Saturday, July 27, 2024

How Can I Find Out If I Have Depression

Different Types Of Depression

How Do You Know If You Have Depression?

Your doctor may diagnose you with depression and say that its mild, moderate or severe depending on your symptoms and how severe they are. Or you may be diagnosed with a specific type of depression, such as:

  • dysthymia mild depression that lasts for several years
  • seasonal affective disorder depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern
  • postnatal depression depression that many parents experience after having a baby. Some people experience antenatal depression during pregnancy.

About Your Mental Health

  • Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health condition by a professional ?
  • Yes
  • Have you ever received treatment/support for a mental health problem?
  • Yes
  • Are you receiving treatment/support now?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Think about your mental health test. What are the main things contributing to your mental health problems right now?Choose up to 3.
  • Current events
  • Loneliness or isolation
  • Grief or loss of someone or something
  • Financial problems
  • Do you currently have health insurance?
  • Yes
  • Do you have any of the following general health conditions?Select all that apply.
  • Arthritis or other chronic pain
  • COPD or other lung conditions
  • Movement Disorders
  • If ‘Other’ please specify
  • Why Am I Depressed

    Do you know the true meaning of depression? As mentioned, we may not feel well some days and want to be alone, which disappears after a few days. Maybe you dont know the reason for this fatigue, and you keep asking why Im depressed? This condition can have various causes, such as fatigue, negative thoughts, and menstruation in women.

    Sometimes my friends ask me, Am I depressed or lazy? This is an interesting question because many people dont know the difference between them and typically want to say that Im unhappy. But there is a big difference between these two.

    Laziness is a disgusting morality that usually people are not able to do anything and would like someone else to do it for them. But depression is a mental disorder that, in any way, affects a persons life.

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    Am I Depressed Or Just Lazy

    In order to answer this question, you need to develop a better understanding about the signs related to both problems.

    You’re lazy if you know you can do something but don’t do it because of the effort involved. Instead of doing that task, you prefer not to do anything or do some less strenuous activity.

    You’re depressed if you develop a bleak outlook and start to think that nothing will ever get better in life. You will also lose interest in your daily activities, pastimes and hobbies. Here are some other common signs and symptoms of depression:

    • You will lose your appetite or notice sudden increase in it. This will lead to significant weight gain or weight loss.
    • You will notice sleep changes, such as insomnia or hypersomnia.
    • You will feel irritable and restless. Your tolerance level will decrease and you may even become violent at times.
    • You will feel sluggish, fatigued and physically drained.
    • You will develop strong feels of guilt or worthlessness.
    • You are more likely to engage in escapist behavior such as compulsive gambling, substance abuse, dangerous sports or reckless driving.
    • You will develop concentration problems and have trouble in focusing and making decisions.
    • You will notice unexplained pains and aches, including backache, headache, etc.

    Being Convinced Everyone Hates You

    Am I Depressed? Find out With These Best Online Depression ...

    In life, some people will like you and some people will not. This is normal, right? In a healthy mindset, most people will accept the positives with the negatives. But depression is like the devil on your shoulder, whispering until people hate themselves and are convinced that everyone else hates them too.

    Depression points out every tiny, perceived, possible slight and uses this as evidence that everyone hates you. This perception of hate tends to make people with depression feel even more depressed.

    Also Check: How To Stop A Depression Spiral

    How Accurate Is It

    This quiz is NOT a diagnostic tool. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health provider or doctor.

    Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment. All too often people stop short of seeking help out of fear their concerns arent legitimate or severe enough to warrant professional intervention.

    How Can Depression Symptoms Lead To A Depression Diagnosis

    To be diagnosed with major depression, you must have at least five of the symptoms listed above with at least one of the first two nearly daily for at least 2 weeks.

    Depression symptoms can last weeks, months, or sometimes years. They can affect personality and interfere with social relationships and work habits, potentially making it difficult for others to have empathy for you. Some symptoms are so disabling that they interfere significantly with your ability to function. In very severe cases, people with depression may be unable to eat, maintain their hygiene, or even get out of bed.

    Episodes may happen only once in a lifetime or may be recurrent, chronic, or longstanding. In some cases, they seem to last forever. Symptoms may appear to be precipitated by life crises. At other times, they may seem to happen at random.

    Clinical depression commonly goes along with other medical illnesses such as heart disease or cancer and worsens the prognosis for these illnesses.

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    Physical Effects Of Depression

    Depression can appear physically via symptoms felt in the body. Examples of physical effects of depression include sleep disturbance, appetite changes, poor concentration or memory, and a loss of interest in sex. Some people with depression may also feel chronic pain, experience gastrointestinal issues, or have a higher level of fatigue.

    How Long Does It Take To Diagnose Depression

    Do I Have Depression? – How To Treat Depression Naturally

    It can take weeks after depression begins before it is diagnosed. This is partly because people may be resistant to ask for help, says Rudy Nydegger, PhD, Professor Emeritus of psychology and management at Union College and chief in the Division of Psychology at Ellis Hospital, both in Schenectady, New York.

