Thursday, July 25, 2024

Natural Cures For Seasonal Depression

Natural Treatment For Depression And Seasonal Affective Disorder

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment Light is important for all living things. With autumn we experience equal hours of darkness and daylight. Light continues to shorten dramatically until winter solstice when daylight in Moscow is just over eight hours each day.

Less light brings hibernation naturally. During fall and winter the lack of light causes about 20% of people to experience Seasonal Affective Disorder . In northern latitudes incidence can be up to 10%. Closer to the equator it drops to 1-2 %.

First reports of SAD appeared in the 19th Century, but it was not until 1984 that it surfaced in psychiatry. Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression reoccurring at specific times of the year, is still frequently misdiagnosed. Most commonly, the onset of depression begins in September through November, and lessens in March through May. SAD affects men, women, children, and even pets.

St. Johns Wort is useful in treating SAD. Hyla Cass, MD recommends St. Johns Wort to promote restful sleep and enhance dreaming.

A study in 1993 shows that St. Johns Wort improved the condition of those who regularly experience winter depression. The extract has been thoroughly researched as a natural anti-depressant. A total of 1,592 patients have been studied in 25 double-blind controlled studies. The studies show St. Johns Wort produces improvements in anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances, and without side effects. Use organic, whole herb extracts for the best results.

How Common Is Seasonal Affective Disorder

About 5% of adults in the United States experience SAD. It tends to start in young adulthood. SAD affects women more than men, though researchers arent sure why. About 75% of people who get seasonal affective disorder are women.

About 10% to 20% of people in America may get a milder form of the winter blues.

Approximately 4 To 6 Percent Of Americans Have Seasonal Affective Disorder Experts Say

If shorter days and shifts in weather zap your energy and make you feel blue, youve got classic symptoms of seasonal affective disorder a form of depression triggered by changes in daylight and weather that occur primarily in winter.

Why do some people get SAD? Experts arent certain, but some think that those seasonal changes disrupt the bodys circadian rhythm, the 24-hour clock that regulates how we function during sleeping and waking hours, which cause us to feel energized and alert sometimes and drowsy at other times.

Another theory is that the changing seasons disrupt hormones, such as serotonin and melatonin, which regulate sleep, mood, and feelings of well-being.

Whatever the causes of ones SAD may be, the signs and symptoms typically can include:

  • Feelings of depression that happen most of the day, every day, in a seasonal pattern
  • Having tiredness or low energy
  • Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy
  • Changes in appetite or weight gain
  • Sleeping too much

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Natural Remedies For Seasonal Affective Disorder

The short, cold days of winter can be hard, especially when they come at the end of an exhausting and devastating year. The weather, the darkness, and slowness of the season can give rise to a state of pronounced winter blueness officially classified as Seasonal Affective Disorder. Also known by its appropriate acronym, SAD, this state of seasonal depression has long been recognized by peoples across the world , leading to a variety of cultural strategies for combating it. More recently, mental health researchers have sought effective remedies for SAD, and we now have a mix of traditional and modern measures to support the mood when temperatures fall.

Depression And The Various Types

6 Natural Treatments for Seasonal Affective Disorder ...

The types of depression include Situational depression, Biological depression, Psychological depression, and Existential depression. It could also be classified as Major Depressive disorder, Persistent Depressive disorder, Seasonal Affective disorder, Bipolar disorder , Psychotic depression, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder , Perinatal depression and Atypical depression.

Symptoms Of Depression

Being sad about lifes situations may not necessarily mean you are depressed. Some people have all they need- love, family, materials, money, and all but still, get depressed. Depression: the major depressive disorder is a complicated form of depression. It is not just a mere change of mood. It is a medical condition presenting with several symptoms that affect emotion, physical appearance, behavior, and cognitive functioning.

Emotional symptoms of depression include consistent and intense sadness for no obvious reason, feeling of worthlessness, loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities, suicidal thoughts, and lots of every other dark thought. Physically, a person with depression may begin to experience low energy, slow speech, thinking, sleeplessness, too much sleep, weight changes, etc. Depression may make one to experience reduced concentrating or focusing ability and indecisiveness. Going through depression could make one easily agitated, restless, eat more or less, and so much more.

Treatment For Depression

Natural Cure For Depression

Consequences Of Depression

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How To Prevent Anxiety And Depression

Battling anxiety and depression is not easy. However, if you make effort to take certain measures in your day to day life, you will certainly notice an improvement in these conditions. Along with the help of natural remedies for anxiety and depression, the following methods can be used to help you manage and cope with these issues.

  • Exercise daily, for at least 20-30 minutes.
  • Keep a journal and write in it each day.
  • Make sure you get plenty of sleep. got some advice for reducing anxiety before bed.
  • The Quality of sleep matters as much as the quantity.” Check out this article on how to get a higher quality of sleep.
  • Limit alcohol and caffeine.

