Thursday, July 25, 2024

When To Get Help For Postpartum Depression

You Start Losing Interest In Things You Normally Enjoy

Treating postpartum depression: How moms can get support | KVUE

When you watch your favorite show, which usually makes you laugh, are you feeling sad instead? Are you interested in spending time with friends like you used to? Do you enjoy your favorite foods still?

If you find yourself uninterested in eating, your spouse, or even seeing friends you used to love seeing, you need to speak with your doctor about these changes in your mood.

Does Postpartum Depression Qualify For A Disability

Women who need certain accommodations after pregnancy due to postpartum depression may be considered a disability under the Americans with Disability Act . The individual affected with postpartum depression can be permitted certain accommodations with employers. Postpartum depression awareness month takes place in May.

Postpartum Depression Is Not Too Different From Other Types Of Depression

However, as we said at the beginning, postpartum depression tends to be even more hidden, due to the obvious feelings of guilt it generates in women. The main characteristic is the presence of deep sadness. This sadness that invades women causes them to lose interest in everything that surrounds them and does not feel pleasure or interest in anything , which in psychology is known as anhedonia. It is true that these feelings often occur in the weeks following delivery, but they usually resolve without major problems soon after and without the need for treatment. It is what is known as puerperal depression. However, postpartum depression goes further.

The woman, invaded by this intense sadness, reduces her activities more and more, becomes withdrawn, loses her appetite and has sleep problems. So far nothing very different from another depression.

But, the woman with postpartum depression loses the ability to properly care for her baby. Sadness is compounded by anxiety, doubts, fears, and in its most serious form, you may even feel the need to harm yourself or even your baby.

The mother with postpartum depression loses the ability to take good care of her baby

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What Can I Do To Help Myself

Youre the expert in your own mental health and wellbeing. Taking charge of your recovery and doing things that make you feel better, stronger and more in control will help your recovery from postnatal depression.When you have depression, it can be hard to find the energy or motivation to look after yourself.Start small return a text message, open a window, close your eyes and listen to the birds singing.Slowly build up to bigger things and try to notice what makes you feel better.Make a list of things that feel good and keep it on your phone, your diary or on the fridge. When youre struggling, check your list and pick one thing you can do right now that might help.

These may include:

Helping Someone With Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression: How do I get help?

New moms encounter a lot of new challenges as they begin motherhood. On top of having a new baby to care for, many new mothers face lack of sleep, and possibly even breast pain from nursing. Even more, during pregnancy, hormone levels in women rise. However, after pregnancy, these heightened hormone levels drop suddenly and can trigger a type of clinical depression related to pregnancy and childbirth. This form of depression is called postpartum depression.

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If Medication Is Prescribed Will It Affect My Breastmilk

Most antidepressants are considered safe to take while breastfeeding, with little risk of side effects for the baby. Your doctor can explain which medications are safe to take while breastfeeding and which may not be.9

Its important to remember that having untreated PPD can potentially put your baby at risk of behavioral and developmental delays. Breastfeeding should not inhibit you from seeking treatment for PPD, just as getting treatment for PPD should not stop you from breastfeeding.

Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression

At first, postpartum depression may be mistaken for the baby blues but the main difference between them is that the baby blues usually go away on their own after about 2 weeks. Postpartum depression however does not go away that quickly and instead its sufferers may experience symptoms that are more intense such as the following :

  • Depressed mood or severe mood swings
  • Difficulty bonding with your baby or feelings of not being a good mother
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Loss of appetite or eating much more than usual
  • Inability to sleep or sleeping too much
  • Overwhelming fatigue or loss of energy
  • Excessive crying
  • Reduced interest and pleasure in activities you used to enjoy
  • Feelings of worthlessness, shame, guilt or inadequacy
  • Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Women experiencing some or all of these symptoms should seek advice from their healthcare provider or see their Doctor immediately. The diagnosis of postpartum depression can only be made from a medical professional and it is extremely important that all women who they suspect might have postpartum depression speak to a medical professional as soon as possible.

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What Are The Symptoms And Signs Of Postpartum Depression

Most new mothers will experience things like the baby blues. However, if those baby blues dont go away by the second week you could be looking at postpartum depression.

The symptoms of postpartum depression is different for all moms but here are a few common factors:

  • Fatigue
  • Crying Spells
  • Depressed Mood

As a new mom you will feel most of these things at some point. However, having postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety you will feel these things stronger and more regularly. Not all postpartum mothers will feel every symptom.

Causes Signs And Baby Blues

Do I have postpartum depression?

