Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Nac For Anxiety And Depression

Can Nac Treat Mental Health Conditions

Treating chronic fatigue

Over the past decade, researchers have studied NAC for treating mental health conditions. Some of these include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive compulsive disorder. In these studies, doses of NAC ranged from 1200 mg per day to 3600mg per day. Below, well discuss how NAC works in the brain and what current research suggests about if it can treat mental health conditions.

Systemic Administration Of Nac Has Been Shown To Robustly Decrease Reinstatement Of Cocaine Heroin And Nicotine Seeking In Preclinical Models

The article hints at NAC being able to absorb the free-floating glutamate with an unknown mechanism.

Might we already know it?

Remember how drug addiction is tied to a drop in glutathione or an increase in oxidative stress?

Here’s the key point…cysteine is a rate-limiting agent for glutathione.

To make glutathione, you need cysteine, glycine, and glutamate.

If cysteine is lacking, you can’t make glutathione and consequently, you can’t soak up glutamate.

Hence, the increase in oxidative stress which on the surface, doesn’t exactly match the presence of these drugs.

One more piece which is even more fascinating .

Is glutamate imbalance the reason why some people are prone to addiction while others are not?

There’s a very intriguing animal study on that matter.

It’s not an easy setup but we’ll walk through because it’s too important.

They surgically created lesions on the hippocampus of rats in utero.

This lead to overactive food consumption when they grew up .

They then tested the adult rates for nicotine seeking.

The results:

A Quick Introduction To Nac

NAC is one of those supplements you don’t usually stumble on till late in your supplementation game.

Maybe it’s just the name N-Acetylcysteine.

It sounds complicated and a bit too obscure. It’s not a vitamin and it’s not a plant extract like turmeric.

So…what is it?

NAC is a way for us to get acetylcysteine. It’s one step away from a key amino acid we use called cysteine.

The “N” part just makes it easier for the gut to actually absorb it.

Usually, we get cysteine from meat and dairy products which of course leads to the need for folate, B6, and B12 to properly manage it.

So…despite the complicated name, it’s actually a pretty basic building block.

The net-net is’s critical for very important pathways throughout the brain and body:

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by pervasive and persistent behavioural symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity that interfere with social or academic functioning. ADHD is common in children , while 50% of patients display symptoms in adolescence and 30%60% have impairing symptoms as adults . The neurobiology of ADHD is very complex, while recent evidence suggests roles for neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and alterations in glutamatergic transmission in the aetiology of ADHD . For example, using MRS, increased glutamate levels have been detected in cortical and subcortical areas of the brain in children with ADHD, while both increases and decreases in glutamate levels are present in adult patients .

A separate 3-month double-blind placebo-control trial investigated the effects of NAC on patients diagnosed with ADHD-diagnosed and systemic lupus erythematosus, a self-destructive autoimmune disease characterized by GSH depletion, among other symptoms. The trial revealed some improvement in the cognitive/inattentive ADHD symptoms of patients using NAC .

Ability To Boost Glutathione Levels May Improve Immune Function


NAC and glutathione also benefit immune health.

Research on certain diseases associated with NAC and glutathione deficiency suggests that supplementing with NAC might improve and potentially restore immune function .

This factor has been studied most in people with HIV.

In two studies, supplementing with NAC resulted in a significant increase in immune function, with an almost complete restoration of natural killer cells (

45 ).

Overall, more human studies are needed. Therefore, be sure to talk with your doctor before taking NAC during cancer treatment .


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Via Its Additional Effect On Glutamate Via The Cystine

Think of glutamate as throttle and dopamine being the intended target.

There’s no “pleasure” associated with dopamine…that’s the role of the opioid system .

Dopamine is strictly “do that again”. Now imagine an imbalanced throttle hitting the dopamine system.

Do that again. Do that again. Do that again.

Interestingly…the mind has this excess “compelling” to do something and will attach it to something…grooming…door locking…hair pulling.

