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Can You Develop Depression In Your 20s

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In your 20s, you are in the prime of your life. This is when you should be establishing good habits that will carry with you into the future.

Habits are important because they define who we are and what we stand for. They dictate how we act and react in different situations.

If you want to live a successful and fulfilling life, its important to develop good habits while youre young.

In this blog post, I will discuss some of the best habits to develop in your 20s and advice for each one.

Phone A Friend Or Family Member

When it comes to dealing with depression at any time of life, mental health experts tend to agree social support is key.

But reaching out to friends and family is harder than it might seem, since people tend to withdraw from others when theyre feeling depressed. Thats why parents can play a special role in our 20s, says psychiatrist Mark Banschick, MD.

In our 20s, many of us start to see our parents as more loving and supportive than we did in adolescence. Dont feel like its babyish to pick up the phone and call Mom when youre feeling blue.

Depression In Teenagers Can Be Especially Dangerous

Depression is common: The World Health Organization estimates that on any given day, more than one in every 20 Americans is depressed. A major depressive episode isn’t just a single bad day rather, psychologists define it as a sustained loss of interest or lack of pleasure in life that affects a person’s regular routines and day-to-day functioning for two weeks or more.

Read more: 4 short L-words can help reveal if you might be depressed

A bout of this kind of depression experienced as a kid, teen, or young adult can set people up for future mental-health troubles. Research shows that people who experience depression in their formative years often have more frequent and more severe depressive recurrences throughout their lives.

“When followed into adulthood, those with adolescent-onset depression are twice as likely to have a major depressive episode, five times more likely to attempt suicide, and are at increased risk for death by suicide,” the study authors wrote.

Read Also: Depression In Women’s Health

Create A Budget And Stick To It

One of the most important things you can do for your financial health is to create a budget and stick to it.

A budget will help you track your spending, save money, and reach your financial goals.

Its also a great way to get a handle on your debts and reduce stress.

At the time of this article, Im 28 years old.

I make a six-figure income and have achieved financial confidence and freedom.

Yet, I see a lot of people my age struggling financially even if they have a good career and opportunities

Why is this?

One of the reasons I believe is because they dont budget, nor organize their finances.

To create a budget, start by tracking your income and expenses for one month.

Then, find ways to cut costs and increase your income.

Once you have a plan in place, review your budget regularly and make adjustments as needed.

If youre not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources available online or from financial institutions. Watch this video from financial author Dave Ramsey to learn more:

Treatments For Brain Fog Symptoms


Theres more awareness of the importance of treating CD symptoms found in depression than ever before. There are currently a few options available for treating this symptom, but more may be developed as researchers learn more about CD and depression.

A recent study showed that modafinil may benefit CD symptoms in depression. It concluded that this medication can improve episodic memory and working memory in those with remitted depression.

Another emerging treatment for CD symptoms in depression is cognitive remediation therapy, which aims to improve memory and attention. More research is needed to determine the effects of this treatment.

You may want to try home-based treatments to improve brain fog. One significant treatment for CD symptoms is exercise. Exercise can improve your spatial memory.

Other home practices that may improve CD include:

  • getting enough sleep
  • being realistic in planning your day
  • trying to focus on one task at a time
  • managing stress
  • trying relaxation techniques such as meditation
  • taking regular breaks

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At What Age Is Depression Most Common

According toCDC data from 2019, 21% of adults experiencing anydepressive symptoms in the most recent two weeks were between 18 and 29 years old. This incidence is the largest among all adult age groups. And of adults withmild depression, the largest percentage were in this age group as well. So, while depression was more common for young adults, it was also less likely to be less severe.

Depression was not as prevalent among adults 30 and older, andsevere depression did not vary much by age group. But moderate depression had the most significant impact on adults aged 45 to 65 years. Severity seemed to wane in older adulthood, with individualsaged 65 and over more commonly experiencing milder symptoms.

How Can I Be Happy With My Life

Most activities known to boost happiness e.g., exercising regularly, meditating, spending time in nature, finding a fulfilling job, experiencing flow, or planning a vacation are time-consuming and hard. Sitting on the couch all day long, playing video games, or eating junk food wont make us happy.

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Where Can I Find Clinical Trials For Depression

Clinical trials are research studies that look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat diseases and conditions. Although individuals may benefit from being part of a clinical trial, participants should be aware that the primary purpose of a clinical trial is to gain new scientific knowledge so others may receive better help in the future.

Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health and around the country conduct many studies with patients and healthy volunteers. Talk to your health care provider about clinical trials, their benefits and risks, and whether one is right for you. For more information, visit NIMH’s clinical trials information.

