Saturday, July 27, 2024

Best Treatment For Clinical Depression

What Are The Psychological Treatment Options

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Psychological treatment usually involves talking about things in depth and doing behavioral exercises. The kind of psychological treatment that is most commonly used for is known as cognitive behavioral therapy . Statutory health insurance companies in Germany cover the costs of CBT as well as other outpatient treatments, including depth psychology and systemic therapy. They are often offered by specially trained therapists.

If someone is going through an acute depressive episode, the doctor will usually recommend short-term psychological support, sometimes together with medication. Then you can apply for a full course of outpatient psychological treatment.

How To Find The Right Treatment

Sticking to your treatment plan is one of the most important things you can do. Its easy to get discouraged in the first few weeks of treatment, and you may feel like you dont want to continue. All types of treatment can take a few months before you notice a difference.

It can also feel like youre doing much better, causing you to stop treatment altogether. Never stop treatment without consulting your doctor first.

You should feel comfortable talking to your therapist. If you dont, try switching to a new one. You may have to meet with several therapists before you find the one thats right for you.

You should also talk to your therapist about your feelings toward your therapy sessions and your overall treatment plan. This allows them to work with you and make changes if your treatment plan isnt working.

Finding the right treatment is often a trial-and-error process. If one doesnt work, its good to move on. If 2 or more months have gone by and youve stuck to a treatment but dont feel any relief from the depression, its likely not working for you. You should experience relief from depression within 3 months of starting a medication.

Talk to your doctor immediately if your:

  • depression doesnt improve after several month of treatment
  • symptoms have improved, but you still dont feel like yourself
  • symptoms get worse

Lifestyle Changes To Treat Depression

Exercise.Regular exercise can be as effective at treating depression as medication. Not only does exercise boost serotonin, endorphins, and other feel-good brain chemicals, it triggers the growth of new brain cells and connections, just like antidepressants do. Best of all, you dont have to train for a marathon in order to reap the benefits. Even a half-hour daily walk can make a big difference. For maximum results, aim for 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic activity on most days.

Social support. Strong social networks reduce isolation, a key risk factor for depression. Keep in regular contact with friends and family, or consider joining a class or group. Volunteering is a wonderful way to get social support and help others while also helping yourself.

Nutrition. Eating well is important for both your physical and mental health. Eating small, well-balanced meals throughout the day will help you keep your energy up and minimize mood swings. While you may be drawn to sugary foods for the quick boost they provide, complex carbohydrates are a better choice. Theyll get you going without the all-too-soon sugar crash.

Sleep. Sleep has a strong effect on mood. When you dont get enough sleep, your depression symptoms will be worse. Sleep deprivation exacerbates irritability, moodiness, sadness, and fatigue. Make sure youre getting enough sleep each night. Very few people do well on less than seven hours a night. Aim for somewhere between seven to nine hours each night.

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The Best Treatment For Depression

The best treatment for any kind of psychological upset is understanding and working with your natural inborn resources the Human Givens.

You were born with the physical means for blood to be pumped through your body: your heart, arteries and veins, to name the most obvious. And you were born with the mental and emotional means to deal with the world around you. Youve got innate resources to meet your essential emotional needs in balance. When these needs arent balanced, its difficult for you to function at full, healthy capacity.

What precisely are those needs?

To name but a few:

  • The need to connect with other people and your environment
  • The need for time and space to reflect on and learn from your experiences
  • The need for fun, love and laughter
  • The need for a sense of achievement
  • The need to give and receive attention

Perhaps you can see how all the needs above are linked. Maybe you can also see that when something in your life went wrong and you became depressed, you stopped attending to those needs.

Instead, you probably turned inwards and focused mainly on how bad you were feeling. You probably started to withdraw from the people around you. Maybe you started taking antidepressants which would have flattened your mood including any feelings of fun, love and tenderness you had left.

To help you assess how youre meeting your essential emotional needs, Ive prepared a free worksheet for you

How To Find Treatment Near You


The first step in getting treatment for depression is making an appointment with your general practitioner. They can recommend doctors in your area.

If youre religious, ask your religious leader if they have counselors to recommend. Some people prefer faith-based counseling, which incorporates their religion into a treatment plan.

You can also check healthcare databases for therapists, psychiatrists, and counselors. These databases can provide you with information such as certifications, accepted insurance providers, and reviews left by other people. You can start with these databases:

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Individual Or Group Therapy

When you hear the word therapy you might automatically think of one-on-one sessions with a therapist. However, group therapy can be very useful in depression treatment as well. Both group and individual therapy sessions usually last about an hour. What are the benefits of each? In individual therapy, you are building a strong relationship with one person, and may feel more comfortable sharing some sensitive information with one person than with a group. You also get individualized attention.

