Monday, September 9, 2024

What Are Ways To Help Depression

Provide Reassurance And Express Acceptance

How To Cope With Depression

Its important for someone with depression to hear that you care for them, that with treatment they can feel better and that its ok to have depression.

Remind them that lots of people have depression and that its nothing to be ashamed of – they are not alone.

Tell them that you care for them and want to help.

Remember to reassure them that help is available, including prescription medications, talk therapies and making lifestyle changes. Reassure them that they can feel better again.

Who Experiences Social Anxiety

2015 review found that roughly 8% to 13% of people will experience social anxiety disorder in their lifetime, but this can vary depending on your culture.

Research from 2017 also suggests that while women are more likely to experience severe social anxiety symptoms, men may be more likely to seek treatment for it.

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Sleeping Patterns And Depression

Depression can disrupt sleep patterns. Its essential to try to restore a regular sleep pattern to make a full recovery. Some tips for restoring a regular sleep pattern include:

  • Try to go to sleep and get up at about the same time each day.
  • If youre worrying about things during the night, set aside some time for problem solving during the day.
  • Avoid drinking caffeine after 4 pm and try not to drink more than two cups of caffeine-type drinks each day.
  • Avoid using alcohol to help you sleep. As the alcohol is broken down in your body, it causes you to sleep less deeply and to wake more frequently.
  • Allow yourself time to wind down before going to bed. If you are working or studying, stop at least 30 minutes before bedtime and do something relaxing.
  • Give your mind a break from online activity such as social media for an hour before bedtime, and consider putting your phone in a separate room from your bedroom at night time.

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Tip : Eat A Healthy Depression

What you eat has a direct impact on the way you feel. Reduce your intake of foods that can adversely affect your brain and mood, such as caffeine, alcohol, trans fats, and foods with high levels of chemical preservatives or hormones .

Dont skip meals. Going too long between meals can make you feel irritable and tired, so aim to eat something at least every three to four hours.

Minimize sugar and refined carbs. You may crave sugary snacks, baked goods, or comfort foods such as pasta or French fries, but these feel-good foods quickly lead to a crash in mood and energy. Aim to cut out as much of these foods as possible.

Boost your B vitamins. Deficiencies in B vitamins such as folic acid and B-12 can trigger depression. To get more, take a B-complex vitamin supplement or eat more citrus fruit, leafy greens, beans, chicken, and eggs.

Boost your mood with foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.Omega-3 fatty acids play an essential role in stabilizing mood. The best sources are fatty fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, tuna, and some cold-water fish oil supplements.

Treatment For Anxiety And Depression In Men

5 Tips to Cure Depression Naturally

Your doctor is a good source of information and can discuss with you whether what youre experiencing may be anxiety or depression. They can also refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Any of these health professionals can help you with an action plan, whether or not you are diagnosed with anxiety, depression or both.

Anxiety and depression are like any other conditions there are ways to treat and manage them.

Lifestyle changes, such as spending time with supportive friends and family, regular exercise, getting enough sleep, maintaining a healthy diet and cutting down on alcohol and other drugs are all worthwhile changes that can help to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.

Psychological treatments, including cognitive behaviour therapy, are effective in treating anxiety and depression and are often recommended first, particularly for mild to moderate anxiety and depression. Your doctor may refer you to see a psychologist or other counsellor for this type of treatment.

For some people, antidepressant medication might also be an option. Antidepressants can be effective for both anxiety and depression. They usually take at least 2 weeks before they start to help, and it may also take some time for your doctor to find the medication and dose that is most effective for you.

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Encourage Them To Get Out And Do Things

This is a tricky one, because theres a fine line between encouraging someone to get out and do things that might help them find meaning and contentment again, and forcing someone into a situation theyre not capable of dealing with.

Dont just harangue someone into going along with whatever activity you want to do, but it might be helpful to get the person out of the house even just for a quick walk.

Ask what they feel capable of doing, and if they are able to go out, be the person they know they can go with if and when theyre ready.

How To Find Treatment Near You

The first step in getting treatment for depression is making an appointment with your general practitioner. They can recommend doctors in your area.

If youre religious, ask your religious leader if they have counselors to recommend. Some people prefer faith-based counseling, which incorporates their religion into a treatment plan.

You can also check healthcare databases for therapists, psychiatrists, and counselors. These databases can provide you with information such as certifications, accepted insurance providers, and reviews left by other people. You can start with these databases:

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Encourage Them To Get Help

Encourage your friend or family member with depression to seek help. They may struggle to manage this on their own. If they are reluctant to seek help for depression, suggest making an appointment for a routine check-up or offer to help by making an appointment for them and helping them to attend.

