Thursday, July 25, 2024

Who Can I Talk To When I Feel Depressed

Stress Relief And Friendship Building

How to Spot Severe Depression vs Feeling Depressed

Consequently, talking to another person relieves stress and helps build friendships and connections.

Talking things over with other people also aids in and provides an avenue to process your thoughts and feelings. Talking also exposes you to new perspectives and ideas and helps with problem-solving. In fact, there are a number of powerful psychological benefits to talking.

According to research from UCLA, talking can diminish the response of your brain’s amygdala, which initiates the “fight or flight” response when you’re feeling intense emotions like fear, anxiety, or aggression.

As a result, when you get stressed out or overwhelmed, this part of your brain takes control and can even override your more logical thought processes.

But researchers noted that by using “affect labeling,” or talking through your experiences and processing what happened, you can override the amygdala’s response and cope with your feelings in a more effective way.

You’re Dealing With Unexplained Aches And Pains

“Emotional pain from depression that you aren’t getting help for can be channeled throughout your body and show up as physical ailments, like headaches, stomach problems, neck and back pain, even nausea,” says Thomas. “I see this with many of my patients they’re holding so much sadness and distress inside, these feelings end up playing out in other ways.” Not every cramp or twinge is a symptom of depression, of course. But if you’re suffering from a chronic ailment you can’t attribute to another cause that isn’t clearing up on its own, “see a doctor to get it checked out, but also consider it a possible sign of depression too,” says Thomas.

What To Do When You Feel Depressed

When feeling depressed, most people want to sit around the house and do nothing, but this can actually worsen depression. Knowing how to feel better when depressed involves learning about depression, knowing yourself and understanding what works for you.

The important thing to remember when trying to feel better is to make reasonable goals. Anything has the possibility of making you feel more depressed if you set an unrealistic goal. For example, exercising is positive, but setting the goal for yourself to run five miles a day might make you feel more depressed if that’s not something you’re able to accomplish. Small goals and small steps forward work best. You can always set bigger goals as you start to feel less depressed.

Read Also: How To Cure Depression Without Meds

Is Anyone Else This Isolated

In a society that idolizes popularity, talking about feeling alone feels like outing yourself. When you scroll through your feed and see everyone out with friends and posting about their gatherings, you start to feel like the only one who needs a listening ear. In reality, many people feel lonely and are searching for someone to talk to .

What Are The Treatments For Depression

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Many helpful treatments for depression are available. Treatment for depression can help reduce symptoms and shorten how long the depression lasts. Treatment can include getting therapy and/or taking medications. Your doctor or a qualified mental health professional can help you determine what treatment is best for you.

  • Therapy. Many people benefit from psychotherapyalso called therapy or counseling.7,8 Most therapy lasts for a short time and focuses on thoughts feelings and issues that are happening in your life now. In some cases understanding your past can help but finding ways to address what is happening in your life now can help you cope and prepare you for challenges in the future.With therapy, youll work with your therapist to learn skills to help you cope with life, change behaviors that are causing problems and find solutions. Do not feel shy or embarrassed about talking openly and honestly about your feelings and concerns. This is an important part of getting better.Some common goals of therapy include:
  • Getting healthier
  • Making sense of past painful events
  • Identifying things that worsen your depression
  • Having better relationships with family and friends
  • Understanding why something bothers you and creating a plan to deal with it
  • Dont stop taking an antidepressant without first talking to your doctor. Stopping your medicine suddenly can cause symptoms or worsen depression. Work with your doctor to safely adjust how much you take.
  • Read Also: Genetic Testing For Depression Meds

    What Questions Should I Ask

    Living with mental health challenges can be difficult and confusing. Free depression hotlines can help you successfully navigate this period in your life by answering questions that you may not even realize you needed answered.

    Here are some questions to consider asking when you call a depression hotline:

    • What are some common symptoms of depression?
    • Do I actually have depression, or am I just sad?
    • Will I feel like this for the rest of my life?
    • Is it possible to have more than one mental illness at a time?
    • What can I do to start feeling better?
    • What should I expect when I seek treatment?
    • What levels of treatment are there for depression?
    • What type of therapy or medication can help me resolve my depression?
    • Will I have to be on medication for the rest of my life?
    • Will insurance cover the cost of treatment?
    • If I don’t have insurance, how much will treatment cost? Are there any free or low-cost resources in my community?
    • What should I do next?

    Watching a loved one struggle with depression can be just as difficult and frustrating as experiencing it firsthand. Family members may feel helpless or even give up trying to help their loved one. It is important for family and friends to know that resources are available for them as well.

