Sunday, April 21, 2024

Asking For Help With Depression

How Do I Go Deeper In Therapy

How Asking For Help Can Help Depression | Janesha Bull | TEDxWilmingtonWomen

There are many ways to go deeper to your therapy, and a few are: find a therapist that will complement you and your condition and most importantly, help you in the best way possible put first your concerns focus on the process not the end goal open yourself to willingness for the treatment participate in the recommended interventions try again if the first or first few times do not work and be patient and kind with yourself along the process.

When To Reach Out

The NHS say that its important to seek help from our GP as soon as we think we might have depression. There are a range of symptoms associated with depression. These include, but arent limited to:

  • Feeling low or sad
  • Struggling for the motivation to do anything
  • Struggling to make decisions
  • Having unexplained aches and pains
  • Either struggling to sleep or sleeping too much

If weve been experiencing these sorts of symptoms for more than a couple of weeks, its worth popping to the GP. Even if they dont diagnose us with depression theres no harm in reaching out to chat over things anyway. There could be other help they can offer.

When it comes to speaking to other people, it comes down to a matter of personal preference. Some of us might have supportive families and friends and will want to tell them right away. Others of us might need more time to digest whats going on in our lives before telling others.

At work it might be helpful to tell our line manager as soon as we are struggling, or as soon as we have a diagnosis. However we are not legally required to disclose our illness if we would prefer to keep it to ourselves.

Why Depression Treatment Makes The Difference In Your Mood And Your Life

Depression doesnt usually just hit you all at once all of a sudden. It tends to come on gradually. But it can build and overwhelm you before youre really aware of it. And depressive disorders are composed of imbalances within you that you cant simply rebalance on your own. So, the sooner you access comprehensive depression treatment, the sooner youll be back on an empowering path, living the life you really want.

Depression is fairly common, and the treatment options have become very accessible and effective in response. One of the best options for well-rounded and compassionate care is an inpatient treatment center. Here, clinicians can oversee a wide range of care approaches, including medication, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and other holistic therapies as well. This kind of immersive treatment goes well beyond the relief of symptoms to empower you with coping skills and the ability to thrive. Your progress may be gradual, but your hope will grow as you discover the scope and depth of support available to you.

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And When It Was My Turn To Reach Out Even After Losing My Friend I Began To Withdraw Too

I watched, with painful awareness, as I did much of what my friend seemed to do leading up to their suicide.

I wrote myself off as a burden. I isolated myself. I got lost in my own head. And despite knowing the danger of where I found myself, I said nothing.

After an especially scary night, I realized something: No one ever explained to me how to ask for help. No one told me what reaching out even meant.

As my grief began to snowball, I hesitated to tell anyone I was struggling, largely because I didnât know how. I didnât know what to ask for, and without knowing what to ask for, it felt too complicated and futile to try.

âWhy didnât they tell me?â is such a common refrain when we talk about suicide or mental health challenges in general. Itâs easy to make this remark, because âtell someoneâ seems like a simple request.

But in truth, itâs vague at best.

Reach Out Where You Feel The Most Comfortable

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Some people feel most comfortable talking to close friends or family when they are going through a depressive episode. But some people actually feel more comfortable talking to someone less familiar, such as a general practitioner or a stranger on the other end of a helpline. No way is right or wrong as long as youre taking the step to ask for help.

Recommended Reading: Leading Cause Of Depression In America

Tips For Asking For Help When You Live Alone

Having live-in help via a partner, children, or roommates can make asking for help more convenient but what if you live on your own? In this case its even more important to reach out to others for help, so you dont become isolated, says Dr. Ferguson. Most of the tips listed above are useful regardless of your living situation but here are some extra tips from our experts for asking for help when youre solo.

Dont Be Afraid To Get A Diagnosis

Its surprising how many people with depression actually fear getting a diagnosis. Often, while they suspect they may be suffering from a mental health disorder, when its made official they feel stigmatized and feel as if their identity is being threatened. Its important to recognize that, whether or not you receive an official diagnosis, depression will still weigh heavily on you. Once you have an official diagnosis, you will have the options put in front of you that can help you begin the journey towards recovery. If you never get a diagnosis, then effective treatment will remain unreachable and, over time, your depression will probably get worse.

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Ok Im Feeling Depressed So Now What

Now that you know the symptoms of depression, some positive coping skills can be useful. All of the following techniques are supported by scientific research and medication prescribers like psychiatrists and these skills are frequently recommended as important parts of treatment even for patients who continue to take antidepressant medications.