Speaking of compelling repetition of actions…that’s a great segue to CBD and addiction.

Check out CBD and OCD for more information on that pathway. Again, the new may be powerful players in that pathway.

What Can Nac Help

NAC is FDA-approved for acetaminophen overdoses and as a mucolytic . Acetaminophen, the generic version of Tylenol, is a common pain reliever. In cases of acetaminophen poisoning or overdose, NAC prevents or reduces liver damage.

As a mucolytic, NAC breaks up thick mucus in people with lung diseases, such as bronchitis, asthma, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . NAC may also treat or prevent a variety of conditions, such as heart attacks and strokes in people with kidney disease or trichotillomania , a type of OCD. As previously mentioned, NAC can be used as a prescription drug or a dietary supplement.

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What Is Better For Ocd Medications Or Nac

Antidepressants are typically the go-to treatment for OCD, primarily because a serotonin deficiency is linked to mental health conditions, like anxiety, depression, and OCD. OCD sufferers are linked to abnormal glutamate and dopamine levels, the presence of free radicals, and high inflammation levels. However, NAC helps regulate the levels, thereby, reducing intrusive thoughts, urges, fears, and compulsive behaviors. Some experts believe that is better to take NAC than become dependent on prescription medications to control your OCD symptoms.

Unlike many antidepressants, NAC does not come with serious side effects. It can also be obtained without a prescription, which makes it convenient and more affordable than other OCD medications. It is important to understand that research in this area is inconclusive. Still, the consensus is that NAC is safer, more effective, and more beneficial for OCD than traditional antidepressants.

How Does Nac Affect The Brain

What’s Greater Than Happiness? | NAC NJ Keynote in 5

NAC can affect the brain in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Less Stress Because NAC is an antioxidant, researchers believe it can effectively combat harmful free radicals. Large amounts of free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which can damage or destroy brain cells and tissues.
  • Reduce Inflammation NAC lower cytokines or inflammatory chemicals, in the brain. Researchers suggest that inflammation can play a role in conditions, like anxiety, OCD, depression
  • Lower Glutamate Levels Excess glutamate, a hormone/neurotransmitter, is linked to various mental health conditions, like OCD. Researchers suggest that NAC may lower glutamate levels, thereby, reducing obsessions and/or compulsions.
  • Increase Dopamine Levels Low levels of dopamine, a hormone/neurotransmitter responsible for emotional responses and behavior, can trigger OCD symptoms. According to researchers, NAC can increase dopamine levels, stabilize your mood, and reduce your obsessions and/or compulsions.

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Could Mental Illness Be Caused By Oxidative Stress

Top clinicians and researchers are exploring the role role oxidative stress plays in mental illness. There are several studies to peruse on PubMed.

A Meta-Analysis of Oxidative Stress Markers in Depression :

Studies have suggested that depression was accompanied by oxidative stress dysregulation, including abnormal total antioxidant capacity , antioxidants, free radicals, oxidative damage and autoimmune response products. This meta-analysis aims to analyse the clinical data quantitatively by comparing the oxidative stress markers between depressed patients and healthy controls.

Theres more.

See, Is depression associated with increased oxidative stress?

A systematic review and meta-analysis.

And, The efficacy of adjunctive N-acetylcysteine in major depressive disorder: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

These data implicate the pathways influenced by NAC in depression pathogenesis, principally oxidative and inflammatory stress and glutamate, although definitive confirmation remains necessary.)

See also, The Glutathione System: A New Drug Target in Neuroimmune Disorders

Glutathione depletion and concomitant increase in oxidative and neurological stress and mitochondrial dysfunctions play a role in the pathophysiology of diverse neuroimmune disorders, including depression, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and Parkinsons disease, suggesting that depleted GSH is an integral part of these diseases.

On and on it goes.