Encourage them to make a list of their symptoms to take along with them to their appointment. You can offer to help by suggesting they include some of the signs and symptoms of depression that you may have noticed.

Get Help From A Mental Health Provider

How to Help Someone with Depression

If youve tried everything else and your loved one still hasnt gotten better, then it might be a good idea to ask for professional help from a mental health professional. Suppose they have agreed to see someone about their depression but arent taking any of the steps that need to be taken to get better .

In that case, this is an indicator that something more serious might be going on, such as a mental illness or maybe even obsessive-compulsive disorder. In these cases, its best if somebody close to them takes charge by forcing them into getting the treatment they need.

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Symptoms Of Anxiety And Depression

According to the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States, anxiety and depression can share several common symptoms, including, but not limited to:

  • Being easily fatigued

Other signs that a person may suffer from both anxiety disorder and depression include:

  • Constant, irrational fear and worry
  • Physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, headaches, hot flashes, sweating, abdominal pain, and/or difficulty breathing
  • Changes in eating, either too much or too little
  • Persistent feelings of sadness or worthlessness
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and activities
  • Inability to relax

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Antipsychotics For Depression Treatment

Doctors let people have these pills when they are depressed and have hallucinations. These drugs usually work by reducing the activity of dopamine in peoples brains. Dopamine is a chemical that affects people with schizophrenia. Furthermore, some well-known medications prescribed are risperidone , olanzapine , quetiapine fumarate .

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How Can Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Help With Depression

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT is one of the most effective psychological treatments for depression. CBT uses cognitive and behavioural strategies to help target the thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with depression. All of our online programs use CBT strategies.

Click below to see if our online CBT program can help you tackle your depression to improve the way you feel.

Cognitive strategies to help with depression

Cognitive Strategies

People who are depressed generally have a negative thinking style. They often think of themselves as worthless and that the world is bad or unfair, and they have little hope that their lives will improve in the future.

When something bad happens, people with depression often blame themselves, but when good things happen, they tell themselves they are just lucky. They are also less likely to recognise and appreciate positive events when they happen, and instead are more tuned into the bad things in their lives and brood over those events.

The cognitive strategies in CBT can help people identify and correct this biased way of thinking. These strategies identify and challenge sometimes hidden assumptions and beliefs, and can reframe the way they think about life.

When people with depression are able to reframe their thoughts, they are able to recover from failures more effectively and recognise and take credit for the good things in their lives. Having these skills has been shown to reduce relapse and a recurrence of depression.

Nutrition May Aid In Managing Depression

Depression Infographic

Good nutrition, in addition to expert treatment, is often a cornerstone for the management of any mental illness. In a state of malnutrition , most treatments for depression will have limited efficacy , Wassenaar explains.

In fact, research has demonstrated an increasingly clear role for nutrition in managing depression. For example, the SMILES trial published in January 2017 in BMC Medicine found that dietary counseling provided by a registered dietitian to people with moderate to severe depression may provide an efficacious and accessible treatment strategy for the management of this highly prevalent mental disorder.

Other research has shed light on a potential link between diet, depression, and gut health. A review article published in July 2019 in Nutrients indicates that the quality of ones diet impacts the gut microbiota , which can in turn affect depression risk.

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Some people with depression turn to the herb St. Johns wort as a home remedy, but doctors are concerned about interactions with other medications. Do not use St. Johns wort while you’re taking antidepressants, since the combination can result in serious side effects.

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Why Is My Dog Depressed All Of A Sudden

If your dog appears to be sad, it could be because he or she is not feeling well both physically and emotionally. Dont let it get you down in any case, dont let it get you down. A sad dog may be depressed or suffering from a physical ailment, as is common in humans.

It is the same thing that humans do when they are exposed to an environment. If you suddenly change something, such as your children going to school or you taking on extra responsibilities, you may notice that your dog is sad. Your veterinarian will use the following major warning signs to tell you when your illness is serious. The most common causes of depression in people. If your dog suddenly becomes sad all of a sudden, be on the lookout for warning signs. Some of the symptoms of doggie depression may also be symptoms of other illnesses. You should never care for someone who is inactive or hungry. Make the most of your opportunities by emphasizing positive reinforcement.

