Monday, May 6, 2024

How To Cope With High Functioning Depression

Reconnect With Your Body

6 Ways To Cope With High Functioning Depression

I take walks outside, sometimes during my lunch break. I exercise. I do yoga. And whenI feel too busy or too overwhelmed I do these things anyway. Because I need them, even if its just for 10 or 15 minutes

Anxiety is just as much physical as it is mental. People with high-functioning anxiety tend to live in their heads and find it hard to break the cycle of fearful thinking and feeling. I used to spend 10 to 12 hours at the office every day, and never exercise. I felt stuck, both physically and mentally. A critical component of how I deal with my symptoms today is by reconnecting with my body.

I use deep breathing all day, every day. Whether I am in a meeting, at my computer, or driving home in traffic, I can take slow, deep breaths to circulate more oxygen, relax my muscles, and lower my blood pressure. I stretch at my desk. I take walks outside, sometimes during my lunch break. I exercise. I do yoga.

And when I feel too busy or too overwhelmed I do these things anyway. Because I need them, even if its just for 10 or 15 minutes. Having a healthy relationship with my body gets me out of my head and channels my nervous energy in a more positive direction.

Getting A Diagnosis For High

Just going through the motions is no way to live, but the good news for those struggling with PDD is that it can be effectively treated to reduce symptoms, boost mood, and improve daily functioning. The first step to getting good treatment is to get an accurate and professional diagnosis. A psychiatrist or other mental health professional uses criteria laid out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to diagnose this condition:

  • A depressed mood that lasts most of the day, most days, for two years or more
  • At least two symptoms when in a depressed mood: changes in eating, changes in sleep, low self-esteem, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, and hopelessness
  • No relief from the depressed mood for longer than two months during a two-year period
  • A degree of distress or impairment caused by the depressed mood

The above criteria are used to diagnose PDD, but only if these symptoms cannot be caused by another mental illness or medical condition.

Offer To Do Fun Things Together

Depression pushes people into isolation and robs them of the energy needed to do fun things. At the same time, connecting with people and engaging in fun activities helps ease the condition.

Inviting someone to do something fun one-on-one can really make a difference, Adeniyi said. She suggested inviting your friend out for lunch, a movie or a walk. But one-on-one attention is really key in this scenario.

If you invite them out as part of a larger group, they have a tendency to cancel or not interact with the group, she said.

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High Functioning Depression Symptoms Include Some Of The Following:

  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and hopelessness
  • Problems concentrating or making decisions
  • Poor self-image or low self-esteem
  • Changes in appetite, such as overeating or not eating much at all
  • Sleep problems that include not sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Low physical energy and fatigue
  • Self-medicating with drugs or alcohol to cope with functional depression symptoms

Rather than getting caught up in the differences or similarities between persistent depressive disorder and high functioning depression, anyone struggling with depressive symptoms should seek professional help and treatment.

Theres no reason for anyone to allow his or her symptoms of depression to worsen or have a negative impact on daily living.

How Can You Get Help For And Manage Depression

Key Signs of High

Regardless of how outwardly obvious or disruptive your depression is, you deserve to get help and feel better. Ideally, youd want to talk to a therapist or counselor or a psychiatrist to get started on a path to recovery. If you need some assistance with finding the right person to talk to, ask your PCP to refer you. But if you cant talk to a professional right away whether thats because finding the right one is inaccessible or youre just not up for it opening up to a loved one can be a good first step, White said.

And she offered this advice for managing your depressive symptoms: Remember that your mental health and physical health are connected.

I tell my clients that when they’re having hard mental health days to really treat themselves like they’re physically sick, White said. That could mean taking breaks during the day, making sure youre eating enough food, drinking plenty of water, going to bed early, wearing cozy clothing, putting on a comfort TV show, etc. Overall, be kind to yourself, she said.

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How To Cope With High Functioning Depression

The first step to deal with High Functioning Depression is to admit that you arent okayand that thats ok. We can all relate to telling those around us that were fine even when we know that is not true. In the case of High Functioning Depression and other feelings of immense sadness, it is important, to be honest with yourself and know that you arent alone.

Another piece of advice would be to seek out a therapist or other medical professionals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with needing help, and it is an important step to take when recovering and living with mental illness.

Though it can be hard to bring yourself to exercise while in this state, it is very important to keep your body active. When working out, your body releases endorphins which promote a happier and healthier mind.

Source: Well San Fransisco

Choosing Therapy advises that those suffering from High Functioning Depression should Set daily goals, preferably simple ones that are easily reached, in order to boost self-confidence and sense of accomplishment.

There are many other ways to cope, so if none of these work for you, here is a list of a few more.

