Thursday, May 9, 2024

Seeing A Therapist For Depression

Communication Is Hard Really Hard

5 Signs You Are Seeing a BAD Therapist!

As a Marriage and Family Therapist, I am considered an expert in effective communication skills and strategies, yet as a human being I will still mess it up sometimes because effective communication is hard. It is both an art and a science, and as a result its really challenging. So, if nothing else, the setting of therapy can help you to improve your communication skills with any of the important people in your life friends, family, significant others, bosses, employees, etc. A really significant and meaningful part of what therapy provides is the opportunity to assist patients in shifting problematic communication styles out of the passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive patterns to assertive communication patterns. Effective therapists help patients learn how to express themselves in an assertive manner meaning a reciprocal way that honors their own voice, desires and values, and does not alienate, disrespect or harm others.

If you are ready for challenging yourself, stepping into discomfort, taking a look at some of the obstacles getting in your way, give us a call and see how we can offer support to you.

If you know someone who is depressed or anxious, it affects you too. The most important thing you can do is help your friend or relative get information and treatment. Valenta offers free assessments to start the process toward recovery.

Should I Go To Therapy If I Dont Need It

You dont need any specific reason or circumstance to go to therapy, so by all means, try it!

Who knows if youre thinking about therapy, maybe theres a reason you really do need it that you havent uncovered yet. If you go in with an open mind, theres most likely something you can gain from the experience.

Pay Close Attention To Your Own Responses

No matter how many professional accreditations your therapist has, your own feelings of trust and comfort should be your top priority. Will therapy be uncomfortable from time to time? Possibly. After all, youll likely be discussing difficult, personal topics.

But if you feel uncomfortable with your therapist for any other reason, its all right to look for someone else.

You dont need a reason to switch therapists. Its enough that you dont feel comfortable.

Here are a few things to notice as you talk with your therapist:

  • Does the therapist interrupt you, or do they listen carefully to what youre saying?
  • How does your body feel during a therapy session? Do you feel tense?
  • Does the therapist respect your time by being prompt to appointments?
  • Does the therapist brush off or invalidate your concerns?
  • Do you feel seen, heard, and respected during your session?

have shown that therapy conducted over video chat can be just as effective as in-person therapy.

Here are some options:

Therapists and psychiatrists aim to treat mental health conditions and improve emotional well-being. But there are key differences between the two professions.

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Types Of Therapy And Therapists

There are so many types of therapies and therapists it might feel a little overwhelming to get started. Just remember that no one type of therapy is best it all depends on your individual preferences and needs.

It is true that certain techniques are more useful than others in dealing with specific types of problems . But in general, research about the best type of therapy always reaches the same conclusion:

The philosophy behind the therapy is much less important than the relationship between you and your therapist.

If you feel comfortable and trusting in that relationship, the model of therapy, like your car, is just the vehicle that will help you move forward to a more fulfilling life. This will happen regardless of the circumstances that brought you to therapy.

Better Mental Health And Overall Wellbeing


Lastly, seeing a therapist is good for your mental health. And that’s good for your general wellbeing. There’s anxiety that comes from the anticipation rather than the participation itself. People can list 100 reasons not to go, but you just need one reason to go. It balances the scales. People are faced with the stigma that something is wrong with you or youre crazy. They shouldnt feel that is the case. In reality, people that go are typically healthier.

Read more:Why We Should All Start Talking About Mental Illness

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When To See A Child Therapist

Therapist is an umbrella term for several types of mental health professionals. Most often, people who refer to themselves as childrens therapists have a Masters degree in a mental health field like social work, marriage and family therapy, or mental health counseling. These therapists have attended a specialized 2 or 3 year graduate school program after college, as well as some time being supervised by another professional before they are allowed to practice therapy on their own.

A therapist can help a child to work through difficult situations, learn coping skills to manage strong feelings like anxiety and depression, and help families to communicate and get along better. Most therapists work directly with clients in an office setting, and they are less likely to be researchers or teachers. Therapists usually have an approach that is more practical and focused on problem-solving.

While a therapist can diagnose you and help you treat emotional or mental health problems, they cant prescribe medication. They may also not be the best bet if you need a diagnosis for an IEP or other school accommodations: often, schools prefer to hear from a psychologist for this.

Your child might benefit from seeing a therapist if:

Your Baseline Behavior Or Feelings Have Changed

If youre typically easy-going and find lately youre irritable a good portion of the time, or youre typically in a positive mood and find youre struggling to see more than the negative lately, or your normal is different than beforeits time to go see a therapist and investigate why. Maybe you know the why, but you could use some assistance in the how of getting back to your baseline. Jennifer Weaver-Breitenbecher MA, CAGS LMHC

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What Are The Benefits Of Seeing A Therapist

Seeing a therapist is an important part of dealing with mental health issues and there are many benefits of seeing a therapist. The benefits of therapy are numerous and the effectiveness of therapy is well-documented. Mental health can greatly impact physical health, so a primary care doctor may also refer you to a therapist if/when you have chronic illness or present with physical symptoms.

