Monday, April 29, 2024

Where To Go If I Have Depression

Irritability And Angry Outbursts

9 Warning Signs of Severe Depression

Typically, symptoms must last at least two weeks for depression to be diagnosed, so take this into consideration throughout the depression quiz then ask for an assessment from a mental health professional for further information and treatment, Furthermore, medical conditions such as vitamin deficiency can be mistaken for symptoms of depression so it is important to fully consider all possible causes as you take any depression quiz or inventory. Mental health can impact your energy levels, how tired you are, your stress, sleeping habits, mood, thoughts, and so much more. Keep reading to find out more about what treatment might be right for you.

Identifying Changes In Behavior

  • 1Check your weight periodically to see if there are any extreme changes. Keep in mind that weight gain or weight loss can be side effects of depression, as depression can have a big impact on your overall appetite. If you have noticed that your appetite has increased or decreased significantly, then be sure to talk to your doctor about this as well.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the worldâs leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Weight gain or loss can be caused by a variety of different things, and may not just be a symptom of depression.
  • 2Write a list of any changes in behavior that youve had. Think about how youve acted in the past few weeks. While depression can manifest in a lot of different ways, dangerous or risk-taking behavior is a more active symptom. Have you participated in activities that can have big consequences, like gambling, trying drugs, or doing other extreme sports? These are a few possibilities of risky behavior.XTrustworthy SourceHelpGuideNonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources.Go to source
  • 3Count how many times youve cried in the past week. Think about how often youve gotten emotional in the past week, and what caused you to start crying. If you find yourself crying over mundane, insignificant things, theres a good chance that you may suffer from depression.XResearch source
  • What Can I Do If I Have Depression

    If you have symptoms of depression, see your healthcare provider. They can give you an accurate diagnosis, refer you to a specialist or suggest treatment options.

    If you or someone you know is thinking of hurting themselves or taking their own life:

    • Go to the emergency department of your hospital.
    • Contact a healthcare provider.
    • Speak to a trusted friend, family member or spiritual leader.

    A note from Cleveland Clinic

    Depression is a common condition that affects millions of Americans every year. Anyone can experience depression even if there doesnt seem to be a reason for it. Causes of depression include difficulties in life, brain chemistry abnormalities, some medications and physical conditions. The good news is that depression is treatable. If you have symptoms of depression, talk to your healthcare provider. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can feel better

    Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 12/31/2020.


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    Whats The Difference Between Grief And Depression

    Given that the primary symptom associated with depression is sadness, it can be easy to think of grief or bereavement as depression. But grief is a natural response to specific experiences, such as the end of a relationship or the death of a loved one. While you might feel regret or remorse, and you might withdraw from usual activities if you are experiencing grief, youre unlikely to feel the overwhelming sense of worthlessness, thoughts of self-harm or suicide, and other symptoms of depression. Another important difference is that in grief, painful feelings usually come in waves and are often mixed with positive memories.

    In some cases, however, grief and depression do coexist, or grief can trigger depression, according to experts writing in the journal American Family Physician. Having a mental health professional help you distinguish between them can ensure you get the support you need.

    Understanding How Much Depression Impacts Lives

    Depression Quotes [You Don

    There are varying degrees of depression. Certain people experience depression in lapses, while others are ongoingly depressed. Some people experience depression after certain events, while others have chronic depression that affects their careers, health, activities, and family life. Nevertheless, depression literally has the capability to impact every aspect of an individual’s life. In many cases, depression doesn’t simply wear off or subside. This is why it’s so very problematic when depressed individuals are told to simply shake it off or “get over it.” Depression literally does not work this way.

    Mental Impacts

    It goes without saying that depression has a very real impact on people’s mental state. Depression quite literally changes brain chemistry and the manner in which individuals see the world. Someone who is going through depression may feel anxious, habitually empty, and they may also experience thoughts of suicide. It’s not uncommon for people with depression to struggle with even getting out of bed in the morning, getting enough sleep, or doing things that are considered basic by most people. It’s important to remember that just because the mental impacts are not able to be seen with the naked eye , this does not make them any less real.

    Emotional Impacts

    Physical Impacts

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    Are There Warning Signs Of Suicide With Depression

    Depression carries a high risk of suicide. Suicidal thoughts or intentions are serious. Warning signs include:

    • A sudden switch from sadness to extreme calmness, or appearing to be happy
    • Always talking or thinking about death
    • Clinical depression that gets worse
    • Taking risks that could lead to death, such as driving through red lights
    • Making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless
    • Putting affairs in order, like tying up loose ends or changing a will
    • Saying things like It would be better if I werent here or I want out
    • Talking about suicide
    • Visiting or calling close friends and loved ones

    If you or someone you know shows any of the above warning signs, call your local suicide hotline, contact a mental health professional right away, or go to the emergency room.

