Thursday, July 25, 2024

If I Go To The Hospital For Depression What Happens

What Are The Different Types Of Psych Wards

How to Go to the ER for Suicidal Tendencies | MedCircle

Psychiatric wards are also sometimes called mental health wards or behavioral health wards. Regardless of the name, they’re generally places designed to provide intense care for psychiatric patients whose needs cannot be adequately met in an outpatient setting. Although there are mental health facilities that focus on either children or adults, most psychiatric wards treat both groups.

In addition to psychiatric wards, there are also psych units or psych floors in many general hospitals that treat patients with psychiatric symptoms or mental disorders that require a shorter stay than what would be offered on a full-fledged psychiatric ward. These facilities typically provide around-the-clock observation and care by trained professionals who can also administer medications.

Psychiatric wards are different from mental health clinics in that they’re generally institutions located in hospitals or medical centers for severely mentally ill patients. Most psychiatric wards provide 24-hour observation, care, and treatment that’s administered by psychiatrists, licensed therapists, and other trained professionals.

My Psych Team Does Their Job

At 9 a.m., I fought to find my breakfast tray in the cafeteria. Breakfast consisted of pancakes dripping in syrup along with sausages, which I knew my body would not process. Kind Nurse1 brought me a bowl of oatmeal, and a dietician came over to discuss what I could eat. She said, Ok, we will start providing them to you tomorrow, and I thought, Tomorrow? What am I supposed to do today? I remained quiet. When lunch arrived, I saw it was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I explained I was allergic to peanut butter, thanked the attendant, and went back to my room.

My support team met with me later. My intake report, which I subsequently requested, indicated I was helpless, hopeless, and suicidal. Later I learned my poor mental state was attributed to my not looking the admitting ER physician in the eye . This was yet another mistake of mine. Make sure you look all interviewers in the eyes so they realize you are in full control of your mental state. At the meeting with my support team, the hospital psychiatrist held my intake report and asked me why I was there. I told them it was because of an allergic reaction to hydromorphone.

My only identity, according to my team, was mentally ill with suicidal tendencies. Wouldnt I rather work on anxiety or other problems, they asked. I remained committed to chapter three of my book . Well, ok, they said, there are board games, cards, and art you can do if you prefer. Maybe you would like a group session.

What Will Happen If I Go To The Er For Emergency Mental Health Treatment During Covid

If youre having a mental health crisis and need immediate support, you may decide to go to the emergency room . Making the decision to seek emergency help can be overwhelming, and it may feel even more stressful during the COVID-19 pandemic. While there may be a few extra steps you have to take due to new regulations, knowing what to expect can ease some of your concerns.

Early on in the pandemic, many emergency departments saw a sharp decrease in visits, likely due to fear of COVIDs high contagiousness. Its an understandable worry, but hospitals across the country are taking extreme measures to prevent the spread of COVID and ensure everyones safety. These new practices are important, but they also mean that your experience will probably be different from any ER visits youve had in the past. People who have tested positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms will probably be in an isolated unit, so you wont share any common spaces with them. Most hospitals are requiring everyone to wear a mask, and some are even requesting that people put on a clean hospital mask upon entering the building. Many have rearranged their waiting rooms to allow for proper distancing between patients and boosted their cleaning routines.

Aside from increased cleaning and masks, heres what you can expect when visiting the ER for a mental health concern during this time:

500 Montgomery Street,

Recommended Reading: What Is Going On In The Brain During Depression

What Are Some Of The Most Common Mental Health Issues Kids And Teens Face

From depression and anxiety to obsessive-compulsive disorder , ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder , and adjustment disorders, children can and do face a slew of mental health issues. However, their concerns vary from their teachers, parents, grandparents, and older peers. They also manifest in a very different way.

These can all show up in a myriad of different ways, depending on the personality of the child, Jodi Aman, a licensed clinical social worker and author of Anxiety Im So Done With You, told The Mighty. Some common things to look out for include not wanting to do things they normally enjoy, wanting to be alone a lot, being sad, not wanting to get together with friends, being clingy, and needing extra reassurance. Doing better or worse in school can also be a sign things are off.

Whats Generally Offered At Mental Health Inpatient Programs

What Happens When You Are Hospitalized for Depression?

One of the first services youll likely have at the hospital is an assessment with a psychiatrist. You may also be seen by a physician and have your bloodwork done. From there, the programs or treatment offerings at a mental health hospital can vary. Other services you may get could include:

  • Medication management

  • One-on-one therapy sessions

Also Check: Does Talking To Someone Help Depression

When Should I See My Doctor

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, its best to seek help early and your GP is a good place to start. There’s no need to struggle on your own. Seek help:

  • if you are feeling sad, teary or overwhelmed most of the time
  • if these feelings have been with you for 2 weeks or more
  • if your low mood affects how you cope at home, work or school.