Having a baby is a lot. With all the new feels and changes, new moms often deal with short-term sadness called the baby blues.

But what if its something more? Depressive feelings that last longer than a few weeks after your bébés born could be postpartum depression .

PPD is a form of perinatal depression that affects up to 15 percent of people post-birth. It can happen any time in the first year after baby is born, and can also start during pregnancy.

Even with more awareness around the postpartum depression, its estimated that about half of PPD cases go undiagnosed.

If you think youre dealing with postpartum depression, seeking help doesnt mean youre not up to the job of motherhood. Heres how to spot symptoms of postpartum depression, and how to get back on track.

The exact cause of PPD isnt totally understood, but researchers have a few theories:

  • The risk for all types of depression may be genetic.
  • Hormones shift dramatically after childbirth, which could trigger PPD.
  • Low levels of thyroid hormone may play a role.

You may have PPD even if youve never had depression before. But if youve had PPD before, its more likely to happen with future pregnancies.

Additional risk factors of PPD include:

  • personal or family history of depression or other mental illness
  • smoking, drinking, or using drugs
  • breastfeeding difficulty

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Causes Of Postnatal Depression

The cause of postnatal depression is not completely clear.

There are a number of things that may make you more likely to have postnatal depression. These include:

  • a history of mental health problems, particularly depression, earlier in life
  • a history of mental health problems during pregnancy
  • having no close family or friends to support you
  • a difficult relationship with your partner
  • recent stressful life events, such as a bereavement
  • physical or psychological trauma, such as domestic violence
  • having the “baby blues”

Even if you do not have any of these, having a baby is a life-changing event that can sometimes trigger depression.

It often takes time to adapt to becoming a new parent. Looking after a small baby can be stressful and exhausting.

How To Find Help For Postpartum Depression

  • If you suspect that you have postpartum depression, you should make a call to your doctor right away to seek help. The faster you get help for your postpartum depression, the faster you can feel good again and get back to enjoying your time with your new baby as you deserve.
  • If you are already seeing a mental health professional, talk to them about your struggles to receive a change in your treatment plan.
  • If you do not have access to a doctor at this time, there are several excellent online resources that you can use for postpartum depression treatment. Check out or Talkspacefor help with mild postpartum depression.
  • If you feel your depression has become an emergency, do not shy away from seeking help in the local emergency room. Medical professionals can set you up with an evaluation and follow-up care, including medications, to help you feel better faster.

Postpartum depression is a serious issue that robs thousands of mothers of the joy of motherhood early on each year. It is more than just feeling sad and can interrupt your happiness in life or your ability to properly care for your baby and yourself. If you or someone you know is suffering from PPD, seeking help is key to get back on track.

Its hard to ask for help when it comes to PPD. There is a stigma around being a new mom and people expecting you to be on cloud 9. There is the fear of judgment, not being taken seriously, fear of failure, and the list goes on.

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Be There Without Trying To Problem

Most moms dont want their problems solved. They dont want the solutions outlined. Instead, they want to know that you hear them, that you see validity in their experiences, and that you are there for them even in the messy moments.

Just listen to her and let her know that you hear what shes saying.

Coping With Postpartum Depression Tip : Create A Secure Attachment With Your Baby


The emotional bonding process between mother and child, known as attachment, is the most important task of infancy. The success of this wordless relationship enables a child to feel secure enough to develop fully, and affects how he or she will interact, communicate, and form relationships throughout life.

A secure attachment is formed when you as the mother respond warmly and consistently to your babys physical and emotional needs. When your baby cries, you quickly soothe him or her. If your baby laughs or smiles, you respond in kind. In essence, you and your child are in sync. You recognize and respond to each others emotional signals.

Postpartum depression can interrupt this bonding. Depressed mothers can be loving and attentive at times, but at other times may react negatively or not respond at all. Mothers with postpartum depression tend to interact less with their babies, and are less likely to breastfeed, play with, and read to their children. They may also be inconsistent in the way they care for their newborns.

However, learning to bond with your baby not only benefits your child, it also benefits you by releasing endorphins that make you feel happier and more confident as a mom.

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When Should A New Mom Seek Professional Medical Treatment For Symptoms Related To Postpartum Depression

A new mom should seek professional help when:

  • Symptoms persist beyond two weeks.
  • She is unable to function normally she cant cope with everyday situations.
  • She has thoughts of harming herself or her baby.
  • She is feeling extremely anxious, scared, and panicked most of the day.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 01/01/2018.


