Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Do I Pull Myself Out Of Depression

How To Pull Yourself Out Of Depression ~ Remember You Cannot Control Other People

Sharing my depression story for the first time…

How to pull yourself out of depression True story. A friend recently told me that a few years ago they tried to commit suicide because they felt no one cared about them and they felt unloved. The advice that I gave them is the same advice I am going to give to you.

You cannot look to other people to make you happy, because if you do you will always be let down. You cannot look toward a husband, wife, girlfriend, friends, children, or any person in this world to fulfill your complete happiness.

This is because eventually whether intentionally or not, they are going to fall short. And when they do, if you are putting your complete and total happiness in them it is going to cause you to fall, and it is going to cause you to fall hard hence being depressed. And in this instance, you would be willing to end your life based on how other people feel about you?

As an individual, you have to be able to regulate also known as having self-regulation. self-regulation is the ability to calm yourself down when youre upset and cheer yourself up when youre down. .

Meaning that your own emotions should not be affected by the shortcomings of others. You will be able to regulate your own emotions no matter what is going on in the world around you. You can only control you not anyone else.

Start Your Day With Baby Steps

If just the thought of swinging your legs over the edge of the bed feels overwhelming, keep in mind that you dont have to take on the whole world at once. Take baby steps.

Be kind to yourself and have a plan with small, attainable, achievable tasks that are easy for you to take on, one at a time. Think in terms of 1-foot-in-front-of-the-other. This can be a great mindset if youre trying to overcome feeling depressed in bed.

Start with something as small as getting a glass of water. Know that youll have a light breakfast just after that. Then move on to brushing your hair and teeth. Getting dressed might be after that. Keep moving forward with these small, isolated tasks, one after the other, until your morning routine is complete and youre ready to take on your day.

Even the smallest of acts can be a massive struggle but trying to do something you would already do is starting the day. It may not be precisely in the morning but doing something is starting down the path. Including our basic needs into the small steps counts.

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Sleep and mood are intimately related. A 2014 study found that 80% of people with major depressive disorder experience sleep disturbances.

But, you might feel like you just can’t fall asleep. Or perhaps you struggle to get out of bed because you feel exhausted all the time.

Good sleep hygiene could be key to improving the quality and quantity of your sleep.

Turn off electronics at least an hour before you go to bed. Use dim light to read a book or engage in another relaxing activity.

Only use your bed for sleep and sexual activity. Doing work in bed, or even in your bedroom, can cause you to associate your bed with stress, rather than relaxation.

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How To Pull Yourself Out Of Depression ~ Put Things Into Perspective

When I played the victim of my circumstances once I got all depressed in a situation I was in. God reminded me of something. This may sound cliche, but the message hit me hard. I was watching the show Life Today and children who did not have clean water. I watched village person after village person go to a dirty lake, fill up their containers, and drink.

The water was not even clear but brown and dirty. They knew the water was contaminated but they had no choice but to drink it. Risking getting sick and dying. The alternative was to get dehydrated and get sick and die. . But literally it was a lose-lose situation.

In that moment I decided to put things in perspective. Because any given day, I could walk to a faucet and get clean water and not worry about dying from it. This was a turning point for me I realized that the same things and situations that you may be depressed about there are someone somewhere in this world that would LOVE to trade lives with you.

Seeking Help For Depression

Pulling Yourself From Depression: An Introspective Self

Get help if you’re still feeling down or depressed after a couple of weeks.

Treatments for depression include psychological therapies and antidepressants.

You can refer yourself for psychological therapies like cognitive behavioural therapy or counselling on the NHS. You don’t need a referral from your GP.

You can talk it through with your GP first if you prefer. Your GP can also tell you about antidepressants.

If you start to feel that your life isn’t worth living or about harming yourself, get help straight away.

You can:

  • contact Samaritans on 116 123 for 24-hour confidential, non-judgemental emotional support

Also Check: Can I Treat Depression On My Own

You Cannot Will Yourself Well

“It is not for a lack of will that you are not better,” said the psych registrar.

“You need to think of this as a medical illness that needs treatment, because it is. There’s no other way to explain that 11-15 per cent of Australians experience it every year,” he said.

Instead of white-knuckled will, it was more helpful to approach recovery with self-compassion.

“Compassion is when love meets suffering and stays loving. That’s compassion,” says author and clinical psychologist Christopher Germer.

Walk Away From Depression

Motivation to exercise may be scarce when you’re feeling well, let alone when you are depressed, but try to do it anyhow.

“The typical things that we all know are important to taking care of ourselves become that much more important when you’re dealing with depression,” Browning says.

Exercise is a proven tonic for depression. For decades studies have been showing that aerobic exercise improves mood in people who are depressed.

Researchers recently found that the amount of aerobic exercise recommended by the CDC for general good health — equivalent to 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise at least five days a week — can bring about big improvements in depression.

