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Can Depression Cause Low Platelets

Revisiting The Link Between Platelets And Depression Through Genetic Epidemiology: New Insights From Platelet Distribution Width

Low Platelets: Causes, conditions and treatment

These findings prompted us to re-visit the link between platelets and MDD, investigating whether the significant associations observed between platelet indices and MDD in previous epidemiological studies could be explained by common genetic factors – in particular single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions/deletions – underlying both depression and variability in platelet parameters. We did this by computing cross-trait genetic correlations through linkage disequilibrium score regression analysis,98 using the summary statistics of large, independent genome wide association studies previously conducted on depression 10 and platelet parameters 11 . Although this analysis has already been performed for Plt and MPV,10 here we also analyzed PDW, which reflects individual variation and heterogeneity of platelet size. Moreover, we used GWAS summary statistics of platelet parameters from a much larger sample 11 than the one used before .12 This analysis revealed a significant genetic correlation between PDW and MDD risk [rg = 0.079 standard error = 0.029 P=0.006), which survived the Bonferroni correction for the three platelet parameters tested . No significant genetic correlation was observed for MPV and Plt, in line with previous analyses of these parameters.10

What Causes Low Platelet Count

Low platelet count can be caused by multiple factors, and in many cases, it is easily reversed.

Changing your medications or diet, or addressing the health condition behind the lowered count may be accomplished rather quickly.

For cases where platelet production is the focus of care, medicines can boost counts in a hurry as well. Therefore, mitigating the risk of thrombocytopenia is quite possible when the appropriate diagnosis is made and action taken immediately.

The main causes of thrombocytopenia are:

  • Insufficient production of platelets by the bone marrow
  • Rapid destruction or overuse of platelets
  • Excess, or trapped, platelets in the spleen

Some other causes of low platelet counts include:

Platelets As Key Players In Inflammation

It has been known for more than three decades that platelets release arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids . Arachidonic acid is converted into thromboxane A2 , which has both prothrombotic and vasoconstrictive properties. This pathway serves as the target for aspirin, the primary antithrombotic currently in use. As outlined above, if an injured vessel is exposed to subendothelial structures , circulating platelets respond quickly, convert to an activated state, adhere and start to form the characteristic hemostatic clot . Among other processes, repair of the damaged vessel involves activated endothelial cells. Several reports describe the involvement of various cell adhesion molecules acting at the interface between platelets and endothelial cells . P-selectin is a well-characterized endothelial and platelet adhesion receptor mediating the interaction of activated platelets and endothelial cells with leukocytes. Platelets release various growth factors that influence endothelial cell physiology and vice versa and activate endothelial signalosome signaling .

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Top Best Answers To The Question Can Lyme Disease In Dogs Cause Low Platelets

It can cause lameness, a stiff gait or heart disease in dogs.

4. Babesia This disease can occur in cats and dogs after being bitten by a tick or a dog.

It can cause anemia , a low platelet count and increased protein levels in the blood.

Those who are looking for an answer to the question «Can lyme disease in dogs cause low platelets?» often ask the followingquestions:

Emotional Blunting: Causes Symptoms Treatment Healthline

There May Soon Be a Simple Blood Test for Depression

Emotional Blunting: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment.

Posted: Thu, 13 May 2021 07:00:00 GMT

Depression can make it extremely upsetting care of yourself physically, psychologically, psychologically, as well as mentally. If you are fighting low platelets and depression with self-care such as showering or cleaning your residence, acquiring grocery stores, working, or other day-to-day quests, you might really feel guilty and also embarrassed.

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What Does Depression Look Like

Look for people for friends that are positive, helpful, and show that they respect you. The client has actually not had any manic, hypomanic, or mixed episodes. Because low platelet count and depression this version is highly provisional, more research is still needed. If you consider harming yourself or another person, tell someone immediately.

The difference with depression is that the signs and symptoms linger and also make it difficult to operate usually. It impacts not just your mood, but additionally your capacity to really feel, assume, and feature. It blunts experiences of enjoyment, shuts off connectedness, stifles creativity, and, at its worst, shuts down hope. It additionally frequently causes deep emotional low platelet count and depression discomfort not only to the person experiencing it, however to that individuals close friends and family. Depression is among the most common sorts of mental illness amongst Americans. Workout, consisting of strolling at least thirty minutes a day, lowers the threat of heart attacks, stroke, high blood pressure, some cancers, weakening of bones, depression as well as obesity.

Bacterial Infection In The Blood

Severe levels of bacterial infections in the blood known as bacteremia will also lead to the destruction of platelets. The bacteria will feed on the blood cells including platelets, which will consequently lead to a reduced volume.

Reduced number of platelets can result from three primary factors namely, the trapping of platelets in an enlarged spleen, increased destruction of platelets, and decreased platelet production in the bone marrow.



