Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Can You Check Yourself Into A Mental Hospital For Depression

What Care And Treatment Will I Get


A psychiatrist will speak to you soon after you go into hospital. A psychiatrist is a specialist mental health doctor. The psychiatrist will decide what treatment you need when you are in hospital.

If you are having difficulties doing everyday tasks, you may be offered help from an occupational therapist. They can help you to overcome your problems and become more independent. This might involve cooking classes or managing bills.

In some hospitals there are creative activity groups. And in some hospitals there may be animals used as part of your therapy. Not all hospitals and wards offer activities like these. Speak to a member of staff on your ward to see if they have any activities you can take part in.

The staff at the hospital should do weekly ward rounds. Ward rounds are when staff members meet with you to see how your treatment is going. And if it needs to change. People on the ward round will be involved in your care. They might be your psychiatrist, nurse, psychologist or occupational therapist.

You might want to ask some questions like these.

  • Can you explain my diagnosis or treatment?
  • Will my medication cause side effects?
  • How can I cope with side effects?
  • What other medications might work for me?
  • Will I have talking therapy in hospital?
  • Do you think my symptoms might be caused by physical illness?
  • How often will you see me?

If you are a voluntary patient, you are not entitled to see an IMHA. But there may be a general advocacy service in the area that can help.

Suicide: What Will Happen To You When You Ask For Help

The Triage Process

Whether you end up at the ER or the office of a mental health professional, you can expect to be interviewed in order to establish the acuteness and lethality of your present suicide risk. In a hospital environment this entrance interview is typically known as triage. If your risk of harming yourself is judged to be severe, you will likely be asked to enter the hospital as a psychiatric patient on an inpatient unit. If your suicide risk is judged to be lower than severe, you will likely be given some names of local mental health professionals and sent home.

You can expect a similar introductory interview to be part of your first interactions with any psychiatrists or psychotherapists you may work with on an outpatient basis. Those professionals also must establish your level of suicide risk and the type of care necessary to reasonably ensure your safety. See the section below concerning the Initial Treatment Interview, for a list of some of the questions you may be asked that help professionals to understand your current level of suicide risk. Even if you start off in a clinician’s office, if you are judged to be acutely suicidal, you may be asked to enter the hospital for a while. If you are not judged to be an acute risk, you will likely be offered psychiatric and/or psychotherapeutic care consistent with your presenting symptoms, and your suicidality risk will be monitored on an ongoing basis.

Inpatient Treatment

Recognising Potential Warning Signs

Suicide prevention begins with recognising warning signs that someone may be considering taking their own life. The signs include:

  • talking about death or suicide
  • pre-occupation with death
  • previous history of suicide attempts
  • self-loathing or self-hatred
  • self-destructive behaviour
  • sudden sense of calm or appearing very upbeat following depression

Don’t avoid talking about suicide. Discussing suicide in an open, non-judgmental, sensitive, discreet and practical way can allow someone in crisis to know they aren’t alone and help is available.

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How Long Are Suicidal Person Hospitalized

This treatment is also at behavioral health hospitals or clinics. Inpatient hospitalization is used when the person is at risk for harming themselves or someone else. The average length of stay is 5-7 days, but varies greatly.

Free Mental Health Support

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You can call a helpline if you’re experiencing problems with your mental health. Some organisations can also support you over webchat or email.

Remember that if you need help urgently, you could call Breathing Space, NHS 24 or 999 for an ambulance.

If you’re feeling like taking your own life, have a plan and the means to do it now, you can call 999. You can stay on the line and talk to someone while you wait for help to arrive.

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What Happens When I Leave Hospital

There are some differences in what happens when you leave hospital depending on whether you are a voluntary patient or have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

I dont recall having a care plan in hospital. I certainly wasnt aware of a discharge plan and this caused myself and my partner stress and anxiety.

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When Will I Go Into Hospital

Going into hospital is called an admission. When you go into hospital, doctors might say that you have been admitted.

If you want to go into hospital

If you are unwell you may feel that you need treatment in hospital. If a doctor at the hospital agrees that you need to be in hospital, they will admit you.

Many people agree to go to hospital themselves. Doctors call them voluntary patients.

If you would like to be admitted as a voluntary patient, you can try the following.

