Wednesday, May 1, 2024

How To Help A Depressed Dog

Why Is My Dog Depressed

How To Treat Depression In Dogs

The first thing to do if your dog is diagnosed with depression is to figure out the cause. While humans might have situational or chemical depression, dogs usually get depressed after a major life change. In other words, usually pups have situational depression and their change in mood is a result of something happening in their environment.

So why is your dog depressed? Look to see if theyre going through any kind of big life transition. Its not unusual for pooches to be sad after changing owners or maybe the death of their doggie sibling. Some dogs, like a child, might also be jealous of a new baby in the home.

Treatment For Depressed Dogs


Just like in humans, depression can sometimes be remedied by medication. However, the medications effect on a dog with depression has not been studied as thoroughly as its effect on humans.

Medicine can return your dogs brain to its proper equilibrium and help him become less paralyzed by the effects of depression. It can take a few weeks for the medication to take effect two to three weeks is the general amount of time needed to reach the necessary level in the dog’s system.

The good news about medicine for depression is that dogs generally only need to take medicine for a few weeks or months. Once diagnosed and treated with medication, humans suffering from depression sometimes have to take the medicine for the rest of their lives.

The ASPCA lists the types of medicines that are used to treat dogs with chemical imbalances or psychological conditions that express themselves behaviorally: benzodiazepines such as Valium and Xanax monoamine oxidase inhibitors such as Anipryl, tricyclic antidepressants such as Elavil and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil.

Behavioral training

The ASCPA describes behavioral training for depression as

Behavioral training is generally more effective if a medication regimen is instituted first, giving the dog a chance to come out of his depression a little so that effective behavior modification can start.

Pay more attention to your dog

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Depression Medication For Dogs

While prescription antidepressants for dogs do exist, they shouldnt be the first thing you try. Its also important to know that while theyre called antidepressants, these medications are primarily used to treat different anxiety disorders in dogs.

However, if your dog isnt getting any better from the above tips, your veterinarian might consider prescription medication if she notices that your dogs depression is linked to anxiety.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and antidepressants can be prescribed for anxiety, but these are considered last resort options if behavior and environmental changes are unsuccessful, Dr. Wigfall said. Antidepressants include medications such as fluoxetine and clomipramine .

Other antidepressants include benzodiazepines .Additionally, geriatric dogs suffering from cognitive dysfunction syndrome may benefit from selegiline .

If you think your dog is depressed, reach out to your veterinarian or a dog behaviorist in order to get her the help she needs to start feeling like herself again.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Dog Depression

Dog depression symptoms are very similar to those in people, said John Ciribassi, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior. âDogs will become withdrawn. They become inactive. Their eating and sleeping habits often change. They donât participate in the things they once enjoyed.â

But vets warn those symptoms also can mean a dog has a medical problem, so the first course of action should always be a full checkup by a veterinarian. A pet that mopes around and no longer wants to go for walks could simply have pain from arthritis, Beaver says.

Alcohol Tobacco And Other Drugs

How A Dog Can Help With Depression

The misuse and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, and prescription medications affect the health and well-being of millions of Americans. SAMHSAs 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that approximately 19.3 million people aged 18 or older had a substance use disorder in the past year.

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Is There Medication For Dog Depression

As with the majority of behavioral concerns in dogs, medications should be just one part of the treatment plan. Medications for dog depression are usually beneficial when combined with behavioral modification, supplements, and pheromone products. Medications can be especially helpful for pets that have a history of fears or anxieties and are also going through a difficult situation.

Dont Ignore The Symptoms

Dog depression doesnt appear out of the blue. Usually, there are some notable symptoms thatll reveal to you when your fluffy best friend is going through a tough time. They include losing attention, low activity, disinterest in their favorite food or toys as well as new sleeping or eating habits.

Depending on the dogs age and breed, they may also suffer from anxiety, anger, and aggression, which may end up in loud and howling. Opposite of that, they may cease interacting and retrieve in themselves, sitting around quiet.

No matter which of these symptoms appear, its important not to ignore them and take action at once.