Take Care Of Yourself

You won’t be able to support someone else if you are feeling overwhelmed and depleted yourself. Periodically take some time to step back from the situation and recharge your batteries.

While you can’t “catch” depression the way you would a cold or the flu, the shared genetic and environmental influences may make it more likely that people who live together or are members of the same family will become depressed.

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Find A Sense Of Meaning

If youve been feeling like you dont belong anywhere or that life has lost its meaning, these ideas might help you find your place in the world again.

Choose something that feels right for you:

  • Spend time in nature go for a bush or beach walk, or swim in a river
  • Go to places that you know nurture your soul, such as a church or a temple
  • Give yourself permission to reflect and grow
  • Learn what it is that keeps you peaceful and content
  • Go ‘home’ – spend time in the place youre from
  • Talk to a spiritual adviser, such as a priest or a thunga.

Your wairua is one of the most important yet most overlooked parts of your wellbeing. Your spiritual wellbeing is about who you are and where you belong. For some, having faith in a higher power is a big part of wairua.

A strong wairua means knowing your own identity and being content with who you are.

You can increase or strengthen your wairua by spending time reflecting on life and doing things that you enjoy.

How Does Depression Affect Productivity

5 Natural Ways to Overcome Depression and Anxiety

Depression and workplace productivity can significantly counteract each other. This is a common challenge for many people suffering from depression. Employers suffer, too: The estimated cost, due to loss of productivity related to depression and its effects, is in the billions of dollars.3

Why is it hard to keep up workplace performance when youre depressed? The symptoms of depression can be debilitating. Depression can affect productivity in these ways:4

  • Lack of concentration
  • Lack of initiative or motivation
  • Low energy, fatigue
  • Poor communication with others

Depression at work is a challenge for many. Self-care and daily changes in your routine may help, but its important you talk to your doctor, a therapist, or behavioral provider for long-term management of depression. Without treatment, depression can worsen.

Also Check: How To Screen For Depression

Psychotherapy For Depression Treatment

If there is no underlying medical cause for your symptoms of depression, talk therapy can be an extremely effective treatment. What you learn in therapy gives you skills and insight to feel better and help prevent depression from coming back.

There are many types of therapy available. Three of the more common methods used in depression treatment include cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. Often, a blended approach is used.

Some types of therapy teach you practical techniques on how to reframe negative thinking and employ behavioral skills in combating depression. Therapy can also help you work through the root of your depression, helping you understand why you feel a certain way, what your triggers are for depression, and what you can do to stay healthy.

Whats The Difference Between Sadness And Depression

Whether youve lost a loved one, moved to a new place, or missed out on a job opportunity, there are plenty of stressful and upsetting events that can get you down. However, the difference between sadness and depression is that sadness usually passes with a little time, while depression is a mood disorder that can appear without any specific cause and last for two weeks or more.

Depression impacts almost every part of your life, interfering with how you think, feel, and go about your daily activities like sleeping, working, and socializing. Some common symptoms of depression include:

  • Feeling empty
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping more than normal
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities
  • Irritability or restlessness
  • Aches and pains without clear physical causes
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

To be diagnosed with depression, these symptoms must be present nearly all day, every day for at least two weeks.

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Anxiety And Depression: 7 Proven Tips To Treat Both

Many people try to address anxiety or depression separately, but the two conditions often co-occur. The reality is that these disorders tend to hang together, and its more common than you think to experience both depression and anxiety at the same time.

If youre experiencing both conditions at once, well show you how to recognize the signs and symptoms and, even more importantly, how to treat them.

Many people try to address anxiety or depression separately, but the two conditions often co-occur. The reality is that these disorders tend to hang together, and its more common than you think to experience both depression and anxiety at the same time.

If youre experiencing both conditions at once, well show you how to recognize the signs and symptoms and, even more importantly, how to treat them.

Individual Or Group Therapy

Natural Ways To Help With Depression

When you hear the word therapy you might automatically think of one-on-one sessions with a therapist. However, group therapy can be very useful in depression treatment as well. Both group and individual therapy sessions usually last about an hour. What are the benefits of each? In individual therapy, you are building a strong relationship with one person, and may feel more comfortable sharing some sensitive information with one person than with a group. You also get individualized attention.

In group therapy, listening to peers going through the same struggles can validate your experiences and help build self-esteem. Often group members are at different points in their depression, so you might get tips from both someone in the trenches and someone who has worked through a challenging problem. As well as offering inspiration and ideas, attending group therapy can also help increase your social activities and network.

When the going gets tough in therapy

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