  • Speak to someone in your community mental health team , if you have one. You may have a care-coordinator you can speak to.
  • Contact your local crisis team. You can search for their contact details online. But in some areas, you can only be referred to the crisis team by your GP.
  • Contact your GP. There may also be an out-of-hours service.
  • Go to the Accident and Emergency department of a local hospital.

You might not be able to go into hospital even if you want to. It will depend on the number of beds available. And if the doctors think you need to be there. If there are not enough free beds in your local hospital, staff could send you to a different hospital.

Detained under the Mental Health Act

There may be times when you are unwell but dont realise it. Or you dont want help. When this happens doctors may say you lack insight. The Mental Health Act 1983 means doctors can force people to go to hospital if their illness puts them, or other people, at risk. You might hear it being called:

  • sectioned,

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What Can I Expect When I Arrive At The Hospital

When you first arrive at the hospital you may go through the Emergency Room. The doctor, nurse or social worker will ask you some questions about your mental health concerns and other information that will help the team decide whether or not you need a stay in the psychiatric care area.

  • If you are an adult 19 or older you will be admitted to an adult inpatient unit.
  • If you are a youth you will be admitted to a youth psychiatric unit.

Once a decision is made to admit you to the psychiatric care area, you will be given the first bed available. If there is no bed available at your community hospital, you may be advised to go to another Fraser Health hospital where a bed is available.

Much like other areas of the hospital, you may have to share a room with other patients on the unit. Speak to your care provider if you have any questions about your room arrangement.

Getting Diagnosed: What To Expect

What Happens When You Check Into a Mental Hospital

Getting a diagnosis isnt one size fits all, but your primary care doc will probably want to talk about your symptoms, do an exam, and ask questions to get a clearer picture.

Sometimes theres a physical cause of the problem. For instance, if youre low in B vitamins, vitamin D, or iron or you have an underactive thyroid, you could have symptoms that look a lot like depression.

Your doctor might order blood or urine tests to check these numbers first. If the tests dont suggest any other causes, they may refer you to a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health professional who can offer a specific diagnosis with the help of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 .

Luckily, treatments for anxiety and depression run pretty similar courses, and addressing one condition often improves the other too. Your healthcare provider may recommend one or a combination of these strategies:

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Why Might I Need To Go To Hospital

If you’re experiencing a mental health crisis, staying in hospital might be the best way to keep you safe and provide you with the level of treatment you need. This might be because:

  • you need to be admitted for a short period for further assessment
  • there’s a risk to your safety if you don’t stay in hospital, for example, if you are severely self-harming or at risk of acting on suicidal thoughts
  • there is a risk you could harm someone else
  • there isn’t a safe way to treat you at home
  • you need more intensive support than can be given to you elsewhere.

Checking Yourself Into A Mental Hospital: What To Expect

How Long is the Stay?

The duration of your visit is determined by your requirements and might range from a few days to several weeks or longer. Your doctors advice determines the length of your inpatient stay.

What Rules Can I Expect?

Even if you are not admitted against your will, the hospital will impose regulations to safeguard your safety, including:

  • Being confined to a closed ward that you are unable to leave at any time.
  • Locking away some objects that may be used to hurt yourself .
  • Meals, treatments, activities, and bedtime will all be planned ahead of time.
  • You will most likely end up sharing a room with another person.
What Mental Health Services Do Hospitals Offer?

Initially, you will be assessed by a psychiatrist to establish the best treatment strategy for you.

Your treatment plan will certainly include collaboration with several mental health specialists, as well as therapists that specialize in physical activity and rehabilitation.

During your stay, you will most likely participate in solo, group, or family therapy. You will almost certainly be given one or more medications as well.

The hospital staff will also take care of obtaining clearance from your insurance company for your stay. Your insurance provider will review your progress throughout your visit to see if you require more hospital time.

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How To Access Mental Health Services

Mental health services are free on the NHS, but in some cases youll need a referral from your GP to access them.

There are some mental health services that allow people to refer themselves.

If your mental health difficulty is related to stress at work, you can ask your employer what occupational health services are available to you.

Check out the Time to Change website, which has a section dedicated to employers.

If youre at school or college, mental health care may be arranged for you.

Some mental health problems can be managed without the help of a GP. There are a variety of materials available and local organisations offering help.

You can also try the mood assessment quiz, which is designed to recommend resources to help you better understand how you feel.