The study, published in the January 2005 issue of American Journal of Preventive Medicine, involved people with mild-to-moderate depression who did various amounts of exercise for 12 weeks. All groups in the study, including those in the control group, who only did stretches, had some improvement, but those who exercised as much as the CDC recommends fared best. In that group, 46% of the people reduced their symptoms by one-half, as rated on a scale of depression severity, and 42% no longer qualified as depressed when the study ended.

It’s important to start slowly with exercise. Decide what you can do, and as Aikens suggests, do a little bit less than that. If you think you could manage a 20-minute brisk walk, try 15 minutes first, and don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel better afterward.

Recommended Reading: I M Sad And Depressed

I Stay Tuned In To My Body

Mental illness doesnât impact the mind alone: Itâs physical, too. Depression decreases my energy. I feel exhausted and have frequent headaches. Anxiety, on the other hand, speeds me up. My heart races, I sweat more, and I feel an almost uncontrollable energy.

For me, self-care starts with noticing how I feel, both physically and emotionally. Paying closer attention to what is happening in my body clues me in to what is happening in my mind. If I start to feel a persistent heaviness on my chest or a knot in my stomach, itâs an indication that I need to pay closer attention to myself. Noticing symptoms early helps me practice better care and often prevents my moment of anxiety or depression from turning into a full-blown episode.

Should You Worry About Antidepressant Withdrawal

3 Signs That Most Depressed People Have

No, but its easy to see why some people might think so, because of a medical condition called antidepressant discontinuation syndrome , which can occur if you abruptly stop taking medication rather than tapering off as is generally advised. ADS is marked by a wide range of responses, including but not limited to flu-like symptoms, insomnia, worsening mood, and stomach distress, according to a March 11, 2019, report in Psychiatric Times.

Current estimates are that about 20 percent of patients whove taken an antidepressant for at least a month will experience ADS symptoms if they abruptly stop their medication instead of lowering their dose gradually. Tapering under the care of a doctor can prevent ADS by allowing the brain to adjust to changes in neurotransmitter levels.

More to the point, while you should slowly stop your antidepressant with the help of your doctor, antidepressants do not cause dependence and withdrawal like other substances. Unlike substances that are known to cause addiction, such as alcohol, opioids, and barbiturates, people don’t crave antidepressants. You dont get high from them, and they arent intentionally or compulsively overused. Serious reactions like the seizures and agitation that can follow sudden withdrawal from addictive substances are unheard of when these antidepressants are tapered gradually, note the authors of the Psychiatric Times report.

Don’t Miss: Where Do You Go For Help With Depression

I Created A Mindfulness Moment

When I was very sick with depression and anxiety, mindfulness helped me create a space where I could both acknowledge the pain I was in and also find peace and stability in the present. I found it helpful to create a âmindfulness momentâ to repeat every day. The âmomentâ I created was walking my dog, Winston.

When I would put on his leash and start to walk him down the block, I focused intently on what I was experiencing: the chirping of the birds, the sunlight filtering through the trees, the temperature of the air. For 10 minutes, I was immersed in the present moment, and I found that the walk helped me reconnect with my inner strength. I felt a sense of peace by noticing the natural beauty around me.

Even today I continue to practice this âmindfulness moment.â In fact, I look forward to it every morning. I donât have to step outside of my routine to be mindful, instead I built it in.

When To Get Help For Depression

If youve tried all of the above and your depression symptoms are persisting or getting more severe, then it might be right to consider seeking professional help. Depression is a treatable condition, and seeking specialist support is not a sign of weakness. These self-help tips will likely play some part in your recovery and help you to prevent symptoms returning once your treatment is complete.

Priory offers outpatient, inpatient and day care treatment for depression, as well as online therapy via Priory Connect. We will work closely with you to decide on the right direction for your recovery. Use the details below to get in touch with a mental health professional today and being your journey to beating depression.

For details of how Priory can provide you with assistance regarding mental health and wellbeing, please call 0800 840 3219 or make an enquiry. For professionals looking to make a referral, please click here.

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The 7 Most Common Causes Of Depression

Our energy system can become disrupted by a myriad of causes, from past trauma to limiting beliefs, all the way to our lifestyle choices. Even scars can shift the way our energies flow.

And depending on what causes the dysfunction, where it is and how it affects us, different disturbances in our life force impact us in distinctive ways.

Depressions are most commonly caused by 7 problems:

  • 7A Narrow Focus on Inner Turmoil

Some people, who feel low often, may find that all of these apply to them. For others, only 2 or 3 may be the real issue.

But in order to overcome your low mood and depression, you have to address all the root causes. Eliminate them one-by-one, step-by-step, and life will improve. Your mood will lighten, your hope and motivation to live return.

