Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Plants That Help With Anxiety And Depression

Reducing Feelings Of Stress And Frustration

Can Plants Help with Anxiety and Depression? | Kristy Lee

Plants seem to be positively distracting” and help in shifting the focus away from the difficulties. For this reason, doctors recommend gardening to people who have had a loss in their lives.

Studies have also shown that gardening manages to reduce cortisolthe stress hormone.

Plant Therapy Ideas

Plant therapy can be used in conjunction with more traditional methods of therapy, such as talking to a counselor, engaging in group therapy, and so on.

Since plant therapy is relatively inexpensive, it is particularly popular with people who want affordable and creative ways to manage their symptoms.

Plants That Will Help With Stress Anxiety And Depression

Plants are generally known for their ability to purify the air and are sometimes referred to as mood boosters. But do you know that there are certain stress relieving plants that help with anxiety and depression! Yes, many studies and researches indicate the positive energy plants that bring positive energy and positive vibes to the nearby environment. This directly has a positive effect on the mind. It is simply magical that only the presence of such plants is enough to help you fight the depression. Although it is not magical. Studies have shown that these plants improve the reaction time, increase attentiveness, improve well being, lower blood pressure, lower the level of anxiety, improve perception, decrease mild depression, etc. But what are the positive energy plants? Well, scroll down as we have gathered the best proven indoor plants for positive energy.

How Can Plants Help Your Mental Health

According to research, surrounding yourself with greenery can increase attentiveness, memory, and productivity thanks to the improved air quality and workplace satisfaction caused by plants.

Additionally, the same research suggests caring for plants reduces psychological and physiological stress, since such interactions can promote comfortable and soothing emotions.

For me, taking care of my houseplants can provide a range of benefits. Sometimes, I feel like it gives me purpose. Other times, I feel less alone, because Im nursing blooms that Ive grown an attachment to. At the very least, they make me happy.

As someone who takes medication for anxiety and depression, there are days when I wake up and the thought of leaving bed is too much to handle.

On those mornings, breaking down small self-care action items can feel akin to caring for my houseplants.

Instead, I try to align my goals for both myself and my plants to be healthy and express consistent growth that comprises regular check-ins, hydration, nutrients, sunlight, and lots of love.

  • Price: $
  • Care level: easy

If youre looking to start your collection off small, or if youre worried about keeping your new friend alive, succulents are a great jumping-off point.

They tend to be drought-tolerant and thrive in bright, direct sunlight. You can go up to 2 weeks without watering these desert dwellers. But youll want to make sure that you rotate them regularly in the sun, so theyll stand up straight.

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Relieves Stress And Anxiety

Looking at plants and flowers, whether indoors or outdoors, is a peaceful activity free of worries or conflict. It encourages living in the present moment and engages the senses. When you take time to smell the sweet perfume of a magnolia tree, for example, your cortisol levels drop.

Consider a study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology. In this study, one group of participants worked on computer tasks, while another group transplanted indoor plants. After completing their assignments, the groups switched. The researchers found the subjects felt more comfortable and relaxed after the transplanting task, rather than the computer task. The study concluded individuals could reduce psychological and psychological stress by interacting with plants.

Another study, published in the Journal of Health Psychology, compared the effects of outdoor gardening to indoor reading. The study reveals both gardening and reading . However, stress levels decrease significantly more with gardening. Likewise, the study participants enjoyed a fully restored positive mood after gardening.

Diet And Depression: Exploring The Connection

Plants prescribed for anxiety and depression in new ...

More than 8 percent of American adults age 20 and older have experienced depression in a given two-week period, according to Centers for Disease Control data. Here are key ways in which diet can impact depression and overall mental health.

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For A Reminder To Maintain A Work

Heres another natural purifier to add to the list: peace lilies. This gorgeous plant improves the flow of energy in the home as it neutralizes harmful indoor chemicals. Its also believed to help people flourish mentally, physically, and spiritually.

If youre into astrology, youll appreciate that peace lilies have a delicate and gentle appearance but are extremely strong and deep-rooted, akin to the energy exuded by people born under the Cancer zodiac sign.

Peace lilies and you: Peace lilies symbolize peace, tranquility, prosperity, purification, and solitude. Because peace lilies have such powerful symbolism, speak positive affirmations to your plants. Only say what you, yourself, would want to hear.

How Can Jasmine Help My Anxiety & Depression

The true cause of anxiety and depression have been difficult to pin down by professionals, even though theyve been studying both mental diseases for many years.

Anxiety alone affects about 1 in 5 adults in the U.S., which is roughly 40 million people. Depression affects over 350 million people worldwide.

Every person is different, so the causes and experiences of these mental disorders are also different.

However, there has been a significant link to various environmental toxins and pollutants adding to the negative effects of anxiety and depression. Therefore, improving the quality of the air around you by having a jasmine plant can help boost your overall mood and, hopefully, ease the negative effects of these mental diseases.

