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How To Tell If My Child Has Depression

What Causes Child Depression

8 Signs Your Child is Depressed (For Parents)

Different things can lead to depression. There is no single cause. Some children have genes that make them more sensitive to depression. They may have other family members who have been depressed.

Some children go through stressful things. Some have faced loss, trauma, or hardships. Some go through serious health conditions. These things can lead to sadness or grief and sometimes to depression.

Having extra support during and after hard times helps protect children from depression or lessen the effects. But even when they have good support, some children get depressed. Therapy can help them heal, feel better, and get back to enjoying things.

Signs And Symptoms Of Major Depression

Each child may experience symptoms of major depression differently. To be diagnosed with major depression, a child needs to show at least one of the following two symptoms for most days of the week, for most of the day, during the same two-week period:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness or irritability

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in all or almost all activities once enjoyed

In addition, several of the following symptoms must also be present:

  • Feeling hopeless or helpless

  • Frequent physical complaints, such as a headache, stomachache, or fatigue

  • Thoughts of wishing to be dead

  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts

Its crucial to remember that depression symptoms and suicidal thoughts and behaviors must be taken very seriously.

What Causes Depression In Children

As in adults, depression in children can be caused by any combination of things that relate to physical health, life events, family history, environment, genetic vulnerability, and biochemical disturbance. Depression is not a passing mood, nor is it a condition that will go away without proper treatment.

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About Depression In Children

Its normal for children to feel down, be cranky or think negatively this is part of healthy development and learning to manage emotions. But childhood depression is more than just feeling sad, blue or low.

Depression in children is a mental health problem that affects childrens thinking, mood and behaviour. Children experiencing depression often feel negative about themselves, their situation and their future.

If your child is depressed, it can be hard for your child to learn, make friends and make the most of daily life. If depression goes on for a long time without treatment, children can fall behind at school, lose confidence in themselves and become more withdrawn.

Children who have the right care can recover from depression. Your GP can connect you with the professionals who can help. And your love and support also plays a big part in helping your child recover.

If your child says anything about suicide or self-harm like I wish I was dead or I dont want to wake up anymore you should take this seriously. Seek professional help straight away from your GP or ring Lifeline on 131 114. If youre really worried about your child or yourself, and ask for help, or go to the closest emergency department.

If You Think Your Child Is Depressed

What Are Symptoms of Depression in Children and Teens? [infographic]

If you think your child may be depressed, it’s important to talk to them. Try to find out what’s troubling them and how they’re feeling.

See some tips on talking to younger children about their feelings and talking to teenagers.

Whatever is causing the problem, take it seriously. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it could be a major problem for your child.

If your child does not want to talk to you, let them know that you’re concerned about them and that you’re there if they need you.

Encourage them to talk to someone else they trust, such as another family member, a friend or someone at school.

It may be helpful for you to talk to other people who know your child, including their other parent.

You could also contact their school to ask if the staff have any concerns.

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What Causes Depression In Minors

As with depression in adults, there is no singular cause for depression in children and teens. Instead, minors may develop the illness due to many factors, including hormone changes, bullying at school, difficulty in their home lives, grief, or chemical imbalances in the brain. Trained psychiatric professionals can help families determine if their child is suffering from depression, and figure out the best treatment option.

Signs Of Depression In Children And Teens

Young children do not have the same emotional regulation or communication skills that many adults possess. Children and teenagers with depression may hide their feelings and any psychosocial problems they are experiencing from their parents, especially as teenagers begin to want more independence..

For all of these reasons, parents should not rely on their children or teenagers to tell them if something is wrong. Instead, they should diligently look for the signs of depression which include:

  • Frequent stomach pains and headaches that do not respond to medications
  • Trouble concentrating at home or school
  • Not interested in activities they used to love

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Involve Your Child In Treatment Choices

When choosing a specialist or pursuing treatment options, always get your teens input. If you want your teen to be motivated and engaged in their treatment, dont ignore their preferences or make unilateral decisions. No one therapist is a miracle worker, and no one treatment works for everyone. If your child feels uncomfortable or is just not connecting with the psychologist or psychiatrist, seek out a better fit.

Managing Depression In Children: Professional Support

How do I know if a child is depressed

Your childs psychologist or psychiatrist might use cognitive behaviour therapy to help your child change unhelpful or unhealthy thinking habits and behaviour.

Your childs therapist might use other approaches like relaxation, mindfulness, play therapy, parent therapy or family therapy to help your child learn to think more positively and deal with challenges. This means your child will be less likely to have depression again.

