Friday, May 3, 2024

Counselling For Stress And Depression

What Mental Health Issues Are Suitable For Online Services

3 therapy techniques for depression, anxiety or grief | MedCircle

Its easier to cite the mental health issues that are not suitable for online services. These include severe mental disorders, especially those where patients are highly dysfunctional or pose a threat to themselves or others, such as severe depression, schizophrenia, and other illnesses characterized by hallucinations, powerful delusions, or violent or antisocial behavior.

If you or someone you know is in danger of harming themselves or somebody else, contact emergency services immediately.

Otherwise, e-therapy can be helpful in a wide variety of scenarios, including but not limited to the following.

  • Clinical conditions: depression, anxiety, personality disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder , trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder , phobias, and addiction.

  • Life topics: Parenting, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy, body acceptance, life crises and transitions, stress and burnout, and self-esteem.

  • Specific approaches: cognitive behavioral therapy , psychodynamic therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing , psychoanalysis, etc.

Why Is Managing Stress Important

Our bodys stress response exists to help us deal with immediate, threatening situations. When our mind and body are on alert, we are poised to deal with problems. This fight-or-flight response is supposed to be temporary, however, deactivating when a stressor passes. Unfortunately, in our hectic modern era, stressors are frequent and numerous, thus our physiological stress response is often robbed of the chance to turn off completely. Our physical and mental health can suffer damage as a result.2 Chronic stress can lead to serious problems such as heart disease, stroke, headaches, inflammation, pain, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression.2

The good news is that taking intentional steps to manage and cope with stress works. When you step in and do things that help your body and mind rest and reset, you can prevent your physiological stress reaction from wreaking havoc on your entire being. With regular stress management, you can respond thoughtfully to challenges rather than reacting in a way that makes you feel worse.

Questions To Ask Yourself When Choosing A Therapist

What’s most important in a therapist or counselor is a sense of connection, safety, and support. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does it seem like the therapist truly cares about you and your problems?
  • Do you feel as if the therapist understands you?
  • Does the therapist accept you for who you are?
  • Would you feel comfortable revealing personal information to this individual?
  • Do you feel as if you can be honest and open with this therapist? That you don’t have to hide or pretend you’re someone that you’re not?
  • Is the therapist a good listener? Does he or she listen without interrupting, criticizing, or judging? Pick up on your feelings and what you’re really saying? Make you feel heard?

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Start With What Is Within Your Control

Identifying what you can control and taking small action steps can help you feel more centered and empowered.4 Perhaps simplify a large project by breaking it down into small, manageable components, take a stressful situation one moment at a time, or choose to spend more time with people who encourage you and less time with those who are toxic.1 If you find yourself stuck in a terrible situation, take some control of your response by drawing on relaxation strategies.

As Long As You Continue To Progress In Therapy It’s An Option

Overcome Anxiety and Depression with Expressive Arts Therapy

Some people continue to go to therapy on an ongoing basis. That’s okay, especially if you don’t have other people to turn to for support in your life. Ideally, your therapist will be able to help you develop outside sources of support, but that’s not always possible. If therapy meets an important need in your life and the expense is not an issue, continuing indefinitely is a legitimate choice.

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Other Places That Offer Free Help

Some employers provide free counselling for their employees. Ask your HR department.

Most colleges and universities offer free counselling to students who need it. Read a blog about what to do if you’re a student and it’s all getting too much from Professor Prathiba Chitsabesan, National Clinical Director for Children and Young Peoples Mental Health.

Some charities offer helplines, cheap or free talking therapies or group support.

How Does Onlinecounselling4u Work

If you feel like talking to our counsellors, you need to simply login on our website and enter your query on the form to start the chat. Thereafter, it will take you to a list of trained counsellors out of which you can choose a therapist of your choice. Make the payment and start the sessions at your own time and convenience. Or, you can simply write to us at about what you wish to talk about and our trained counsellors will get back to you immediately.

Also Check: Are Depression And Anxiety Mental Illnesses

Types Of Talking Therapy

Talking therapies are psychological treatments for mental and emotional problems like stress, anxiety and depression.

There are lots of different types of talking therapy, but they all involve working with a trained therapist.

This may be one-to-one, in a group, online, over the phone, with your family, or with your partner.

The therapist helps you understand and cope with the problems you’re having.

For some problems and conditions, one type of talking therapy may be better than another.

Different talking therapies also suit different people.

Helping You To Live A More Manageable Fulfilling Life

Depression and Anxiety with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

With the right programme of care, you can make a difference to the way you feel and look forward to a brighter future. Our specialist stress treatment service at Priory aims to help you overcome your specific symptoms and find a better way of living. This includes giving you the coping skills to continue alleviating your symptoms and minimise the possibility of a future relapse.

Here we can help you to identify what stress looks like, its impact on your life and the steps we can take together to help you recover.

