Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Are Anger And Depression Related

Sampling Procedure And Study Population

Depression Anger Anxiety Understanding the Connection

This cross sectional study was conducted in Awassa, Ethiopia, 275 kilometers south of the country’s capital, Addis Ababa, during the months of June and July, 2006. The study location was determined by the investigative team. The goal was to study a population in Ethiopia that had not been studied before. Eight private and public colleges and one university were selected for participation in the survey. A total of 50 departments were identified from among the nine colleges. The departments included diverse areas of study such as: laboratory sciences, clinical nursing, pharmacy, law, accounting, secretarial science, natural science, social science, and fine arts. From these 50 departments, 17 departments were selected randomly to get a sufficient number of departments that would yield enough students to meet our sample size requirements. Only male students within the 17 departments selected were eligible for inclusion in the survey.

When Anxiety Turns To Anger: Relationship Of Anxiety And Anger

Anxiety is tightly linked to worry and fear that is out of the ordinary for everyday triggers. Many individuals with an anxiety disorder will often be quick to anger however, the link between anger and anxiety is often missed or overlooked. Anxiety is often connected with overstimulation from a stressful environment or threat, combined with the perceived inability to deal with that threat. In contrast, anger is often tied to frustration. Often when anxiety is left unacknowledged and unexpressed, it can turn into frustration, which can lead to anger. When anxiety turns to anger, it is because an individual who expresses anger will have an underlying fear about something in their life. When individuals are scared or worried about something, they often choose anger, unconsciously, as a way to feel as though they are in control of their anxiety.

Other Signs Of Depression

There is mounting evidence of a link between anger and depression. It is not the only warning sign, however. Other signs of depression to look out for include:

  • struggling with concentration or making decisions
  • fatigue
  • feelings of guilt or helplessness
  • insomnia or oversleeping
  • loss of interest in things you once enjoyed, including sex
  • loss of appetite or overeating
  • physical pain such as headaches or cramps that wont go away
  • ongoing digestive issues

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Depression And Anger: How Are They Linked

Why anger may sometimes by a sign of depression, and what you can do to cope with anger outbursts linked to depression

  • Blog
  • Why depression may look like anger
  • Anger can be a symptom of depression, which is something that people dont tend to realise. Many people with depression who experience intense anger dont understand why they feel this way and dont recognise the connection.

    Within this blog, we will look at how and why anger can be a symptom of depression. We will also outline the treatment options that are available for people who are currently struggling with their anger and their depression.

    Who Is Most At Risk Of Experiencing Anger Issues That Lead To Depression

    Why Am I So Angry? Depression And Its Link To Anger

    Although men are more likely to display outward signs of anger when depressed, women are more likely to have feelings of anger turned inward, and exhibit symptoms of irritability.

    Depressive patients who experience anger issues tend to be younger, more likely to be female, and less likely to be college educated. Also, depressed patients with anger issues often have earlier onsets of their first depressive episode than patients who do not experience anger when depressed. Also, depressed patients with anger issues experience more severe depressive symptoms and bouts of depression that last longer than patients who do not experience significant levels of anger.

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    Treatment For Depression In Men

    Treating depression begins with recognizing that theres a problem. Some men may experience symptoms of depression or recognize certain aspects of their lives are not working as well as they should, but may still be in denial about the need for depression treatment therapy. Other men may readily recognize that anger and irritability are a result of depression, or they may have experienced depression in the past and are better able to identify it.

    If these symptoms of depression are causing enough distress to themselves or to another party, it makes sense to seek some assistance, says Dr. Mechanick. Depending on the severity of the signs and symptoms of male depression, there are a number of depression treatment options available which may be prescribed individually or in combination. These include:

    We encourage people to seek help early while its potentially easier to correct and when there has been less suffering, adds Dr. Mechanick. You dont get a prize for suffering.

    Depression treatment at Main Line Health, with locations throughout the western suburbs of Philadelphia, includes a variety of inpatient and outpatient programs and services to support and treat men with depression and/or drug and alcohol addiction. To schedule an appointment with a specialist at Main Line Health, or use our secure online appointment request form.

    As A Teen I Was Angry A Lot But The Anger Also Followed A Specific Pattern

    My life was full of distractions and social cues before I seriously considered that I had depression.

    Culturally, for East Asians especially, depression was a myth or a temporary symptom of a bodily issue like stomachaches. And as a teenager, every thought that took up space in my brain, driving my body into an indefinite state of heaviness and sensitivity, was supposed to be just an effect of being an egocentric teenager.

    Lashing out and breaking paint brushes? Just the fury of an artist not getting their vision right. Punching walls and breaking CDs? Just a teenage writer unable to figure out her angst.

    Its the stereotypical feeling that translates well into a rage room, but the moment all energy is spent Im hit with a vacuum of emptiness and despair.