Your GP can suggest effective treatment options, and the sooner your symptoms are addressed, the better the outcome will likely be.

Some people with depression feel that life is too difficult, not worth living or even that they themselves are worthless. If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, dont wait seek help now.

What Are The Complications Of Depression

When depression becomes very severe, dark thoughts can emerge and these can even lead to suicide. If you are having thoughts of suicide, talking to someone you trust can help.

If someone you care about has severe depression, learn the warning signs, since they may be feeling so bad that they cant see their way out alone.

Read Also: How To Get Past Depression On Your Own

You Feel Like Nothing Is Helping You Feel Better

If therapy or psychiatric treatment have not been working and you are falling into a worse state, it may be time to move into a setting that has the resources and bandwidth to respond to any situation the depression might provoke, explains Nima Fahimian, MD, associate professor of clinical psychiatry at the University of California, Riverside.

Counselling Or Talk Therapy

Voluntarily checking into psychiatric hospital, easy. Checking out? Not so much

The primary treatment for depression or anxiety is psychological counseling, also called talk therapy or psychotherapy. Several types of talk therapy have been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of depression.

  • Cognitive behaviour therapy can help us see how our thoughts and actions are connected to our feelings. CBT teaches us how to replace negative, depressive thoughts and behaviours with more positive, constructive thoughts and actions.
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy focuses on improving relationships by helping us to resolve conflicts that are contributing to the depression.
  • Solution-focused therapy focuses on personal strengths and helps us to create a positive future for ourself by finding solutions to our stresses and problems.

Read Also: How To Get Better From Depression Without Medication

Inpatient Or Residential Care

If a mental health professional at the ER determines that you need additional support that cannot wait, you may be transferred to a higher level of care. Examples of this include a residential treatment program or a psychiatric hospital.

Although this may sound overwhelming or scary, the goal is to get you to a place specializing in what youre going through.

Recommending one of these places is getting you the best care available for your specific needs.

In the same way a person who has received a cancer diagnosis may be referred to a cancer treatment center, someone facing suicidal thoughts can be referred to a psychiatric hospital.

Admission for inpatient psychiatric care likely will involve:

  • treatment with medications and forms of therapy, depending on what you need
  • higher levels of support so your care is constantly supervised by professionals
  • creation of safer environments by removing any potential objects of harm

The length of time someone spends in an inpatient facility depends on the initial assessment, treatment progress and response, and existing treatment for contributing conditions like bipolar disorder or depression.

Helping A Friend Or Family Member

You can play a key role in helping a person who is depressed:

  • Be a good listener and avoid making any judgments.
  • Encourage your friend or family member to get other help as well, and assist them in finding it.
  • Offer to go with them to appointments.
  • Stay in regular contact let them know youre there for them.
  • Make plans together to do something fun.
  • Stay alert for warning signs of suicidal behaviour . If there is an immediate risk, get them to a hospital emergency department, or call 911 right away.

Dont forget to look after yourself. Make sure to make time for yourself and your own wellness needs physical, emotional, social and seek extra support for yourself when you need it.

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Could I Be Forced To Go To Hospital

If a group of mental health professionals agree that hospital treatment would be in your best interests to keep you or others safe, then they could detain you in hospital under the Mental Health Act even if you don’t want to be there.

See our pages on sectioning for information about the circumstances in which you can be sectioned, and about your legal rights.

” admitted me to a hospital 20ish miles away . After three weeks in there I was sent home, and they visited every few days for two weeks until I got a CPN .”

Do I Need To Go To The Hospital For Depression

Precious Little Worlds My true life story battling depression

When depression becomes so severe, a person may require psychiatric hospitalization for depression.

Gold Standard for Treating Depression

Though psychiatric hospitalization is not an alternative therapy to medications, it’s often a last resort choice for those who do not respond well to traditional depression treatment or for those who have not received treatment at all.

The most important thing for people with depression to remember regarding hospitals is that there is nothing wrong or weak about being treated in a psychiatric hospital for depression. If a person had life-threatening pneumonia, a hospital would be the first treatment choice. And people would certainly never think the ill person should just stick it out at home and ‘take care of their problems!’

It’s very sad and dangerous that depression is not seen in the same way as other physiological illnesses. If someone is severely depressed — they are in a life-threatening situation that often requires hospitalization. Hospitals can be a safe place for people who are depressed. They provide the attention and medical help needed to get someone out of a severe and usually life-threatening depression. If you experience suicidal thoughts with a plan of how to kill yourself, then hospitalization is a safe and effective way to help you get out of the depression so that more traditional treatments can be used.