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Treating Depression With Veterinary Interventions

  • 1Have your dog assessed by a veterinarian. The symptoms associated with depression in dogs can also signal a variety of medical problems. Because of this, it important to have your dog’s health assessed by a veterinarian when you begin to spot the signs of depression. Call your veterinary clinic and set up an appointment for the dog to be seen in the near future.XResearch source
  • Be prepared to tell your veterinarian about your dog’s symptoms and when they began. This will help the vet get to the bottom of your dog’s issues.
  • 2Treat underlying illnesses. Changes in behavior can be caused by your dog being sick. If your veterinarian finds anything wrong with your dog, be sure to begin treating it right away. Clearing up your dog’s illness could clear up its depression as well.
  • There are a wide variety of illnesses that cause dogs to be lethargic and asocial. Anything that is making your dog feel ill will likely impact your dog’s behavior and mood.
  • For example, lethargy can be a symptom of an infectious disease, such as parvovirus. This is a serious disease that requires quick treatment with fluids and medications in order to prevent death.
  • Veterinarians can prescribe a variety of mood-altering medications that will help your pet. These are the same medications given to humans with depression issues, just given at a lower dosage. They include Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft.XResearch source
  • How Can You Help Your Dog If It’s Depressed

    How Dogs Help Depression

    Our dogs can’t verbally tell us how they are feeling, so it can often be a challenge to understand exactly what they are going through. Once you have spotted the visible signs of sadness in your pup, it’s important you know what can be done to help.

    “The first thing that you should do if you suspect that your dog is depressed is seek advice from your vet. Sudden behavioural changes can be the initial signs of illness, so it is important to check that these symptoms aren’t happening due to a physical ailment before anything else,” the experts say.

    1. Offering your dog more attention: One of the best ways to help your sad pup is by ensuring they get more attention. The experts at Canagan explain: “It’s important to offer this added attention in moderation as you will need to allow your dog time to deal with their feelings at their own pace.”

    2. Keep your dog active: Similar to humans, spending time in the fresh air can drastically help to boost your dog’s mood. Again, you may need to build this up slowly, but taking your dog out on regular walks will help them both physically and mentally.

    The experts say: “When they aren’t properly stimulated and can’t expend all of their natural energy, a dog’s boredom levels can turn into sadness. Just like humans, when dogs are active their brains release dopamine and serotonin – the ‘feel good’ chemicals which supercharge their mood.”

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    What Causes Depression In Dogs

    There are a number of potential causes for depression in dogs, just as there are in humans. One major cause is the loss of a close companion, whether that be another dog, a human, or even another animal. This loss can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can quickly turn into depression. Other causes include changes in routine , medical problems, and even abuse.

    Depression in dogs can manifest itself in a number of ways. Some dogs may become withdrawn and stop interacting with their owners as much as they used to. They may also start sleeping more, eating less, and generally seem less interested in life. Some depressed dogs may become destructive or aggressive, while others may try to escape by running away. Its important to watch for these signs so that you can get your dog help if he or she is suffering from depression.

    If you think your dog may be depressed, the first step is to talk to your veterinarian. He or she will be able to rule out any underlying medical causes and provide you with some tips on how to help your dog through this difficult time.

    How To Spot And Treat Dog Depression

    Depression in dogs is similar to depression in humans. There are many ways to diagnose depression in humans, and they can tell about their feelings when they are depressed. However, your dogs do not have this option they do not know your language, so we must understand their feelings when they get depressed.

    Theres not much research on dog depression, but its hard to imagine that our furry, wagging tail companion can get sad. Dogs are brilliant and can experience and react to different emotions.

    So how can you spot dog depression, and what can you do about it? In this article, we will describe some signs and possible remedies for canine depression.

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    How Do Dogs Help With Anxiety And Depression

    Dogs help with anxiety and other mental illness, similarly to how they help with depression. They increase oxytocin production, which decreases stress and fear, and provides unconditional companionship to their owners. These things help with mental illnesses of all kinds, including anxiety and depression.

    Leaving Food In Its Bowl

    12 Ways Dogs Help With Depression and Anxiety [Infographic]

    Canine depression manifests in a manner similar to human depression, so just as you might lose your appetite when youre feeling down, your sad dog might not feel like eating either. If your dog doesnt show its usual eagerness for its favorite food or even loses weight, it might be experiencing depression, says Dr. Simon. Or it may be upset with you.

    Westend61/Getty Images

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    Can My Pet Get Depressed

    Unlike humans, most pets seem to be in perpetually good moods. They’re ecstatic when you arrive home from work, are always ready to play and enjoy keeping you company whether you’re cooking dinner or cleaning the garage. When your pet seems sad and is no longer interested in the little things that used to make him or her happy, it’s only natural to wonder if depression is the cause.

    Depression and Pets

    Pet behavioral experts believe that animals probably do suffer from depression when they face upsetting situations. Symptoms of depression often occur after a life-changing event, such as a move to a new home, a family member moving out or the death of a pet or family member. Often, it takes a little detective work to determine what may have caused your pet’s condition.

    Common Symptoms of Depression

    Your pet may be depressed if you observe one or more of these symptoms:

    • You may notice that your pet seems a little lethargic and uninterested in doing much more than sleeping or resting.
    • Loss of Appetite. Depressed pets often aren’t interested in eating and may begin to lose weight.
    • Lack of Interest in Playing. Fetch, chase-the-laser-light and other games may fail to interest a pet who’s depressed.
    • Reduced Interaction with People. Depressed pets just want to be alone. They may stop greeting you at the door or find a hiding place under a bed or table.
    • Feather Plucking. Birds may pluck their feathers and look disheveled if they’re depressed.

