Thursday, May 2, 2024

Can Bipolar Depression Be Cured

Common Symptoms Of Depression

Can Mental Illness Be Cured?
  • deep feelings of sadness or hopelessness for a long period of time
  • having little to no interest in activities that were once enjoyable
  • difficulty focusing, remembering things, and making decisions
  • restlessness or irritability
  • eating too much or too little
  • sleeping too much or too little
  • thinking or talking about death or suicide
  • attempting suicide
  • an overly joyful or outgoing mood for an extended period of time
  • intense irritability
  • talking quickly or rapidly transitioning between different ideas during a conversation
  • racing thoughts
  • picking up many new activities or projects
  • difficulty sleeping due to high energy levels
  • impulsive or risky behavior

How Can A Person Know If They Have Bipolar Depression

A person may suspect they are experiencing a depressive episode of bipolar disorder if they have symptoms associated with the condition. For example, they may feel:

  • sad, worthless, or hopeless
  • a lack of interest in their usual activities

However, it is necessary for a person to contact a doctor or mental health professional to obtain a diagnosis and begin treatment.

Alcohol Tobacco And Other Drugs

The misuse and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, and prescription medications affect the health and well-being of millions of Americans. SAMHSAs 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that approximately 19.3 million people aged 18 or older had a substance use disorder in the past year.

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Tips For Reaching Out And Building Relationships

  • Talk to one person about your feelings.
  • Help someone else by volunteering.
  • Have lunch or coffee with a friend.
  • Ask a loved one to check in with you regularly.
  • Accompany someone to the movies, a concert, or a small get-together.
  • Go for a walk with a workout buddy.
  • Schedule a weekly dinner date.
  • Meet new people by taking a class or joining a club.
  • Confide in a counselor, therapist, or clergy member.
  • Learning To Recognise Triggers

    Can bipolar disorder be cured?

    If you have bipolar disorder, you can learn to recognise the warning signs of an approaching episode of mania or depression.

    A community mental health worker, such as a psychiatric nurse, may be able to help you identify your early signs of relapse from your history.

    This will not prevent the episode occurring, but it’ll allow you to get help in time.

    This may mean making some changes to your treatment, perhaps by adding an antidepressant or antipsychotic medicine to the mood-stabilising medication you’re already taking.

    Your GP or specialist can advise you on this.

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    Examples Of Online Tests

    A person can access tests that psychiatrists and mental health professionals have developed, which may help them self-assess for bipolar disorder.

    However, online tests are not diagnostic tools. A person cannot use the results of such tests to obtain prescriptions or receive other forms of treatment without an official diagnosis from a mental health professional.

    An example of a legitimate test is the Mood Disorder Questionnaire . This test may help a mental health professional determine whether a person requires a comprehensive evaluation for bipolar disorder.

    Using the MDQ as a self-assessment may help a person decide whether to seek professional help and an official diagnosis.

    • speak with the person about their symptoms and medical history
    • order tests to rule out other causes of symptoms, such as hyperthyroidism
    • review medications to ensure they are not a potential cause of symptoms

    Once they have ruled out other symptom causes, a doctor may refer the person to a mental health professional.

    To receive a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, a person must have experienced at least one episode of mania or hypomania.

    Mental health professionals use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, text revisionto determine the type and severity of bipolar disorder a person may have.

    Healthy Sleep Habits For Managing Bipolar Disorder

    • Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
    • Avoid or minimize napping, especially if it interferes with your sleep at night.
    • Instead of viewing screens or other stimulating activities before bed, try taking a bath, reading a book, or listening to relaxing music.
    • Limit caffeine after lunch and alcohol at night as both interfere with sleep.

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    How To Cope With Bipolar Disorder

    No matter how down or out of control you feel, its important to remember that youre not powerless when it comes to bipolar disorder. Beyond the treatment you get from your doctor or therapist, there are many things you can do for yourself to reduce your symptoms and stay on track.

    Living well with bipolar disorder requires certain adjustments. Like diabetics who take insulin or recovering alcoholics who avoid drinking, if you have bipolar disorder, it’s important to make healthy choices for yourself. Making these healthy choices will help you keep your symptoms under control, minimize mood episodes, and take control of your life.

    Managing bipolar disorder starts with proper treatment, including medication and therapy. But there is so much more you can do to help yourself on a day-to-day basis. These tips can help you influence the course of your illness, enabling you to take greater control over your symptoms, to stay well longer, and to quickly rebound from any mood episode or relapse.

    Managing Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar Disorder Type 1 vs Type 2 | Risk Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

    There is no single cause of bipolar disorder, although for some Veterans their symptoms intensify when they experience stressful events, difficult living or working environments, or challenging family situations.

    Bipolar treatment got them back on track

    Bipolar disorder cannot be cured, but it can be treated effectively over the long term. Treatment for bipolar disorder usually involves medication combined with some form of individual and family counseling, and it should always be tailored to your specific needs. Read on to learn about strategies for managing symptoms of bipolar disorder.

