Friday, July 26, 2024

What Is Considered Major Depression

How To Cope With A Depressive Episode

What is Major Depressive Disorder?

At the onset of a major depressive episode, it can feel hopeless, as if there is nothing that can be done. An individual facing this may feel like there is no point in trying to do anything to lessen the severity of the episode or turn it around. There are things that can be done, though. It is important to take these steps to cope with a depressive episode, because they can limit the symptoms and even reduce the duration of the episode:

Major depressive episodes are most often part of a recurring, chronic mental illness. Some people may only ever experience one episode in their lives, but most people have multiple episodes. Understanding what it feels like to go through one of these episodes, as well as what may trigger one, is important. Being more aware allows an individual to take steps to check back in with a therapist, seek out support from family, and to engage in proper self-care to mitigate the severity of an episode.

Risk Factors For Depression

Depression can affect anyoneeven a person who appears to live in relatively ideal circumstances.

Several factors can play a role in depression:

  • Biochemistry: Differences in certain chemicals in the brain may contribute to symptoms of depression.
  • Genetics: Depression can run in families. For example, if one identical twin has depression, the other has a 70 percent chance of having the illness sometime in life.
  • Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally pessimistic appear to be more likely to experience depression.
  • Environmental factors: Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, abuse or poverty may make some people more vulnerable to depression.

Antidepressant Class #: Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

This group includes the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors which are the most commonly prescribed antidepressants because they have relatively few side effects. SSRIs increase the level of serotonin by inhibiting reuptake ofthe neurotransmitter. Serotonin modulators are new drugs that act like SSRIs but also affect other serotonin receptors. Their side effects overlap with those of SSRIs.

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What To Expect From Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy focuses on helping people understand the thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that contribute to symptoms of major depressive disorder. Some of the treatment effects you may experience when you are undergoing psychotherapy depend largely on your individual symptoms and the specific techniques that are used.

Key Points About Depression

Depression: Facts, Statistics, and You
  • Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects your whole body including your mood and thoughts.

  • Its caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Some types of depression seem to run in families.

  • Depression causes ongoing, extreme feelings of sadness, helplessness, hopeless, and irritability. These feelings are usually a noticeable change from whats normal for you, and they last for more than two weeks.

  • Depression may be diagnosed after a careful psychiatric exam and medical history done by a mental health professional.

  • Depression is most often treated with medicine or therapy, or a combination of both.

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Who Is At Risk For Major Depression

Major depression affects about 6.7% of the U.S. population over age 18, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Overall, between 20% and 25% of adults may suffer an episode of major depression at some point during their lifetime.

Major depression also affects older adults, teens, and children, but frequently goes undiagnosed and untreated in these populations.

How Is Depression Syndrome Diagnosed

Everyone may feel sad or down from time to time. However, clinical depression has more intense symptoms that last two weeks or longer.

To determine whether you have clinical depression, your healthcare provider will ask questions. You may complete a questionnaire and provide a family history. Your healthcare provider may also perform an exam or order lab tests to see if you have another medical condition.

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Beyond Treatment: Things You Can Do

Once you begin treatment, you should gradually start to feel better. Here are other tips that may help you or a loved one during treatment for depression:

  • Try to get some physical activity. Just 30 minutes a day of walking can boost mood.
  • Try to maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time.
  • Eat regular, healthy meals.
  • Do what you can as you can. Decide what must get done and what can wait.
  • Try to connect with other people, and talk with people you trust about how you are feeling.
  • Postpone important decisions, such as getting married or divorced, or changing jobs until you feel better.
  • Avoid using alcohol, nicotine, or drugs, including medications not prescribed for you.

How To Tell If You Have Depression

What is Major Depressive Disorder?

Depression affects people in different ways and can cause a wide variety of symptoms.

They range from lasting feelings of unhappiness and hopelessness, to losing interest in the things you used to enjoy and feeling very tearful. Many people with depression also have symptoms of anxiety.

There can be physical symptoms too, such as feeling constantly tired, sleeping badly, having no appetite or sex drive, and various aches and pains.

The symptoms of depression range from mild to severe. At its mildest, you may simply feel persistently low in spirit, while severe depression can make you feel suicidal, that life is no longer worth living.

Most people experience feelings of stress, anxiety or low mood during difficult times. A low mood may improve after a short period of time, rather than being a sign of depression.

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Psycom Explains The Different Types Of Depression From Major Depressive Disorder To Dysthymia Postpartum Depression Seasonal Affective Disorder And More

is more than just feeling sad. Everyone feels low, upset, or unmotivated from time to time, but depression is much more than simply being down in the dumps. Depressive disorder is a mood disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels and behaves. Signs and symptoms of depression can range from hopelessness and fatigue, to a loss of interest in life, physical pain, and even suicidal thoughts. The states that should a person present with these symptoms for a period of two weeks, the individual is experiencing a depressive episode.