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Types Of Therapy For Anxiety

The goal of all therapeutic approaches is to help you understand why you feel the way you feel, what your triggers are, and how you might change your reaction to them. Some types of therapy even teach practical techniques to help reframe your negative thinking and change your behaviors.

Anxiety disorders differ considerably, so therapy is tailored to your specific symptoms and diagnosis. It can be conducted in an individual, family, couple, or group setting. How often you meet with your therapist and for how long will depend on your specific symptoms and diagnosis.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals use several types of anxiety therapy. The choice of therapy also depends on your diagnosis and the severity of your symptoms.

Online Treatment Is A Reliable Alternative For People Who Desire The Advantages Of Treatment

There are several reasons that people might choose to get treatment online. On the plus side, you do not have to go anywhere. On the other hand, it implies losing out on every one of the in-person interactions that can aid individuals help themselves. Bear in mind there are also various advantages to on-line therapy review yours with a professional today.

Online treatment can be an excellent option for individuals that live in backwoods or have flexibility problems. Free Counselling For Anxiety And Depression

With the recent growth of the Net, people have actually been utilizing it as a medium for therapy. It is no secret that many individuals have actually been residing in backwoods. Online therapy has ended up being a great choice with the absence of counselors and also specialists in those locations. On top of that, online treatment can be an excellent alternative for individuals who stay in backwoods or have reduced flexibility.

Finally, Calmerry can also be an excellent option for individuals who may be as well embarrassed to go and see a specialist personally. By doing this, youre still able to obtain the aid as well as support that you need without having to expose your personal issues to any individual else.

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Treating Depression And Anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health , approximately 25 percent of U.S. adults struggle with depression, anxiety or some combination of both. In any given year, approximately 6.9 percent of American adults about 16 million people live with depression. Approximately 18.1 percent about 42 million live with anxiety.

NIMH estimates that an even greater percentage of adolescents ages 12-18 struggle with depression and anxiety approximately 9.1 percent and 25.1 percent, respectively. The precise incidence in children is unclear.

These numbers are staggering but perhaps not as eye-opening as another number. According to NIMH, 50 to 60 percent of those living with anxiety and depression receive no mental health services.

But what about those who do seek help? What works? Which treatments should counselors know about? Counseling Today asked several practitioners to discuss the steps theyre taking to help clients who are engaged in struggles with anxiety and depression.

Letting go

Beth Patterson, a licensed professional counselor with a private practice in Denver, uses an eclectic mix of mindfulness practices, epigenetics and, in some cases, eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing to help clients with depression and anxiety. I see a mix of depression and anxiety. Theyre really closely related. The same brain chemicals are involved, she says.

Balancing the brain

Brain-based psychoeducation

The gender gap

Pregnancy and depression

Ocd Social Anxiety And Self

Chester Counselling and Therapy for Anxiety, Depression and Stress

Because both social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder are related to feelings of anxiety, self-therapy is frequently used as a means of addressing both. In fact, just under a quarter of those found to have OCD are also diagnosed with social anxiety .

Self-therapy, in this case, will often involve identifying the anxious âpartsâ of our psyche that are driving obsessive thoughts, compulsive behavior, or feelings of fear relating to social situations.

Social anxiety can often drive behaviors, particularly avoidance-related behaviors, and self-therapy directed at treating it often starts with psychoeducation.

Research points towards the effectiveness, in particular, of cognitive-behavioral bibliotherapy and internet-based programs for individuals with social anxiety . Even more encouragingly, these improvements showed signs of having endured in follow-up trials a year later.

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Choosing A Technique And Therapist

Finding a psychologist or therapist can seem daunting since there are so many to choose from, and you might not know where to start.

  • Ask friends and family: Recommendations from others can often be a great way to find a good therapist.
  • Ask your doctor: Another place to start is by asking your doctor or another health care professional.
  • Conduct your own online research: The American Psychological Association recommends contacting your local or state psychological association.
  • Contact a local mental health center: You can also connect with a mental health center in your community.
  • Use an online directory: The APA has a helpful psychologist locator service to help you find a therapist in your area.

When deciding on a potential psychotherapist, you will want to find out what their credentials are and whether they are qualified to treat you for depression. Ask if they take your health insurance or if they’re able to work with you on a sliding scale.

Once you determine that the therapist is adequately trained and licensed, you can read their bio on their website if they have one or send an email inquiry to find out where they received their education and how many years of experience they have. Youll also want to know if they have any particular areas of expertise.