WARNING: Do not suddenly go off your prescribed antidepressant medications without first talking to your medical provider. Discuss any questions or concerns about the side effects of your medications with your provider.

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Are There Warning Signs Of Suicide With Depression

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Depression carries a high risk of suicide. Suicidal thoughts or intentions are serious. Warning signs include:

  • A sudden switch from sadness to extreme calmness, or appearing to be happy
  • Always talking or thinking about death
  • Clinical depression that gets worse
  • Taking risks that could lead to death, such as driving through red lights
  • Making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless
  • Putting affairs in order, like tying up loose ends or changing a will
  • Saying things like “It would be better if I weren’t here” or “I want out”
  • Talking about suicide
  • Visiting or calling close friends and loved ones

If you or someone you know shows any of the above warning signs, call your local suicide hotline, contact a mental health professional right away, or go to the emergency room.

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For Those Whove Overcome Their Depression What Did You Do

I help mod at r/getting_over_it a depression and anxiety recovery sub. The premise of the sub is what drew me to it: learning to cross that final bridge from subsistence to actually living and enjoying life.

Ive dealt with depression for most of my life. At the moment Im doing ok, better than I have been for a long time. Still, it is more that I manage my depression rather than having actually overcome it.

Thats where a lot of info. on depression falls short. There is a plethora of info. on recognizing if youre depressed, anxious etc. and managing those symptoms. There seems to be far less info. on moving from coping and subsisting to actually thriving. Maybe part of the issue is the very human, unending quest for happiness. Even those who have not been burdened by depression have a difficult time finding happiness.

It only occurred to me recently that those whove overcome depression probably dont spend much time in forums about depression. Hence, why I thought it would be a good question to ask a broader audience.

So, for those who were able to overcome depression in a sustainable manner, how were you able to and what habits did you have to cultivate?

EDIT: Thank you so much everyone for all your incredible stories and words of wisdom! This turned out to be a very gratifying exchange. Ill be sure to link this post for our next Motivational Monday.

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How To Seek Help For A Mental Health Challenge

If you notice these changes in your or a loved ones behaviors, especially if youve answered yes to some of the questions above, its important to reach out for support as soon as possible. The longer someone goes without treatment, the more serious symptoms may becomeand, in the case of symptoms like delusions or self-injury, untreated symptoms can have serious consequences to your health.

The first step in getting help is talking to an adult you trust, like a parent or caregiver, teacher, guidance counselor, or doctor. Especially if youre still in school, its important to seek help from a trusted adult, because they can help you find the mental health resources you need, like a counselor or therapist. If you are ready for a conversation but dont know who to turn to,

Let your friends know what youve been experiencing, and ask for their support. While friends are not a substitute for help from a mental health professional, they can support you in other ways, like by creating a safe space for sharing your feelings, holding you accountable to your treatment goals, and comforting you when you get overwhelmed.

If you are having suicidal thoughts or engaging in suicidal behavior, seek help immediately by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.

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Some Suggestions For Your Visit

There are things you can do to get the best out of your visit to a health professional:

  • When making the appointment, ask if you can have extra time to talk with your doctor
  • List the signs and symptoms youve been experiencing
  • Consider taking a friend or whnau member with you for support
  • List the things youve tried that have or have not helped
  • Let your doctor know if youre on any other medicine or treatments
  • If your current treatment doesnt seem to be working, ask to discuss another approach
  • If youre not satisfied with the help from your health professional, consider changing to another one.

Take Their Feelings Seriously

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If someone is living with a mental health concern, it isnt possible for them just to snap out of it, cheer up or forget about it. Acknowledge that what’s happening must be difficult to handle don’t tell them that their feelings are weird or unfounded.

Try not to approach your friend like theyre a patient or someone who needs to be fixed…this might make them feel embarrassed and belittled, and can make them close themselves off to you. Anzelmo

If youre not sure how to help someone with depression or anxiety, ask them. You could also offer them some options and let them choose what suits them best. For example, you could offer to listen and let them express their thoughts, or just to hang out, without serious conversation.

Try to be caring, compassionate and curious, and let them know that they matter to you and you are taking them seriously.