According to researchers in Germany, two fragrances Vertacetal-coeur and the chemical variation both emitted by the jasmine plant have a similar molecular mechanism of action and are as strong as the commonly prescribed drugs barbiturates or propofol.

Inhaling these fragrances can help boost the levels of something called GABA in our nerve cells, a chemical known for its stress reducing properties, which can lessen the symptoms of anxiety and depression and help you sleep.

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What To Do If You Are Depressed:

There is a scale of depression and anxiety, ranging from mild to extreme. If you are experiencing moderate to extreme depression, talk to a medical professional. This is not a doctors advice. But if you are experiencing more mild depression and anxiousness, here are some tips that can help.

  • Choose A Healthy Diet – What you eat matters. Choose a whole foods diet filled with local, organic sources of protein, fruit, tubers, agave, honey, fermented foods, extra virgin olive oil, MCT oil, and avocado oil.
  • Exercise – Exercise is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce anxiety and depression. A study published in The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine found that exercise has been shown to be an effective and cost-efficient treatment alternative for a variety of anxiety disorders.
  • Step Outside – Sunlight is a simple, natural, and free treatment for anxiety and depression. A study published in the journal Issues in Mental Health Nursing found that exercising outdoors in the sunshin, eating foods rich in vitamin D, and/or taking dietary supplements may improve one’s mental well being.
  • Talk To A Professional – Talking to someone who is not in your family or friend network can go a long way in ironing out some issues. Talk therapy has been proven an effective technique for the treatment of depression and anxiety.

Subjects And The Protocol

Top 8 Herbs For Anxiety and Depression

We enrolled 24 young male adults at the age of 24.9±2.1 . None of the subjects reported a history of physical or psychiatric disorders. The study lasted 3 days. Alcohol and tobacco were prohibited, and caffeine intake was controlled. Prior to the start of the experiments, the subjects were fully informed of the aims and procedures of the experiments, and informed consent was obtained. This study was conducted in compliance with regulations of the Clinical Trial Center, Chungnam National University Hospital, Korea, and the Ethics Committee of the Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences, Chiba University, Japan.

The crossover experimental design was used to compare differences in physiological responses to the two tasks. Twenty-four subjects were randomly distributed into two groups. On the first day of the experiments, the first group tended to indoor plants while the second group worked on a document in a word processor, one of the most typical computer tasks, which needs continuous physical activity, like the transplanting task. On the second day, the subjects switched activities. Each subject performed each task at the same time of the day to reduce the effects of diurnal variation.

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Rx: Get A Couple Of Houseplants And Call Me In The Morning

A family medicine practice in urban Manchester “is prescribing plants to help people with anxiety, depression and loneliness,” explains Metro’s Laura Abernethy . “The idea is that patients get herbs, veg and pot plants to care for and they then bring it back to the surgery to transfer it to the communal garden.”

“The new scheme — believed to be a first in the country — gives patients a chance to join in with further gardening and social activities. It’s based on the idea that spending time in green spaces can help to lift your mood,” she continues.

Backed by the city’s health commissioners, the idea is rooted in solid science. As human beings evolved for millions of years out of doors, it makes sense that our bodies and minds are optimized for natural environments. And that’s just what study after study has found. Getting out in nature makes the human body work a bit better.

And thankfully for the time-crunched urbanite, you don’t need to hike all day to see benefits. One experiment found that just looking at a green roof for 40 seconds noticeably boosted office workers’ productivity. Another recent British study showed that people saw significant health benefits from just two hours a week outdoors. This evidence points to the fact that even just a few potted plants around your home or desk could have a real effect on your well-being.

Gerbera Daisy Helps To Remove Toxins From The Air

This picture-perfect, brightly colored, flowering plant is an extremely effective air purifier. Its renowned for being able to remove Trichloroethylene from the home this is a chemical that you may bring home with your dry cleaning. It can also remove benzene from the air a chemical associated with inks. Add one to your office, laundry room or bedroom to promote a calming ambiance and restful nights sleep.

Its only requirement is lots of light and well-drained soil, so be sure to invest in a vessel that boasts good drainage holes. To promote healthy growth, mist the leaves a few times a week. When this flower blooms, its colorful petals can last up to two weeks. The pretty hue not only adds energy to our homes but having brightly colored plants in the house and office also helps to promote happiness.

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For A Reminder To Stay Present Try A Eucalyptus

This popular plant is known not only for its distinct, pleasant aroma, but also for its ability to help treat asthma, colds, and congestion.

Eucalyptus and you: For those who need a reminder to appreciate the present and what the day will bring, the eucalyptus is the ideal plant. Take a few moments to inhale its healing and powerful scent. Doing this brings you back into the present moment.