Side Effects Of Light Therapy

It’s rare for people using light therapy to have side effects. However, some people may experience:

  • agitation or irritability
  • sleeping problems
  • tiredness
  • blurred vision

These side effects are usually mild and short-lived, but you should visit a GP if you experience any particularly troublesome side effects while using light therapy.

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Increase Your B Vitamin Intake

Increasing your B Vitamins will help your brain produce more serotonin, epinephrine, and dopamine, thus resulting in an improved mood.

Required Ingredients:

  • Vitamin B capsules
  • Foods that contain high amounts of Vitamin B


  • Eat more foods that contain Vitamin B naturally.
  • Take 300 milligrams of vitamin B capsules each day if you do not eat the foods that naturally contain Vitamin B.
  • Make this a part of your regular diet.

How Is Sad Diagnosed

How To Beat Seasonal Depression | Natural Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment

Depression often happens with other conditions, such as heart disease or cancer. It may also happen with other mood disorders, such as substance abuse or anxiety. For these reasons, early diagnosis and treatment is key to recovery.

A diagnosis of SAD may be made after a careful mental health exam and medical history done by a psychiatrist or other mental health professional.

Also Check: What Should You Do If Your Depressed

When To See A Gp

You should consider seeing a GP if you think you might have SAD and you’re struggling to cope.

The GP can carry out an assessment to check your mental health. They may ask you about your mood, lifestyle, eating habits and sleeping patterns, plus any seasonal changes in your thoughts and behaviour.

How Can I Stop Being Depressed Without Medication

You should talk to your doctor or therapist to find the best approach to treating your depression. Many lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep may help improve your symptoms.

Those experiencing depression usually lose interest in everyday activities or hobbies that were as soon as appreciated. A typical program of therapy involves a 30-minute session, 5 times a week for 6 weeks. People natural cure stress depression are generally recommended to proceed taking an antidepressant, as it boosts the probability of success. Throughout treatment, a magnetic coil is placed on the scalp over the component of the brain being promoted.

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Treating Sad With Natural Remedies

The tricky part about seasonal affective disorder is that in order to be formally diagnosed by your doctor and receive medication, youll have to suffer through at least two winters of depression. No one who is in mental pain for so long should have to wait to start feeling better. Luckily, there are several natural, prescription-free remedies you can try.

1. Get a light box

If your outdoor hours are limited during the winter months, a light box might be a worthwhile investment. In fact, 60 to 80 percent of SAD patients see improvements in their disposition and currently, its the best treatment available.

Light therapy allows you to get exposure to bright, artificial light during the most difficult months. Its recommended that SAD patients use light therapy daily, from the first signs of symptoms, until the springtime, when SAD resolves itself. Most people require between 15 to 30 minutes of therapy a day and will start feeling improvements within two to four days, with the full improvement happening within two weeks.

Because seasonal affective disorder symptoms will return quickly once light therapy stops, remaining consistent with treatment during the winter months is crucial. Its also often recommended that light treatment occur in the morning, to prevent difficulties falling asleep later in the evening.

2. Keep exercising

3. Add a vitamin D supplement

4. Get outside

When there is a ray of sunlight during the cold, dark months, take advantage.

5. Talk it out

Supplement St Johns Wart

Natural Treatment for Depression

A very popular home remedy for anxiety and depression is the herb St. Johns Wart. This is because of the hypercin that is one of its main components. The hypercin will affect the various neurotransmitters in a similar manner to prescription drugs for depression and anxiety.

Required Ingredients:

  • Take 300 milligrams of the St. Johns Wart 3 times each day.
  • Repeat for at least one week.


The hypercin in the St. Johns Wart can sometimes interact with other drugs. Be sure to speak to your doctor before you start this home remedy for anxiety and depression.

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Natural Remedies For Depression: Find Hope Again

By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN

May 11, 2018

Did you know that 1 out of 7 individuals will suffer from depression symptoms at some point in his or her life? Today, depression is one of the main causes of disability in developed, as well as low and medium income countries. In fact, around 150 million people suffer from depression worldwide.

The World Health Organization predicts that depression will become the second most prevalent disease worldwide by the year 2020. But what are we doing to prevent and treat this life-altering mood disorder? The typical treatment antidepressant medications dont work for every person with depression and also come with a slew of side effects. However, sometimes people dont know where to turn to find a treatment that wont bring on more health problems.

The good news is there are natural remedies for depression that are effective and help address the root cause of the disease. If youre looking for a natural way to improve your depressive symptoms, studies suggest that you should focus on eating an anti-inflammatory diet one similar to the Mediterranean diet that provides critical vitamins and minerals for hormone balance and brain function. A moderate to high level of physical activity/exercise has also been shown to prevent against depression. Additionally, using essential oils for depression and making other lifestyle changes to control stress are some of your best options.

Natural Remedies For Depression And Anxiety

Tension, depression, and stress have become the part of our daily lives. Though, every person is facing pressure in some ways however, the intensity is probably different for every person.

