Tuesday, April 30, 2024

What To Do To Overcome Anxiety And Depression

How To Overcome Anxiety Stress And Depression

How to stop feeling anxious about anxiety | Tim Box | TEDxFolkestone

There is the only mantra to fight anxiety, stress, and depression believe in yourself and believe that whatever God does, he does it for good. If you have the faith, then only other therapies will work for you otherwise will not get the benefit that you need.

Before proceeding further let me tell you a true story of faith, which will prove that faith plays a big role in defeating diseases like anxiety and depression.

Initial Sessions: What You Can Expect

I will provide a thorough evaluation and history taking in the context of a warm, compassionate and containing environment. I will offer feedback recommendations and a treatment plan will be discussed with you so that we may pursue the proper course of therapy with the aim of alleviating or diminishing the pain of living with anxiety.

In general, the goals of any good therapy is symptom reduction, gaining therapeutic techniques that you can apply on your own, and changing ones internal landscape which leads to growth, stabilization and restoring your mind and body to harmony.

I invite you to Contact Me directly with any questions or concerns or to schedule an appointment.

Tracy Artson, Ph.D.

Learn To Recognize The Signs Of Anxiety

Anxiety disorder is the most common mental health condition in the United States, affecting up to 18% of the population. Knowing the signs of anxiety can help you realize when someone you love is having fearful thoughts or feelings. Symptoms vary from person to person but can be broken into three categories:

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Lifestyle Changes That May Help With Managing Anxiety Or Depression

Many of us have been there before youre in a stressful situation and can feel your heart racing or a sudden feeling of being overwhelmed. Anxiety is kicking in. Its the bodys natural response to stress, but these days, it may feel more prevalent or prolonged than usual.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states large medical outbreaks, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, may have been associated with increased mental health challenges.

In fact, more than 40% of adults say they are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression.

This isnt surprising, said Dr. Jamie Dupuy, the medical director for Sanvello, an app for anxiety and depression relief. Weve been experiencing compounded stressors for two years now, with layers of grief, loss of routine, job instability, family disruptions and more.

For some people, that mental toll may lead to pervasive anxiety or even depression. Disruptions to sleep, nutrition and other routines may contribute to and even worsen mental health issues. As the pandemic continues, it may be worthwhile to understand and assess how your habits have changed.

In the beginning, many people rallied with the hope we could collectively prevent the spread of the virus. More than two years later, our reality is different, and its taken a mental toll on everyone, Dr. Dupuy said. We are in a prolonged emotional burnout.

Dr. Dupuy shares some actionable tips and recommendations:

4. Avoid or limit alcohol and other substances

Fitness Tips: Stay Healthy Manage Anxiety Andstress

14 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

For the biggest benefits of exercise, try to include at least 2½ hours of moderate-intensity physical activity each week, 1¼ hours of a vigorous-intensity activity , or a combination of the two.

  • 5 X 30: Jog, walk, bike, or dance three to five times a week for 30 minutes.
  • Set small daily goals and aim for daily consistency rather than perfect workouts. It’s better to walk every day for 15-20 minutes than to wait until the weekend for a three-hour fitness marathon. Lots of scientific data suggests that frequency is most important.
  • Find forms of exercise that are fun or enjoyable. Extroverted people often like classes and group activities. People who are more introverted often prefer solo pursuits.
  • Distract yourself with an iPod or other portable media player to download audiobooks, podcasts, or music. Many people find its more fun to exercise while listening to something they enjoy.
  • Recruit an exercise buddy. It’s often easier to stick to your exercise routine when you have to stay committed to a friend, partner, or colleague.
  • Be patient when you start a new exercise program. Most sedentary people require about four to eight weeks to feel coordinated and sufficiently in shape so that exercise feels easier.

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Common Symptoms Of Anxiety

  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Heart palpitations, sweating, shaking
  • Shortness of breath, feeling faint
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Heightened sense of alertness
  • Anticipating feeling anxious or a persistent worry
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
  • Feeling of unreality or detachment from oneself
  • Fear of dying or losing control
  • Irritability, restlessness
  • Medication Consultation by a Psychiatrist

Tip #: Have Something To Look Forward To

If we aim for nothing, we are likely to hit it. Not having anything positive mapped out on our road ahead can make life seem daunting and overwhelming. The idea of more days ahead of being exactly like the ones behind can keep anyone in a funk. Whether you want to plan for something big, such as career change, or something small, like a weekend vacation, being able to circle something on the calendar can provide you with the motivation to keep moving forward.

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When To Get Professional Help For Depression

If youve taken self-help steps and made positive lifestyle changes and still find your depression getting worse, seek professional help. Needing additional help doesnt mean youre weak. Sometimes the negative thinking in depression can make you feel like youre a lost cause, but depression can be treated and you can feel better!

Dont forget about these self-help tips, though. Even if youre receiving professional help, these tips can be part of your treatment plan, speeding your recovery and preventing depression from returning.