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Editors Choices In Depression

Much of us are already experiencing depressive as well as stress and anxiety symptoms because of restricted social interaction, lack of routine, job loss, the political climate, as well as numerous other psychosocial stress factors. Magavi states the seasonal modifications just aggravate demotivation, apathy, fatigue, and also impatience. Vitamin D degrees low platelets and depression It is believed that vitamin D contributes in serotonin degrees. Serotonin levels Serotonin is a mind chemical that affects your mood. One possibility is that SAD is associated with an absence of serotonin, and serotonin polymorphisms might contribute in SAD, although this has actually been disputed. Melatonin secretion is managed by the endogenous circadian clock, however can additionally be reduced by brilliant light.

What Is The Prognosis For People With Thrombocytopenia

What is the Most Common Cause Of Low Platelet Count

A low platelet count increases your risk of hemorrhage or severe bleeding. Excessive bleeding whether internal or external can be life-threatening. Many people with thrombocytopenia have mild to moderate symptoms. Platelet levels often go up when you treat the underlying cause or change medications.

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Most Common Thrombocytopenia Causes In Adults


Thrombocytopenia, also known as thrombopenia is a blood disorder where there is a relative reduction in the number of platelets present in the blood circulatory system. It is a display of below normal amount of platelets in the blood.

Platelets have an important role in blood clotting. The blood component is formed in the bone marrow just like the other cells found in the blood. Megakaryocytes are the precursors where platelets originate from which are large cells found in the bone marrow. The fragments of megakaryocytes become the platelets that is released to the blood.

The circulating platelets in the bloodstream make up 2/3 of the total platelets released from the bone marrow. Platelets that are stored in the spleen constitutes the remaining amount. The blood component has a lifespan of 7 to 10 days in the blood, after which they are eliminated from blood circulation.

The number of platelets in the blood tissue is termed as the platelet count with a normal range of 150,000 to 450,000 per one millionth of a litre of blood. A platelet count of less than 150,000 is referred to as thrombocytopenia while an amount greater than 450,000 is termed as thrombocytosis.

A very low platelet count can result to spontaneous bleeding as an effect of the delay in the normal process of clotting. On the other hand, mild thrombocytopenia may not display harmful effects on the clotting pathways.


How To Diagnose Low

Diagnosing thrombocytopenia may be a multi-step process that starts with a visit to the doctor. You may have visited the doctor to address another issue, or perhaps were noticing symptoms like unexplained bruising or rashes.

First, the doctor will ask you about any over-the-counter medicines or herbal supplements you may be using, or if you regularly drink beverages containing quinine.

They will likely continue to ask questions regarding eating and drinking habits, as well as assess your HIV/AIDS risk. You can also expect the doctor to feel around your abdomen for signs of an enlarged spleen, and take note of other symptoms that could signal an infection .You may be required to see a hematologist to analyze blood samples via a couple of different testsblood smears and marrow healthto provide a proper diagnosis.

Essentially, you will not be able to diagnose thrombocytopenia on your own you will need a medical healthcare professional.

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How Does The Mind Affect Physical Functioning

Our perceptions, through our thoughts and senses, create instantaneous responses in the body, relayed via signaling molecules in the brain. To the mind, everything is real. You can be in a wonderful, peaceful place, but if you focus on something upsetting you may have a physical stress response of fear or anxiety, which releases the stress hormone cortisol. Likewise, when you face stressful events with thoughts of optimism, you may experience the release of happiness and relaxation-associated chemicals in the brain, accompanied by elevated mood and increased positive energy.

Stress is a normal part of daily life, and in most circumstances it resolves within a few hours or days without lasting effects. However, prolonged and high levels of unmanaged stresssuch as constant worries about work-related problemscan lead over time to an imbalance in the immune system that can contribute to the development of autoimmune disease or a suppressed immune response.8 Other stress-related physical problems include increased inflammation, increased pain, and slow healing, as well as cell death.19

Research suggests that physical or psychological stress and the resultant oxidative stress in the body may also trigger episodes of ITP,7 exacerbate fatigue15 and prolong duration of the platelet disorder in children.1,21 Research has shown people with ITP appear to face greater levels of fear, mental turmoil and exhaustion and are more emotionally taxed than those without the disease.14

Ask Questions About Your Lab Results

Causes of Thrombocytopenia in pediatrics other than ITP

It can be alarming to see a word like âthrombocytopeniaâ or a low number compared with the baseline on your lab results.

For most patients, having mild-to-moderate low platelets wonât change your pregnancy care or birth plan much, if at all. Moore, despite the changes to her plan, that her healthy baby boy arrived on his due date in late February.

However, it is important to talk with your doctor about your risks for complications related to low platelets. If your lab results indicate low platelets, follow Mooreâs lead ask your provider to explain what that means for you. Weâre hear to help you make informed decisions and have a healthier, safer pregnancy and delivery.

To visit with an Ob/Gyn about low platelets in pregnancy, call orrequest an appointment online.

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How Depression And Heart Disease Relate To Each Other

Depression and heart disease are among the most disabling diseases we face. They are both very widespread among the general population and often occur simultaneously in the same individual.

There is thought to be a two-way relationship between heart disease and depression:

A percentage of people with no history of depression become depressed after a heart attack or after developing heart failure. And people with depression but no previously detected heart disease, seem to develop heart disease at a higher rate than the general population.