Benefits of having a therapist include:

  • Hearing from an individual that has an unbiased perspective
  • The opportunity to process previous experiences and past traumas in a healthy way
  • Learning healthy ways and coping skills to manage stress, depression and anxiety.
  • Increasing your confidence and developing a healthy self-image and self-esteem.

Youre Going Through A Transition

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Starting a new job, moving to a new city, becoming a parent, or ending a relationship are just a few examples of major life transitions that might create a fair amount of distress for you.

Talking to someone might provide you with the emotional support, guidance, and advice you need to adapt to the changes in your life.

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Youre Ready For A Big Change Or Transition

If you feel like youre about to undergo a major change, it might be time to seek support.

Transitions are a normal part of life, Lyons says. However, transitions also require the development of new skills and perspectives. Therapy can help support those changes.

Understandably, sometimes we have a tough time summoning the courage to make the changes we need, she says. But, therapy can help us identify the potential benefits to transitions, so we can gain the motivation we need to follow through.

There are many benefits to seeing a therapist so you can work through anything that is negatively impacting your mental health.

Good Depression Therapist: Traits Cost How To Find One

Finding a depression therapist is something that takes careful consideration and research. Not everybody is a good therapist for depression. Therefore, it is important to take the time needed to ensure that the therapist you choose has the experience and education necessary to properly treat you. Its also important that the depression therapist be a good fit for you. This is critical for your depression treatment and recovery.

Seeing a therapist for depression is a powerful first step toward feeling better and recovering from the condition. Lets take a look at the qualifications to consider when selecting a good depression therapist one that best fits your mental health and financial needs.

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Relationships Are Difficult For You

If you find it hard to keep friends or you frequently find yourself in conflict with others, therapy can help. When romantic relationships feel hard to manage feel hard to manage or not worth the effort, that is another sign you may want to speak with a professional. Reasons for this often originate early in life, says Dr. Alter. A discussion with a therapist about your relationship history can usually shed some light on current conflicts. In therapy, you may strategize ways to communicate with others, or even role-play difficult conversations with the therapist as a stand-in for your friend, boss, or loved one, according to Dr. Howes. And if your partner seems down, here are 10 easy ways to help make them feel loved

Youre Constantly Asking Friends & Family For Advice

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Your loved ones arent your therapists, nor should they be. Even your therapist family and friends, arent your therapists. This is a good thingit allows us to keep the boundaries from getting messy and blurred. If you notice your friends and family have become your regular sounding board, its time to find a new sounding board. While it sometimes feels the most comfortable to talk to those we already know, it doesnt mean its the most effective way to become unstuck. In fact, turning to particular people because they make us feel better may actually enable our symptoms and allow us to feel stuck longer. Jennifer Weaver-Breitenbecher MA, CAGS LMHC

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Consider Seeing A Psychiatrist First

There’s a tendency for some new patients to visit a counselor or psychologist for their initial mental health evaluation rather than a psychiatrist. This can be beneficial for many people, especially if your case is not severe, but for others, it’s often not enough.

Only psychiatrists are also medical doctors, which means that they are able to prescribe medications.

If your depression stems from a chemical imbalance, talk therapy will not be sufficient to treat you. It’s best to make your initial visit to a psychiatrist, who can both prescribe medications and offer you psychotherapy if it’s needed. This two-pronged approach of medication and talk therapy is often the most beneficial to patients.

Psychotherapy is a broad term for a variety of different verbal and psychological techniques that are employed to help an individual work through their mental health condition or source of underlying stress. These techniques include but are not limited to psychoanalytic therapy or psychodynamic psychotherapy, behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy . Oftentimes, other mental health professionals in the field such as counselors and social workers will draw from psychotherapeutic techniques and use them with their clients.

Tips For Evaluating Your Progress In Therapy

  • Is your life changing for the better? Look at different parts of your life: work, home, your social life.
  • Are you meeting the goals you and your therapist have set?
  • Is therapy challenging you? Is it stretching you beyond your comfort zone?
  • Do you feel like youre starting to understand yourself better?
  • Do you feel more confident and empowered?
  • Are your relationships improving?
  • Your therapist should work with you, reevaluating your goals and progress as necessary. However, remember that therapy isnt a competition. You are not a failure if you dont meet your goals in the number of sessions that you originally planned. Focus instead on overall progress and what youve learned along the way.

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    What If Ive Already Tried Therapy And It Didnt Work

    Sometimes therapy doesnt work right away. Even in an ideal therapy situation, it can take time for symptoms to improve. months or years. Going to therapy and seeing no change may cause frustration. Perhaps you havent found the right therapist, so its worth it to continue your search for help. If youre still experiencing any of the symptoms above, therapy should still be an option. Dont stop your quest to improve your mental health.

