Thursday, September 12, 2024

Can You Get Disability For Bipolar Depression

Is Bipolar Disorder A Disability Can I Get Benefits

Can you get Disability for bipolar disorder, depression?

Is bipolar disorder a disability? If the condition is impacting your day-to-day life, you may be wondering if bipolar disorder is classified as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act and whether or not you can claim benefits. Grasping the technicalities of this issue can be tough, and its difficult to determine which information is factual. Here are some facts about bipolar disorder and disability, including what kind of support to expect if you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Get Experienced Ssdi Lawyers To Make Your Claim For Benefits

If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder or experience some of the disease symptoms, you might be eligible to receive disability payments. For a proper assessment and presentation of your claim, you should contact our social security law attorneys. The lawyers as Tabak Law LLC work hard every day to get social security benefits for deserving Americans. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Do I Qualify For Social Security Disability

You can receive benefits for a disability like depression through SSDI or SSI, but only through SSI if you dont qualify for SSDI because you havent paid into Social Security, dont have enough work credits , and/or made below a certain amount of money. SSI is only for disabled people who have limited income.

In order to qualify for Social Security disability benefits through SSDI, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You are unable to work or earn less than $1,260 a month

  • You have a qualifying disability that is considered severe

  • You have been unable to do your previous job for at least one year due to your disability

  • You cannot hold another job based on your age, education, work history, and skills because of your disability

To earn work credits, you must have held a job in the past where you paid into Social Security. The number of Social Security work credits that you earn are based on your annual wages. The amount of income required to earn a work credit changes from year to year, but you can earn a maximum of 4 credits per year. The number of work credits required to qualify for SSDI varies based on the age at which you became disabled.

If youre unsure if you qualify for SSDI, you can learn more online or by calling the Social Security Administration at . Social Security representatives are available to answer the phones Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

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What Is Social Security Disability

Social Security is a federal government program that provides financial benefits to people who are in need. It is funded by federal taxes, and its benefits are paid out to people who are eligible for retirement, have low income, or are unable to work because of specific health conditions.

There are two types of Social Security programs that help people who are disabled:

There are a number of different impairments that qualify for Social Security disability. They include medical conditions like cardiovascular, respiratory, and endocrine disorders, as well as mental health conditions like schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, and depression.

What Other Requirements To I Need To Meet To Obtain Disability Benefits

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There are several basic criteria, aside from the ones above, that you need to meet for the SSA to deem you disabled and grant you benefits:

  • Your condition must be expected to last a year or longer or result in death.
  • Your disorder must severely impair your ability to work. The SSA will only approve you if you cannot work at your old job and you cannot adjust to new work.

You also must meet certain financial or work history requirements, depending on the type of disability benefit for which you are applying. Social Security Disability benefits require that you have a sufficient work history at a job where you paid Social Security taxes. You will need a certain number of work credits to qualify for benefits, the exact number of which depends on your age.

If you have not worked long or recently enough to qualify for SSDI, you can instead apply for Supplemental Security Income , a different benefit for disabled persons with limited income and resources. With SSI, work history is unimportant, but your income and assets must fall below designated thresholds to qualify.

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What Are My Rights Under The Ada/social Security

The ADA prevents people who are disabled from being discriminated against at work. Your company cant cancel a job offer or fire you because you have bipolar disorder.

You must be able to do the basic tasks your job requires, but you can ask for accommodations. Accommodations are changes to your schedule or responsibilities that make your job easier to do.

Examples of accommodations for people with bipolar disorder are:

  • a flexible schedule
  • extra breaks during the day
  • a desk organizer or planner
  • noise cancelling headphones
  • job coaching
  • a support animal

Under the ADA, you also have a right to privacy. You dont have to tell your employer that you have bipolar disorder unless you want to share that information.

You can get Social Security disability benefits if your bipolar disorder is severe enough to prevent you from working or if it limits your ability to do your job.

Whether you can work depends on how severe your bipolar disorder is, and how much your symptoms affect your daily life.

Symptoms like mood swings, irritability, and trouble concentrating can make it harder to do many jobs.

In general, people with bipolar disorder have a harder time working than those who dont. Between never go back to work full time after their symptoms start.

It may be harder for you to work if you have:

  • severe bipolar disorder
  • frequent episodes of mania and/or depression
  • constant low-level depression
  • psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions

What You Need To Prove

Generally, you will qualify for benefits if you have received an air-tight diagnosis of bipolar disorder and have problems in two of the four main areas of functioning. Specifically, you, and your lawyer, will need to prove that you have marked deficits in at least two of the following areas.

  • Daily living skills: getting dressed and cleaning and grooming yourself independently without reminders or help from others.
  • Social functioning: acting and speaking appropriately in social and employment situations.
  • Concentration: completing tasks in a timely manner.
  • Episodes of decomposition: keeping your temper in check and remaining engaged in a situation.