How Anxiety Affects You

Overcoming Fear, Anxiety and Depression: Unplug Your Mind

Other life-changing events also can increase anxiety, such as financial stress, health issues like heart attacks or injuries that affect mobility, or the death of a spouse or friend. Sometimes certain situations, like large social settings or noisy or unfamiliar environments, can cause anxiety.

âAnxiety is highly treatable, but men may not want to talk about it and feel they can take care of the problem themselves,â says Dr. Cremens. âBut men should not take their situation lightly, as anxiety can have a lasting impact on their life.â

People with anxiety can have an array of symptoms that may linger off and on for days, weeks, or even months. You may experience one of more of the following:

  • difficulty falling or staying asleep.

Anxiety also can trigger panic attacks, marked by a rapid heart rate, excessive sweating, and trouble breathing. The symptoms often subside after a while or if you remove yourself from the stressful environment or situation. Anxiety can make it harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle, too. You may be less motivated to exercise and more likely to increase your intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods and alcohol.

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Find Yourself Unable To Focus During The Day Are You Thinking About Everything Else Going On In Life Or Does It All Feel Like Too Much At Times

  • Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling social media just to pass the time during the day?
  • Is it hard for you to focus on tasks throughout your day?
  • Is your mind swirling with thoughts and responsibilities, making you feel overwhelmed?
  • Does it all feel like too much at times?
  • Are you constantly distracted by other things in your day?
  • How Can I Tell If I Have Depression Or Anxiety

    Everyone goes through times of stress, fear, worry and feeling down. But when those feelings get really bad or go on for a long time you may have depression or anxiety.

    Its common to experience both depression and anxiety at the same time.

    If your main problem is feeling really down or losing interest in things that you usually enjoy, we call it depression.

    If your main problem is panic, being on edge and worrying, we call it anxiety.

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    Allow Yourself To Feel What Youre Feeling

    Depression and anxiety are medical conditions, not the result of failure or weakness, and theyre absolutely not your fault.

    Without a doubt, the unwanted emotions they cause can lead to plenty of distress. But knowing depression and anxiety result from underlying causes and triggers, not anything you did or didnt do, can promote self-compassion instead of criticism or self-punishment.

    How To Overcome Depression And Anxiety


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    Clinicians considered depression and anxiety of them to be two sides of the same coin. Because of different issues of life, individuals have been suffering from anxiety and depression. Nevertheless, if the symptoms persist in such a way that the ability to function normally is affected, seeking treatment is the best option. If the conditions of these disorders become milder, there are several things to practice if you want to combat them.

    To overcome anxiety and depression, you ought to find out their roots. A common symptom is being nervous and depressed, hence leading to anxiety as well as panic attacks. It is possible to stay away from depression and anxiety disorders if you can practice to calm your mind as you relax. Consider these tips if you want to overcome depression and anxiety:

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    If Youre Up For Exercise Consider A Walk Around The Block

    On days when you feel as if you cant get out of bed, exercise may seem like the last thing youd want to do. However, exercise and physical activity can help to lower symptoms of depression and boost energy levels.

    future depressive episodes.

    Even when you have the feeling that youre unable to or have very little energy, see if youd be willing to do the opposite of what your mood is telling you to do, such as curling up in bed. Instead, set a small goal for yourself, such as taking a walk around the block.

    Mindfulness Awareness & Somatic Experiencing

    Current research shows the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation for reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, pain and trauma. It also improves peoples ability to tolerate their emotions, however unpleasant, thus changing their experience of themselves and their ability to control the expression of their sensations/feelings.

    Somatic Therapy emphasizes the role of the body in the expression of emotions and symptoms and looks at the ways the body holds onto memories/experiences. Somatic therapies bring the body into the room. Trauma research elucidate the ways in which the body gives access to unspoken, painful, or hidden experiences/memories that cannot be known or illuminated by insight therapy alone.

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    Tap Into Your Spirituality

    Religion can be an impactful source of support for many people dealing with depression, but there is no need to join a church, synagogue, or mosque unless you wish to. Simple daily practices such as meditation or adding to a list of things youre grateful can help boost mood and overall well-being.

    Meditation can have a range of beneficial effects such as lowering stress levels and helping people to become more aware of their thoughts and reactions.

    Research indicates that an intervention called mindfulness-based cognitive therapy , which combines elements of cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness meditation, can be helpful in treating depression and preventing future relapses of symptoms.

    Studies also suggest that different types of mindfulness meditative practices can also be effective in the treatment of depression.

    There are many different types of meditation, but you can get started with a simple meditative exercise with these steps:

  • Sit comfortably.
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    You Have An Unrealistic Expectation Of Yourself To Live Long

    How to NATURALLY Overcome Depression & Anxiety

    I often see this in new relationships when you may be so infatuated with someone that you tend to inject their values into your own life and attempt to live within their values for fear of loss of their affection.