In group therapy, listening to peers going through the same struggles can validate your experiences and help build self-esteem. Often group members are at different points in their depression, so you might get tips from both someone in the trenches and someone who has worked through a challenging problem. As well as offering inspiration and ideas, attending group therapy can also help increase your social activities and network.

When the going gets tough in therapy

How Do Antidepressants Work

Research into ketamine as an antidepressant began in the 1990s with Dr. Krystal and his colleagues Dennis Charney, MD, and Ronald Duman, PhD, at the Yale School of Medicine. At the time depression was considered a black box disease, meaning that little was known about its cause.

One popular theory was the serotonin hypothesis, which asserted that people with depression had low levels of a neurotransmitter called serotonin. This hypothesis came about by accidentcertain drugs given to treat other diseases like high blood pressure and tuberculosis seemed to drastically affect peoples moods. Those that lowered serotonin levels caused depression-like symptoms others that raised serotonin levels created euphoric-like feelings in depressed patients. This discovery ushered in a new class of drugs meant to treat depression, known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors . The first one developed for the mass market was Prozac.

But eventually it became clear that the serotonin hypothesis didnt fully explain depression. Not only were SSRIs of limited help to more than one-third of people given them for depression, but growing research showed that the neurotransmitters these drugs target account for less than 20 percent of the neurotransmitters in a persons brain. The other 80 percent are neurotransmitters called GABA and glutamate.

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Treating Children And Adolescents

Depression is less common in children, with studies suggesting a prevalence rate of 0.4% to 2.5%, the guideline panel reported. But rates climb steeply as children approach their teenage years, with depression affecting 11.7% of adolescents. Whats more, depression in adolescents appears to be rising. The rate at which adolescents experienced a major depressive episode increased 2.6% between 2005 and 2014.

In younger children, boys and girls are affected equally. After puberty, however, young women are twice as likely as young men to develop depressive disorders. The depression rate among adolescent members of marginalized populations is believed to be significantly higher as well, though the research on those groups is limited.

While many children and adolescents live with depression, they are much less likely than adults to receive mental health treatment. In fact, less than 1% of children and adolescents with depression receive outpatient treatment for depression.

Unfortunately, the guideline panel was unable to make a recommendation for treating depression in children. The members reviewed literature on a wide variety of psychotherapies as well as pharmacotherapy, but they found insufficient evidence for either recommending or not recommending those treatments.

S For Meeting Your Need To Have Time And Space For Contemplation

New Treatments for Depression – Health Matters
  • Schedule 2 x 20-minute slots each day to simply think. Think about whats wrong, and whats right. Dont do anything else during your thinking time. Just think.
  • Consciously think about all of the good things that have happened each day. Dont allow your mind to focus only on the negatives. When you notice a negative thought, counterbalance it with a positive thought.
  • Before going to sleep every night, remind yourself of 3 things youre grateful for that day. They dont have to be big things maybe youre just grateful it didnt rain when you were outside earlier!
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    Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

    Depression can present as a constant, persistent feeling of sadness or depressed mood nearly every day for at least 2 weeks can be associated with loss of interest in activities, weight gain or loss, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, decreased ability to concentrate, sleep disturbances or thoughts of suicide.

    Everyone feels sad sometimes, Alonzo said. However, depression is not something that easily gets better on its own. There are many treatments, including therapy and medications, that can help.

    Persistent thoughts of suicide with or without a specific plan can constitute a medical emergency and should never be taken lightly. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, please call 911 and ask for mental health responders, or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

    If you are worried that you might be experiencing symptoms of depression, speak with your health care provider. There are easy to answer screening tools your health care provider can administer and they can help set you up with a treatment plan. Treatment plans including a therapist are available for all budgets, including those who might not have health insurance.

    Depression looks and feels differently for each person. However, some common depression symptoms are

    Mild To Moderate Depression

    If you have mild to moderate depression that is not improving, or moderate depression, you may find a talking therapy helpful.

    There are different types of talking therapies for depression, including cognitive behavioural therapy and counselling.

    A GP can refer you for talking treatment, or you can refer yourself directly to an NHS psychological therapies service without a referral from a GP.

    If you have moderate to severe depression, the following treatments may be recommended.

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    Can Depression Be Cured

    With the right treatment, its possible for you to make a full and lasting recovery from depression. Effective treatment will help you to:

    • Tackle your symptoms
    • Understand the triggers for your depression
    • Learn to look at situations in a more positive way
    • Learn coping mechanisms to help you deal with your depression

    The depression therapy that we provide aims to equip you with skills for life. This means that if you notice any depression symptoms re-surfacing in the future, or experience a trigger that has led to depression previously, youll be in the right position to evaluate the situation healthily and cope with how youre feeling.