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I Dont Want People To Think Im Broken

Depression doesn’t mean a person is “broken” and it doesn’t mean that a person with depression just lays in bed all day, doing nothing. It’s true that depression can be linked to a trauma such as divorce, loss of a loved one, abuse, or hardship. But the truth is that depression doesn’t discriminate. It can affect anyone, regardless of race, age, gender, or socioeconomic status.

These and many other situations contribute to a never ending and vicious cycle where we feel bad, we want to talk to someone, we feel bad about burdening others, and so we feel bad again.

Reaching out is never a sign of weakness or a reason to feel ashamed. Recognizing that these negative feelings are all part of your depressionwill help avoid the temptation of isolating yourself. Next time you start getting anxious about reaching out to someone remember that while the risk is still there so is the opportunity. You deserve to feel your best. We’re here to help.

Depression Doesnt Define You

Do not attach your identity or yourself with your depression. It is a mental disorder. It is not a manifestation of your failure. Depression is not a sign of weakness nor is it punishment. You are not what your depression makes you feel like.

Your self-worth is not attached to your depression. Your road to recovery starts with this simple realization. Depression is not a result of who you are as a person or something you have done. Your worth does not change due to your depression. You deserve help, love, compassion, and happier life.

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Be Honest About How You Are Feeling

Hiding the seriousness of your condition or the severity of your pain or disability makes it much harder for people to give you the help you need. Be honest and clear and dont expect them to read your mind or figure it out based on your symptoms.

It can feel very vulnerable to open-up to your loved ones in this way but its necessary, says Megan H. 45, who has postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome , Ehlers-Danlos, and inflammatory arthritis. I have learned that I cant assume that people know how I feel, she says, I have to share that with them.

Why Are We A Great Personal Injury Lawyer

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Thats a weird sentence, right? Why are we a good personal injury lawyer But Ill tell you the reason. Each one of us has been trained to be a legal advocate on your behalf. We are each a great personal injury attorney and will handle your case with respect and we will work on it fast.

So I invite yourself to ask these following questions and if we fit the bill, then call us immediately.

Have You Been Injured?

Whether it is a slip/fall or an auto accident or even a dog bite or other injury, there are options to get it taken care of. Thats why we all have insurance, right?

Do You Need A Lawyer?

Youve received a settlement offer from an insurance company and feel like you dont need a lawyer. The company wants to pay as little as possible. Call us before you accept a low offer.

When To Call A Lawyer?

Also Check: Residential Treatment Programs For Teenage Depression

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Tips How To Ask For Help With Depression

The stigma surrounding mental health issues is one of the most difficult barriers to overcome when in need of help. To remove that barrier takes guts. Here are some helpful tips to help do exactly that, although they usually require vulnerability. Many will learn that exercising these suggestions can open doors and open hearts.

  • Practice saying the words aloud in front of your mirror, while on a walk, or while driving: I dont feel well. I am scared. I need to talk to someone. Just uttering these short phrases out loud can prepare you for actually communicating them with a friend or loved one. Practice them until they roll off the tongue.
  • Dont buy into the stigma. Resist believing that you are somehow flawed because you are experiencing depression. Understand that mental health is just one aspect of the human system, and is at least as important as our physical health. Acquire a new attitude about the importance of paying attention to mental wellness.
  • Acknowledge when you are not coping well. The signs may be popping up at work where your productivity has been impacted or your low mood has coworkers worried about you. It could be showing up at home, where your ability to care for the kids or even make a meal is hindered by the depression.
  • Educate Them About Your Symptoms

    I have taught my family and friends to be on alert for telltale signs I need help, says Megan H., including acting stroke-like, sounding drunk, not moving much, appearing like a wilting flower, or moving very slowly and/or unsteadily. These symptoms are easily treated with salt, electrolytes, and rest, she says. Id much rather they do this before anyone feels like they need to call 911.

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    Ask Somebody Else To Get Help For You

    For many people with depression, the primary obstacle holding them back from getting the help that they need is finding the courage and motivation that they need to seek out the help in the first place. If it feels as if its too difficult to call a doctor and arrange an appointment to discuss your issues, ask somebody to give you some help with this first step of the treatment process. Ask a loved one or friend to call the doctor and request an appointment on your behalf. If you would be happier with a little more support, you could even ask that they come to the appointment with you. Often, its easier to face a doctor to discuss your problems with a supportive friend or family member by your side and they can also help you to remember the key points you need to raise and help by explaining the symptoms that theyve noticed on your behalf.

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