Monday, May 6, 2024

Why Am I Depressed Around My Period

Pinpointing The Cause Of A Missed Period

“Hope In Depression, a Mental Health Challenge” by Verlynn Yoder

Of course, the first thing you should do if your period is late is to take a pregnancy test, which can be accurate as early as the first day of your missed period. If its negative and you dont get your period in a few days or you completely skip it that cycle, or if youre having chronic problems with menstruation, make an appointment to see your gynecologist.

Shell likely do a repeat pregnancy test. If its negative, shell move on to some basic evaluations such as asking you about your medical history, doing a pelvic exam, and taking blood samples to check your hormone levels.

Go Out And Have Some Fun

Theres definitely a time for being introverted during menstruation. However, if youre feeling bogged down by negative emotions, recognize them and then do just the opposite.

Get out and engage in some activities that are simple and silly, like dancing and laughing. Things that allow you to be more carefree to balance the deeper, contemplative or serious side of yourself.

To Prevent Future Bouts

Here are some things you can start doing to improve your periods and prevent, or at least reduce, those icky period flu symptoms during your next cycle:

  • Exercise regularly.Exercise has been shown to improve a lot of the discomfort associated with periods, including cramps, depression, and lack of energy.
  • Eat healthy foods. Eating healthy is always a good idea, but making healthier choices in the two weeks leading up to your period can reduce PMS symptoms. Cut back on your alcohol, sugar, salt, and caffeine intake.

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Depression Symptoms Worsen Before Menstruation

Women Whose Symptoms Get Worse Before Periods Have Longer Bouts of Depression

In a new study, 64% of women with major depression said their symptoms get worse five to 10 days before their period. Women whose symptoms worsened had depression for a longer duration of time than women whose depression symptoms did not change because of the onset of menstruation.

The news could help doctors evaluate, treat, and set standards for the treatment of depression. Nearly 19 million American adults have depression in any given year about 9.5% of the population. Women experience depression about twice as often as men, says the National Institute of Mental Health .

That may be partly due to factors that are unique to women. However, men are less likely to admit depression and doctors are less likely to suspect it in their male patients, says NIMH.

Depression can strike at any age. Everything from genetics to stress can play a role. According to researchers more then 20% of women will experience depression at some time during their lifetime. But the childbearing years may be a particularly vulnerable time for women.

The study appears in the January issue of Psychological Medicine. Its the work of researchers including Susan Kornstein, MD, of Virginia Commonwealth University .

Natural Ways To Reduce Anxiety Before Your Period

Why Am I So Angry On My Period

No matter what the root cause of your anxiety, there are several ways to minimize its effects while you figure out how best to treat it.

While medications like Xanax are often prescribed and effective in the short term, they can be extremely addictive and difficult to withdraw from should you choose to discontinue use. Theres no shame in leveraging medication to get relief. And at the same time, Id encourage you to investigate why you have anxiety in the first place.

Even if you do choose to go the pharmaceutical route the following natural recommendations can help tremendously as well. And remember, always talk to your doc about your medications before changing or discontinuing them.

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How Depression Affects The Menstrual Cycle

The stress hormone cortisol is primarily responsible for changes in a womans cycle when shes depressed. As cortisol levels rise in response to stress, the hypothalamus, an organ in the brain that plays an important part in regulating the reproductive system, stops sending signals to the ovaries to do their job.

Without this signal, ovulation is either delayed or stopped altogether. The result is a late period or sometimes no period at all.

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Solutions For Dealing With Pms Depression

Many women experience complete relief from PMS depression once their periods begin, but there are also lifestyle changes you can make to reduce symptoms.

Nutrition is a great place to start. A diet high in whole foods including grains, fruits and vegetables can help you feel better all month long. Watch how much salt, caffeine and alcohol you consume because these can all worsen PMS symptoms. Vitamins formulated for menstrual health are another easy way to support a healthy menstrual cycle overall .

Exercise is proven to be a mood-booster and helps with physical symptoms as well. Meditation, yoga and breathing exercises can help you reduce stress and get better sleep. If aches and pains have you feeling down, over-the-counter medication may help or you can get natural, targeted relief from cramps with heat patches.

Feelings of depression before your period can range from mild to severe enough that its best to seek professional help. If you think you may have PMDD, contact your doctor. Medication such as birth control or antidepressants may be necessary to regulate your hormones. If you are unclear whether your feelings of depression are related to your period, try using a period tracker to follow when the symptoms begin and end to get more insight.


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What Are The Complications Of Pmdd

Untreated PMDD can lead to depression and, in severe cases, suicide. The disorder can cause severe emotional distress and negatively affect relationships and careers.

If youre experiencing suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1.800.273.8255. This national network of local crisis centers provides 24/7 free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.

Depressed Anxious Or Suicidal Before Your Period You Could Be Living With Pmdd

Why Am I Depressed? – The Shocking Truth Behind Your Depression

The most telling characteristic about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is what Lalitha perhaps described best: she felt like a cloud lifted from her head after she got her period.

PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome, has been the butt of enough sexist jokes. In common parlance, it has come to stand in for any time people believe a woman is expressing discomfort, irritation or acting out. The markers of PMS cramps, mood swings, bloating, cravings, diarrhea are many and varied. And Lalitha*, being a physician herself, knew this well. So, when she noticed marked changes in mood before her period in her early 30s, she tried taking steps to bring it under control.

I cut caffeine, lessened my salt intake etc. but it didnt make a difference, she tells TNM. Living alone at that time, things got worse for the 38-year-old when she started feeling suicidal a couple of days before her period was due. I was not able to get anything done I wasnt able to sleep, or I would sleep too much, and I did not feel like going to work, she recounts.

This would happen for a week before her period, every month. And after I got my period, it was like a cloud lifted from my head. The amount of work I could get done after that was phenomenal, she observes.

How PMDD is different from PMS

How PMDD affects people

How PMDD is diagnosed, and is there a cure?

Diagnosing PMDD correctly

The stigma they faced

*Names changed

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Phases Of The Menstrual Cycle

It can help to know a bit about the main phases of the menstrual cycle. Heres a quick rundown:

  • Menstrual phase. You get your period during this first stage of the cycle. When your period is over, this stage ends.
  • Follicular phase. This phase also begins with the first day of your period, but it lasts until ovulation. During this phase, your body has lower levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. As your period ends, your body begins to rebuild the lining of the uterus in preparation for ovulation, or egg release, and hormone levels begin to rise once more.
  • Ovulation. This happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Your estrogen levels rise, reaching a high point just before ovulation, and then they drop immediately afterward.
  • Luteal phase. This phase begins after ovulation. The second half of your cycle involves a significant spike in progesterone, which helps prepare the uterus for pregnancy. When the released egg goes unfertilized, this peak is quickly followed by a drop, and your period begins.

Before ovulation, dopamine levels increase alongside rising estrogen levels. Incidentally, this fluctuation could help explain why you might notice changes in working memory and concentration during your period.

Both dopamine and estrogen decline again after ovulation, and right before your period starts, theres another drop in estrogen and progesterone.

For some people, the post-ovulation drop in estrogen leads to a corresponding drop in serotonin.

Key Points About Pmdd

PMDD is a much more severe form of t premenstrual syndrome .

The exact cause of PMDD is not known.

  • The main symptoms that distinguish PMDD from other mood disorders or menstrual conditions is when symptoms start and how long they last.
  • Symptoms of PMDD are so severe that it affects your ability to function at home, work and in relationships.
  • Aside from a complete medical history and physical and pelvic exam, there are very few tests to diagnose the condition.
  • Over the course of a year, during most menstrual cycles, 5 or more of the following symptoms must be present:
  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Insomnia or feeling very sleepy
  • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control
  • PMDD is a serious, chronic condition that does need treatment that may include lifestyle changes and sometimes medicines.
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    Treatment Of Postpartum Depression

    Reported treatments for PPD include antidepressants, hormones, and psychotherapy, but there is a paucity of well-designed controlled studies, samples are small and there are no definitive conclusions.


    Sertonergic antidepressants with reported efficacy for PPD include fluoxetine in double -blind study,150 and sertraline, venlafaxine, and fluvoxamine in open studies.151153 Results in the sertraline study suggested that response is swift and at low doses, but these findings were not supported in another retrospective record review.154 The many antidepressants available are clearly effective for depression but are generally unstudied for PPD. Other considerations in the selection of an antidepressant are the patient’s tolerability of side effects and the response to a previously prescribed antidepressant. For women with previous episodes of depression, the general guideline is to prescribe the antidepressant used in the previous episode if the patient had a satisfactory response.

    A major concern about drug therapy for breast-feeding mothers is the effect of medication on the infant.155 In small studies, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, desipramine, clomipramine, imipramine, sertraline, fluvoxamine, and paroxetine were not detected in quantifiable amounts in infant, plasma and all infants were thriving.156161 The results are encouraging, but cannot be generalized to all infants exposed to these medications.

    Hormone treatments



    Hormones And Your Menstrual Cycle

    Search girls on their period Memes on

    Hormones are specialized chemicals in your body that control a variety of functions, including your menstrual cycle. Estrogen and progesterone are the primary hormones that control female sexual characteristics, reproduction, and your menstrual cycle.

    During certain times of the month, these hormone levels increase. This fluctuation, combined with ovarian steroids, can change the way you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically.

    Along with elevated estrogen and progesterone levels, serotonin levels in your brain may change as your menstrual period approaches. Serotonin is a brain chemical thats responsible for mood, and it could be linked to some of the mood-related changes that are common in the days before and during your period.

    Fluctuating hormone and serotonin levels play a role in PMS symptoms, but its not clear exactly what causes these bothersome side effects. Some women may be more likely to have severe symptoms if they have a history of depression, anxiety, or other menstrual conditions.