When To Get Help For Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is often ignored until the mother has hit her breaking point. The symptoms can be passed off by loved ones when you talk about it as the baby blues or just standard form after having a baby.

For many generations, postpartum depression was normal because it was just to be expected and would go untreated with comments about how sad it is when something happens. A mother harms themselves or their baby. The truth is postpartum depression is not normal for having a baby, and you should not accept that as an answer. Getting the help you need to enjoy your time with your baby is what should be considered normal.

If you feel that your depression is getting in the way of bonding with your baby or your partner. You should seek help. Another sign you may need to seek help is if you are having a difficult time functioning, you should seek help.

Postpartum depression left untreated can rob you of some of the best months to bond with your baby, making every moment it is under control worth it.

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How Is Postpartum Depression Diagnosed

Schedule a visit with your doctor if you suspect you have postpartum depression. Your doctor will talk to you about your symptoms and feelings. He or she will ask you how long you have been feeling depressed. Your doctor may ask you to complete a questionnaire about your depression or order a blood test to check your hormone levels.

Offering Postpartum Depression Help

Mothers dealing with postpartum depression on long waitlist for help

Whether you are a husband, a friend, or a family member, everyone can help someone with postpartum depression in some way. Even the small things count. So, figure out what you can do for your loved one to help them during this difficult time. From babysitting for an hour while mom takes a nap to sending a text reminding her that you love her, it all makes a difference.

At Highland Springs Specialty Clinic, we offer leading postpartum depression treatment for mothers in Utah. Our therapists use an integrated approach including both medicine and cognitive behavioral therapy. Both prescribers and therapists work with the patient to create a plan that is unique to the individual. If you know someone who needs treatment, contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

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Write Down Your Thoughts

If you are struggling to let your partner or doctor know how you are really feeling. You have difficulty speaking what is on your mind. Try journaling your thoughts. The best way to do this is to do it at the end of the day.

Here are a few writing prompts to get you started on your postpartum journaling experience:

  • What was the best part of your day?
  • What could have been better?
  • Were you proud of yourself today?
  • Did you tell yourself and your family that you love them?
  • What was the most frustrating thing that happened today?
  • End with a reflection of what you wish to accomplish tomorrow

The 5 Best Online Postpartum Depression Therapy Options In 2022

We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Heres our process.

Online therapy and support services are effective and accessible resources to help you cope with postpartum depression.

While its natural to feel tired or emotional after having a new baby, some new parents experience deeper or more severe symptoms than the usual baby blues. They may be experiencing postpartum depression .

PPD can be difficult to manage on your own, especially when going through all of the changes that come with welcoming a new baby into your life. If youre looking for support, online therapy and support services can help.

Participating in individual therapy or a support group can provide you with support, guidance, and resources for coping with PPD and its symptoms.

Postpartum depression is a severe mental health condition that affects between 6.5% and 20% of women whove recently given birth. It can bring about intense changes in mood, feelings of hopelessness or wanting to withdraw from others, and in some cases causes thoughts of harming yourself or your baby.

While a 2014 review suggests that the condition often lasts 3 to 6 months, PPD can continue for several years. How long PPD lasts can vary, and symptoms may remain for far longer without treatment.

Most people with PPD notice signs within a few weeks of giving birth. Some, though, may not experience symptoms for several months.

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Let Her Know Her Feelings Are Valid

Reassuring new moms that their feelings are validno matter what they feelis incredibly important to the postpartum journey. Hormones are wild and new moms feel new things deeply. They are suddenly overwhelmed by an instinctual protective nature and deep love for another tiny human theyre wholly responsible for.

Its a lot.

How Depression Affects Fathers

When to Seek Help for Postpartum Depression

According to a 2010 studyexternal icon using data from 1993 to 2007, approximately 4% of fathers experience depression in the first year after their childs birth. By a childs 12th birthday, about 1 out of 5 fathers will have experienced one or more episodes of depression. Younger fathers, those with a history of depression, and those experiencing difficulties affording items such as a home or car were most likely to experience depression.

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Prenatal Vitamins & Omega 3 Fatty Acids + B12

Do not stop taking your prenatal vitamins now. I know you hated taking them during pregnancy but during this fourth trimester known as postpartum you should continue to take your prenatal vitamins.

They will give you essential vitamins that you may be lacking and help boost your system. They also help in keeping your pregnancy hair .

Did you know that vitamin B12 and Omega 3 Fatty Acids help with brain function? If youre suffering from postpartum depression, chances are you are not getting enough of these vitamins.

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