Thursday, April 25, 2024

Vitamin D And Teenage Depression

Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Depression

Low Vitamin D Linked to Depressed Teens

Vitamin D deficiency is a common cause of depression. According to a 2013 study, published on the British Journal of Psychiatry, low serum vitamin D levels have been linked to depression.

Scientists analyzed vitamin D levels from more than 31,000 participants. They found that people with low vitamin D levels had significantly higher risk for developing depression.

Most noteworthy, vitamin D is involved in various brain processes. Also, vitamin D is present on neurons and in the brain. Especially in areas which are involved in the pathophysiology of depression.

Spend More Time Outside

Every person has vitamin D receptor cells. These receptors convert cholesterol in the skin after its exposed to the ultraviolet B rays from the sun. In turn, it produces vitamin D3. Too much sun can damage skin and lead to cancer. Yet, its still important to get regular amounts of sunlight.

Some medical professionals recommend getting around 15-30 minutes of direct sunlight each day . People with darker skin will need to spend more time in the sun than those with pale complexions. Apply sunscreen right after to avoid a sunburn or serious health complications in the future.

Ethics Approval And Consent To Participate

The study was designed and is being conducted according to the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki and Good Clinical Practice ) . The Institutional Review Board of the University Duisburg- Essen gave ethical approval to study design, content and recruitment plans. Written informed consent is being obtained from all enrolled participants and their parents after they had the opportunity to ask all open questions and received a satisfying answer from the study researcher.

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The Mixed Evidence On Vitamin D & Mood

There have been more than a few research studies that have examined the impact of vitamin D on depression and other mood disorders. Observational studies have generally found a correlation, but could not determine which way the relationship went .

For instance, one set of researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis in 2013 . They looked at one case-control study, ten cross-sectional studies and three cohort studies. versus observational studies?) Our analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that low vitamin D concentration is associated with depression, but acknowledged their findings werent based on any RCTs.

Randomized-controlled trials are the gold standard in drug and supplements research. They compare the effectiveness of the drug or supplement with a sugar pill, what researchers call a placebo.

Earlier this year, a study was published that did look at the findings of RCTs in connection with depression and vitamin D. This study examined 10 randomized trials and 20 observational studies . What did the researchers find?

In 13 of the observational studies, they found a correlation between vitamin D deficiency and mood . But in the placebo-controlled, randomized trials the gold standard of drug and supplemental research they found something very different.

Alcohol Tobacco And Other Drugs

Vitamin D and Depression

The misuse and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, and prescription medications affect the health and well-being of millions of Americans. SAMHSAs 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that approximately 19.3 million people aged 18 or older had a substance use disorder in the past year.

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Is Vitamin D From The Sun Enough To Fight Depression

Outdoor exercise is beneficial for decreasing depression symptoms. For instance, a 20-minute outdoor walk, 5 times a week helped women with mild depression symptoms.

Above all, outdoor moderate exercise is free and without any advert effects!

But, how much vitamin D can the body synthesize after sun exposure? There are many factors that affect the synthesis of vitamin D from sun exposure, such as latitude, season, and time of the day. For instance, sun exposure is greater in spring to early fall.

We can produce up to 1,000 IU of vitamin D a day from sun exposure during summer. On the contrary, the human body can synthesize only 220 IU in winter.

Outcome And Covariate Assessments

The Beck Depression Inventory -II sum score at the end of the study was defined as the primary outcome and 25D concentrations and DISYPS-II DES depression scoresall at the end of studyas secondary outcomes.

BDI-II was used to assess depressive symptom severity at T0 and after 28 interventional days . The BDI-II is a self-reported questionnaire including 21 items covering DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for MDD. Using a four-point Likert scale with higher scores indicating a greater degree of depression, the BDI-II asks how much these statements describe the participants symptoms in the preceding 2 weeks. Kumar and colleagues stated that the items of BDI-II address all nine DSM-IV criteria for a major depressive episode . These are depressed mood, diminished interest or pleasure in most activities, significant weight change or change in appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt, diminished ability to think or concentrate, and suicidality. In an adolescent sample of 105 male and 105 female outpatients between 12 and 18 years, Steer et al. observed a high internal consistency of the BDI-II . Total BDI-II scores> 13 indicate at least mild depression . The above-mentioned BDI strata were a priori defined considering mean values observed in a German sample of adolescent psychiatric patients .

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How Common Is Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is pretty common, actually. Its estimated that vitamin D insufficiency affects almost 50% of the worldwide population. Moreover, about 1 billion people have vitamin D deficiency.

The main reason of vitamin D deficiency is the minimum exposure to sunlight. The human body produces vitamin D when the skin is exposed to UV radiation. Moreover, eat foods with vitamin C and vitamin E to protect your face from photoaging! Certainly, you should prefer taking vitamin D supplements for healthy and elastic skin.

Therefore, the first easy step for fighting depression is exercising outdoors! Even moderate exercise, such as walking 20 minutes outdoors can help. Furthermore, vitamin D can help you lose belly fat easily or even build muscle mass!

What Dosage Of Vitamin D Is Good For Depression

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Do people with depression have higher vitamin D needs? Actually, no.