Recommended Books And Workbooks

  • Self-Therapy Workbook: An Exercise Book For The IFS Process â Weissâ own workbook that outlines the IFS process in a step-by-step manner. Useful for therapists and individuals alike, it gives written exercises and sample answers, too.
  • Illustrated Workbook for Self-Therapy for Your Inner Critic: Transforming Self-Criticism into Self-Confidence by Bonnie Weiss â an illustrated, comprehensive and easy-to-use set of IFS-based exercises for self-therapy. Simple and straightforward yet powerfully presented, itâs suitable for teens as well as adults.
  • Self-Therapy For Your Inner Critic â by Earley and Weiss, both. More in-depth information on the Inner Critic, the different types, and how we can harness our Inner Champion to counteract attacks from the former.
  • Self-Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy by Jay Earley. Complex-seeming IFS concepts made simple and clear, as well as help sheets that you can use in your own inner child healing.

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Lifestyle Changes May Play A Role

People with severe depression require help from medical professionals they cant treat themselves but some lifestyle changes can supplement other treatments or counter mild depression:

  • Exercise can release mood-enhancing chemicals and improve brain function.
  • Yoga, meditation, or other mind-body techniques can lower stress and relieve negative emotions.
  • Support groups for people with depression can be found through organizations like the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

What To Expect From Therapy

CBT for Depression: The Basics

A common misunderstanding about therapy is that you’ll immediately start to feel better. Sometimes this is the case. But much of the time, you feel worse before you start feeling better. Surprisingly, feeling worse is often a sign of progress. And if you think about it, that makes sense.

When you make the decision to enter into therapy, it’s often because you haven’t been able to work through your anxiety on your own. Therapy involves exploring your anxiety and the reasons behind it in a deeper, more meaningful way. This can cause a temporary spike in your anxiety.

Therapy should never be thought of as a quick fix. It’s a process that’s unique to each individual. The type of therapy you need, the skills, that you learn, and how long you’re in therapy depends entirely on the type of anxiety you have and the severity of your symptoms.

It’s important to understand that though the process won’t always feel good, it will be completely worthwhile in the end.

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Common Types Of Therapy

Most therapists don’t limit themselves to one specific type of therapy rather, they blend different styles in order to best fit the situation at hand. This approach gives the therapist many powerful tools. However, they often have a general orientation that guides them.

Individual therapy. Individual therapy explores negative thoughts and feelings, as well as the harmful or self-destructive behaviors that might accompany them. Individual therapy may delve into the underlying causes of current problems , but the primary focus is on making positive changes in the present.

Family therapy. Family therapy involves treating more than one member of the family at the same time to help the family resolve conflicts and improve interaction. It is often based on the premise that families are a system. If one role in the family changes, all are affected and need to change their behaviors as well.

Group therapy. Group therapy is facilitated by a professional therapist, and involves a group of peers working on the same problem, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse, for example. Group therapy can be a valuable place to practice social dynamics in a safe environment and find inspiration and ideas from peers who are struggling with the same issues.

Couples therapy . Couples therapy involves the two people in a committed relationship. People go to couples therapy to learn how to work through their differences, communicate better and problem-solve challenges in the relationship.

Its An Important Moment In Time For Massage For Mental Health

Over the last few years, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a marked effect on the countrys mental health. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 42% of people surveyed reported symptoms of anxiety or depression during the pandemic. Researchers are concerned that the increase in mental health issues could linger long after the pandemic has subsided, and many integrative health experts believe that massage therapy can be an important part of the solution in helping alleviate stress, anxiety and depression.8

Research Citations

Anxiety & Depression Association of America : Facts & Statistics | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

University of Konstanz. Ten minutes of massage or rest will help your body fight stress.ScienceDaily. September 2020. .

Zghihong, Bauer, Aaberg, Pool, Van Rooy, Schroeder, Finney. Benefits of hand massage on anxiety in preoperative outpatient: A quasi-experimental study with pre- and post-tests.

Effect of Psycho-Regulatory Massage Therapy on Pain and Depression in Women with Chronic and/or Somatoform Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial – PubMed

Hall HL, Munk NK, Carr BH, Fogarty SR, Cant RB, Holton SR, Weller CL, Lauche RM. Maternal mental health and partner-delivered massage: A pilot study. Women Birth. 2021 May 34:e237-47.

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Finding The Right Therapist For You

Finding the right therapist will probably take some time and work, but it’s worth the effort. The connection you have with your therapist is essential. You need someone who you can trustsomeone you feel comfortable talking to about difficult subjects and intimate secrets, someone who will be a partner in your recovery. Therapy won’t be effective unless you have this bond, so take some time at the beginning to find the right person. It’s okay to shop around and ask questions when interviewing potential therapists.

Experience matters. One of the main reasons for seeing a therapist, rather than simply talking to a friend, is experience. Look for a therapist who is experienced in treating the problems that you have. Often, therapists have special areas of focus, such as depression or eating disorders. Experienced therapists have seen the problems you’re facing again and again, which broadens their view and gives them more insight. And for some problems, such as trauma or PTSD, seeing a specialist is absolutely essential.

Learn about different treatment orientations. Many therapists practice a blend of orientations. However, it’s a good idea to learn about the different treatment types, because that can affect your therapist’s way of relating and the suggested length of treatment.

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