There are many different types of depression, some of which are caused by events in your life, and others by chemical changes in the brain. Depression can be thought of as an umbrella term for a variety of disorders, some of which are caused by certain life events or situations, and others by chemical changes in the brain. Whats more, while some of the symptoms associated with the various depressive disorders overlap, there are also some key differences.

With the term depression encompassing so many types of depression, if you think you might be depressed, you may be asking yourself: what kind of depression do I have?

Major Depressive Disorder With Mild Symptoms

  • Major depression symptoms can be mild, much like minor depression. But the presence of more symptoms increases the overall distress.
  • Key difference:Both major depression and minor depression must feature either a loss of interest or pleasure in activities, low mood most of the time, or both. But major depression needs a total of at least five symptoms, whereas minor depression only needs a total of two symptoms present.

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Modifications To Treatment Of Mdd

  • Lifestyle changes: Exercise may be particularly beneficial.
  • Pharmacotherapy: Older adults have an increased risk of adverse effects from medications .
  • SSRIs: preferred first-line treatment in individuals aged ⥠60 years
  • Consider using reduced frequencies and/or lower doses than in the general adult population.
  • Minimize polypharmacy whenever possible.
  • Psychotherapy: Consider modifications in patients with cognitive impairment problem-solving therapy may be effective.
  • ECT: highly effective response rates are higher in adults aged > 65 years than in younger adults.
  • Cognitive impairment should be considered as a possible underlying cause of depression in older adults.

    In older patients, monitor for hyponatremia after starting or adjusting the dosages of SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, or mirtazapine.

    How Is Major Depression Diagnosed

    What Are Symptoms of Depression in Children and Teens? [infographic]

    A health professional — such as your primary care doctor or a psychiatrist — will perform a thorough medical evaluation. You might receive a screening for depression at a regular doctorââ¬â¢s visit. The professional will ask about your personal and family psychiatric history and ask you questions that screen for the symptoms of major depression.

    There is no blood test, X-ray, or other laboratory test that can be used to diagnose major depression. However, your doctor may run blood tests to help detect any other medical problems that have symptoms similar to those of depression. For example, hypothyroidism can cause some of the same symptoms as depression, as can alcohol or drug use and abuse, some medications, and stroke.

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    Exercise May Be Helpful

    Research has shown that regular physical activity can not only help prevent depression, it can also help alleviate symptoms. The idea that exercise may actually help treat depressive symptoms has been the subject of debate, but some evidence suggests that the beneficial effects may have actually been underestimated.

    A meta-analysis of the research concluded that exercise has a large and significant beneficial effect on depression , supporting the idea that exercise is an evidence-based depression treatment.

    Complementary And Alternative Treatments

    There are some alternative remedies that may be helpful for some people who have mild to moderate depression. St. John’s wort, for example, is one herbal supplement that is sometimes used to help alleviate symptoms of mild to moderate depression. While the supplement is not FDA-approved for the treatment of depression, some research suggests that it may help reduce symptoms.

    Because St. John’s wort affects serotonin levels in the brain, it can lead to a serious condition known as serotonin syndrome. It can also interact with other medications, including antidepressants. You should always talk to your doctor before trying any complementary treatment such as St. John’s wort.

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    Examples Of Major Depressive Disorder In A Sentence

    major depressive disorderBostonGlobe.commajor depressive disorder Los Angeles Timesmajor depressive disorderSTATmajor depressive disorder Outside Onlinemajor depressive disorderNew York Timesmajor depressive disorder Good Housekeepingmajor depressive disorderPEOPLE.commajor depressive disorder Forbes

    These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘major depressive disorder.’ Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.

    How Is Depression Treated

    What Is Major Depressive Disorder? | Mood Disorders

    Depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders. Between 80% and 90% percent of people with depression eventually respond well to treatment. Almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms.

    Before a diagnosis or treatment, a health professional should conduct a thorough diagnostic evaluation, including an interview and a physical examination. In some cases, a blood test might be done to make sure the depression is not due to a medical condition like a thyroid problem or a vitamin deficiency . The evaluation will identify specific symptoms and explore medical and family histories as well as cultural and environmental factors with the goal of arriving at a diagnosis and planning a course of action.

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    Can I Get Social Security Benefits If I Am In Major Depression

    Social security is a government program that provides financial benefits to retired people and low-income individuals who cannot work because of health problems.Major depression is a mental illness that impacts your mood, sleeping habit, feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

    Yes, if you are suffering from major depression, you can benefit from the Social security Administration. However, you need to be experiencing at least five of the signs and symptoms described below.

    • Suicide thoughts

    You also need to meet at least one of the conditions described below.

    • You find the problem in interacting with other people, concentrating or taking care of yourself, or managing yourself. You must have limitations in two of these areas.
    • You must have documents showing that you have been suffering from major depression for at least two years and receiving treatment. You also find it challenging to adapt to changes and meet new demands in your life.