    Learn About Depression On Your Own

    Imagine having to educate each person in your life about a mental or physical health condition youre experiencing explaining it over and over again. Sounds exhausting, right?

    You can talk with your friend about their specific symptoms or how theyre feeling, but avoid asking them to tell you about depression in general terms.

    Read up on the symptoms, causes, diagnostic criteria, and treatments on your own.

    While people experience depression differently, being familiar with the general symptoms and terminology can help you have more in-depth conversations with your friend.

    These articles are a good starting point:

    Also Check: Dealing With People With Depression

    Depression And Suicide: Getting Help In A Crisis

    Some people who are depressed may think about hurting themselves or committing suicide . If you or someone you know is having thoughts about hurting themselves or committing suicide please seek immediate help. The following resources can help:

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    Choosing The Right Online Therapy Service For You

    Severe Depression vs. Feeling Depressed [& the Treatment that Works]

    Before you sign up for an online therapy service, do a little research. Take a look at how the company screens its counselors and if their certification checks out. You can also look at online testimonials by customers to get an idea about the quality of service.

    Youll want to decide which types of counseling you wantchat, video, or emailand if theyre available through the service. If youre interested in using the service on your smartphone, see if the company has an app and if youre allowed to have sessions with your counselor by chat on your phone.

    In addition, check what type of security they provide and if your chats will be encrypted, and if youll have the ability to remain anonymous to your counselor.

    Look at the price also, and see if it fits your budget. In addition, see if you can quit the membership at any time, or if its binding.

    Don’t Miss: Find Your Words Depression Test

    What Is The Link Between Smoking And Mental Health Conditions

    Smoking is much more common among adults with mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, than in the general population.6 About 3 out of every 10 cigarettes smoked by adults in the United States are smoked by persons with mental health conditions.6 Why smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions is uncertain. More research is needed to determine this. No matter the cause smoking is not a treatment for depression or anxiety. Getting help for your depression and anxiety and quitting smoking is the best way to feel better.

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    You Cant Just Snap Out Of Depression

    Well-meaning friends or family members may try to tell someone with depression to snap out of it, just be positive, or you can be happier if you just try harder. But depression is not a sign of a persons weakness or a character flaw. The truth is that most people who experience depression need treatment to get better.

    If you are a friend or family member of a woman with depression, you can offer emotional support, understanding, patience, and encouragement. But never dismiss her feelings. Encourage her to talk to her health care provider, and remind her that, with time and treatment, she can feel better.

    Don’t Miss: Vitamins That Help With Depression

    To Find Out How Depression Shows Itself In Ways Other People Can’t See We Asked The Mighty Mental Health Community To Share One Thing People Don’t Realize They’re Doing Because They Have Depression

    Here’s what they had to say:

    1. In social situations, some people don’t realize I withdraw or don’t speak much because of depression. Instead, they think I’m being rude or purposefully antisocial.” Laura B.

    2. I struggle to get out of bed, sometimes for hours. Then just the thought of taking a shower is exhausting. If I manage to do that, I am ready for a nap. People don’t understand, but anxiety and depression is exhausting, much like an actual physical fight with a professional boxer.” Juli J.

    3. Agreeing to social plans but canceling last minute. Using an excuse but really you just chickened out. It makes you think your friends don’t actually want to see you, they just feel bad. Obligation.” Brynne L.

    4. Hiding in my phone. Yes, I am addicted to it, but not like other people. I don’t socialize, I play games or browse online stores to distract myself from my negative thoughts. It’s my safe bubble.” Eveline L.

    5. Going to bed at 9 p.m. and sleeping throughout the night until 10 or 11 a.m.” Karissa D.

    6. Isolating myself, not living up to my potential at work due to lack of interest in anything, making self-deprecating jokes. I’ve said many times before, ‘I laugh, so that I don’t cry.’ Unfortunately, it’s all too true.” Kelly K.

    7. When I reach out when I’m depressed it’s ’cause I am wanting to have someone to tell me I’m not alone. Not because I want attention.” Tina B.

    19. My house is a huge mess.” Cynthia H.

    Admit That You Cannot Cure Your Partners Depression

    If you ever feel depressed or upset know that I care. And ...

    Your spouse needs your love, support, and concern, but these important qualities cant reverse depression any more than they can control blood sugar, ease arthritis pain, or clear out clogged arteries. Just as you wouldnt rely on love alone to cure a medical conditionor withdraw love because it didntdont expect that your feelings or attention will be able to alter your spouses off-kilter brain chemistry. Use your love to get help and to remind your partner of his or her intrinsic worth during this challenging time, Walfish advises.