Combating the anxiety and depression is a daunting task, but you can make it easier by managing stress with natural herbs.

Nature has offered many gifts to us, and the legal herbs for social anxiety are one of them. It is smarter and safer to manage stress with these herbs, instead of going for pharmaceutical options.

These herbs for managing anxiety offer a safer alternative to many harmful chemicals and medicines.

Also, the natural herbs are natural to tolerate for your digestive and body system. Since ages, people prefer to use natural herbs for managing stress and to treat minor health issues to avoid the dangerous side effects of medicines.

Keeping in view the high ratio of depression in our society, here we are discussing the best 25 remedies for depression and anxiety that are entirely yet effective in treating stress-related issues.

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Talk Therapy For Perspective

Often, a good way to break the cycle of depressive thoughts is to explore them with someone outside your own head. Whether you confide in a close friend or family member or engage with a psychotherapist, talking about your SAD emotions can help you process your frustration with yourself and the winter season.

While social support from those close to you carries its own unique set of benefits, professional guidance can help lead you through structured types of psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy , which helps train your brain to create more positive thought patterns and has been shown to benefit SAD.

Increase Your Magnesium Intake

9. Natural Remedies to Help with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Magnesium is a very important part of a balanced diet. Without a proper level of magnesium, we cannot keep the chemicals within our brain stable, regulate our heartbeats, or synthesize our RNA and DNA.

Required Ingredients:

  • Incorporate foods such as spinach, bananas, dry almonds, and/or soy milk.
  • If you do not enjoy these foods, magnesium capsules will suffice.


  • Intake magnesium rich foods or a magnesium capsule each day for a highly functioning body and mind.
  • Make magnesium a part of your daily diet.

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How Is Seasonal Affective Disorder Diagnosed

If you have symptoms of SAD, dont try to diagnose yourself. See a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation. You may have a physical issue thats causing depression. But many times, seasonal affective disorder is part of a more complex mental health issue.

Your provider may refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist. These mental health professionals talk to you about your symptoms. They consider the pattern of symptoms and decide if you have seasonal depression or another mood disorder. You may need to fill out a questionnaire to determine if you have SAD.

The Advantages Of Natural Cure Stress Depression

There are many ways to counter some of the signs and symptoms of depression that dont involve prescription medicines. If you have depression, you may like to attempt handling it normally without medicine or supplement your antidepressant with various other alternatives. If so, look into these all-natural alternatives and after that talk with your medical professional regarding which may make sense as component of your therapy program. The treatment strategy will depend upon the extent and natural cure stress depression type of the signs and what the individual desires from therapy. A medical professional can aid the individual assembled a therapy strategy. This strategy can consist of therapy, drug, and also way of living measures. Although an individual might not have any signs and symptoms of depression for years, a period of stress, a considerable life modification, or grief can activate a depressive episode.

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Natural Ways To Overcome Seasonal Depression

Seasonal affective disorder , otherwise known as seasonal depression, usually affects people during the winter season. People with seasonal affective disorder have similar symptoms as people with other subsets of depression. The difference is that people with seasonal depression often feel better once the weather gets warmer. Although some people do suffer from this disorder in the summer, this is not nearly as common as SAD in the cold season.

Seasonal depression is a lot more than just sadness. Its a very intense feeling of hopelessness and helplessness that can impact every aspect of a persons life. According to the American Psychiatric Association, around 4-6 percent of adults in the U.S. experience SAD. What is more, they can experience symptoms for almost half the year. Women tend to develop this form of depression more often than men.

Natural Ways To Treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

6 Home Remedies For Seasonal Depression â Natural Home ...

There are many ways to treat the symptoms of seasonal depression. Home cures are known to completely cure seasonal affective disorder and the need to get medical care is diminished.

Regular Exercise

Including physical workout in your everyday routine is one of the most effective ways to treat winter blues. Jogging or running is one of the easiest ways to increase your physical activity levels. If time permits then join a gym and participate in strength training and cardiovascular exercises to keep depression at bay.

Proper Diet

Having a well balanced diet is another way to maintain your health and reduce the symptoms of seasonal depression. Include lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains to reduce stress and avoid any chances of getting depression. Also, try and avoid caffeinated drinks, sugar and alcohol. These foods increase the symptoms of seasonal depression.


Have Vitamin enriched diet. Try to meet your bodys Vitamin need through proper diet first however, taking multivitamins also helps. Ask your doctor to prescribe you a multivitamin that contains B6, folic acid as well as Thiamin. Research has indicated that Vitamin Bs helps in reducing depression.

Relaxation Techniques

Spend Time Out in The Sun

Seasonal depression is caused by reduced exposure to the sun. so make it a point to spend at least half an hour out in the sun. Also, make sure your house is well lit, dark rooms increases the symptoms of seasonal depression.

Go Out

Recommended Reading: How To Control Depression Thoughts

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