    Remember, its very hard to provide a medical document to the Social Security Administration that shows the signs and symptoms of major depression.

    Thats why its best to use statements from psychologists, boss, family members, or co-workers who can speak regarding your major depression and how it is hindering you from performing essential daily activities and disturbing your work life.

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    Ruling Out Medical Causes

    A doctor may start by addressing any underlying conditions that might be a factor. Chronic illnesses, thyroid conditions, certain medications, and substance use can cause or contribute to symptoms of depression.

    Hypothyroidism, or under-active thyroid, can be a common medical cause that contributes to depression, particularly among women. If blood tests reveal that you have hypothyroidism, a doctor may prescribe medications designed to treat the thyroid condition, which may help alleviate depressive symptoms.

    Once any underlying conditions have been addressed, a doctor may then:

    • Prescribe an antidepressant. Antidepressants work by balancing the chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters, which include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, have an effect on emotions and moods.
    • Refer you to a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor. Psychotherapy for depression can include a range of techniques including talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy , interpersonal therapy , psychodynamic therapy, and individual counseling. Talk therapy involves discussing issues that contribute to your depression symptoms. Cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses on addressing the underlying negative thought patterns that contribute to symptoms of depression.

    Depression Discussion Guide

    In many cases, your treatment will involve a combination of antidepressant medication and psychotherapy.

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    Most Common Depression Diagnosis Scales

    Some of the most popular scales used to help clinicians diagnose depression include:

    • Beck Depression Inventory
    • Clinically Useful Depression Outcome Scale
    • Geriatric Depression Scale
    • Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and adolescent PHQ-9
    • Plutchik-Van Praag Self-Report Depression Scale
    • Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology
    • Rome Depression Inventory
    • Zung Self-Rating Depression Scales

    Some scales, such as the Beck Depression Inventory, are copyright protected and not available outside of a doctors office or mental health clinic . There are inventories, scales, and questionnaires that are in the public domain and, therefore, more accessible.

    The PHQ, for example, is available for free online and in over 30 languages. It can be downloaded as a PDF or accessed as an interactive quiz on several reputable mental health websites.

    Major Depressive Disorder With Seasonal Pattern

    Major Depressive Disorder ( Depression )
    • Definition: a subtype of major depressive disorder characterized by ⥠2 depressive episodes associated with a seasonal pattern over ⥠2 years
    • Epidemiology: occurs in a yearly, season-specific pattern
    • Clinical features
    • Patients present with typical symptoms of MDD alongside atypical ones, such as weight gain and requiring more sleep.

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    Positive Effects Of Treatment

    Changes you can expect to experience when major depressive disorder treatment is effective include:

    • Feeling better able to handle stress
    • Fewer negative thoughts
    • Improved ability to cope with daily living
    • More interest in activities you previously enjoyed
    • More motivation

    Even if you are noticing improvements in your depressive symptoms, it is important to keep an eye out for signs of relapse. Talk to a doctor or mental health professional if you notice that your depressive symptoms are returning or worsening at any point during your treatment.

    What Should I Do If Ssa Denies My Application

    If your application is refused, you have 60 days to appeal the decision.

    • You can request SSA to reconsider your application if it is denied for medical reasons or disagrees with any other reason.
    • You can request for hearing from a law judge if you disagree with the SSA decision made after reconsideration. The hearing can also take place through video calls.

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    What Is Minor Depression

    The clinical difference between minor depression and major depression is how many symptoms are present. Minor depression may also be known assubclinical depression. This means that relevant symptoms are present but not enough to qualify for a diagnosis ofmajor depressive disorder MDD. For major depressive disorder to be diagnosed, at least five symptoms must be present most days for at least two weeks.

    Minor depression may be present when an individual has betweentwo and four depression symptoms causing functional impairment. Also, no manic, hypomanic, or mixed episodes occur with these depression symptoms. Minor depression may eventuallydevelop into major depressive disorder, especially if left untreated.

    Testing And Diagnosis Of Major Depression

    Depression Explained (Major Depressive Disorder)

    If you believe your child suffers from major depression, talk to your childs pediatrician or seek out either a therapist or psychiatrist who specializes in children and adolescents. An accurate diagnosis and early treatment are keys to success in managing major depression. Depression can also occur alongside other behavioral health disorders, such as substance abuse or anxiety disorders. With the level of complexity often involved in diagnosing and treating depression, finding a highly trained professional, such as a pediatrician, licensed clinical social worker, a child psychologist, or a child and adolescent psychiatrist, is important.At Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, a specialist will perform a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation. The evaluation may assess:

    • Your child’s age, overall health, and medical history

    • Extent of your child’s current symptoms, behaviors, and functioning

    • Expectations for the course of the condition

    • Family dynamics and environmental stressors

    • Family psychiatric and medical history

    • Input from teachers and other care providers

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