    When a primary care doctor is looking into whether a person is depressed, they may initially think the symptoms could be caused by a physical illness, Nydegger explains. Often, a primary care doctor may be looking at the persons medications or whether something is going on physiologically, he says. They are trying to rule out medical causes as the reason for the symptoms, which is appropriate, but then it can take longer to get a diagnosis.

    Recommended Reading: I Feel So Lonely And Depressed

    Other Causes Of Depression

    There are a number of things that can lead to developing depression.

    • Stressful events big changes in your life, like bereavement, the end of a relationship or the loss of a job, can be difficult to deal with. When these things happen, it’s important to keep seeing friends and family instead of trying to deal with problems alone this increases your risk of developing depression.
    • Giving birth pregnancy and birth can make some people vulnerable to depression. Postnatal depression can happen as the result of physical changes, hormonal changes, and the responsibility of taking care of a new baby.
    • Loneliness your risk of depression gets higher if you aren’t in contact or spending time with family and friends.
    • Personality some personality traits can put you at a higher risk of developing depression. These include low-self esteem or a habit of criticising yourself too much. These personality traits can come from your genes, which you get from your parents, or they can be as a result of experiences in your early life.
    • Family history it’s more likely for someone to develop depression if a family member, like a sibling or parent, has experienced it before.

    Irritability And Angry Outbursts

    Typically, symptoms must last at least two weeks for depression to be diagnosed, so take this into consideration throughout the depression quiz then ask for an assessment from a mental health professional for further information and treatment, Furthermore, medical conditions such as vitamin deficiency can be mistaken for symptoms of depression so it is important to fully consider all possible causes as you take any depression quiz or inventory. Mental health can impact your energy levels, how tired you are, your stress, sleeping habits, mood, thoughts, and so much more. Keep reading to find out more about what treatment might be right for you.

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    Receive Treatment For Your Depression

    If you believe you have depression, you are not alone. Since depression is a common condition, experts have developed multiple treatment options to help patients deal with a wide range of symptoms, life experiences, and barriers. The only way to know how to treat your depression is to speak with your doctor.

    If you believe you have depression, schedule an appointment with a mental health professional as soon as possible. Your doctor can evaluate your condition, determine which treatment options are right for you, and develop a treatment plan to relieve your symptoms. Through this treatment, you can gain the skills and strategies you need to cope with difficult moments and restore your quality of life.

    How Is Depression Syndrome Diagnosed

    can i be depressed and not know it thaipoliceplus com THAIPOLICEPLUS.COM” alt=”Can i be depressed and not know it > THAIPOLICEPLUS.COM”>

    Everyone may feel sad or down from time to time. However, clinical depression has more intense symptoms that last two weeks or longer.

    To determine whether you have clinical depression, your healthcare provider will ask questions. You may complete a questionnaire and provide a family history. Your healthcare provider may also perform an exam or order lab tests to see if you have another medical condition.

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    If Youre Experiencing Symptoms

    • Recognize if youre starting to slip. If you are struggling with new or worsening symptoms, dont hesitate to seek help. If you already have a therapist, reach out to them right away. If you do not have one, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP for a free, confidential referral for treatment. If youre considering harming yourself, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 .
    • Ignore incorrect attitudes. The old idea of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps is not only outdated, but also not based in science. If you feel depressed, there is no cause for guilt, says Dr. Solomon.

    Can Depression Be Prevented

    You can help prevent depression by getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and practicing regular self-care activities such as exercise, meditation and yoga.

    If youve had depression before, you may be more likely to experience it again. If you have depression symptoms, get help. Care can help you feel better sooner.

    Recommended Reading: Depression In Bed All Day

    Common Causes Of Depression

    Scientists do not yet know the exact cause of depression. However, many experts think that several factors play a role in its onset, including:

    • Genetics: Depression can run in families. Having a close relative with the condition can raise a persons risk for developing it themselves.
    • Biological and chemical differences: Physical changes or chemical imbalances in the brain may contribute to the development of depression.
    • Hormones: Hormonal changes or imbalances in the body may cause or trigger depression. For example, many women experience postpartum depression after giving birth.
    • Trauma or stress: Periods of high stress, traumatic events, or major life changes can trigger an episode of depression in some people.
    • Personality traits: Having low self-esteem or being pessimistic, for example, may increase the risk of depression.
    • Other illnesses: Having another mental or physical health condition or taking certain medications can increase the risk of depression.

    People who believe that they may have hidden depression should speak to their doctor or a mental health professional. These professionals can help make a diagnosis and recommend a course of treatment.

    Other steps to treat depression might include:

    Not everyone with depression will display the typical symptoms of sadness and despair.