Think of yourself and your childs health professionals as a team. Talk with the professionals about how you can support your childs therapy at home.

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Signs Your Child May Be Depressed

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s

When your teen snaps at you for having the gall to say hello to them in the morning and wakes up mad at the world, it can be easy to dismiss this behavior as normal adolescent moodiness.

But what may seem like an attitude problem may actually be a sign of depression, says pediatric psychologist Kimberly Burkhart, PhD.

It can be hard for parents at times to tell the difference between a typical response to everyday stressors and true depression.

If youve noticed a consistent change in mood and/or loss of interest lasting for two weeks or more, you should consult a professional, Dr. Burkhart says.

Its typical for children to feel angry and sad sometimes, but when someones clinically depressed he or she is feeling sad, irritable, lacking interest in enjoyable activities and perhaps even feeling hopeless for most of the day, the majority of the days, she says.

In children and adolescents who are depressed, you may notice more irritability and loss of interest rather than just sadness or a depressed mood, she says. With depressed children, you may see an externalizing response, such as frequent temper outbursts or aggressive behavior.”

Why Is My Child Depressed

Things that increase the risk of depression in children include:

  • family difficulties
  • physical, emotional or sexual abuse
  • a family history of depression or other mental health problems

Sometimes depression is triggered by 1 difficult event, such as parents separating, a bereavement or problems with school or other children.

Often it’s caused by a mixture of things. For example, your child may have a tendency to get depression and also experienced some difficult life events.

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What To Expect At School

Its very difficult to perform well in school when thinking and concentration are impaired by depression. Its important to include the classroom teacher and a school counselor or psychologist on the treatment team to help your child work through this difficult time.

There are classroom accommodations that might benefit your child during this time. Talk to the classroom teacher about the following:

  • Extended time for lengthy assignments and tests

  • Breaking down assignments into manageable pieces

  • Help to create study or homework schedules

  • Provide copy of class notes

  • Taking tests in a quiet room, free from distractions

Its also helpful to have a plan in place should your child need a break during the day. Examples might include a daily check-in with a school counselor or psychologist in the early stage of treatment and a weekly appointment as your child stabilizes.

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Parents Are Having A Hard Time Identifying Depression In Teens  SheKnows

Many people associate depression with adulthood, but an estimated 3.2 percent of children aged 3-17 years suffer from the condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . “We think it’s easy to be a kid, but life for a child can be challenging and painful,” says Rachelle Theise, Psy.D., a clinical assistant professor and child psychologist at The NYU Child Study Center. So how do you know if your child is depressed or just a little blue? Use our guide to help diagnose, assess, and treat depression in kids.

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How Do You Help A Tween With Depression

Depression can be treated successfully. With careful monitoring and support, a child experiencing depression has a very good chance of overcoming the condition.

Visiting your child’s doctor is a must. Your child’s pediatrician may recommend that your child seek counseling or psychotherapy, most likely with a pediatric mental health provider. You may also consider family therapy. In some cases, counseling is enough to help a child through rough times. In other circumstances, medication may be prescribed as well.

If you think your child is depressed or upset, educate yourself on their social media life. Your child’s Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram might reveal if something is going on with friends or at school.

Whatever course of action the doctors propose to take, your role is as an advocate and a loving support system for your child.

Your Child’s Safety Is Your Number One Priority

If your child or teen is engaging in behaviors that cause you concern for their immediate safety such as discussing plans for suicide or other forms of self-harm immediately take them to the nearest emergency room or call 911. Your child’s safety is the top priority. “Better safe than sorry” should be your guiding philosophy in such situations.

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Subtle Signs Your Child Is Depressed

Don’t miss these warning signs, which may look like normal teen behavior.

To parents, a teen’s life may seem carefree. But in reality, teens struggle with many of the same problems that adults do, including depression. Teens with depression often exhibit many warning signs — as a parent, you want to know what they are and what action to take.

“Attempt to be a non-judgmental, safe, good listener,” suggested Scott Bea, PsyD, a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist specializing in anxiety and mood disorders and assistant professor of medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. “Offer support and positive alternatives including seeking assistance from mental-health professionals. Attempt to normalize the behavior of seeking help by noting that all individuals struggle with the problems in living.”

If depression runs in your family, talk with your teen about it. “This can help a teenager understand that they are not at fault for experiencing depression,” said Dr. Bea.

Get your teen the help he or she needs if you spot any of these warning signs of teen depression.

Looking After Yourself When Your Child Has Depression

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Its not your fault if your child develops depression.