As a rule of thumb, people with depression should take vitamin D supplementation, up to 10,000 IU a day, until they have adequate vitamin D concentrations in their blood.

Low daily dosages may not be enough to help people with depression, though. For instance, a daily dose of 400 IU wasnt beneficial for women with depression. It wasnt enough for affecting mood.

Only a daily dosage higher than 600 IU seems to help people with depression, improving their mood. Furthermore, people with vitamin D deficiency can benefit the most.

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Race Ethnicity Dietary Intake And Sunlight Exposure

Dietary intake and sunlight exposure as sources of vitamin D are influenced by race. The NHANES found poor dietary intake of vitamin D and lower exercise in older African American and female Hispanic adolescents. Although not fully comparable due to different methodologies, our mentally ill non-Caucasian population also demonstrates more vitamin D deficiency, and for Asians and biracial subjects a greater rate of psychosis, but not after adjusting for vitamin D level. Small clinical studies to date suggest potential for a causal link between low vitamin D and mood disorders , necessitating that randomized controlled trials in carefully defined populations of interest be performed to better characterize the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and risk for depression and psychosis.

Vitamin D Har Many Functions In The Brain

All cells in the body have vitamin D receptors, even cells in the hippocampus and other parts of the brain and nervous system. In the brain and nervous system, vitamin D has the following functions according to available research:

  • Increases the neuron density in hippocampus, which is important for memory and orientation
  • Increases levels of neurotrophins in the hippocampus, which protects nerve cells
  • Controls genes and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin
  • Regulates mechanisms that protect against oxidative stress
  • Counteracts brain inflammation that may cause depression
    • One must avoid sunburns
    • Remember that the sun during the summer period is our primary source of vitamin D
    • Being overweight and having dark skin increases the need for vitamin D
    • During the winter period, the sun is not strong enough to enable our skin to synthesize vitamin D
    • It is advised to take a vitamin D supplement all winter and in other situation where you do not get enough sunlight


    Sonia L. Robinson et al. Vitamin D Deficiency in Middle Childhood is related to Behavior Problems in Adolescence. The Journal of Nutrition, 2019

    University of Michigan. Low levels of vitamin D in elementary school could spell trouble in adolescence. ScienceDaily. August. 2019

    Alberto Ascherio, MD, et al. Vitamin D Status During Pregnancy and Risk of Multiple Sclerosis in Offspring of Women in the Finnish Maternity Cohort. JAMA Neurol. March 2016

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    People With Depression May Have A Poor Diet

    Individuals grappling with depression also tend to have difficulty practicing self-cafe. This puts them at risk for not eating a balanced diet, as a depressed individual may not take the time to look for products fortified with vitamin D or to eat foods with naturally occurring amounts of the substance.

    In short, individuals with the illness may unwittingly engage in behaviors that make them vitamin D deficient, but spending time outside with friends or practicing the self-care required to eat well can raise their levels of this valuable substance.

    Does Vitamin D Help With Depression

    Vitamin D Or D3 For Depression

    Evidence suggests that vitamin D can help with depression, despite how some scientists feel. To clarify, most scientists refute the link between this vitamin and depression because there isnt enough research on it. However, some studies show promising results.

    For example, one study found that some of the brain receptors are associated with vitamin D and depression. It went on to say that vitamin D may act on cells and stimulate cell growth. In theory, a vitamin D deficiency can limit this behavior and stunt cell growth. This might stunt brain function as a whole.

    The Cambridge University Press lists a journal that aimed to find a link between vitamin D and depression. The meta-analysis and review found that people with depression seemed to have low levels of vitamin D. They concluded that depression is more likely to surface in people with vitamin D deficiencies than people with normal or high levels.

    So, does vitamin D help with depression? Evidence shows that people struggling with depression have low levels of vitamin D. It might help, although there is limited research. Either way, its an essential nutrient for the following reasons:

    • Helps with bone health
    • It can prevent multiple sclerosis
    • Helps the body regular blood sugar levels

    Its evident that vitamin D is crucial to overall health. Bad physical health can lead to bad mental health. Its important to get enough vitamin D to promote a healthy body and mind.

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    Chronic Fatigue Lack Of Energy

    Chronic fatigue is a complaint commonly heard among primary care physicians. A general lack of energy can affect schoolwork, relationships and mood.

    In the first randomized, double-blind trial of otherwise healthy participants with vitamin D deficiency, researchers showed that the group receiving vitamin D supplements reported significantly higher levels of energy than the placebo group after just four weeks of treatment.

    Vitamins For Teenagers With Depression & Anger

    Teen depression is a serious and potentially life-threatening problem: 500,000 teens in America attempt suicide every year. Five thousand of them succeed. If a depressed teen seems to be at risk of hurting himself or others, caregivers should seek medical help immediately. However, medical research indicates that there are nutritional strategies that you can use to reduce the severity of teen depression and the anger that often accompanies it.

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    The Role Of Vitamin D In Depression

    So, what do we really know about Vitamin D and depression? For starters, we know that the research is evolving and that researchers continue to seek funding to study the effects that Vitamin D may have in helping prevent or manage the treatments of depression.

