Sunday, April 28, 2024

What To Do When A Depressive Episode Hits

Take The Time To Write Down And Put To Words Who You Are Or How You See Yourself

Major Depressive Disorder

Blank canvas. Thats what you are right now. Ive mentioned earlier that the recovery phase is an opportunity. Use it to create what you want for yourself, in yourself. Redefine who you are. You have the strength and capacity to do so now. Highlight the best parts of you. And identify the area you feel may need some improvement.

Is Light Therapy Safe

Light therapy is typically safe and well-tolerated. But you may need to avoid light therapy if you:

  • Have diabetes or retinopathies: If you have diabetes or a retina condition, theres a potential risk of damaging the retina, the back of your eye.
  • Take some medications: Certain antibiotics and anti-inflammatories can make you more sensitive to sunlight. Light therapy can then cause harm.
  • Have bipolar disorder: Bright light therapy and antidepressants can trigger hypomania or mania, uncontrolled boosts in mood and energy level. If you have bipolar disorder, let your provider know. This will play a role in your treatment plan.

Information For Family Carers And Friends

You can get support if you are a carer, friend or family member of someone living with depression.

Being a carer might mean you can claim certain benefits that might help you and the person you care for. For more information, please see the Mental Health and Money Advice services

You could also get in touch with carer support groups or sibling support groups. You can search for local groups in your area online or ask your GP.

You can ask your local authority for a carers assessment if you need more practical support to help care for someone.

As a carer you should be involved in decisions about care planning. There are rules about information sharing and confidentiality which may make it difficult for you to get all the information you need in some circumstances.

You can find out more information about:

  • Carers assessments by clicking here.
  • Confidentiality and information sharing by clicking here.

How can I support the person that I care for?

You might find it easier to support someone with depression if you understand their symptoms, treatment and self-management skills. You can use this to support them to get help and stay well.

Below are some initial suggestions for providing practical day to day support to someone with depression.

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Track Triggers And Symptoms

Keeping track of moods and symptoms might help a person understand what triggers a depressive episode. Spotting the signs of depression early on may help them avoid a full-blown depressive episode.

Use a diary to log important events, changes to daily routines, and moods. Rate moods on a scale of 1 to 10 to help identify which events or activities cause specific responses. See a doctor if symptoms persist for 14 days or more.

What To Do During A Depressive Episode

Signs You

It can be hard when you do not know what to do during a depressive episode. This can mean losing interest in things you used to love to do, getting angry, restless, not being able to sleep, moving or talking more slowly than usual, having aches and pains for no reason, etc. By recognizing your triggers and being aware that what you are feeling now is temporary, you should be able to get through these episodes with hardly any struggle.

Keep Calm

When you feel a depressive episode occurring, this can make you feel panicked and nervous. If you give into these symptoms, it will only leave you with low moods and other extreme actions like loss of appetite or not being able to sleep. If you panic, then you will not be able to think. The best thing that you can do is try to stay calm. Remember that all of these feelings are temporary. That they have gone away in the past and will continue to do so again. Focus on how strong you are and what you have learned in the past to make these episodes go away. There are many techniques to help you stay calm like meditation and breathing exercises. Focus on your own breath and stay in the present.

Acknowledge Your Depression

Depression Does Not Define You

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Nighttime Routine

Be Aware of Your Depressive Triggers

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Depression And Drugs And Alcohol

“Drowning your sorrows” is actually a bad idea when it comes to depression. Alcohol is categorised as a “strong depressant” which can make depression worse, and drinking or taking drugs to cope can lead to a downward spiral by having a negative affect on other parts of your life.

There’s evidence that cannabis can cause depression, particularly in teenagers, even if it helps you relax.

Keep In Touch With Family And Friends

It is not unusual to withdraw from loved ones during a depressive episode. However, removing yourself from social situations can make your depression worse.

If you are wondering what to do during a depressive episode, try to make a conscious effort to socialize. Spending time with friends and family members is one of the best ways to improve your mood.

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Love Yourself A Bit More

Stop chasing self-confidence just be kind to yourself.Lets face it, love comes easy in good days but on bad days we indulge innegative self-talk. As if beating ourselves up could do us some good. Lets berealistic, that wont help! I dont know about you but when my depression hitsme hard my inner critic becomes an as*hole. Its like sharing an apartment witha bully except that this bully lives in my head. And I swear I really need tokick him out. Thats the worst roommate Ive ever had. Hes always a bit behindwith the rent and he never ever cleans I will let him stay but only if hechanges a bit

So anyways, lets focus on a healthy way to talk to yourself. Yes, talking to yourself its normal and actually good for you but you have to do it in a kind, gentle and compassionate way. If you feel lost and empty inside accept these feelings. Trying to force yourself to be happy or think positive doesnt really work. Moreover, most of the times it only makes you feel worse. Allow yourself to feel sadness. Accept your darkest emotions .Dont fight with them. Remember that its safe to let your feelings flow. Lifeis like a sine wave which basically means that these hard times you are facingright now is not gonna last forever. Trust me!