Potential Mental Health Applications Of Nac

NAC supplements have not been approved by the FDA for medical use. Supplements generally lack solid clinical research. Regulations set manufacturing standards for them, but dont guarantee that theyre safe or effective.

None of the information in this post should ever be used to replace conventional medical care. Always speak with your doctor before trying any new supplements or other health strategies.

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How Does Nac Work For Ocd Symptoms

As mentioned previously, NAC is a form of cysteine, an amino acid. Cysteine is innate, which means it is a naturally-occurring chemical in the body. When you supplement with NAC, it turns into glutathione, an antioxidant. Antioxidants are molecules that prevent free radicals or reactive oxygen species from damaging your body. Free radicals are naturally found in the body, but too many of them can be harmful.

Taking too much acetaminophen can cause your body to produce extra n-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine , which can be extremely toxic, and could cause liver damage. NAC combats NAPQI by triggering the production and release of glutathione, which in turn, detoxifies or inactivates NAPQI, and protects your liver from damage.

Studies indicate that NACs effectiveness is multifaceted. It not only targets and normalizes hormone/neurotransmitter functions but also reduces the damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation. NAC helps to limit or reverse this damage. Researchers have linked OCD to oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain.

NAC appears to trigger the production of natural liver enzymes, which help prevent, reduce, limit, and stop oxidative damage. It can also help areas of the brain and body that have been damaged by oxidative stress and inflammation. Researchers also found that people with OCD have high levels of glutamate, an extremely excitatory hormone/neurotransmitter. NAC reduces glutamate in the body, thereby, reducing OCD symptoms .

Depression And Bipolar Disorder

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Here is some of the research looking into NAC as a possible treatment for depression and bipolar disorder:

  • A randomized controlled trial examined 149 individuals with moderate depression. They received two grams of NAC or placebo. Before treatment, the estimated mean depression score was 19.7. At the end of the 8-week study, the score had decreased to 11.1. Individuals who received NAC witnessed improvements in functioning and quality of life .

  • Another randomized controlled trial looked at 75 patients with bipolar disorder. Two grams of NAC or placebo was given for 6 months. At the end of this period, the group who received NAC saw a reduction in their depression and significant improvements in their global, social and occupational functioning. The improvements were rated as medium to high and it was concluded that “NAC is a safe and effective augmentation strategy for depressive symptoms .

  • Several other studies have examined the effects of NAC on bipolar disorder and found that two grams of NAC daily significantly improves and even causes a full remission of both depressive and manic symptoms .

All of the above research makes sense in light of a meta-analysis that found that patients with bipolar disorder have significantly higher levels of oxidative stress and glutamate in their brain.

A number of mood-stabilizing medications aim to decrease glutamate, yet they come with numerous side effects .

NAC is definitely a better and healthier long-term option.

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Nac In Cannabis Use Disorder

Cannabis use disorder is tricky to treat, especially in adolescents. Even in adults, there are no tried and true medications that treat CUD.

But one trial looked at over 100 teenagers using cannabis. The study found that NAC may be helpful in stopping cannabis. In this study, NAC didnt have many side effects and was well-tolerated.

The same researchers then wanted to find out whether NAC could treat CUD in adults. They studied over 300 adults who took either NAC or placebo . NAC wasnt shown to be more effective than placebo.

Another study looked at whether NAC could treat depression in adults with CUD. Depression can be common among people with CUD. But this study of over 300 adults also didnt show that NAC improved depression symptoms.

Overall, its not clear whether NAC is effective at helping people reduce cannabis use. Larger studies are needed to see whether NAC is beneficial in CUD.

May Stabilize Blood Sugar By Decreasing Inflammation In Fat Cells

High blood sugar and obesity contribute to inflammation in fat tissue.

This can lead to damage or destruction of insulin receptors and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes .

Animal studies show that NAC may stabilize blood sugar by decreasing inflammation in fat cells and thereby improving insulin resistance .

When insulin receptors are intact and healthy, they properly remove sugar from your blood, keeping levels within normal limits.