    It can help to look for a therapist who treats what youre experiencing. If you dont have a diagnosis, you can talk to potential therapists about your symptoms. Most therapists will let you know if theyre able to treat your concern. If they cant, they may be able to recommend someone who can.

    Keep in mind different approaches may be better for different issues. If you didnt feel heard in your previous therapy, or if your symptoms have changed since your last therapy session, a different therapist might be exactly what you to move forward.

    What Questions Will The Doctor Ask You

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    Your doctor may ask you to answer questions to determine your feelings and find out how severe your depression might be. These may include:

    • What is your interest in doing activities you normally like to do?

    • Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or are you sleeping too much?

    • Are you tired or have little energy?

    • Are you having changes in your appetite or overeating?

    • Are you having trouble concentrating?

    • Are you feeling poorly about yourself?

    • Are you irritable?

    • Are you feeling excessive guilt?

    • Are you having morbid thoughts?

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    Or Ask How Does That Make You Feel

    This is another film and television cliche. If you think about how stupid the question can be, youll understand why most therapists dont do this.

    Imagine you told a therapist your father cheated on your mother and ran out on you when you were a kid. Then he responded with And how does that make you feel?

    Obviously it made you feel terrible, so why bother with such a useless question?

    Therapist Rick Cormier is familiar with this cliche and has half-jokingly told his clients: I promise never to ask how anything makes you feel. I care about how you function.

    Finding The Right Therapist For You

    Finding the right therapist will probably take some time and work, but its worth the effort. The connection you have with your therapist is essential. You need someone who you can trustsomeone you feel comfortable talking to about difficult subjects and intimate secrets, someone who will be a partner in your recovery. Therapy wont be effective unless you have this bond, so take some time at the beginning to find the right person. Its okay to shop around and ask questions when interviewing potential therapists.

    Experience matters. One of the main reasons for seeing a therapist, rather than simply talking to a friend, is experience. Look for a therapist who is experienced in treating the problems that you have. Often, therapists have special areas of focus, such as depression or eating disorders. Experienced therapists have seen the problems youre facing again and again, which broadens their view and gives them more insight. And for some problems, such as trauma or PTSD, seeing a specialist is absolutely essential.

    Learn about different treatment orientations. Many therapists practice a blend of orientations. However, its a good idea to learn about the different treatment types, because that can affect your therapists way of relating and the suggested length of treatment.

    Questions to ask yourself when choosing a therapist

    Whats most important in a therapist or counselor is a sense of connection, safety, and support. Ask yourself the following questions:

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    Consult Your Provider Directory

    If you plan to pay for therapy through your insurance plan, your first step might be to look through your plans provider network.

    Its also a good idea to find out whether your plan limits the number of sessions you can attend each year and whether using an out-of-network therapist will affect your out-of-pocket costs.

    Looking for ways to support your mental health and well-being? Try Healthlines FindCare tool to connect with mental health professionals nearby or virtually so you can get the care you need.

    Youve Lost Interest In Activities You Used To Enjoy


    Whether you love gardening or you find great joy in visiting antique shops, losing interest in activities you usually find pleasurable is a sign that something may be off in your life.

    Of course, its normal for your interests to come and go. But if you lose interest in almost everything you like to do, your disinterest may be a sign of something bigger.

    Maybe you are growing a little depressed. Or maybe you are developing some anxiety. A therapist can help you uncover why youve lost interest in those things as well as help you see how the lack of fun activity can take a toll on your well-being.

    Together, you might create a plan to help you feel better and incorporate more pleasurable activities into your daily life.

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    Making The Most Of Therapy And Counseling

    To make the most of therapy, you need to apply what youre learning in your sessions to real life. Fifty minutes in therapy each week isnt going to fix you its how you use what youve learned in the rest of your time. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your sessions:

    Make healthy lifestyle changes. There are many things you can do in your daily life to support your mood and improve your emotional health. Reach out to others for support. Get plenty of exercise and sleep.Eat well. Make time for relaxation and play. The list goes on

    Dont expect the therapist to tell you what to do. You and your therapists are partners in your recovery. Your therapist can help guide you and make suggestions for treatment, but only you can make the changes you need to move forward.

    Make a commitment to your treatment. Dont skip sessions unless you absolutely have to. If your therapist gives you homework in between sessions, be sure to do it. If you find yourself skipping sessions or are reluctant to go, ask yourself why. Are you avoiding painful discussion? Did your last session touch a nerve? Talk about your reluctance with your therapist.

    You will get the most out of therapy if you are open and honest with your therapist about your feelings. If you feel embarrassed or ashamed, or something is too painful to talk about, dont be afraid to tell your therapist. Slowly, you can work together to get at the issues.

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