What Happens During A Depressive Episode

3 Kinds of Depressive Episodes

A depressive episode is a period of time characterized by low mood, depleted energy levels and feelings of helplessness. These episodes can severely impact our emotions and impact our day-to-day lives. They often divert attention away from everyday routine or responsibilities and onto a flood of confusing and triggering thoughts that leave us feeling extremely drained and despondent. Leaning on the support of a peer counselor can help minimize the impact of a depressive episode and equip you with tools to help cope with the symptoms you may be facing.

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Seek Support From The Following People When Depression Hits You Hard

Dealing with depression can be daunting, but no one has to do it alone. One of the most important steps in dealing with depression is seeking support.

  • Family and friends. People experiencing depression should consider telling family and friends how they are feeling, and asking for support where they need it.
  • A doctor. It is essential to speak to a doctor who can make a diagnosis and recommend treatments. Research suggests that tailoring early treatment to the individual offers the best possible outcomes.
  • A therapist. Talking to a counselor or psychotherapist can be beneficial. Talk therapy can help address low moods and negative thoughts. A therapist can also teach coping skills to help people deal with future depressive episodes.
  • Support groups. Look for a local support group for people with depression. It can be beneficial to talk to others who are experiencing the same thing.
  • Support lines and crisis hotlines are another way that people with depression can reach out to others. Save important numbers to a cell phone, so they are easily accessible in times of need.

This blog post addressed the question, What to do when depression hits you hard? We understood the signs and symptoms of depression, common types of depression, triggers, and tips on how to handle it when its affecting you.

The Benefits Of Constructive Support During Depressive Episodes

Its important for you to have the right kind of support to help you develop ways to cope, whether its through cognitive behavioral therapy or enhanced mindfulness. Our peer counselors not only listen empathetically, they can also speak from their own experience in managing their own depression or episodes of emotional turmoil.

Chatting to a counselor of your choice can help real-life insight from individuals who have gone through similar experiences and discover what coping strategies best apply to you. Brian encourages the endorphin-rich benefits of exercise when going through a rough patch while Jazmin finds solace in reading.

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Start Monitoring Your Sleep And Wakefulness

Sleep disturbance is one of the classic signs of a severe depressive episode. Now is the time to start checking your sleep patterns and habits. Don’t let a disordered sleep cycle get on top of you. Try to stick to a strict bedtime, use no devices before lights-out, drink lots of calming tea, and set a guaranteed wakeup time in the morning. Make notes of how your sleep patterns are shifting, too your therapist and physician will find those helpful in monitoring how your condition’s changing.

Causes Of Depression Relapse

When the depressive episode hits : bipolar

If you are experiencing a depression relapse, you might be wondering why your depression has returned. It’s true that depression can return at any time, even if you are taking medication or receiving therapy. It can also return without any obvious outside trigger or stressor.

However, sometimes depression relapse follows an external event. Below are some potential triggers or causes of a depression relapse.

  • Experiencing the death of a loved one or other significant loss
  • Going through a stressful life event
  • Hormonal changes related to your life stage
  • Failure to use coping strategies or discontinuing their use
  • Changes in the medication that you are taking
  • Sleep disturbances

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What Causes Depression

Although some peoples depression can be influenced by major life events, the truth is that depression can happen to anyone without cause or warning. In fact, depression is one of the most common mood disorders 8.7% of women and 5.3% of men experience depression every year. Research has suggested that factors such as genetics, biology, environment, and psychology can all play a role in depression.

Its important to note that depression exists on a scale from mild to severe, but even in mild cases it should be taken seriously. Depression is not simply a bad mood or something that someone can snap out of, but luckily it is very treatable.

What Is A Relapse

The definition of relapse in relation to depression is a recurrence of symptoms after remission has been achieved .

While it is possible that those who relapse will experience the same symptoms they did during their first depressive episode, it is also possible that the symptoms that they experience will be entirely different the next time.

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I Pay Attention To How I Talk To Myself

A therapist once referred to the ânegative tapeâ playing in my head, and she couldnât have described it better. For years I didnât notice how much guilt, shame, and cognitive distortions impacted how I talked to myself. Throughout the day I had a running inner monologue that told me I wasnât lovable, didnât do enough, and should have tried harder â regardless of how well I had done or how much I was loved.