For local support and information services near you, you can search:

If you want to talk to someone right away, read about where to get urgent help for mental health.

When To Admit Yourself To A Mental Hospital

Can You Be Committed Against Your Will?

If you or a loved one is displaying indications of psychosis, such as significantly impaired thinking or disordered speech, the ER is the place to go. If you have been diagnosed with a psychiatric illness and have significant medication problems, you should also go to the emergency room.

If youre suffering severe depressive symptoms, thoughts of hurting yourself or others, or your therapy isnt working you should consider going to the hospital. Although this is can be a terrifying notion, knowing what to expect during the process, and how to admit yourself to a mental hospital, may make it less frightening.

A hospital may also be the best option if youre experiencing an episode because what appears to be a mental health issue is often a physiological one. Medicines frequently interact with each other in various ways, and a hospital can assist with this. You may also consider having a DNA examination, so your physician can prescribe a more genetically optimal medication that works best with your physiology.

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Admission To An Approved Psychiatriccentre

When you are received at an approved psychiatric centre, you must beexamined by a consultant psychiatrist on the staff. You may be detained for amaximum of 24 hours in the centre for this examination.

If the psychiatrist is satisfied that you are suffering from a mentaldisorder, they then make an admission order. If the psychiatrist is notsatisfied that you are suffering from a mental disorder, you must be releasedimmediately. The admission order is valid for 21 days. It authorises yourreception, detention and treatment in the centre for this period.

A renewal order may extend this period by a further 3 months. This must bemade by the consultant psychiatrist responsible and they must have examined youin the week before making the order. A further renewal order may be made by thesame psychiatrist for a period of 6 months and subsequently for 12 months at atime.

There are provisions for the review of all admission orders. You can readmore in our document on the rights of psychiatric patients.

Should I Check Myself Into A Mental Hospital

If you are in a mental health crisis, then you may be wondering if you should check yourself into a mental hospital. This blog will provide you an overview of the most common reasons that people consider admitting themselves into a psychiatric hospital or psych ward and will provide you an overview of the types of mental health treatment that is available.

The most common reasons that people consider checking themselves into a mental hospital are:

Types of Treatment for Mental Health Crisis

It is helpful to understand the different types of treatment that are available.Not everyone who is in a mental health crisis will need to be admitted into a mental hospital. In fact, most people can receive the help they need without being admitted into a psychiatric hospital.Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Treatment can be a great alternative to inpatient mental health hospitalization. To learn more, click the following link.Alternative to Psychiatric Hospital

When Should I Check Myself into a Mental Hospital?

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What Other Options Do I Have

A hospital stay can be helpful in many situations, but it also has its drawbacks. Its not the best long-term solutionyoure not likely to walk away from the hospital completely cured. But it can be a great first step. In the United States, a hospital stay can also be expensive. Fortunately, there are ways to get financial assistance, so you shouldnt let this prevent you from keeping yourself safe if its your best option.

Whether you decide to go to the hospital or not, its important to know that you have lots of options. If youre in crisis, you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or text MHA to 741-741 to talk to a trained counselor from Crisis Text Line. For a longer-term solution, you can schedule an appointment with a therapist or talk to your doctor about trying a medication. Joining a support group can be helpful. You can also improve your mental health on your own by learning more about mental illness, opening up to someone you trust, and making lifestyle changes.

When You Check Yourself Into A Mental Institution Can You Check Yourself Out

I Checked Myself In To a Mental Health Hospital | VLOG (Read Description)

This was something I was concerned about. Would I be held even if I no longer wanted to stay at the hospital? Well to my relief, my release date was something myself and the attending therapist agreed upon. What this means is, while I couldnt just up and leave because I felt like it. I had some say so in the length of my stay and it felt more like a collaborative effort. Rather than a dictatorship.

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Choosing Someone To Look After Your Interests

If you’re likely to need compulsory treatment for your mental health problem, you can appoint a named person to safeguard and represent your interests. This person will be involved in decisions about any treatment given under compulsory measures. They will have the same rights as you to be notified, attend and be represented at a mental health tribunal, which has to deal with applications for compulsory measures.

A named person can be anyone aged 16 or over whom you trust and who has a good understanding of what you might want or not want. Your named person could be a relative or a friend. There’s a comprehensive guide to appointing a named person on the Scottish government website.

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