If You Think This Is You

Depression is an Illness, Not a Weakness

If you think you might have symptoms of schizophrenia , there are many things that can improve your symptoms and reduce their frequency and severity.

There are a lot of options to choose from, so working with a mental health professional is key to finding the best treatment combo for you.

If youre currently in college or university, you can visit your campus health clinic or counseling office. After all, the demographic they typically serve is the prime age of schizophrenia onset, so you can rest assured youre not the first person to seek help.

While this is a safe place to start, you will need to establish long-term care.

If you do receive a schizophrenia diagnosis in college, you can still continue with your studies. But you may want to consider registering with the disability office so you can receive proper accommodations, especially while working out a treatment plan.

Typically, treatments will include a combo of:

  • Medications. There are a variety of antipsychotic meds that can reduce your current symptoms and help prevent them from returning.
  • Psychotherapy. CBT, CET, individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and many other types can help you manage your symptoms, relieve stress, and teach you self-care tools. And, if needed, you can get help with social and work skills.

There are also online and in-person support groups like NAMI On Campus.

You can still live a full and productive life once youre found the ideal treatment combo to manage your condition.

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S: Losing Friends To Marriage Kids Etc

In your 30s, even if you do have a solid friend group, you may find you spend less and less time together as people get married, take on more responsibility at work, and have children. Traditions like weekly brunch with your girlfriends may begin to dissolve, leaving you once again feeling community-less . This is, one again, a good time to explore new hobbies and interests, as well as dedicate more time to the few friends who do have time for you.

What Causes Male Anxiety

What causes male anxiety? While anxiety can be caused by ongoing stress about work, family, relationships, or traumatic life experiences, it can also be the result of medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes, or a decline in hormone levels.

Can you develop schizophrenia in your 30s?

Although schizophrenia can occur at any age, the average age of onset tends to be in the late teens to the early 20s for men, and the late 20s to early 30s for women. It is uncommon for schizophrenia to be diagnosed in a person younger than 12 or older than 40.

What is empty man syndrome?

It was a term she came up with to describe certain men with depression. It applies to guys in their 40s and up who were single or divorced, and dont have any friends, are unemployed or stuck in a job they dont like, and have no real hobbies.

Read Also: Link Between Anxiety And Depression

How To Deal With Depression In Your 20s

Blink 182 said it best: Nobody likes you when youre 23.

Well, maybe some people like you, but that doesnt make this time in life any less difficult. On the one hand, the period between ages 18 and 29 is the best ever: Many of us are developing a sense of independence in college, starting new jobs, scouting out the dating scene, or heading off to form new communities in new cities. On the other hand, this time period is often characterized by financial debt, romantic misadventures, loneliness, and a sense of uncertainty about who we are and why were here. So its little surprise that people in their late teens and 20s are especially vulnerable to feelings of depression.

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The positive news is that these emotions are pretty common and typically pass by the time people hit the big 3-0. But depression can still be a serious issue that often requires some kind of treatment. Were here to explain why depression develops in the first place, and how to address those feelings when they pop up.

Terrible 20s The Need-to-Know

At one time, most people didnt experience their first depressive episode until their late 40s or 50s today, depression typically first appears around age 25. And while about nine percent of the American adult population suffers from depression, that number is closer to 11 percent among people ages 18 to 24.

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Looking Up Your Action Plan

The Takeaway

Depression Statistics Across The Lifespan

Coping With Depression While In College

Depressionis variable across the lifespan, appearing as one brief severe episode, a mild chronic condition, or something in-between. When exploring what age group has the highest rate of depression, age and depression statistics are only part of the story. Looking beyond the numbers is essential for understanding its impact.

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Not Every Typical Milestone Is Going To Be Your Goal

You always hear that after a certain number of therapy sessions or a certain number of support group sessions, youll achieve this or that milestone and be making clear, undeniable progress. This is hardly the case and unlike anything I experienced. I didnt spill my guts in peer groups or in therapy. I didnt wake up magically cured of my depression one day. When my panic attacks occurred, I felt like I was ruining the progress I had made in trying to improve my mental health. It was really some of the most isolating moments of my life.

My milestones were smaller, personal goals that I relished in accomplishing. Maybe it was making it to breakfast or fitting in a workout. Anything that stopped me from the overwhelming feeling of a racing mind or a depressive state were achievements to me. And eventually, the more of those things that I could accomplish and the more community that I built up, the less I felt pulled into those overwhelming thoughts. My goals were tailor-made to those things I knew I could accomplish. Progressively overloading those accomplishments helped me to pave a path to my mental wellness.