The first step in changing how I talk to myself was becoming aware. I began to notice how often I put myself down, or scrutinized my behavior. Once I even kept a tally of how many times Iâd criticized myself in one day. I started saying to myself, Amy, you are doing it again. Step away from the negative messages. Change the channel.

I began to realize that I had a choice: I could tell myself something new. I now make a concerted effort to replace the negative messages with affirming statements. I tell myself that I did a good job, that I am a good friend, and â most importantly â that I love who I am.

I Engage In A Creative Activity

What is Psychotic Depression?

You dont have to be a Claudia Rankine, Jimi Hendrix, or HGTV star to be creative or make art. When I was a teenager and prone to DeviantArt binges, I used to draw. I was no Rembrandt, El Mac, or , but it kept me centered and grounded.

I was particularly interested in portraits of faces and hands. Id spend hours figuring out how to shade in collarbones or get lifelines and wrinkles to look realistic. With all that focus on such minute details, there wasnt room in my brain for anything else, much less my depression. I was busy. Making something tangible, a thing I could hold and touch and watch change, was crucial to me at that age.

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As I got older, I grew out of drawing and moved towards musicianship. I got a guitar and spent hours everyday teaching myself chords and songs for beginners. Not only did this keep my mind occupied, but, like drawing, I could feel my progress, I could hear it, and my fingers proved my work was not for naught. This filled me with pride and made me want to continue learning the next day.

You dont have to like drawing. And playing instruments might not be for you. Maybe, instead, you can take up writing, knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, teaching yourself to sing, cook, do makeup, do hairstyles all via YouTube, or create DIY clothes and decor. The possibilities are endless!

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I Put On Fake Clothes

Now, fake clothes are a bit different than PJs. The difference, for me, is that there is still an element of choice, of putting effort into getting dressed for the day. For instance, if I know Im not going out, and I still want to be productive, but Im not in a mood for pants and a nice shirt, Ill put on my Stitch onesie.

Yes. My Stitch onesie. As in Lilo and Stitch. This is an active choice I have to make: am I willing to spend the rest of the day taking off this whole thing every time I have to pee, am I willing to deal with the fact that sitting on a tail can get uncomfortable, will I get distracted by taking amazing selfies?

So, maybe you dont have a Stitch onesie. Thats okay. Do you have a t-shirt with a weird catchphrase? Do you have multi-colored arm or leg warmers? A hat with a million pompoms? Today is the day to break those out! Feel free to get silly.

If you have a job or some other reason you have to leave your house, and you cant get away with wearing a Vote for Pedro tee, find something small that gives you joy and put that on or carry it with you. Socks with marijuana leaves on them. Underwear with unicorns on them. A funny souvenir from your last vacation.

I Talk To A Mental Health Professional

One of the best decisions I ever made was going to see a psychiatrist and psychologist when I was 18. I had been living undiagnosed for about seven years childhood depression believed to be teenage angst. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and prescribed Lithium.

After about six weeks, I started to feel an incredible shift. My mind felt less foggy, my mood swings were regulated, I behaved less recklessly, and I found joy in places I couldnt before. Therapy has helped me dig myself out of ruts and to open my mind to the possibility that the way I see the world isnt the only way to see that world, especially if my way lends to self-hate.

Its always hard at first. One of my least favorite things is starting over with a new doctor, having to re-tell my family history, my traumas, and my relationship to self-harm. But it has always ultimately been worth it. Ive always learned something new about myself, and that new wisdom helps me understand and change my behaviors and perspectives.

The one lesson I come back to over and over again is to take note of myself. That whenever I see myself engaging in a behavior Ive learned is damaging, not to force myself to stop doing it, not to judge myself for doing it, but just to notice and take stock. This way, I can find a pattern as to when, where, and around whom I behaved this way and implement a plan to change it.

We cant do this work without you!

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Strategies For Reviving Your Self

We often talk about triggers and the agony we endure during depressive episodes, but not much is spoken about what happens post-episode. You know, during the recovery phase. That period where youre just expected to pick up the pieces and carry on with life until the next episode hits. I find this time extremely challenging for many reasons but mostly because of how it affects who I am and how I see myself.

One of the biggest issues I face after a depressive episode is dealing with the way it affects my confidence. To say that my self-confidence takes a knock would be more than an understatement. Id be lying to you. It erodes my sense of self at the core, and that leaves me feeling confused and lost with regard to who I am and where I fit in the world. I feel raw due to the constant scraping depression is to my soul. The constant negative talk eats away as the episode runs its course. The longer the episode, the less of me remains.

I decided to create a list of things I can do or tell myself after I come out from the abyss that would help steer me in the right direction during the recovery phase. In this phase, there lies a unique opportunity to find oneself or redefine whats already there.

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