    But The Bad Days Are Unbearable

    Now for a bad day I fight with myself to wake up and have to truly shame myself into showering and getting myself together. I put on makeup alert people about my internal issues. I dont want to talk or be bothered by anyone. I fake being personable, as I have rent to pay and dont want to complicate my life any more than it is.

    After work, I just want to go to my hotel room and mindlessly scroll on Instagram or YouTube. Ill eat junk food, and feel like a loser and demean myself.

    I have more bad days than good, but Ive gotten good at faking it so my clients think Im a great employee. Im often sent kudos for my performance. But inside, I know that I didnt deliver at the level I know I could.


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    How Much Does Online Therapy Cost

    The prices vary by company, but typically online therapy services charge a monthly fee to use the service, and dont charge by minute or hour or text. For instance,BetterHelp , one of the bigger names in the industry, charges a flat fee of between $40-$70 per week, including all messaging, chats, phone, and video sessions.

    These memberships tend to be quite flexible, and allow you to quit at any time.

    Most online counseling is not covered by insurance, so while its cheaper than in-person therapists, you will typically have to pay out of pocket.

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    Finding The Right Kind Of Doctor For Your Depression

    6 Signs You’re Severely Depressed

    To make sure you find a doctor or therapist who will place you on the right track for depression management, use this checklist:

    1. Choose someone who can provide the desired services.

    2. Make sure that a strong relationship is felt.

    3. Find out about the approach to therapy for the client.

    4. Find a collaborative plan for your goals.

    5. Look for someone who is going to challenge you.

    6. Seeking someone with a direct approach to treatment.

    7. Expect homework.

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    How To Get The Help You Need Right Now

    While research shows issues surrounding mental health disparities are multidimensional and challenging to overcome, theyre problems that must be addressed.

    Whats on the other side of this, is radical healing for everyone, not just people of color, she explains. When you raise the mental health and wellbeing of those who are the least advantaged, you raise the health and well-being for everyone.

    If youre a part of a marginalized community and youre struggling with depression, there are ways to boost your odds of receiving appropriate care.

    Finding the right therapist for your specific needs often begins with asking questions. It’s okay to ask questions about their experience working with individuals from your community, Erlanger says. For example, I encourage people to ask therapists, How many clients have you worked with that identify as Black or African American? This can help potential clients get an idea about a therapist’s level of experience with understanding depression within certain groups.

    If youd prefer to see a therapist who isnt in your care network, Erlanger suggests calling your insurance company to request a single-case agreement to see if your insurance provider would agree to cover the cost.

    Some online directories that could help you find a therapist who works with specific marginalized racial and ethnic communities are:

    Encouraging The Person To Get Help

    While you cant control someone elses recovery from depression, you can start by encouraging the depressed person to seek help. Getting a depressed person into treatment can be difficult. Depression saps energy and motivation, so even the act of making an appointment or finding a doctor can seem daunting to your loved one. Depression also involves negative ways of thinking. The depressed person may believe that the situation is hopeless and treatment pointless.

    Because of these obstacles, getting your loved one to admit to the problemand helping them see that it can be solvedis an essential step in depression recovery.

    If your friend or family member resists getting help:

    Suggest a general check-up with a physician. Your loved one may be less anxious about seeing a family doctor than a mental health professional. A regular doctors visit is actually a great option, since the doctor can rule out medical causes of depression. If the doctor diagnoses depression, they can refer your loved one to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Sometimes, this professional opinion makes all the difference.

    Offer to help the depressed person find a doctor or therapist and go with them on the first visit.Finding the right treatment provider can be difficult, and is often a trial-and-error process. For a depressed person already low on energy, it is a huge help to have assistance making calls and looking into the options.

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    How Do You Know If You Have Depression: 11 Hidden Signs And How To Manage Them

    A person may be depressed and purposely choose to hide it from others, or they may not realize they are depressed. It is common for people to feel sad and hopeless with depression, but there are other signs people overlook because they are not as obvious. Sometimes the appearance of such symptoms may indicate an underlying medical condition. If you think you are depressed, it is essential to pay attention to the signs and be aware of what youre experiencing. There are many resource tools, such as healthcare professionals and forms of therapy to help people manage their symptoms.

    Understanding if you have depression includes assessing your daily activities and recognizing if symptoms of depression affect your ability to complete tasks and interactions with others. While an online quiz or depression test may give ideas on what to look for in depressive symptoms, it is essential to understand what to look for when assessing your situation. Mental health experts recognize the following signs as typical symptoms of hidden depression:

  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Lately, have you experienced difficulty completing regular tasks due to a lack of focus? A common symptom of depression is the inability to focus or concentrate. It may be challenging to stay focused on a task or lose your train of thought while having a conversation. A study suggests someone can experience a more challenging social and work life due to depression, along with concentration and memory issues.