There is one thing you should always remember: check in on your friends. Whether they express their depressive thoughts on the surface or not, you never know what goes on behind closed doors. Just because their life may look pretty and sparkly on the outside, does not mean they arent dealing with things on the inside.


Little Ways To Support Someone With High

When you think of someone living with depression, you might picture someone at home, curled up in bed and unable to leave. However, not everyone with the condition fits that mold.

People with high-functioning depression, a subtype of the disorder, are able to meet goals and keep up with their daily routine, and they seem to enjoy success in life, explained Charlene Sanuade, a clinical therapist at CS Counseling and Therapy. In other words, the condition can essentially hide in plain sight, making it difficult to help, be compassionate or even acknowledge that someone needs support. But its absolutely vital that you do.

Heres how experts say you can recognize the signs and help someone living with the issue.

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Depressive Symptoms On A Spectrum

Depressive disorders exist on a depressive spectrum, where short reactive depressive episodes make up one end of the spectrum, while the road to the other end is paved with more complex and varying disorders such as manic depression , waxing and waning persistent depressive disorder, major depression, and more. According to psychiatrists, thats the first axis the first level of the spectrum, where the clients symptoms are best matched to an existing disorder, with footnotes and additional relative descriptions made based on a concrete list of issues and irregularities.

Then, the second layer comes into play: how a person is dealing with the depression. Some people succumb to it through maladaptive coping mechanisms. They turn to drink, or another destructive habit. They mask their disorder with their behavior. Others have the capacity to ignore it and function despite their depression. Others yet do everything they can do deal with it, including lifestyle modification.

The final layer is what else may be affecting a persons overall mental health, from a physical standpoint. Their personality aside, what existing conditions do they have that could exacerbate their condition? Do they have a thyroid problem? A hormone imbalance? Diabetes, asthma, heart disease or something else? Sometimes, physical symptoms arise because of depression at other times, they may cause it. And there are times where the two are entirely separate, but build on each other.

What Is High Functioning Depression Take The Assessment

6 Ways To Cope With High Functioning Depression

Use the following high functioning depression test to assess your symptoms and determine if you should talk to a doctor. You simply answer yes or no to each statement.

DISCLAIMER: This test is not intended as a diagnostic tool, but rather an indication that you may need help. If the following quiz prompts any vulnerabilities or concerns, please contact a trained professional.

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Your Friends And Family Would Never Guess That You Were Dealing With Depression

One of the signs of a person with functioning depression is their ability to mask and hide it so well. To onlookers, the person with functioning depression seems happy, well adjusted, and optimistic.

What the people that love them dont know is that they are suffering inside. Sometimes it is harder to have functioning depression than other forms because you are left to suffer and no one even knows to step in and help because you become a master of dancing and making it okay for everyone in your life but you.

How Can You Spot High Functioning Depression

Some symptoms of High Functioning Depression include a decreased appetite or overeating, insomnia or oversleeping, lack of energy, lowered self-esteem, feeling sad and hopeless, and lack of ability to make firm decisions. If you feel like any of these symptoms apply to you, we suggest that you seek further conciliation to get a proper diagnosis.

Source: Magno Clinic

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The Secret Battle Of High

Christine Yu

When I told my husband I felt depressed, he didnât believe me. As I sat on the edge of the bed, knees pulled into my chest, he launched a valiant effort to convince me everything was A-OK.

He listed all the things that were going wellâour two kids were happy and healthy, our marriage was back on track after a couple of rocky fits, I was pursuing a career I loved, I was training for half marathons and teaching yoga. What could I possibly be depressed about? âWe all go through down periods. Maybe itâs just a phase?â he asked. I looked down and nodded silently. The blues arenât a new feeling but one that returns to meâsometimes slow and gradual, sometimes quick and fast like a jab to the chin. âMaybe ⦠but this feels different.â At first, I thought it was just a case of the summer doldrums. But the feeling lingered through the rest of the summer and into the fall. I found myself going through the motions while physically present with friends and family. The typical joy and laughter was replaced by an absence of emotion, a hollowness in my gut that rivaled the Grand Canyon.

What Is High Functioning Depression

5 Ways I Deal with High

High functioning depression is not a diagnosis, nor a clinical disorder recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition . Its a nonmedical term used to describe someone who experiences milder symptoms of a depressive disorder but functions well in their daily life.

However, its important to note that depression affects everyone differently, and even someone who is functioning well can also experience major depressive disorder. Indeed, someone may hide depression with a façade that everything is okay, when theyre actually suffering silently behind the scenes.