    Don’t Miss: Helping A Partner Through Depression

    Making A Support Plan

    If your child is experiencing depression and needs ongoing support, it can be helpful to create a support plan together with the professionals around your child so that you know exactly what help is available and how your child can access it. This could include things like:

    • agreements with their GP, or their key worker if they are being treated by CAMHS, about when they will next check-in
    • whether any referrals can be made to other services, and a list of the services available locally that might be able to support them
    • what your childs school can offer including a staff member who they can speak to when theyre struggling.
    • people your child trusts and can talk to when they need to, including family and friends.

    You can find out more about speaking to GPs, finding a counsellor or therapist, accessing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services , getting help from your childs school and finding local services on our guide to getting help.

    Who Can I Talk To About Depression

    Figuring out how to tell someone you’re depressed can be daunting, however, once you open up, you may start to feel a little better. It helps to talk to someone about what youre going through, but dont feel as though you have to tell everyone, at least not straightaway.

    Try to reach out to someone who is a good listener, discreet, trustworthy, reliable, non-judgemental and supportive, so they can offer a different perspective. If possible, it can also be very helpful to speak to somebody who has gone through something similar, as its likely that they will be able to empathise with you and provide tips on how to cope with depression.

    With regards to working life, inform those that need to know so they can support you effectively in the work environment. HR, occupational health and immediate line managers are top of the list on this. Some people have reservations about speaking up at work as they fear that they may be judged, their competence may be questioned or that they may be gossiped about. In the modern world, this is rarely the case – youre far more likely to be met with support and understanding.

    Recommended Reading: How Many Children Have Depression

    Think Together About Whether Theres Anything In Particular Thats Making Them Feel This Way

    This could include a problem with a friendship or family relationship, feeling bullied or left out at school, feeling overwhelmed by school work, struggling with a change such as divorce or separation in the family, or a combination of things.

    Are there changes that could be made at home or school that would make things easier?

    Do You Need To See A Gp

    On Feeling Depressed

    If you’ve noticed changes in the way you are thinking or feeling over the past few weeks or months that concern you and cause you distress, you should consider going to see your GP.

    Some of the most frequently experienced symptoms of poor mental wellbeing include:

    • loss of apetite
    • feeling low or constantly anxious or worrying
    • thinking negative thoughts about yourself
    • irritability or moodiness
    • finding it harder than usual to concentrate
    • not enjoying your life as much as you once did
    • finding day-to-day life difficult
    • trouble sleeping, or sleeping too much
    • seeing or hearing things that other people do not see or hear.

    If you have a mental health problem, it’s possible that you may not have noticed the signs, as symptoms can build gradually over time. 1 in 6 people will experience mental health problems every week.

    Symptoms of common mental health problems

    If you recognise symptoms of any common mental health problem and are worried, or if you feel that something isn’t right but you can’t put your finger on why, we recommend that you speak to your GP.

    It can be daunting to speak to someone that you may not know well about your mental health, but most people find that speaking to their GP and the help and support they receive from them, can make all the difference to their lives.

    ‘My GP has been absolutely amazing. He has been relentless in getting me help from every source possible. I would not be here today if it wasn’t for him.’ – Jackie

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    Need Someone To Talk To Stop Feeling Isolated

    Do you need to talk to someone right now? Do you feel alone and lost?

    Some of us literally have no one to vent to, but feeling alone isnt defined by how many people are physically surrounding you. You can feel isolated at a party, at work, or even out with friends.

    Sometimes it feels like you dont have anyone you can talk to without judgement, and that just compounds your feelings of loneliness and inadequacy. When everyone else seems to have an outlet, you desperately need to find yours.

    Should I Call A Depression Helpline

    Mood disorders rank among the top 10 causes of worldwide disability, and Major Depressive Disorder appears first on the list.

    All too often, people who are depressed isolate themselves from those they love or others who may be able to help. Isolation can make depression feel worse and increase the risk that a person will experience suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Helplines are available to those who feel like they need someone to talk to but may not know where to start.

    Depression hotlines offer a free and confidential service that is available 24 hours a day to help you start on a path toward healing. Sometimes it can be helpful to express what you are experiencing to another human being, to get your feelings out and lift that burden off your chest.

    • Get information about depression and general mental health disorders.
    • Talk to someone who understands what you are going through.
    • Receive help confidentially and anonymously.
    • Find a counselor, therapist, or mental health treatment facility.
    • Learn how depression is treated.
    • Discover how to help a loved one who is experiencing depression.
    • Get more information about how depression is related to other mental health issues.

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