there things about therapy they do like? Maybe you can work together to find a therapist who does more of the things they like. If you do consider changing therapists, its important to discuss this with their current therapist before the decision to change is made. Many times, the therapy and/or the therapeutic relationship can be improved.

Keep in mind that therapy usually isnt effective if the person in treatment isnt committed to it, or is doing it to please someone else. Your child should want to get better for themselves. Unfortunately, sometimes people have to get worse before they want help. But the good news is that if you lay the groundwork by strengthening your connection now, theyll be more likely to turn to you for support when theyre finally ready.

How To Help Someone With Depression

Children to be offered depression therapy via smartphones

Feeling down or depressed from time to time is normal. But if these feelings last 2 weeks or more, or start to affect everyday life, this can be a sign of depression.

Depression can develop slowly. Someone who’s depressed does not always realise or acknowledge that they’re not feeling or behaving as they usually do.

Often it’s a partner, family member or carer who first realises that help’s needed. They may encourage their friend or relative to see a GP, or find some other source of support.

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Tips For Disciplining A Depressed Child

Depression doesnt just affect adults, it also affects millions of children and adolescents.

Some of the symptoms that accompany childhood depression include irritability, social withdrawal, and low energy. Children with depression may also struggle to manage their behavior.

In 2013, 11 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds experienced a major depressive episode. Many younger children are also diagnosed with depressive disorders, such as persistent depressive disorder or disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, every year.

Children with depression may require a slightly different approach to discipline. Here are seven tips for disciplining a depressed child.

Tip : Take Care Of Yourself

As a parent, you may find yourself focusing all your energy and attention on your depressed teen and neglecting your own needs and the needs of other family members. However, its extremely important that you continue to take care of yourself during this difficult time.

Above all, this means reaching out for much needed support. You cant do everything on your own so enlist the help of family and friends. Having your own support system in place will help you stay healthy and positive as you work to help your teen.

Children and Mental Health: Is This Just a Stage? Treatment of mental disorders in children, including depression.

Depression support, suicide prevention help

Depression support

In the U.S.: Find DBSA Chapters/Support Groups or call the NAMI Helpline for support and referrals at 1-800-950-6264

UK: Find Depression support groups in-person and online or call the Mind Infoline at 0300 123 3393

Australia: Find Support Groups and regional resources or call the SANE Help Centre at 1800 18 7263

Canada: Call Mood Disorders Society of Canada at 519-824-5565

India: Call the Vandrevala Foundation Helpline at 1860 2662 345 or 1800 2333 330

Suicide prevention help

In the U.S.: Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

UK and Ireland: Call Samaritans UK at 116 123

Australia: Call Lifeline Australia at 13 11 14

Other countries: Visit IASP or International Suicide Hotlines to find a helpline near you

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Can Depression In Children Be Prevented

Children with a family history of depression are also at higher risk of depression. Children who have parents with depression tend to have their first episode of depression earlier than children whose parents donât have the condition. Children from chaotic or conflicted families, or children and teens who abuse substances like alcohol and drugs, are also at greater risk of depression.

Talking To A Child Worried About Covid

Coming To Terms With My Child’s Struggle With Depression

If your child is anxious or worried about COVID, there are things you can do to help. And if they’re struggling with their mental health, we have advice to help you support them and keep them safe.

There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world at the moment. And there won’t always be answers to the questions your children are asking. But we can help you have these conversations in a safe and open way.

Recommended Reading: Problem Solving Therapy For Depression

What To Expect From Treatment

Treatment for a depression can take time and sometimes involves some trial and error. No two kids are the same, and its important to remain patient with the process to help your child feel safe.

  • Education: Educating your child about depression is a crucial first step. This helps your child understand the possible causes , understand brain chemistry , and reduces self-blame. It also normalizes what your child is going through.
  • Psychotherapy: Counseling is a good option for kids struggling with depression. There are different kinds of counseling and what works for one might not work for another. For very young children, play therapy is an option. For older kids and teens, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be effective. It can take time to find the best patient/therapist match. Make several calls and dont be afraid to ask questions. You know your child best.
  • Medication: Medication might be necessary for moderate to severe cases, but medication works best when combined with counseling. Medication management is important. Close supervision of the prescribing physician is recommended.
  • Hospitalization: For severe cases of depression, including suicidal ideation, hospitalization is sometimes necessary.

How To Help A Depressed Teenager

Depression is very damaging when left untreated, so dont wait and hope that worrisome symptoms will go away. If you suspect that your teen is depressed, bring up your concerns in a loving, non-judgmental way. Even if youre unsure that depression is the issue, the troublesome behaviors and emotions youre seeing are signs of a problem that should be addressed.

Open up a dialogue by letting your teen know what specific depression symptoms youve noticed and why they worry you. Then ask your child to share what theyre going throughand be ready and willing to truly listen. Hold back from asking a lot of questions , but make it clear that youre ready and willing to provide whatever support they need.

Recommended Reading: How Is Depression Different From Feeling Sad

Medication Comes With Risks

Antidepressants were designed and tested on adults, so their impact on young, developing brains is not yet fully understood. Some researchers are concerned that exposure to drugs such as Prozac may interfere with normal brain developmentparticularly the way the brain manages stress and regulates emotion.

Antidepressants also come with risks and side effects of their own, including a number of safety concerns specific to children and young adults. They are also known to increase the risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in some teenagers and young adults. Teens with bipolar disorder, a family history of bipolar disorder, or a history of previous suicide attempts are particularly vulnerable.

The risk of suicide is highest during the first two months of antidepressant treatment. Teenagers on antidepressants should be closely monitored for any sign that the depression is getting worse.

Teens on antidepressants: Red flags to watch out for

  • New or more thoughts/talk of suicide
  • Suicidal gestures or attempts
  • Hyperactive speech or behavior
  • Other unusual changes in behavior

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