    Help Your Pet Overcome Depression

    What Is The Best Dog For Depression

    There have been very few studies on which types of dogs are best for depression. Overall, there seems to be very little difference between highly trained service dogs and your average companion dog when it comes to treating depression symptoms. This is likely because there are very few specific actions a dog can perform to help with depression. It is mostly their presence and day-to-day maintenance that is crucial for treating depression symptoms.

    However, trained service dogs can be helpful to those with PTSD, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. In these cases, dogs can perform specific commands that can help substantially. Service dogs for anxiety can often detect anxiety attacks before they start and prompt their owners to get to a safe place.

    In terms of breed, no one dog breed is better for depression than others. In general, it is better to pick low-maintenance dogs, as someone with depression might not have the energy to care for an energetic Jack Russel or the highly-intelligent border collie.

    As usual, you should take into account your living situation and lifestyle when choosing a dog as well. A giant dog might not be suitable if you live in a smaller home. Some people might find it very calming to brush a dog daily, but you might not.

    Other dog breeds that are good for those with depression include Greyhounds, Havanese, Whippets, and Spaniels.

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    Causes Of Depression In Dogs

    Chemical imbalance in the brain

    The brains of humans and dogs are made up of billions of neurons, specialized cells found in the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system of the body. Neurons communicate with each other. A message passes from a sending neuron to a receiving neuron. Messages travel between neurons using neurotransmitters, chemicals in the brain. Once the neurotransmitters have carried the sending neurons message to the receiving neuron, they return and are reabsorbed by the sending neuron.

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    A dogs mental state seems to depend on which neurotransmitter chemical is released to carry the message. One of them, serotonin, is the happy neurotransmitter, and one cause of depression, it is believed, is that serotonin is reabsorbed too quickly by the sending neuron, leaving too little of that happy chemical in the brain. Once this chemical imbalance occurs, depression usually follows.

    A lifestyle change

    Moving, a change in schedule such as children going back to school or a family member starting a job, a new baby, a new dog, absence of a household member through death or divorce, or any other dramatic shakeup can all cause depression in a dog. Even seasonal and weather changes can affect a dog.

    Reaction to an illness or chronic condition

    Abuse and neglect

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    A Guide On How To Help A Depressed Dog

    How to Cure Depression in Dogs! Dog Depression Signs and Advice!

    Is there anything as sad as seeing your dog in depression? Luckily, dog depression can be treated. Heres how to help a depressed dog. And one of many ways treat your dogs depression is using CBD treats for dogs.

    Having a dog can do wonders for our health. For one thing, studies have shown that they can improve heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

    On top of that, they can benefit our mental healththat is, their companionship can help ease loneliness and reduce depression.

    But did you know that dogs can get depressed too? Because they can. The only thing is that they cant tell you about ityou have to be able to recognize the signs.

    Want to know how to help a depressed dog? If so, youre in the right place. Keep reading to learn more!

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    What Causes Depression And Anxiety In Dogs

    A major change or a distressing event in a dogs life can sometimes bring on symptoms of depression and/or anxiety.

    For example, the loss of its owner or a companion animal, or even a sense of grief being experienced by those around them, can all affect a dog’s overall emotions.

    Big life changes, such as a move to a new house, a new baby or a new pet, may also have an impact on a dog’s emotions. Generally, any significant change to your dogs daily routine may bring on symptoms of depression or anxiety.

    Bouncing Back From Dog Depression

    In the end it wasnât the car rides or dog parks or even the antidepressants Richer tried to help her dog, Terrace. Instead it was a friendly rescue dog she agreed to foster for a week. âBenji walked in, ran up the stairs, found Terrace behind the mirror and when I got up there he was lying next to her and licking her,â Richer said. âWithin a week, she was better. Now sheâs the happiest dog ever.â

    Show Sources

    Jodie Richers, owner of Terrace founder of Dogs on Death Row in honor of her dog, Pumba. Roswell, Ga.

    Bonnie Beaver, DVM, executive director, American College of Veterinary Behaviorists veterinary specialist in animal behavior, small animal clinic at Texas A& M University College of Veterinary Medicine, College Station, Texas.

    John Ciribassi, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior founder of Chicagoland Veterinary Behavior Consultants near Chicago.

    Karen Sueda, DVM, diplomat, American College of Veterinary Behaviorists and president elect of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior founder of the behavior service at VCA West Los Angeles Animal Hospital, Los Angeles.

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