So, today, I want to introduce you to 7 most common causes of depression and low mood. For every root cause I provide:

  • A discussion of what causes the energetic problem and where it comes from.
  • A short self-assessment quiz so you can test which root causes actually affect you.
  • A quick and easy technique to help you remove the energetic causes of your depression.

Most ailments, problems or pain start with dysfunctions in our energy system. And thats where you need to end them. So you can heal.

Lets get started.

Testosterone: The Feeling Of Power


Testosterone is the hormone of power, strength and capability. For both men and women, testosterone can completely change the way you feel. Now, testosterone is a tricky onetoo much and it can make you feel aggressive . Too little, and you feel powerless, lethargic, and limp . Some crazy facts about testosterone:

  • Men given testosterone lost belly fat.
  • Stock traders get a testosterone spike on days when they make an above-average profit.
  • When playing sports, a winners testosterone levels increaseand fans hormone levels also get a boost! In a small group of 21 men watching a Brazil versus Italy World Cup match, the Brazil fans testosterone levels increased after their team won, but the Italy fans testosterone levels fell.
  • Males have longer right pointer fingers than women. This has been found even in other five-fingered creatures, such as rats. Scientists have found that this is correlated to fetal exposure to testosterone. The higher your testosterone level before birth, the lower your pointer-finger-to-ring-finger ratio.
  • Basically, I want to know

    How long is your finger?

    Sounds dirty, doesnt it? Now, now, get your mind out of the gutter. Im talking about moods here! Heres a photo of my hand. For some reason, it feels weirdly intimate posting a picture of my hand. Oh well!

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    Breaching Your Narrow Focus On Inner Turmoil

    Any living beings main focus revolves around their personal wellbeing, needs and wants. Because its imperative for survival to have food, water, shelter.

    But nowadays, for most of us, these primary needs are met. We dont struggle for physical survival every day. We have a roof over our heads, we eat regularly. We are safe.

    And so, our emotional needs have taken centre stage.

    We worry about our happiness, fulfilment, worth. Are concerned about our emotional balance. And zoom in on every feeling that may indicate a threat to our emotional health.

    Nothing wrong with that.

    But, at some point during our evolution, we started to identify with our emotions. So, we cling onto them, hoard them in our energy body. Because we believe they are part of us.

    The problem is now that e-motions are energies in motion. They must flow. If we trap them in our energy body, they dont just stop.

    They wont go inert.

    They still move whichever way they can within their crowded containment. They swirl in endless circles, whirl unproductively, bump into each other.

    Causing constant turmoil, emotional chaos. And pain.

    And our life becomes dictated by the inner mayhem. We concentrate on every excruciating bang, knock and crash of sadness, resentment, anger within. And the more we focus on the pain, the worse it becomes.

    Until it is unbearable, jeopardises our mental health. And to save our sanity, we have to numb our emotions.

    How to expand your consciousness beyond pain

    Now, isnt that ironic?

    How To Pull Yourself Out Of Depression With Flow

    Pulling yourself out of depression takes effort . Depression makes it so that you typically dont feel up to spontaneous bursts of energy. Its unlikely that youll suddenly decide to spring out of bed, head outside, and paint a gigantic mural that decorates the entire front of your house. It is very likely, though, that you go buy some painting supplies and paper, and spend time every day painting, even if its just for a short amount of time.

    Depression can make it hard to think of ideas. To get around this depression roadblock, create a collection of activity ideas, things you like, used to like, or would like to try. You can use a jar or a box, and you can decorate it to make it look attractive to you. This is your flow jar, so have fun making it look appealing. Using craft sticks, note cards, or anything else you can write on and that fits in your flow jar, brainstorm activities that could bring you flow. Keep these ideas in your container, and when you need activity ideas, pull one out and immerse yourself in it .

    There really is no limit to flow-inducing activities, as long as theyre safe. They can be artsy, crafty, musical, athletic they can involve nature or urban settings they can be indoor activities or outdoor.

    Actively engaging in experiences that create flow will help pull you out of depression.

    Read Also: What Are The Most Common Causes Of Depression

    Whats The Difference Between Grief And Depression

    Given that the primary symptom associated with depression is sadness, it can be easy to think of grief or bereavement as depression. But grief is a natural response to specific experiences, such as the end of a relationship or the death of a loved one. While you might feel regret or remorse, and you might withdraw from usual activities if you are experiencing grief, youre unlikely to feel the overwhelming sense of worthlessness, thoughts of self-harm or suicide, and other symptoms of depression. Another important difference is that in grief, painful feelings usually come in waves and are often mixed with positive memories.

    In some cases, however, grief and depression do coexist, or grief can trigger depression, according to experts writing in the journal American Family Physician. Having a mental health professional help you distinguish between them can ensure you get the support you need.

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