It can be really hard for you to see your child feeling upset, sad or withdrawn for a long time. In families, the way one person is feeling and behaving can affect other family members.

Although its easy to focus on looking after your child, its important to look after your own health and wellbeing too. Consider seeking professional help for yourself if stresses and worries are affecting your everyday life. Your GP is a good person to talk with.

If youre physically and mentally well, youll be better able to care for your child.

Talking to other parents can also be a great way to get support. You can connect with other parents in similar situations by joining a face-to-face or an online parent support group.

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What To Expect From Treatment

Treatment for a depression can take time and sometimes involves some trial and error. No two kids are the same, and its important to remain patient with the process to help your child feel safe.

  • Education: Educating your child about depression is a crucial first step. This helps your child understand the possible causes , understand brain chemistry , and reduces self-blame. It also normalizes what your child is going through.

  • Psychotherapy: Counseling is a good option for kids struggling with depression. There are different kinds of counseling and what works for one might not work for another. For very young children, play therapy is an option. For older kids and teens, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be effective. It can take time to find the best patient/therapist match. Make several calls and dont be afraid to ask questions. You know your child best.

  • : Medication might be necessary for moderate to severe cases, but medication works best when combined with counseling. Medication management is important. Close supervision of the prescribing physician is recommended.

  • Hospitalization: For severe cases of depression, including suicidal ideation, hospitalization is sometimes necessary.

What Is Major Depression

A type of mood disorder, major depression, goes far beyond the typical feelings of sadness that a child might experience. Instead, major depression is a persistently sad or irritable mood that affects a childs thinking and behavior at home, in school, and with peers.

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that more than 10 percent of adolescents ages 12-17 experience major depression in a given year. It is on the rise in both children and adolescents. With early onset, childhood and adolescence depression can predict future episodes of depression into adulthood. Early and consistent treatment can help to lessen the risk of recurrence and reduce the severity of symptoms while improving functioning and well-being.

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How To Help Your Child With Depression

The best way to treat childhood depression is to talk with your child as you need to understand whats happening. Sometimes this may be a difficult conversation to have, but it will help you know what theyre feeling and experiencing.

If you cannot speak with your child, be observant, and take notes. Keep a diary and write down any observable changes as this can help your childs doctor understand the situation better.

Childhood depression is treatable, and it is a mental health issue that must be taken seriously. Do not put off seeking medical help due to the social stigmas attached to depression. As parents, its essential to realize the importance of treatment so your childrens physical and emotional growth and well-being are on the right track.

Works Cited

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When Should I Call The Doctor

Top 7 Signs of Depression in Children

Call a healthcare provider if your child has any signs of depression or anxiety. If your child is showing signs of suicide, get help right away. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800.273.8255. This hotline connects you to a national network of local crisis centers for free and confidential emotional support. The centers support people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In an emergency, call 911.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

While it may be difficult to watch your child dealing with depression or anxiety, help is available. The right treatment can ensure your child continues to grow and thrive throughout their development. In addition to medical help, you can support your child by making sure they have a healthy environment at home, at school and in the community. Always let your child know they can communicate openly and honestly about their feelings.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 11/17/2020.


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Taking Care Of Yourself

Lastly, its important to make sure that youre taking care of yourself. It can be emotionally and physically exhausting to be a parent of someone who is struggling with depression. Know that you are not alone, and get support for yourself. Make sure that you make time to do things you enjoy and go out with friends. The phrase: happy mommy = happy baby still applies!

Signs Of Depression In Kids

“It’s important to know the signs of depression in children so parents can accurately understand their kid’s distress,” Dr. Theise says. Because there’s no real depression test for kids, parents must simply rely on their instincts. Any changes in mood or behavior , increased sadness, or irritabilityâespecially when it lasts most of the day over the course of a week or twoâcould mean something is off. You might also notice your child withdrawing from or seeming disinterested in things they once enjoyed, like playing tennis or hanging out with the neighborhood kids.

Some older children may write stories or poems or draw pictures that will provide insight into their moods. “If your child is expressing her feelings, that is therapeutic and should be encouraged,” says Stacey Brown, a licensed mental health counselor in Fort Myers, Florida, and a professor of Human Services at Edison State College. “But if the parent is concerned about what is written or drawn, seek professional advice.”

Parents should also watch out for these symptoms of depression in kids, compiled from the Anxiety & Depression Association of America and the American Academy Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

  • Difficulty sleeping or restlessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem
  • Talk of death or suicide
  • Efforts to run away from home

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