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    Using The Pill For Pms And Pmdd

    My first recommendation for mild PMS is to encourage regular exercise and relaxation techniques. Some women find that cutting back on sodium decreases bloating and swelling. For women with PMS or PMDD who also desire contraception, taking the birth control pill and shortening or eliminating the typical week off can be very effective.

    Several studies suggest the best birth control pills for controlling PMS or PMDD symptoms are those that contain the hormone drospirenone. When I prescribe one of these medications for a woman who wants to control her PMS or PMDD, I usually start with a dosing schedule that includes only a four-day time-off interval. If symptoms continue, I recommend a different pill with a higher dose of estrogen. If that still doesnt improve symptoms, I next have the woman take pills with active hormones every day, completely skipping any time off.

    Women who take continuous birth control pills will stop having periods but may experience occasional irregular bleeding. Many find the trade-off well worth it to ease the symptoms of PMS and PMDD. Be aware that birth control pills with drospirenone are slightly more likely to cause blood clots than pills with other types and amounts of hormones. However, the risk is still quite low in healthy women.

    Doctors used to prescribe progesterone alone for PMS and PMDD. Newer studies suggest that it doesnt help. Although there is still a great deal of attention given to the use of progesterone, I dont recommend it.

    When Is It More Than Just Pms

    Between 3-8% of people with periods experience a more severe form of PMS called premenstrual dysphoric disorder . The symptoms are similar to those of PMS, but much more frequent and intense. Where PMS symptoms may last a few days, PMDD symptoms last the entire 1-2 weeks, and theyre severe enough to disrupt your daily functioning. Its a chronic condition that requires treatment.

    The main feature of PMDD is the way it affects you mentally. It can cause clinical levels of anxiety and depression, with symptoms like panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, severe mood swings, and paranoia. What sets PMDD apart from other mood disorders is that symptoms go away shortly after your period starts.

    Theres also premenstrual exacerbation , which worsens the symptoms of another mental health condition in the premenstrual phase.

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    Does Hormonal Birth Control Help Or Make It Worse

    This works very much on a person-by-person basis. Some hormonal birth control pills help reduce bloating, breast sensitivity and other physical symptoms, as well as minimising emotional symptoms like depression and anxiety. Others, however, have been known to make symptoms even worse. It often takes a few tries to find a method of contraception that works for you and doesnt negatively affect your cycle and PMS symptoms. Always speak to your doctor about the options you have.

    Your Symptoms Extend Beyond Your Period

    Why You Might Be UNHAPPY (Even When Things Are Good)

    Typically, PMS symptoms become a problem the week before you get your period and abruptly subside on Day 2, said Dr. Currier.

    But if the symptoms arent necessarily in sync with your period, generalized anxiety disorder or depression may be to blame. If the bad stuff is going on all month long, said Dr. Sulak, theres something other than PMS going on.

    Ultimately, if you have any concerns about your menstrual cycle, its always a great idea to see your health care provider for assistance.

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    Staying Sane & Kicking The Period Blues: A Few Tips

    Now that you know why your cycle can make your moods take a dip, lets talk about what you can do to feel better.

    1. Take your experiences seriously and ask for help. Silly memes about PMS pop up online all the time, and while we love a good meme as much as the next person, they can sometimes have the effect of making you dismiss your pain or suffering as unserious and unimportant. But the way you feel matters.

    If you suspect your cycle is severely affecting your mood and quality of life, talk to your healthcare provider sooner rather than later. Get screened for PMDD or perimenopausal depression and find out about treatment options, ranging from hormonal meds to antidepressants to cognitive behavioral therapy.

    2. Treat yourself well. Self-care does make us feel better. Exercise, eating healthy foods, and getting enough sleep are essential to improving our moods, whatever part of the menstrual cycle were in.

    Just make sure youre not too hard on yourself as you work on incorporating these good habitsespecially in the days right before or during your period. A particularly intense PMS day may not be the best time to take an extra-challenging HIIT class . Oftentimes, treating yourself well might mean simply letting yourself take a nap.

    What Causes Pms And Anger Before My Period

    As Healthline explains, experts arent exactly sure what causes premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. However, most believe that its tied to hormonal changes throughout the month. When the egg is released from the ovaries, estrogen and progesterone levels can drop, which has been linked to lowering the levels of serotonin in your body during premenstrual syndrome. Lower serotonin is tied to symptoms like difficulty sleeping, irritability, sadness, and even food cravings.

    When these hormone levels drop, many people who menstruate experience an increase in premenstrual syndrome symptoms. This can be frustrating because its invisible, which means you often dont realize what youre going through at the time. You may find yourself experiencing strong premenstrual syndrome symptoms before you even realize whats causing it.

    Premenstrual anger in some ways is out of your control because of your hormones. However, that does not mean that you are justified to act on your anger, and it also doesnt mean that you are powerless to change it. You can take several approaches to control your anger and premenstrual syndrome symptoms.

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