    Sometimes, the only signs a person may show are physical, such as fatigue, insomnia, or weight changes.

    Seeking Treatment For Depression

    How do I know if I have postnatal depression? | NHS
  • 1Ask for support from your loved ones. Let friends and family members know that youre having a tough time, and that symptoms of depression are impacting your ability to live your life to the fullest. Keep in mind that your feelings of helplessness are part of your disorder, not reality, and that isolation feeds those feelings. Friends and family can help by listening to your problems, encouraging you to seek medical help, and supporting you during the worst moments.XTrustworthy SourceHelpGuideNonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources.Go to source
  • If you have trouble being active or leaving the house, let your friends know you’re depressed and encourage them to keep inviting you to activities you enjoy even if you don’t make it every time.
  • Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
  • 2Get a diagnosis from a medical professional. Schedule an appointment with a doctor or psychiatrist if you suspect that you may have depression. A medical professional can go through your symptoms with you and help you figure out the root cause of your problem.XTrustworthy SourceHelpGuideNonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources.Go to source Keep in mind that it is okay to get a second or even a third opinion, especially if you do not think that the doctor is hearing you or is not concentrating on the area that you think is most important.
  • Don’t Miss: Depression Test Given By Doctors

    What If I Am Not Happy With My Treatment

    If you are not happy with your treatment you can:

    • talk to your doctor to see if they can suggest changes,
    • get an advocate to help you speak your doctor,
    • ask for a second opinion if you feel it would help,
    • contact Patient Advice and Liaison Service and see whether they can help, or
    • make a complaint.

    There is more information about these options below.


    An advocate is independent from the NHS. They are free to use. They can be useful if you find it difficult to get your views heard.

    There are different types of advocates available. Community advocates can support you to get a health professional to listen to your concerns. And help you to get the treatment that you would like. They arent available in all areas.

    You can ask an advocate to help you make a complaint. Advocates that do this are called NHS complaints advocates. They are free to use and don t work for the NHS. They re available in all areas.

    You can search online to search for a local advocacy service. If you cant find a service you can call our advice service 0808 801 0525 . You can email us too at . We will look for you.

    Second opinion

    Talk to your doctor about your treatment to see if you can resolve the problem with them first. If you dont agree with their decisions about diagnosis or treatment, you could ask for a second opinion. You are not legally entitled to a second opinion, but your doctor might agree to it if it would help with treatment options.



    • Advocacy by clicking here.

    Is It Depression Or Bipolar Disorder

    Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, involves serious shifts in moods, energy, thinking, and behavior. Because it looks so similar to depression when in the low phase, it is often overlooked and misdiagnosed. This can be a serious problem as taking antidepressants for bipolar disorder can actually make the condition worse.

    If youve ever gone through phases where you experienced excessive feelings of euphoria, a decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, and impulsive behavior, consider getting evaluated for bipolar disorder.

    Need to talk to someone?

    Get affordable online counseling from BetterHelp or visit HelpGuides directory for free helplines and crisis resources. HelpGuide is reader supported. We may receive a commission if you sign up for BetterHelp through the provided link. Learn more.

    Read Also: Is Spacing Out A Sign Of Depression

    Depression And Drugs And Alcohol

    “Drowning your sorrows” is actually a bad idea when it comes to depression. Alcohol is categorised as a “strong depressant” which can make depression worse, and drinking or taking drugs to cope can lead to a downward spiral by having a negative affect on other parts of your life.

    There’s evidence that cannabis can cause depression, particularly in teenagers, even if it helps you relax.

    When To Seek Professional Help

    Depression Stress Anxiety Test: 5 Ways to Self

    If support from family and friends and positive lifestyle changes arent enough, it may be time to seek help from a mental health professional. There are many effective treatments for depression, including:

    Therapy. Consulting a therapist can provide you tools to treat depression from a variety of angles and motivate you to take the action necessary. Therapy can also offer you the skills and insight to prevent the problem from coming back.

    Atypical Depression: Whats in a Name? Article on the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of atypical depression.

    Depression and Other Illnesses An overview of the mental and physical illnesses that often co-exist with depression, and how this impacts treatment.

    Depression support & suicide prevention help

    Depression support

    In the U.S.: Find DBSA Chapters/Support Groups or call the NAMI Helpline for support and referrals at 1-800-950-6264

    UK: Find Depression support groups in-person and online or call the Mind Infoline at 0300 123 3393

    Australia: Find Support Groups and regional resources or call the SANE Help Centre at 1800 18 7263

    India: Call the Vandrevala Foundation Helpline at 1860 2662 345 or 1800 2333 330

    Suicide prevention help

    In the U.S.: Call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

    UK and Ireland: Call Samaritans UK at 116 123

    Australia: Call Lifeline Australia at 13 11 14

    Other countries: Visit IASP or International Suicide Hotlines to find a helpline near you

    Recommended Reading: Celebrities With Major Depressive Disorder

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