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    Managing A Manic Episode

    It is not always possible to prevent a manic episode, but as the condition progresses, the individual and their friends and family may start to notice the signs of a mood change.

    Here are some tips when this happens:

    • See a doctor, if it is the first time, if you have discontinued treatment, or if treatment is not working.
    • Follow the treatment plan and keep all medical appointments, as medications may need adjusting.
    • Try to keep to a regular sleeping pattern and avoid unnecessary stress when possible.
    • Eat a healthful diet and get enough exercise.
    • Avoid alcohol and other substances.
    • Keep track of your moods and feelings.

    If you have people around you, try to share with them what is happening so that they can support you.

    Other remedies that do not involve the use of traditional drugs include supplements and counseling.

    After Searching 12 Years For Bipolar Disorders Cause A Team Concludes It Has Many

    A long-term study in more than 1,100 people yields a new seven-factor framework that could help patients, clinicians and researchers.

    Nearly 6 million Americans have bipolar disorder, and most have probably wondered why. After more than a decade of studying over 1,100 of them in-depth, a University of Michigan team has an answer or rather, seven answers.

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    In fact, the team says, no one genetic change, chemical imbalance or life event lies at the heart of every case of the mental health condition once known as manic depression.

    Rather, every patients experience with bipolar disorder varies from that of others with the condition. But all of their experiences include features that fall into seven classes of phenotypes, or characteristics that can be observed, the team reports in a new paper in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

    The team, from U-Ms Heinz C. Prechter Bipolar Research Program, collected and analyzed tens of thousands of data points over years about the genetics, emotions, life experiences, medical histories, motivations, diets, temperaments and sleep and thought patterns of research volunteers. More than 730 had bipolar disorder, and 277 didnt. Three-quarters were active research participants in the Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder.

    The Prechter program is named for a Detroit automotive pioneer who fought bipolar disorder even as he built a successful business.

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    Please Stop Believing These 8 Harmful Bipolar Disorder Myths

    What do successful people like musician Demi Lovato, comedian Russell Brand, news anchor Jane Pauley, and actress Catherine Zeta-Jones have in common? They, like millions of others, are living with bipolar disorder. When I received my diagnosis in 2012, I knew very little about the condition. I didnt even know it ran in my family. So, I researched and researched, reading book after book on the subject, talking to my doctors, and educating myself until I understood what was going on.

    Although we are learning more about bipolar disorder, there remain many misconceptions. Here are a few myths and facts, so you can arm yourself with knowledge and help end the stigma.

    Can Behavioral Counseling Help Those With Bipolar Disorder

    How To Cure Bipolar Depression Naturally

    Different types of talk therapy options are available to help those with bipolar disorder prevent or cope with a mood episode:

    • Individual counseling: This is a one-on-one session with a professional therapist with experience in bipolar disorders in which the patient’s problem areas are addressed. The session may include help accepting the diagnosis, education about bipolar moods, ways to identify warning signs, and intervention strategies to manage stress.
    • Family counseling: Bipolar disorder extends beyond the patient and can affect the entire family. Families are frequently involved in outpatient therapy as they receive education about bipolar disorder and work with the therapist and patient to learn how to recognize early warnings of an impending manic or depressive episode.
    • Group counseling: Group sessions allow for the sharing of feelings and the development of effective coping strategies. The give-and-take at group sessions can be the most productive way to change the way you think about bipolar disorder and improve coping skills as you face life’s challenges.

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    Preventing Bipolar Disorder Episodes

    First, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating a nutrient-dense diet of lean proteins, vegetables, and fresh fruits, regular exercise, and enough sleep can help stabilize moods.

    Second, it is important to identify early warning signs of an episode and take action to prevent it from escalating.

    Finally, it is important to seek professional help to manage your bipolar disorder. A mental health professional can provide guidance and support.

    Getting On A Path To Recovery For Bipolar Disorder

    Getting proper treatment for bipolar disorder starts with a correct diagnosis. Many people who have bipolar disorder are misdiagnosed with major depression, and an accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment.

    Although bipolar is a lifelong condition that cant be cured, it can be successfully treated using a comprehensive approach that includes both medication and psychotherapy and may also include support groups.

    Finding the right medication sometimes takes time and may require a period of trial and error. Residential treatment offers a path to getting severe symptoms of bipolar disorder under control and can also address co-occurring disorders such as substance abuse. It allows you to be in a safe environment where you can completely focus on learning new skills and new ways of thinking.

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    When Does Bipolar Development Begin

    Bipolar tendencies can develop during early adolescence, as a teenager, or later on as a young adult. However, it can be difficult to make an early diagnosis since many of the symptoms of bipolar overlap with the natural tendencies of hormone fluctuations and puberty that occur at those ages. Negative symptoms may also seem to get better or go away for extended periods. As a result, bipolar is often diagnosed later in life after it has already fully developed into a more acute form. At that point, the individual can try to cope with episodes, but mood fluctuations may increase in intensity until one has no choice but to seek professional treatment.