It is somewhat hard to prove that heart disease directly leads to the development of a first-ever episode of depression. That is because some people who have had previous episodes of depression may not have it formally diagnosed until they see their doctor for heart problems.

What we can say with certainty is that depression and heart disease often occur together, says Dr. Roy Ziegelstein, vice dean for education at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine . About one in five who have a heart attack are found to have depression soon after the heart attack. And its at least as prevalent in people who suffer heart failure.

What Is Manic Episode

The terms mania and manic episode describe a state of mind characterized by high energy, excitement, and euphoria over a sustained period of time. Its an extreme change in mood and cognition that can interfere with school, work, or home life. Mania is also the main feature of bipolar disorder.

Some people should not make use of light treatment, such as if you have eye conditions or various other health and wellness concerns that make you conscious light, like systemic lupus erythematosus. If you are prone to migraine headaches or frustrations, light can additionally have a triggering result. Certain medicines, such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, can make you conscious light as well. If you have bipolar low platelet count and depression illness, light therapy might cause manic stages, so make sure to talk with your medical professional and/or therapist initially if you have any of the above contraindications. If youre really feeling worn out or low, or if youre experiencing any of the signs and symptoms discussed above and also if you think you have a thyroid problem schedule a clinical visit to obtain had a look at.

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Platelets In Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimers disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, which is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly. Neuropathology includes -amyloid plaques in brain and vessels, neurofibrilary tangles with hyperphosphorylated tau protein, inflammation and cerebrovascular damage. Platelets are an interesting tool to study the cellular mechanisms of AD, because they contain highest levels of the precursor of -amyloid compared to all peripheral tissues and all three isoforms of APP are detectable in platelets. Full length APP is cleaved by a Ca2+ dependent cysteine protease during platelet activation and APP processing is altered in patients suffering from AD resulted in a reduced ratio between the 130 kDa and 106-110 kDa APP isoform, suggesting that APP ratios in platelets could be a biomarker for AD. See Review on platelets biomarker in AD and Review on APP as a potential biomarker in AD.

Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor

Thrombocytopaenia (low platelets) Overview – platelet physiology, classification, pathophysiology

Brain derived neurotrophic factor is a member of the nerve growth factor and as such plays a critical role in the survival, differentiation, neuronal strength, and morphology of neurons. BDNF is also found in both serum and plasma. Serum levels are 100-200 times higher than in plasma. Human platelets contain a significant amount of the plasma BDNF and due to the ease of measuring serum and platelet BDNF over neuronal BDNF, both serum and platelets have been used to measure BDNF levels. Stress decreases the expression of BDNF while antidepressants increase the expression. It has been proposed that decreased BDNF could lead to atrophy of limbic structures that have been found in depressed patients. Platelet BDNF levels have been measured in depressed patients and have been found to be decreased when compared to normal controls. However plasma BDNF levels have been found to be increased in these same patients when compared to controls. After treatment of depression with Citalopram, BDNF levels normalize to the level of controls. SNP in the BDNF gene leading to a G to A substitution at position 196 has been found to be associated with neuropsychiatric disorders including depression and bipolar disorder. Investigators have shown a higher frequency of the AA genotype in CAD patients with depression while the GG genotype is lower in these patients.

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Does Sad Get Worse With Age

SAD usually starts during adulthood. The risk of SAD increases with age. Its rare in people under age 20. Women are affected more often than men.

Of people with major depression or dysthymia meet requirements for atypical depression. This specifier can be used when these functions predominate throughout the majority of days of the current or latest major depressive episode or consistent depressive condition. Unlike the various other irregular attributes, pathological sensitivity to regarded interpersonal denial is an attribute that has an early onset and lingers throughout the majority of adult life. Rejection sensitivity low platelets and depression occurs both when the individual is and is not dispirited, though it might be exacerbated throughout depressive periods. The state of mind sensitivity in atypical depression is the capacity to be cheered up when provided with positive occasions . The individuals mood might come to be euthymic also for extensive amount of times if the outside situations continue to be favourable.

How Is Depression Treated

There are many treatments for depression. Major depressive disorder may be treated with antidepressants, psychotherapy , or a combination of both. Newer, safer antidepressant medications, such as SSRIs have an established safety record and are safe for cardiac patients. The antidepressants sertraline and citalopram have been the best studied, are effective and safe in patients with heart disease, and also are available in generic forms.

Psychotherapy can increase a persons social support and help the patient develop more positive thinking patterns. Brief supportive models of talk therapy appear to be the most appropriate for helping the depression that cardiac patients experience.

A healthy lifestyle including regular exercise, proper sleep, a well-balanced diet, as well as relaxation and stress management techniques can help you manage depression. In a recent intervention trial, physical exercise was found to have a significant effect on depression.

Major intervention studies both pharmacologic and psycho-therapeutic have been performed in patients who are clinically depressed after a heart attack. These studies are helping clinicians better understand the link and treatment of depression and heart disease and guide optimal treatments. Patients with a previous history of depression or who are experiencing severe depression can be the best responders to medication intervention.¹¹¹¹²¹³

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