    We also know there have already been some studies that have found a link between Vitamin D deficiency and depression. For example, Healthline reported on a meta-analysis that found that statistically, people with low Vitamin D were at a much greater risk for depression. And, their article referenced an earlier study that identified Vitamin D receptors in the same areas of the brain associated with depression.

    This article discusses the fact that there is no causal nor conclusive evidence that Vitamin D can prevent or treat major depression. However, it also advises that Vitamin D has several benefits, including its link to lower inflammation and the bodys regulation of immune function.

    A third piece, this one in Nutritional Outlook, explains the pitfalls of clinical trials as the be-all and end-all for studying nutrients.

    However, what we do recommend is this. Learn more about the benefits of Vitamin D as they are plentiful and reason alone to consider supplementing with Vitamin D if you dont already get enough from your diet or the sun .

    What Foods Have Vitamin D

    Vitamin D Deficiency in Children

    Even if Vitamin D won’t fix your depression on its own, it’s still important to incorporate more Vitamin D into your diet if you have a deficiency.

    Vitamin D is found in few foods naturally, and in relatively small amounts. The best sources include:

    • Salmon and other fatty fish

    Some foods are also fortified with vitamin D, meaning that more is added in. These commonly include:

    • Breakfast cereals

    Moreover, if you’re interested in taking a vitamin D supplement, your doctor can check your vitamin D levels and determine the proper dose you may need.

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    Depressed Young People Have Lower Vitamin B12 And Vitamin D Levels Than Their Peers

    Researchers in Turkey have studied serum folate, vitamin B12, homocysteine and 25-OH vitamin D levels in young people with and without depression. Erman Esnafoglu and Deniz Deniz Ozturan recruited 89 children with depression and 43 children without any DSM-5 disorder. They found no difference between the groups in terms of folate levels. However, vitamin B12 and vitamin D levels were significantly lower in those with depression compared to controls, while homocysteine levels were significantly higher.

    Based on these results, the researchers considered that vitamin B12 and vitamin D insufficiencies, and raised homocysteine levels, might be involved in the pathogenesis of depression in children and adolescents. Although this possibility is interesting and would have important implications, a cause and effect relationship cannot be confidently concluded from these cross-sectional results alone. Going forward, further research is needed, including longitudinal studies and randomized controlled trials, to better understand these relationships, and to inform whether routine testing or vitamin replacement may be beneficial for young people with depression.

    Referring to:

    Esnafoglu, E. & Ozturan, D.D. ,The relationship of severity of depression with homocysteine, folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin D levels in children and adolescents. Child Adolesc. Ment. Health. doi:10.111/camh.12387.

    Add Vitamin D To Your Childs Dietary Plan

    Vitamin D isnt found in many foods, making it difficult to ensure your child is getting a sufficient dose.

    Fortunately, over-the-counter vitamin D supplements make it easy to ensure your child is getting all the vitamin D he or she needs daily. The two most important forms are vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. While vitamin D3 is primarily found in animal-sourced foods, vitamin D2 comes from plant-sourced foods and is cheaper to produce.

    The recommended dose of vitamin D intake for children aged 1 to 13 is 600 IU, with the maximum dose being 3000 IU. Children 14 to 18 and adults should take between 600 IU and 4000 IU, with the recommended strength being 2000 IU daily.

    You can also add rich vitamin D-fortified foods to your childs diet. These include:

    • Fatty fish like salmon and tuna

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    Dual Diagnosis Treatment In California

    Vitamin D may be a natural way to help reduce symptoms of mental illness. It could act as a tool to help dual diagnosis treatment with fewer side effects. At Montare Behavioral Health, we believe a combination of hard-science techniques with holistic medicine is key to a fleshed-out treatment plan.Contact us now to see how our personalized plans help patients overcome fmental health disorders.

    How Children Can Maintain Optimal Vitamin D Levels

    Pin on Words, Words, Words

    Remember, the only way to tell if your child is deficient in vitamin D is to have a healthcare professional perform a blood test.

    If they are low or deficient in vitamin D, your childs healthcare professional will recommend the most appropriate treatment based on their level of deficiency and other factors.

    Once their vitamin D levels return to usual, your childs healthcare professional may recommend a daily maintenance dose to maintain optimal levels. This dose will depend on your childs age and other factors like:

    • medical diagnoses

    In addition to supplements, there are certain foods that are high in vitamin D that can be added to kids diets to help maintain healthy vitamin D levels.

    Kid-friendly foods that are high in this vitamin include (

    • egg yolks from pastured chickens or chickens fed vitamin D-fortified feed
    • vitamin-D enriched foods like milk and yogurt

    Also, letting your child play outside in the sun is a helpful way for them to maintain healthy vitamin D levels, though using appropriate sun protection is important.

    Studies suggest that using sunscreen on children during the summer months allows enough sunlight to be received by the skin to maintain typical serum levels while still limiting the risk of sunburn .


    Treatment for vitamin D deficiency depends on factors like age, the severity of the deficiency, underlying medical conditions, and more. Your childs doctor will determine the best treatment protocol based on your childs specific needs.

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