    My mom called this on and off behavior artist temper , and at the time, it made sense. The creativity narrative is all artists are mad, and so I embraced that myth.

    Van Gogh was crazy, my art history teacher would say, without delving into Van Goghs serious history of mental illness and medication.

    It was also the early 2000s, when mental illness was very much taboo and my only source of information was Xanga or LiveJournal. According to blogs and young adult novels, depression was always having the blues or an underlying sadness and emptiness. It could be crippling and painful, but never in relation to energetic feelings, like joy or anger.

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    Turning Anger On Ourselves Contributes To The Severity Of Depression

    Sigmund Freud used to refer to depression as anger turned inward. While many people may regard this as an overly simplistic approach to the most common mental health disorder in the world, there is no doubt that anger plays a significant role in depression. As one study from 2016 found, when it comes to emotional disorders in general, the presence of anger has negative consequences, including greater symptom severity and worse treatment response. Researchers concluded that based on this evidence, anger appears to be an important and understudied emotion in the development, maintenance, and treatment of emotional disorders. When it comes specifically to depression, science seems to be further supporting Freuds theory, showing more and more how anger contributes to symptoms. A UK study from 2013 suggested that going inward and turning our anger on ourselves contributes to the severity of depression.

    People who suffer from depression often have intense critical inner voices that perpetuate feelings of unworthiness and shame. When they listen to this inner critic, they not only feel more depressed, but they also find it much more difficult to stand up to their depression. This includes acting against their critical inner voices, taking positive actions that could help them feel better about themselves and being more social.

    Alleviate Anger Before It Worsens

    Anger & Depression | Kati Morton

    Do you find that your anger gets out of control because you keep it bottled inside? If so, you may benefit from learning healthy ways to express your anger before it gets out of control. This might includes ideas such as learning to be more assertive or learning to express your emotions. Both of these activities will help to reduce the chance that your anger builds to the point that you must explode.

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    Psychodynamic Formulation For Depression

    Employing theoretical, clinical and research perspectives, Reference Rudden, Busch and MilrodRudden et al and Reference Busch, Rudden and ShapiroBusch et al developed a core psychodynamic formulation for depression. Individuals prone to depression are viewed as having a high level of sensitivity to loss or rejection, broadly referred to as narcissistic vulnerability. The sensitivity develops in the context of early life experiences involving feelings of disappointment and helplessness, which become interpreted as signs of inadequacy, unlovability or damage. In addition, these children often think that they are overly needy, which can trigger feelings of powerlessness and shame. The sensitivity becomes a part of these individuals’ identity, broadly affecting their psychological functioning, and subsequent failures, losses or rejections are viewed as further evidence of inadequacy and damage.

    Promoting Positive Anger Expression

    Anger is a natural emotion and an acceptable feeling and response to situations that threaten our survival or psychological integrity. It is healthy to express your angry feelings in an assertive, respectful way13 and, in certain situations, anger may be the most appropriate response. Given that anger is a socially acceptable emotion for men, and there is a lot of social reinforcement for being angry, it is important not to be critical of anger but rather, to try to understand the message that underlies it.

    It is also a good idea to find ways to channel this energy positively to ensure that it does not have a destructive impact on yourself or others, for instance, through increased aggression. Such productive ways of channelling anger could include taking part in high-intensity sports, such as swimming, martial arts or basketball, or engaging in the arts.

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    Why Do Men Get Depressed

    While some men are attuned to what may be causing anger and upset in their lives, others may not realize how stress is impacting their physical and emotional health or how environmental factors are having an effect on their behavior. There are any number of reasons why men may be depressed and angry, but these are some of the common causes of depression in men:

    How Symptoms Of Anxiety Can Trigger Anger

    Is Anger a Symptom of Depression?

    Individuals with anxiety usually have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep and, as a result, may be sleep deprived. Over time, lack of sleep can trigger individuals to become more sensitive to small problems and, as a result, are quick to anger. Yelling at the dog for barking, becoming angry in traffic, getting upset because of a long line at the grocery store, or lashing out over an honest mistake are all small triggers that turn into monumental challenges for an individual who is struggling with anxiety and is sleep-deprived. Anger does not have to be intentional, and with individuals who have an anxiety disorder, this anger is often an automatic reaction to an anxious trigger or the effects of long-standing anxiety.

    Individuals who have an anxiety disorder are often rigid in their daily routines since the fear of the unknown is often a trigger for their anxiety. When something disrupts their daily routine, it is not uncommon for the individual to not know how to cope with the change and, as a result, lash out in anger.

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    This Specific Stereotype Delayed How I Understood Depression By A Decade

    Anxiety is more than nervous energy, shyness, or fear. Bipolar disorder is not a super power of villainous and heroic intent. Depression isnt just blues and sadness.

    Translating mental health into simple concepts may help the majority understand, but if a few stereotypical symptoms become the only thing that people hear about, I only see it doing more harm than good.