Remember that this present moment is all you have. Dont think about what happened yesterday as you cant change that, and dont concern yourself with tomorrows to-do list because all you have is this very moment. Enjoy.

How Do House Plants For Anxiety Help

Plants Are Being Prescribed By Doctors To Help Patients ...

Great question! House plants for anxiety help alleviate symptoms because they promote higher quality air. If you work inside or spend long hours in your home, youre breathing in indoor toxins on a regular basis. The quality of air plays a significant role in your overall health. Just think about the way you feel after climbing in a dusty attic or after spending a day in Toronto or Vancouver, where the air is overly polluted. Plants improve the quality of air, which improves the quality of your health as a whole including your anxiety disorder.

Many studies have shown house plants for anxiety to do the following:

  • Improve reaction times
  • Increase self-satisfaction

And the list goes on. So, lets find out what the best house plants for anxiety are and how you can use them to naturally treat mental illness.

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Chrysanthemum Has Many Medicinal Benefits

This hot-hued plant not only adds colour and vibrancy to your home, but its proven to purify air, lessen symptoms of worry and stress and cool and relax our bodies when taken as a tea.

Its name originates from the Greek words gold and flower. Asides from its air purifying benefits, this plant specie also boasts a number of medicinal benefits. It is often used to treat high blood pressure, chest pain, fever, type 2 diabetes, cold, headache, swelling and dizziness.

It can also be used to treat prostate cancer when combined with other herbs and is a popular tea in Southern China. This tea boasts both calming and relaxing benefits, which can help to treat the symptoms of anxiety by relaxing the nervous system.

Gardening For Mental Health: Reducing Anxiety And Depression With Green Activities

Spending time outdoors is proven to help relieve stress and increase mental wellness. Exposure to soil, sunlight, and nature stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that help to reduce anxiety, depression, and Seasonal Affective Disorder. Put your mental health first and get some self-care in by going out in your backyard and digging in the garden or taking a tour of a public garden nearby.

Many of us garden-lovers have experienced the powerful positive effects of gardening on our own mental health. In everything we do here at Garden Therapy, we touch on living better through plants. We truly believe in natures ability to help us through all different kinds of hard times. Mental health is no joke and you will have certainly been touched in some way by anxiety, depression, or PTSD through your own experiences or those of family and friends.

Gardener extraordinaire Shawna Coronado is here to tell us more about the science of how spending time in the garden can improve mental wellness. To learn more about therapeutic gardening for both physical and mental health, be sure to check out Shawnas wonderful book The Wellness Garden: Grow, Eat, and Walk Your Way to Better Health. Read on to understand the science behind why strolling through a meadow can boost your mood greatly and why gardening for mental health is so worthwhile.

Also Check: Where To Go To Get Diagnosed With Depression

How Can I Make My Lungs Stronger

To keep your lungs healthy, do the following:

  • Stop smoking, and avoid secondhand smoke or environmental irritants.
  • Eat foods rich in antioxidants.
  • Get vaccinations like the flu vaccine and the pneumonia vaccine.
  • Exercise more frequently, which can help your lungs function properly.
  • Improve indoor air quality.
  • The Gut Is Connected To The Brain

    Plants and mental health?

    Mounting research suggests that clinical depression may be affected by the bacteria in the gut. In a 2019 study published in Nature Microbiology, researchers observed that gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, that are connected to the brain via the vagus nerve, immune system, and other pathways, potentially influencing mood and behavior. They also noticed that depressed subjects tend to be lacking in two specific species of gut bacteria.

    We are only beginning to understand the impact that the microbiome has on cognition, emotions, and behavior, says Richard Aiken, MD, author of Neurodietetics: The Dietary Science of Human Flourishing. Diet is considered to be one of the most crucial factors impacting the human gut microbiota from infancy to old age. Dietary interventions may have the potential to modulate psychiatric symptoms.

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    Engaging With Nature: Get Outside And Get Moving

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistical website, data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys from 2005 to 2008 show that antidepressant use has increased significantly: About 1 in 10 Americans aged 12 and over takes anti-depressant medication.

    While there is no doubt that the stigma related to mental illness issues is dissipating, which encourages proper medication when necessary, it becomes critical to learn new ways to reduce pharmaceutical dependency whenever possible.

    It is possible to reduce anxiety, depression, and related medication use by increasing green activities and enabling people to find an alternative path to their personal wellness lifestyle.

    Mind is an organization in the United Kingdom that assists millions of people online to learn how to cope with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Mind also provides support directly through local chapters and conducts treatment studies through the University of Essex.

    In one such report, Ecotherapythe Green Agenda for Mental Health, 94 percent of test subjects commented that they felt green exercise had furthered their mental health in a positive way. Additionally, the study stated that participants felt their physical health improved with outdoor walking. Respondents also reported decreased levels of depression and felt less fatigued and tense after walking outside, with increased mood and self-esteem.

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