    Complementary Bipolar Treatments: A Few Words Of Caution

    Recognition and Treatment of Bipolar Depression

    “The reality is that there is not a lot of data on complementary therapies for bipolar disorder,” Muskin says. “That doesn’t mean these products shouldn’t be used, but when patients try to find out about them, they shouldn’t expect to be able to go to like The New England Journal of Medicine and download a lot of articles.”

    Muskin recommends ConsumerLab as a reputable site where people can go to research complementary therapies. “You can find out whether or not the product you’re buying really contains the product you think it does, as well as what it’s indicated for and whether it has contaminants,” he says. The National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements also provides an extensive online database of dietary supplements that includes detailed product and manufacturer information.

    Most of these therapies are safe, and there is limited evidence of negative interactions with prescription medications. Regardless, patients and their family members should actively research these products and discuss options with a psychiatrist before taking them, especially because complementary therapies do not undergo the same strict review process as pharmaceutical medications.

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    Bipolar Depression Misdiagnosed As Major Depressive Disorder

    While diagnosing bipolar depression, Dr. Daramus says its important for mental healthcare providers to check for symptoms of mania or hypomania as well, otherwise bipolar depression can be mistaken for major depressive disorder.

    According to Dr. Daramus, bipolar depression is often misdiagnosed as major depressive disorder at first and treated with therapy and antidepressants. However, she explains that antidepressants can cause people with bipolar disorder to experience manic episodes. Healthcare providers realize the patient has bipolar disorder when the patient doesn’t respond well to therapy and starts to experience mania.

    Unfortunately, thats how the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is arrived at in many cases, says Dr. Daramus. According to a 2020 study, up to 40% of people with bipolar depression are first diagnosed with major depression.

    Can Bipolar Be Cured

    Now that you have an overview of what bipolar disorder entails, you may want to know if bipolar can be cured. Research has shown there is no known cure for bipolar disorder, but symptoms can be managed with a combination of psychiatric medication and psychotherapy. Long-term effects can be minimized through treatment, especially when they are caught early on. Medications for bipolar disorder include:

    • Atypical antipsychotics
    • Mood stabilizers
    • Antidepressants

    For more extreme cases of bipolar disorder, electroconvulsive therapy may be used or sleep medications prescribed. ECT is a highly controversial form of therapy and is used only when absolutely necessary. Not all psychotherapists condone the use of ECT. It would be ideal if the answer to the question, Can bipolar be cured? was Yes! Nonetheless, it is encouraging that through treatment those struggling with bipolar disorder can manage their symptoms. If youre struggling with bipolar disorder or are concerned you may be experiencing the first signs of this disorder, schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your symptoms. If you catch it early, you have a better chance of taking control of your disorder. You dont have to be controlled by your bipolar disorder! Resources Bipolar Disorder National Institute of Mental Health

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    Natural Remedies For Treating Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder involves extreme shifts in mood, energy, and levels of activity. Medications can help people manage symptoms, but these can have adverse effects. A number of natural remedies may also help.

    The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimate that around 2.6 percent of people in the United States have bipolar disorder, and nearly 83 percent of cases are severe. On average, it starts when a person is 25 years old.

    A person with bipolar disorder experiences times of severe depression and times of mania, or high mood. The risks during a low mood include an inability to function at work and in other areas of life.

    During mania, the person may be at risk of making reckless decisions. If the mood becomes too high or low, psychosis can develop.

    There is no cure for bipolar disorder, but treatment enables people to manage it. Some lifestyle adaptations can also help, alongside the medication.

    What Are Symptoms Of Bipolar Depression

    Can Bipolar Disorder Be Cured?

    Symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder may consist of the following:

    • Depressed mood and low self-esteem
    • Excessive crying spells
    • Grandiose thoughts
    • Unusual energy less need for sleep
    • Impulsiveness, a reckless pursuit of gratification — shopping sprees, impetuous travel, more and sometimes promiscuous sex, high-risk business investments, fast driving
    • Hallucinations and or delusions

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    S To Take After A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

    Since the presentation of Bipolar spectrum disorders may be complex, it is advisable to seek the consultation of a mental health professional who is well-versed in the expression of these disorders. The diagnostic process will usually include a clinical interview and specific standardized questionnaires. Assessments may also involve medical exams to rule out potential medical causes that mimic mood disorder symptoms . In some cases, if a person is experiencing active mania or depression, a diagnosis may be made by the persons behavioral presentation.

    A confirmed diagnosis of Bipolar spectrum disorders may be overwhelming, yet should not be devastating. Like any other chronic illness, it will require lifestyle adjustments so you can continue leading a wholesome and happy life.

    Every person finds their way of addressing their condition, but here are six tips that can help people recover from mood episodes and management of bipolar symptoms, such as:

    What Happened To You

    At PCH, we want to know what happened to you, not whats wrong with you. Even if youve been diagnosed with bipolar, we always start by validating any diagnosis with our dedicated specialists. You gain the peace of mind that youre on the right treatment path from day one, and our team focuses on helping you achieve a state of well-being and balance. When youre ready to take the first step, reach out to the team at PCH.

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