As a result, this phrase causes mixed feelings among experts. Rebecca Brendel, president-elect of the American Psychiatric Association states, Saying that somebody is high-functioning even though they have a mental illness in and of itself raises the stigma associated with mental illness. It exacerbates shame by indicating depression is a one-size-fits-all disorder.

Furthermore, high functioning depression often gets confused with persistent depressive disorder, which involves less severe symptoms than major depressive disorder but has a longer duration.

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Signs Of High Functioning Depression

Since high functioning depression is not a clinical disorder, there are no clinical symptoms. However, if youre worried about depression within yourself or a loved one, there are a few common signs of depression to keep an eye out for

  • Low self-esteem
  • Feeling low energy despite restful sleep
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Less interested in activities that used to bring joy
  • Embrace A Healthy Lifestyle

    People with high-functioning anxiety can get so focused on success that their work-life balance suffers. You should focus more on self-care and create a daily routine that prioritizes your well-being. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and limit your caffeine intake because its known to increase anxiety symptoms.

    Engage in regular physical activity that stimulates the production of the brains feeling-good hormones. Stick to a regular bedtime routine and get enough sleep. Try such healthy practices as yoga and meditation and spend time in nature. Find the activities that help you relax and recharge and do them regularly. These simple lifestyle changes can help you reduce anxious thoughts and find a calmer state of mind.

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    Do I Have High Functioning Depression

    If you believe you are experiencing depression, it is crucial to talk to a doctor or another qualified healthcare provider.

    When depression is untreated, it can have harmful effects on your emotional and physical well-being, relationships, work, and home life.

    When preparing to talk to your healthcare provider, ask yourself questions like:

    • Do I feel sad or low more often than not?
    • Do I struggle finding joy or engaging in social interactions?
    • Do I have trouble concentrating or making decisions?
    • Do I regularly feel worthless, hopeless, or lonesome?
    • Have I felt this way on most days for more than two years?

    If you answered yes to one or more of those questions, or have reason to believe you have PDD, take our full online assessment to better understand your mental health and begin your journey toward wellness. In addition to medications, K Health offers K Therapy, a text-based therapy program that includes unlimited messaging with a licensed therapist, plus free resources designed by mental health experts to use on your own.

    You Have A Hard Time Experiencing Or Finding Joy

    11 Tips to Overcome High Functioning Depression | Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tools

    You used to have things in your life that brought you joy like vacationing with your family or going out with the girls for dinner, but those things no longer provide you any happiness. In fact, those things you used to look forward to, are the very things that you seek to avoid because they seem as if they require too much effort.

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    Some Of The Most Common Approaches For Dysthymia Or High Functioning Depression Treatment Include:

    1. Antidepressant Medications

    Antidepressant medications can help alleviate many symptoms caused by depression. There is not a one-size-fits all medication for everyone and it may take several tries to find the right medication for an individual.

    Its easy during this process to get discouraged, but those who remain focused on recovery benefit greatly from finally identifying the best medication for their circumstances.

    2. Psychotherapy Approaches

    Psychotherapy approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Dialectical Behavior Therapy can help people with depression identify and change negative thought patterns, sometimes in just a few sessions.

    Individual and even group counseling is also valuable for managing and healing from many of the causes of depression.

    3. Regular Exercise

    Regular exercise is an extremely powerful tool for reducing the symptoms of depression by working off excess stress and anxiety.

    Exercise also helps increase chemicals in the brain associated with a positive mood and good feelings. For this reason, exercise is considered one of the most underrated forms of dealing with depression and other types of mental health conditions.

    4. Eating the Right Foods

    Its necessary to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. Overly sugary, salty, or processed foods are known to cause chemical spikes and crashes in the body that can affect mood in a negative way.

    5. Natural Sunlight

    6. Avoid Alcohol and Drugs

    When To Seek Help

    Depression is a medical condition that often requires medical treatment. If you have experienced prolonged and consistent sadness, emptiness, irritability, or have felt down for more than two weeks, make an appointment to talk to your doctor about your symptoms and be screened for depression.

    Patients with depression can sometimes experience suicidal thoughts or behavior as a part of their mental illness.

    If youre having a mental health emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. You can also get free 24/7 support from a suicide and crisis expert by calling or texting 988. If youd prefer to chat online, you can chat with a suicide and crisis expert by visiting the Lifeline Chat.

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    High Functioning Depression Treatment

    With mood disorders, where symptoms of depression can last for years, its important to understand that treatment can take time, but that there is truly hope of feeling better and living a happier, healthier, and more productive life.

    Antidepressants and psychotherapy together are considered a combined therapy approach, and are generally thought to be an effective functional depression treatment method, although there are other ways that can help as well.

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