However, keep in mind that human research on NAC is needed to confirm these effects on blood sugar control.


Oxidative damage to heart tissue often leads to heart disease, causing strokes, heart attacks, and other serious conditions.

NAC may reduce heart disease risk by reducing oxidative damage to tissues in your heart .

It has also been shown to increase nitric oxide production, which helps veins dilate and improves blood flow. This expedites blood transit back to your heart and can lower your risk of heart attacks .

Interestingly, in an older test-tube study, when combined with green tea, NAC appeared to reduce damage from oxidized LDL cholesterol, another contributor to heart disease .


NAC can reduce oxidative damage to your heart, which can, in turn, decrease your risk of heart disease.

Also Check: Depression And Other Common Mental Disorders Global Health Estimates

One Interesting Piece From New Research Early Trauma And Infection Can Ramp Down Serotonin Gaba And Ramp Up Neuroinflammation And Glutamate Later In Life

This may be the most exciting research to date in terms of getting to the root the issue .

There are actually many studies across different drugs but we have to move on.

Also, check CBD and addiction to understand how NAC and CBD might be powerful tools for addiction.

Finally, the reason we did this whole article on NAC to begin with.

THC. We know it well from all our work on CBD .

Our question runs deeper…why do some people chronically use THC.

What are they getting from it? What exactly are they self-medicating?

It’s not just the high feeling if you’re smoking multiple times a day.

Turns out…if you dig a little deeper, an old acquaintance pops up.

NDMAR is the receptor for…glutamate.

It gets more interesting:

Nac Supplements At The Nmh**

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The blend of herbs, vitamins, and minerals in Sharp Mind help processes associated with healthy cognition and memory. The antioxidants in Sharp Mind support focus. This comprehensive formula addresses the multiple pathways involved in neurological health by supporting oxidant and cytokine balance, methylation, mitochondrial function, and endocrine balance.*

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Why Are People Depressed And Anxious

Anxiety and other mental challenge have two components physical and psychological.

The psychological components of anxiety come from cultural brainwashing. Most of the problems we have in the West were taught to us. For example people feel anxious about growing old. In other cultures age and wisdom are celebrated. Some people obsess over their looks, becoming depressed when they lose them, and fail to build character.

We are also taught to let haters control us. For example, any article about a supplement even one that is clinically proven will be met with nasty comments.

  • Hey gorilla man is selling supplements.
  • Theres no such things as toxins!

People often refuse to take action because they are afraid of what haters will say. When you refuse to take action to improve your life, you continue the spiral of depression and anxiety, because youre not living the life YOU want to live.

Mindset training gets you past the societal bullsh-t, but there is an actual physiological basis for many depressive mental conditions.

Nac In Cocaine Use Disorder

NAC has also been studied for reducing cocaine cravings. NAC may help correct glutamate imbalances caused by long-term cocaine use. A large review of 21 studies suggests that NAC may prevent relapses in cocaine use disorder. But, its important to note that only 6 of these studies were of people and the other 15 were of animals.

The benefits of using NAC for cocaine use disorder is not clear. More research is needed to determine if NAC can help people lower cocaine use.

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Nac In Tobacco Use Disorder

Quitting smoking reduces your risk for many illnesses. This includes cancer, lung disease, and heart disease. But quitting smoking can be very challenging because nicotine is addictive.

Researchers have studied whether NAC is effective for treating tobacco use disorder. A small trial showed that people taking NAC smoked fewer cigarettes daily than those who did not take NAC.

Some researchers believe that NAC helps reduce cravings. In one study, heavy smokers were given a cigarette after they were asked to stop smoking for about 3 days. People taking NAC found the cigarette less rewarding than people not taking NAC. But more research is needed to see how helpful NAC is for treating nicotine use disorder.

Importantly, there are FDA-approved medications available for smoking cessation. Talk to your healthcare provider to find the best treatment to help you quit smoking.

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