    For example:

    • If they love prioritizing their health and fitness, you may suddenly feel temporarily inspired to hit the gym each day.
    • Suppose they love traveling and have a value on experiencing new cultures. In that case, you may suddenly wish to spend your free time and finances on seeing the world.
    • If they feel inspired to raise funds for disadvantaged communities, you may try to live inside their values and do the same temporarily.

    Give it a few weeks or months, and the majority of people are likely to experience feelings of, “Hey, I want my life back.” Trying to live in others values is self-defeating and futile and ends up short-lived.

    For this reason, I often ask people to look at what their life ALREADY demonstrates as being a priority.

    Suppose you say that you would love to be financially independent, but your life actually demonstrates that you regularly prioritize immediate gratification and buy consumables that depreciate in value. In that case, it is highly unlikely that financial independence is truly one of your highest values.

    Also Check: Coping Skills To Help With Depression

    Self Love Begins With You

    The next thing that you need to do is to start loving you love you and all of it because, to be honest youre on track toward your goals and not giving up and that my friend is the biggest win.

    How to UN-stuck yourself FREE five day training CHALLENGE INSIDE!

    Need some help in creating a better life that you enjoy? Get inside the free FIVE-day training where I really give you some tough but actionable love so you don’t die with your dream inside of you!

    Perceived Stress Scale *

    How stressful do you perceive events in your life to be? This scale helps to answer this. For example, people with higher scores on the PSS might be more vulnerable to symptoms of depression from stressful life events.

    * You may take the test as many times as you like. The data is used to score your results and CAMH will not be able to link the results back to you in any way. CAMH stores results from all tests and may use the anonymous aggregate data from results to look at general trends in use of the test, general trends in overall results over time, average scores, and other similar patterns.

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    Have More Questions About The Science

    If you have symptoms of depression, it’s natural to wondTMS is different from medications and talk

    therapy. Medications arent as customizable

    they may not work for genetic reasons and

    could cause moderate to severe side effects.

    Symptoms of depression can also interfere with the comfort and effectiveness of talk therapy.

    TMS targets the area of the brain that is believed to regulate mood to treat depression at its neurological source.er what’s going on in your body. The good news is that researchers have now answered two crucial questions: how does depression affect the brain, and what chemical imbalance causes depression? These discoveries can help you on your journey toward recovery.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwMKNn6g_g0& list=PLfBiZcu2B1ag-fOtr9fieH2lSlRmSbCyA& index=4

    If you’ve been dealing with treatment-resistant depression, you’ve likely already tried several depression medications or therapies. Maybe they only partially worked, or didn’t work at all, so now you’re considering transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS. At this point, all you want is to find relief, so you’re probably wondering how long before TMS works. Read on to learn more about TMS and when you might feel better if you try it.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM9BOfvvQMs& list=PLfBiZcu2B1ag-fOtr9fieH2lSlRmSbCyA& index=2

    Signs Of An Anxiety Attack

    What should one do quickly to overcome anxiety and depression in less ...

    These are some of the more common mental and physical symptoms of anxiety:

    • feelings of danger, panic, or dread
    • nervousness or restlessness
    • numbness or tingling in your extremities
    • feeling hot or cold

    If you notice that quick tips havent been working, you may want to consider seeing a professional for help. Especially if you believe you have GAD and its interfering with routine activities and causing physical symptoms.

    A mental health professional can help with streamlining the process of identifying your triggers, maintaining long-term strategies through behavioral therapy, medications, and more.

    Anxiety may always be a part of your life, but it shouldnt overtake your day-to-day. Even the most extreme anxiety disorders can be treated so that the symptoms arent overwhelming.

    Once you find what treatment works best for you, life should be a lot more enjoyable and a lot less daunting.

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    Is It Anxiety Or Depression

    If you often feel anxious or depressed for no apparent reason, you may have an anxiety disorder, depression, or both. Its not unusual for someone to suffer from both conditions at the same time. In fact, just about half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

    Depression and anxiety are serious but treatable illnesses. The same medications may be used to ease symptoms of each condition. The two also share similar symptoms, like nervousness, irritability, insomnia and problems concentrating, but each has its own causes.

    Anxiety: If you have an anxiety disorder, you may experience:

    • Fear, panic or anxiety in situations where most people would not feel anxious or threatened
    • A constant nagging worry or anxiousness
    • Sudden panic or anxiety attacks without any clear trigger

    Untreated, these disorders can limit your ability to work, maintain relationships or even leave the house.

    Depression: When youre depressed, it affects just about everything in your life how you think, feel, behave and function. You may experience one or more of these symptoms:

    • Feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks and personal interactions

    If these feelings last longer than two weeks, and interfere with daily activities like spending time with friends, caring for your family or going to work, most likely youre experiencing a major depressive episode.

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