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Ssi And Bipolar Disorder

Applying for and receiving Social Security Disability benefits based on your Bipolar Disorder can be challenging. The signs and symptoms of Bipolar Disorder are often misunderstood. If you are suffering from Bipolar Disorder and are no longer able to work, you should contact an attorney specializing in Social Security Disability to improve your chances of receiving SSDI or SSI benefits.

Seeking Legal Counsel For Bipolar Disability Benefits

Bipolar Disorder and Social Security Disability in 2017

If youre interested in seeking Social Security Disability for bipolar disorder, it can be challenging to get your application approved. In fact, about two-thirds of all SSDI applications are denied the first time around. About 85% are denied when submitted for reconsideration. Put your interests and future first with the team at Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC. Weve served clients inYork,Lancaster,Hanover,Harrisburg,Carlisle, and throughout Pennsylvania for nearly 100 years. Our unparalleled experience andproven results make our firm a clear choice for your bipolar disorder disability claim.

Lets talk about the ways we can help you. Call today for your free, confidential consultation.

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Q: I Live In Lancaster And Suffer With Severe Bipolar Disorder What Steps Can I Take To Increase My Chances Of Obtaining Social Security Disability Benefits

Bipolar disorder is a serious brain disorder that affects nearly six million adults in the United States. The disease is characterized by debilitating mood swingsalternating between mania and depression. While many people can be successfully treated with medication and therapy, others suffer with the illness to the point that they are unable to work.

Although bipolar disorder is a serious illness that qualifies for Social Security Disability, those suffering from the disorder are often denied benefits after the initial application. Following are some tips for mounting a successful Lancaster Social Security Disability case:

Bipolar disorder can be crippling and seriously affect your ability to hold down a job. Unfortunately, Social Security Disability benefits are often denied for those suffering with bipolar disorder because there are no obvious physical symptoms. If you have been denied benefits for bipolar disorder, a compassionate and skilled Lancaster Social Security Disability lawyer at Schmidt Kramer can help.

Our compassionate attorneys focus on Social Security Disability law and know how to put together a winning appeal. Give us a call today at for your free case evaluation. We are on your side!

Social Security’s Alternative Listing For Depression

Social Security provides another way to meet the listing for depression for those who can’t show they currently have the functional limitations above because they’ve been living in a highly structured or protected situation or undergoing intense therapy.

If you are in this situation, you may be able to meet a second set of functional criteria. You can do this if your disorder has been medically documented as serious and persistent over a period of at least two years and you have either been living in a highly structured setting or you’ve been receiving ongoing medical treatment, mental health therapy, or psychosocial support that diminishes the symptoms of your mental disorder. You must also show that you have little ability to adapt to demands that are not already part of your daily life or to changes in your environment.

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What Are The Disabling Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a disabling condition caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain resulting in severe mood swings. It is characterized by periods of manic activity punctuated by exceptionally bad periods of depression. Both the highs and lows of bipolar disorder are intense and can interfere with all aspects of your daily life.

You can absolutely qualify for long term disability benefits due to bipolar disorder. However, you will need to provide strong evidence to your insurance company of your disabling symptoms to get your claim approved.

When A Mental Health Condition Becomes A Disability

How Doctors Diagnose Bipolar Disorder

A mental health condition is considered a disability if it has a long-term effect on your normal day-to-day activity. This is defined under the Equality Act 2010.

Your condition is long term if it lasts, or is likely to last, 12 months.

Normal day-to-day activity is defined as something you do regularly in a normal day. This includes things like using a computer, working set times or interacting with people.

If your mental health condition means you are disabled you can get support at work from your employer.

There are many different types of mental health condition which can lead to a disability, including:

  • dementia

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Does Bipolar Disorder Qualify Me For Social Security Benefits

The symptoms of bipolar disorder can be extreme enough to prevent an individual from working. If this is the case for you, you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by alternating periods of mania and depression. There are two main types of bipolar disorder, Bipolar I and Bipolar II, and each may have slightly different criteria for diagnosis.

Bipolar I is characterized by distinct periods of mania and depression, though some individuals will also experience symptoms of hypomania, a state of mania where symptoms are milder. In order to be diagnosed with Bipolar I, manic symptoms must last at least one week and occur for most of the day every day or result in hospitalization. Approximately 30% of individuals diagnosed with Bipolar I experience severe symptoms.

Bipolar I is most commonly diagnosed around age 18. Individuals with Bipolar I are often diagnosed with additional mental health conditions, such as anxiety. In order to be diagnosed with Bipolar I, individuals must also experience a period of significant depression.