    Relaxation Techniques And Yoga

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    There is some that relaxation techniques can help relieve mild to moderate . These include approaches such as progressive muscle relaxation, autogenic training, music therapy and yoga. But they aren’t as effective as other treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy. Psychotherapists sometimes teach relaxation techniques as part of the therapy, though.

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    S For Meeting Your Need To Give And Receive Attention

  • Reconnect with loved ones. Start slowly just a 20-minute visit if thats all you can manage right now. Bring love and light to people who love you itll do you good too.
  • Aim to remember and share with them their birthdays, their troubles, their joys and their achievements. If you struggle with your memory at the moment, write all the important stuff down.
  • Cook a meal for someone who needs your support and friendship once a fortnight. If you dont feel up to eating with them, simply drop off an oven-ready meal for them to eat later :-).
  • What Influences Your Mental Health

    When youre working on your mental health, its important to consider what influences it from the outside and the inside. There are outside influences, such as your environment, and inside influences such as your genetics and temperament. Here are some factors that contribute to mental health that you can read about in the advice section.

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    What Alternative Therapies Are Recommended For Depression

    No alternative therapy is guaranteed to cure depression, but the same can be said about several Western medicines and psychotherapies. To be safe, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before you try one or more of these recommended therapies:

    • Herbal remedies: Herbal remedies are made from plants. Of the wide variety of available herbal therapies, St. John’s wort and ginkgo biloba are the products most often used for treating depression.
    • Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of healing that prevents and cures specific diseases and conditions.
    • Reflexology: For this treatment, the reflexologist applies pressure to different pressure points on your feet, hands, ears and face.
    • Exercise: In general, exercise is a safe and easy way to improve your well-being.
    • Meditation: Meditation is a form of relaxation and introspection.
    • Massage: Massage uses touch to promote relaxation while decreasing tension and stress.
    • Guided imagery: Guided imagery is a form of focused relaxation that helps create harmony between the mind and body.
    • Yoga: Yoga is a type of exercise and spiritual practice.
    • Deep breathing: Taking slow, deep breaths in, then slowly exhaling, while your mind focuses on the breath.

    How Effective Is Cbt For Treating Depression

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    There have been many studies that show CBT is an effective treatment for depression.

    One study found that CBT was as effective as antidepressant medications in treating patients with depression. The same study also found that patients who completed the full course of CBT sessions were less likely to experience a relapse of their depression symptoms after treatment than those who received only medication.

    Another recent study found that patients treated with CBT showed a marked improvement in their depression symptoms.

    However, its important to note that some studies do find mixed results, and patients with the most severe symptoms also typically show the most improvement from therapy.

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    How Long Does Therapy Take For Treating Depression

    Each individual and their symptoms are different. Likewise, the treatment for their depression will vary based on their needs. In short, theres no one-size-fits all approach to therapy or mental health treatment. However, the American Psychological Association states, on average 15 to 20 sessions are required for 50 percent of patients to recover as indicated by self-reported symptom measures.

    The length of time a patient requires therapy to help treat their depression will depend on a number of factors:

    • Severity of depression and symptoms
    • Co-occurring disorders
    • Patient adherence to therapy and treatment
    • Frequency of therapy sessions

    These are only some of the factors that can impact the effectiveness of therapy.

    Negative Thoughts And Depression

    Worrying or thinking negatively is common in people with depression. This affects your ability to focus on getting better and makes you more vulnerable to unhealthy emotions.

    Tips to help you control worry and reduce negative thinking include:

    • Write down what you are worried about. Go through each concern and think about how realistic your negative thoughts are. Explore alternative thoughts and explanations.
    • Try not to focus on the things you cannot change.
    • Focus on the present. Accept your thoughts without actively engaging with them.
    • Write down your problems and brainstorm solutions. Jot down the pros and cons with each option and choose the one that seems the best. Review whether it worked to overcome the problem.
    • Avoid making major decisions about your life at this time.

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    Some Common Causes Of Depression

    Researchers have particularly been interested in investigating whether depression is an inherited condition. A major theory is that certain genetic changes make neurotransmitters ineffective or scarce.

    The other major component is environmental triggers which may make a person who is genetically predisposed to depression more likely to develop it. Certain factors that make it more likely a person will experience clinical depression include:

    • A family history of depression
    • Experiencing a traumatic event or major life change
    • Financial troubles
    • Being very ill or injured , needing to have surgery or undergo medical treatment, or having to manage a chronic and/or progressive health condition
    • Caring for a loved one who has a major illness, injury, or disability
    • Taking certain medications that can cause symptoms associated with depression
    • Using illegal drugs and/or misusing alcohol

    If you have experienced a form of depression before, you may be more likely to experience it again or develop another form in response to certain stressors or life changes .

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