Depression Is A Real Medical Condition

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. Depression symptoms can interfere with your ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy your life. Although researchers are still studying the causes of depression, current research suggests that depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Most people with depression need treatment to feel better.

Also Check: What Is It Like To Have Severe Depression

The Struggle Of Mental Health In Your 20s

There is a struggle for many with mental health in their 20s. Some say your 20s are the best years of your life. Being young definitely has its advantages, and a lot of people wish they could stop time and stay young forever. It is great not having to worry about wrinkles, and knowing that your physical body is in its prime condition. But why do so many people in their 20s struggle with mental health issues? When young people are supposed to be fit, driven, and with their whole lives ahead of them, why are so many unhappy and suffering with issues such as depression, anxiety and panic?

Morning And Evening Routine

Coping With Depression

I love waking up early and going to bed early.

It feels great.

This will help improve your energy levels, mood, and productivity.

Its also important to have a consistent routine before bed and in the morning.

Doing things like reading, journaling, meditating, or stretching can help you wind down at night and start your day on the right foot.

Find what works for you and stick with it!

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What Can I Expect When I See A Therapist How Does It Actually Help

Im glad you asked! Many people feel nervous about contacting a therapist and this is perfectly normal, but making the call is taking the first step in empowering ourselves.

Seeing a therapist assists people to live happier, healthier and more productive lives. Going to therapy is a collaborative process based on the relationship between the client and the therapist. The relationship is rooted in dialogue, and provides a supportive and nonjudgmental environment that allows you to speak openly with an objective, neutral trained professional. Together, the client and their therapist will work to identify and explore the thoughts or behavioral patterns that restrict the client from feeling their best.

About Jennifer Silvershein:

Jennifer L. Silvershein, LMSW has her undergraduate degree from Union College and her Masters in Clinical Social Work from Columbia University. Jennifer has worked at St. Barnabas Hospital, The Renfrew Center NY, as well as Crisis Text Line. She is currently seeing individuals for psychotherapy within a private practice in Flatiron. For more information, or to work individually with Jennifer, she can be reached at .

What other questions do you have about depression?Is there anything else youd like to ask Jennifer Silvershein to answer in another post?

Take Part In Talk Therapy

Talk therapy, or psychotherapy, involves talking about your depression symptoms, concerns and anything else thats troubling you with a licensed mental health provider.

One form of talk therapy thats often super effective for treating depression is cognitive behavioral therapy . This type of therapy involves identifying the thoughts and behaviors that have contributed to your depression, then taking action to change them.

You can take part in therapy locally with a mental health professional or from the privacy of your home using our online therapy and support group services. If youre a student, you may be able to access free or low-cost therapy on your college campus.

Our guide to therapy for depression goes into greater detail about how psychotherapy can help you think differently and work toward overcoming depression.

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Depression Affects Each Woman Differently

Not every woman who is depressed experiences every symptom. Some women experience only a few symptoms. Others have many. The severity and frequency of symptoms, and how long they last, will vary depending on the individual and the severity of the illness.

Where Can I Learn More About Depression in Women?

The following agencies have additional information on depression in women.

What Kind Of Depression Qualifies For Disability

Mental Flexibility &  Emotional Resilience

Major depression has been included in the Social Security listings as an affective disorder, which means that if your illness has been diagnosed by a qualified medical practitioner as major depression and is severe enough that it hampers your working and other areas of life, then it can be accounted for as a disability.

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Eliminate The Root Cause Of Your Troubles

Often, the trigger to our depressive/anxious/melancholic feelings are staring us right in the faces and we are too scared to do anything about them. Nothing could be more pointless. You are much too young to be living a life of compromise, persuading yourself that things will eventually work out. Truth is, they might not. If youre in a toxic workplace, QUIT. If its a painful relationship thats got your goat, think about whether you truly deserve the torment you are putting yourself through. Is he/she truly worth it? Walk out of it with your head held high, putting yourself first.

Common Causes Of Depression In Your 20s 30s And 40s

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Humans are susceptible to depression at any age, but life tends to throw us particular curveballs and changes related to the decade of life were in. Did you worry about boys rejecting you between the ages of 1 and 10? Not likely. And did you worry about your relationships ending in divorce when you were just 21? Well, maybe, but you were just being dramatic. If you are struggling with feelings of depression, you may find some comfort in the fact that most people your age deal with the very same issuesits just the ebb and flow of life. If you know about these hurdles in advance, you may be able to take some steps to keep them from causing depression. Here are common causes of depression in your 20s, 30s, and 40s.


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