What Are The Early Warning Signs Of Psychosis

Early warning signs before psychosis

  • A worrisome drop in grades or job performance.
  • Trouble thinking clearly or concentrating.
  • Suspiciousness or uneasiness with others.
  • A decline in self-care or personal hygiene.
  • Spending a lot more time alone than usual.
  • Strong, inappropriate emotions or having no feelings at all.

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Is Bipolar A Disability

The Americans with Disabilities Act is a law that helps people with disabilities get equal rights at work. Bipolar disorder is considered a disability under the ADA, just like blindness or multiple sclerosis.

You may also qualify for Social Security benefits if you cant work. The Social Security Administration has two programs that provide a monthly income and health insurance to people who cant work because of a disability:

  • Social Security Disability Insurance is for people who have worked and paid Social Security taxes.
  • Supplemental Security Income is for people with a limited income.

Read on to learn how the ADA and Social Security might benefit you.

Depression Disability Benefit Programs

Social Security Disability Hearing: Bipolar Disorder & Mental Impairments

Finding yourself in this situation may seem hopeless, but it isnt. There is the hope of solving the problem. The SSDI is a certified program created to support individuals going through the tough phase. The program doesnt cater to every person battling depression, not unless you fit the criterion used.

When you qualify to receive some benefits if your depression leads to disability, you and your family members receive benefits once you enroll in the program. Supplemental Security Income covers adults and children with less financial capabilities and resources.

Even though the two programs work separately, their main aim is to assist individuals with disabilities, and depression disability is included. If you plan to apply to the program, do your research and know what is required during application to smoothen the process.

The medical requirements for both programs are the same. For the non-medical criterion, you are entitled to monthly benefits if your medical condition lasts a year or longer and if the illness may lead to death.

The requirements for enrollment in disability programs include:

  • Inability to work due to depression.
  • Low-income.
  • Assets are lower than $2000 worth.
  • Spouses also have insufficient support, and combining you and your spouses assets should be lower than $3000 in total.
  • Your depression should be considered severe to be a disability.
  • You cannot work based on your current condition, age, disability, and work history.

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Manage Bipolar Disorder With Disability Benefits

Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by one or more episodes of abnormally high mood swings.

These episodes are referred to as mania, which typically leads to periods of depression. Depression phases can simultaneously occur with the episodes of mania, which can be seriously debilitating to the brain if left untreated. As mania episodes reach extreme levels, people with bipolar disorder may begin to exhibit psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations, which in turn can lead to suicidal tendencies.

The severity of bipolar disorder can vary wildly from person to person, as it depends on casual factors. These factors can be things such as genetics, childhood precursors, life events and experience, neural processes, melatonin activity, and psychological processes.

Similar to treatment for other mental disorders, bipolar disorder treatment comes in one of three forms: medications, psychotherapy, or a combination of both practices. These therapies help people with bipolar disorder manage their symptoms however, significant improvement may not happen immediately, but over a longer period of treatments.

Left unchecked, bipolar disorder symptoms can become severe, and finding support and the appropriate treatments immediately is crucial. Unfortunately, bipolar disorder treatment can be draining, both emotionally and financially.

How Does Depression Qualify As A Disability

When determining if depression is a disability, the Social Services Administration asks for evidence to support the disability claim. Every applicant must provide three types of documentation:

  • Medical documentation of a diagnosis of MDD or PDD
  • Documentation of the life limitations faced and marginal adjustment
  • Indications of ongoing treatment with therapists and marginal adjustment

Evidence in any of these categories may include:

  • Confirmation that depression has been severe enough to cause financial hardship
  • Indications that youve tried unsuccessfully to work
  • Proof of functional struggles such as simple decision-making, following instructions, concentrating and remembering information
  • Demonstrations of difficulties relating to people, including supervisors and coworkers
  • Documentation that youve been living in a highly structured setting and/or have had extensive medical treatment or therapy yet are still unable to function well

Sometimes, people dont need social security benefits for depression, yet depression still disrupts their lives. In that case, it might be possible to receive accommodations from work or school.

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The Residual Function Test For Depressive Or Bipolar Disorder

Applicants who dont have enough medical evidence to show they meet the impairment test can still qualify for SSDI depressions or bipolar disability payments if they can show an inability to work based on their age, their education, and the results of a residual functional capacity test. The mental RFC test is used for disability for bipolar disorder or disability for depression claims for SSDI.

The Social Security Administration uses the RFC test to determine if your intellectual and social skills are:

  • Moderately limited
  • Not significantly limited

The test will review your ability to understand and remember, interact with others, concentrate, and adapt. The RFC test evaluates the medical evidence that supports your claim. It also considers, in evaluation of your depression and bipolar disorder, nonmedical evidence which includes statements from employers, coworkers, and others.

The Social Security Administration will then evaluate your RFC test with your age and education to determine your eligibility.

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