    Seeing A Doctor About Depression

    Depression Quotes To Help You Get Through This (2019 Update)

    Big changes in your life, like bereavement, losing a job, or even having a baby, can cause symptoms of depression. Youre also more likely to experience depression if you have a family history of depression. However, its also possible to become depressed without there being an obvious reason.

    You can learn more about depression causes here.

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    General Signs And Symptoms

    Not everyone with depression will experience the same symptoms. Symptoms can vary in severity, how often they happen, and how long they last.

    If you experience some of the following signs and of depression nearly every day for at least 2 weeks, you may be living with depression:

    • feeling sad, anxious, or empty
    • feeling hopeless, worthless, and pessimistic

    The symptoms of depression can be experienced differently among males, females, teens, and children.

    Males may experience symptoms related to their:

    • mood, such as anger, aggressiveness, irritability, anxiousness, or restlessness
    • emotional well-being, such as feeling empty, sad, or hopeless
    • behavior, such as loss of interest, no longer finding pleasure in favorite activities, feeling tired easily, thoughts of suicide, drinking excessively, using drugs, or engaging in high-risk activities
    • sexual interest, such as reduced sexual desire or lack of sexual performance
    • cognitive abilities, such as inability to concentrate, difficulty completing tasks, or delayed responses during conversations
    • sleep patterns, such as insomnia, restless sleep, excessive sleepiness, or not sleeping through the night
    • physical well-being, such as fatigue, pains, headache, or digestive problems

    Females may experience symptoms related to their:

    Children may experience

    Common causes include:

    You may successfully manage symptoms with one form of treatment, or you may find that a combination of treatments works best.

    How Can Depression Symptoms Lead To A Depression Diagnosis

    To be diagnosed with major depression, you must have at least five of the symptoms listed above with at least one of the first two nearly daily for at least 2 weeks.

    Depression symptoms can last weeks, months, or sometimes years. They can affect personality and interfere with social relationships and work habits, potentially making it difficult for others to have empathy for you. Some symptoms are so disabling that they interfere significantly with your ability to function. In very severe cases, people with depression may be unable to eat, maintain their hygiene, or even get out of bed.

    Episodes may happen only once in a lifetime or may be recurrent, chronic, or longstanding. In some cases, they seem to last forever. Symptoms may appear to be precipitated by life crises. At other times, they may seem to happen at random.

    Clinical depression commonly goes along with other medical illnesses such as heart disease or cancer and worsens the prognosis for these illnesses.

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    Smoking And Mood: Theyre Linked

    Its common for smokers to use cigarettes to deal with emotions, but there are healthier ways to deal with these situations. Then learn how to boost your mood after youve quit.

    You have some symptoms of depression. Right now, these symptoms are likely causing problems in your daily life. These problems may be big, like making it hard for you to take care of everyday activities and enjoy the things you usually do. You should get help right away.

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    What Factors Drive These Disparities

    6 Signs You’re Depressed, Not Lazy

    A combination of factors likely cause these disparities, Powell says. We dont have a clear connection between race and depression that we can determine under a microscope, like a biological link, she explains.

    Instead, various exposures, experiences, and accessibility issues appear to contribute to the inequalities in diagnosis and care. Also known as social determinants of health, these factors have a significant impact on health and well-being, according to theU.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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    How To Tell If You Have Depression

    Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms.

    They range from lasting feelings of unhappiness and hopelessness, to losing interest in the things you used to enjoy and feeling very tearful. Many people with depression also have symptoms of anxiety.

    There can be physical symptoms too, such as feeling constantly tired, sleeping badly, having no appetite or sex drive, and various aches and pains.

    The symptoms of depression range from mild to severe. At its mildest, you may simply feel persistently low in spirit, while severe depression can make you feel suicidal, that life is no longer worth living.

    Most people experience feelings of stress, anxiety or low mood during difficult times. A low mood may improve after a short period of time, rather than being a sign of depression.

    Looking After Someone Who Has Depression

    If youre close to someone with depression, their condition can affect you too. Your relationship, and family life in general, can be strained, and you might not know what to do or how to help.

    Talking about the situation can help. Finding a support group, or talking to other people in a similar situation, can make it easier to cope. If the condition is causing difficulties in your relationship with your partner, you could contact a relationship counsellor who can talk things through with both of you.

    When suffering from depression, men are less likely to ask for help than women. Theyre also more likely to turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with the symptoms.

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