    Following only one narrative even if it brings awareness can derail the way people get treatment or understand their own conditions.

    Funny enough, I didnt learn about the connection between anger and depression until two years into health editing.

    During a long two-month episode, I stumbled across an article about it at work and felt all the gears click. Almost every day, I found myself Googling those two words, looking for new insights, but anger and depression is still rarely a combination I see written about.

    From what Ive researched, the general consensus seems that anger is an overlooked aspect of depression (even in

    Treatment For Anxiety & Anger

    If your symptoms are interfering with your life or spiraling out of control, reach out to a medical professional. You can start by discussing your symptoms with a primary care doctor or seeking individual therapy through an online directory. This resource allows you to filter your preferences and particular needs to choose a therapist who can provide you with the appropriate treatment for your anxiety and anger management issues.

    Sometimes, especially in chronic cases, medication in combination with therapy can be necessary. There arent any specific medications for anger, but since it usually co-occurs with other mental conditions like anxiety, anxiety medication may be appropriate. Talk to your doctor or psychiatrist to determine your options.4

    The most widely used therapeutic approach is cognitive behavioral therapy . It works under the assumption that unhealthy thought patterns exacerbate anger and anxiety. Working with a mental health professional who is well-versed in CBT can help you identify your triggers, develop self-awareness, and notice distorting/negative thoughts that you can then reframe.4,5,9

    Here are several other ways to manage your symptoms on your own:4,5,6,9

    • Get proper sleep

    Don’t Miss: Why Are Women More Prone To Depression

    Knowing How Anger And Depression Interact Can Be Essential For Your Well

    Devin reported a variety of complaints about his significant other regarding finances, in-laws, and parenting. Raphael described anger with his coworkers and supervisor, mostly with regard to his belief that they were inept. By contrast, Greg recounted pervasive angerwith friends, loved ones, and with strangers. He cited the many ways in which they led him to become agitated.

    These men were participants in one of my anger management classes. After hearing their concerns, I shared the perspective that anger is most often a reaction to and distraction from inner sufferingfeelings such as sadness, powerlessness, shame, anxiety, inadequacy, and isolation. It was when I detailed the connection between anger and depression that the entire group became silent. Whereas previously they were physically animated, they suddenly became still, even physically turned inward with their eyes averting direct contact with others.

    Almost all participants indicated that the anger-depression connection seemed to resonate with them. They realized, and fully experienced, that their anger was both an outgrowth of, and meaningful distraction, from the intense pain of underlying depression. This is often the case for many individuals who seek my help for anger.

    Anger as an Outgrowth of Self-Compassion

    Symptoms of Depression

    • Fatigue or loss of energy
    • Poor concentration or indecisiveness
    • Recurring thoughts of death

    Depression as Anger Directed Inward

    Does Anger Cause Depression

    It Takes One to Know One: Understanding Anxiety, Depression, and Anger in Men

    An older article in the journal BJPsych Advances linked feeling angry with the development of depression.

    The authors of the article suggest that this anger stems from narcissistic vulnerability, which is when a person is extremely sensitive to any perceived rejection or loss.

    Experiencing rejection may cause feelings of anger, which can lead to a person fearing that their anger will damage their relationships.

    They may then turn this anger toward themselves, which can lead to low self-esteem and depression.

    However, there is little research available to support this theory or show that anger can cause depression.

    People who experience anger and depression may have some of the following symptoms:

    • irritability
    • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors : These include fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram, paroxetine, and escitalopram.
    • Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors : These include venlafaxine, duloxetine, and desvenlafaxine.

    According to a 2019 systematic review , sertraline can be effective in treating both depression and anger.

    The majority of the studies concluded that many of the individuals who experienced high levels of irritability and anger responded well to sertraline. After roughly 2 weeks, the sertraline appeared to have improved their mood and reduced their feelings of anger.

    However, the authors note that not all of the participants responded to this treatment.

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    Managing Your Depression And Anger

    In addition to following your doctors prescribed treatment plan, there are things you can do to help manage your symptoms.

    Find someone to talk to: Talking to trusted friends or family members can help you better understand what youre feeling. You may also prefer to talk to people you arent close with. There are many support groups available. Your doctor should be able to recommend one.

    Add exercise into your daily routine: It can be difficult to feel motivated to exercise when youre depressed, but exercise can help improve your mood. Thats because exercise helps your body release endorphins, a hormone that makes you temporarily feel good. Exercise can also improve your sleeping patterns.

    Get enough sleep every night: Focus on sleeping seven to eight hours a night. Feeling well-rested can help improve your mood and motivation. If youre having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, talk to your doctor. They may need to adjust your medication or temporarily prescribe something to help you sleep.

    Spend time doing things you enjoy: Its important to make time for yourself. Plan activities that you enjoy, even if its something as simple as taking a walk or making time to read a book. Having something enjoyable to look forward to may also improve your mood.

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