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What Do They Do If You Go To The Er For Severe Depression

Question posted by Jt6577 on 1 Nov 2010


I went to the ER in April of 2015 for exactly the same reason you are saying you might want to go. I was not truly suicidal but I did not care to live like I was feeling and often hoped I would die somehow and thought dead people were the lucky ones. It’s not a good place to be. Go in if you feel you need help. They gave me Ativan in an IV and asked me a lot of questions. I was honest about my answers and told them what I just said about wanting to die. They asked me if I wanted to be admitted. My husband was with me so I said I did not but I might have if I were alone. I was put on Cymbalta and that along with time has helped a lot. I did go to counseling for a few months. You will make it– it is very important to reach out to others even though a big part of you probably doesn’t want to. Please do whatever you feel inside you need to do.


They asscess you, and feel if your a threat to yourself you are admitted to pschyc ward


So sorry to hear you are that depressed. I have been admitted 10 times in ten years. In my city, Pittsburgh you have to say you will hurt yourself or someone else if you don’t receive care. I always said if it wasn’t for my children I would kill myself. Please if you feel bad enough to go to the ER you do need impatient treatment. God Bless and Good Luck. Sable


When Depression Requires Critical Care

Not every individual who struggles with depression will experience suicidal urges or severe symptoms that require a higher level of care. But if you do, inpatient psychiatric hospitalization can be a meaningful treatment.

Yes, you read that correctly.


Inpatient hospitalization for psychiatric illness has come a long way from straight-jackets, rubber rooms, and metal beds. A long way from wicked nurses or frightening procedures.

Inpatient hospitalization can be voluntarymeaning you agree with your treating therapist, doctors, or loved ones to seek more intensive care. Other times, inpatient hospitalization is not voluntary. This is clinically called involuntary or compulsory hospitalization, where you do not wish to go or seek hospital care.

Outcome studies show that voluntary hospitalization results in more positive outcomes than involuntary hospitalization. In this article, voluntary inpatient care will be the subject focus.

Inpatient Treatment Settings

Inpatient psychiatric services are often a designated wing within a hospital. The inpatient unit looks more like a college dorm than a hospital floor. The unit generally has single or double rooms for patients and group/individual therapy rooms, as well as common areas for eating and relaxingand offices for staff and clinicians. It is a secured environment, arranged to keep patients safe and manage the floor with continuity.

Partial Program

How to Reduce Shame and Stigma

These feelings are not uncommon.

Don’t Miss: How To Help A Loved One With Depression And Anxiety

Can Depression Be Prevented

Even if you are more vulnerable to depression, there is plenty you can do to keep symptoms away.

Some proven strategies to help you stay well include:

  • exercising
  • avoiding harmful levels of alcohol and other substance use
  • improving your sleep
  • reducing anxiety, such as through relaxation techniques
  • staying active
  • staying sociable, so you avoid becoming isolated

What Happens Once You’re Admitted To A Psych Ward

Can a Depressed Person Have Good Days? – Atypical Depression

Once you’re admitted to a psychiatric ward, you’ll continue receiving treatment and care for your condition until you’re stable enough to go back into the community. Patients are usually required to remain on the ward for several days up to several weeks, depending on their symptoms and progress.

While you’re in a psychiatric ward, you’ll receive an individualized treatment plan according to your condition. Because there are so many different types of psychiatric disorders, patients often receive treatments ranging from medication management to family therapy or group therapy sessions.

What happens if I’m admitted to a psychiatric ward? After you’re admitted, you’ll be assessed by a treatment team of medical professionals who will determine the appropriate course of action for your condition and symptoms. You may also undergo physical examinations and lab tests to help identify any medical problems that may be causing your symptoms.

You’ll also meet with a psychiatrist who will discuss your psychiatric history and current symptoms in detail. After evaluating you, the doctor may prescribe medications to help ease your symptoms and make you more comfortable.

Recommended Reading: Is It Normal To Get Depressed While Pregnant

Tips: When To Go To The Emergency Room For Depression

10 Tips: When to Go to the Emergency Room for Depression

Most people associate emergency rooms with life or limb-threatening conditions such as severe injuries and fractures as well as serious conditions and illnesses such as heart attacks and strokes. What most people dont know is that emergency are actually a great place to take someone for serious conditions of mental health such as depression. In most cases, depression is usually handled and treated in outpatient facilities, and that is why maybe most people dont associate it with emergency rooms. However, there are severe cases of depression that are severe, so much so that they require an immediate visit to an emergency room. Severe cases of depression can just be as life or limb-threatening as accidents and strokes and should always be taken seriously. It is therefore important to know which situations require one to go to an emergency room for depression so that one can take the urgent action that is required. This article will look to help with that as it will look to highlight 10 tips on when one should go to the emergency room for depression.

Another tip as far as when one should go to the emergency room for depression is if one is showing signs of psychosis. This is usually when one is exhibiting thoughts, emotions and behavior that are detached from the external reality. Such folks are likely to do themselves or others harm and as such should be taken to an emergency room as soon as possible.

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