Friday, May 3, 2024

Am I Falling Out Of Love Or Just Depressed

Remember To Be Grateful

Am I Falling Out Of Love?

As youre discovering how to live with a depressed spouse,instead ofgiving in to fear or becoming resentful of your partner, remember to be grateful. When we are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.Practice gratitude in all aspects of your life, but especially with your spouse. Remember all the great qualities you love about them and choose to live in abeautiful state.


Depression is serious. With all the resources out there, just knowing where to start can be overwhelming. If youre thinking about ending your life, call one of the suicide hotlines: 800-SUICIDE and 800-273-TALK . If you have a plan to commit suicide, go to the emergency room for immediate treatment. The information and other content provided in this article, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. See full disclaimer.

Can Depression Make You Want To Leave A Relationship

Symptoms of depression include a low sense of self-worth and a reduced interest in socializing and other activities, including sex. These may affect how a person feels about being in a relationship. If dissatisfaction with the relationship is a factor, the person may wish to leave. Depression can be a chronic illness, and having depression or looking after someone with depression can be challenging. This, too can put a strain on a relationship. Counselors can often help people work together to resolve problems within a relationship.

Unhealthy Partners May Gaslight You

I dated my unhealthy partner while working on my second masters degree in counseling, so its ironic to me now that I didnt even realize it when gaslighting had become a daily part of my relationship.

Id approach my partner to talk about something that had upset me, like the time they said something disrespectful in front of my friends at dinner, and walk away feeling selfish for bringing it up in the first place. Maybe what they said wasnt so badmaybe I was being overly sensitive, Id think to myself. I was never sure, and my partner liked it that way.

Gaslighting is an emotional abuse tactic that unhealthy partners can use to make you second-guess yourself. If its happening to you, you might think, maybe Im just overreacting every time something your partner does makes you uncomfortable. Or you might find yourself apologizing for things that arent actually your fault.

RELATED: What I Wish I Had Known About Gaslighting Before It Happened To Me

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Depressed People May Not Want As Often As We Used To

A depressed lover may need less because he or she has a low drive, or your “blue” mate may seek out more to fulfill washing away that sad and dull feeling courtesy of depression. The former scenario is more common than the latter, but quite a few depressed lovers seek as therapeutic and will want a lot of touch and foreplay.

This is fine as long as the person isn’t seeking it outside of the relationship or to avoid dealing with uncomfortable feelings like an addiction.

On the flip side, if your depressed partner doesn’t want to have this can be very hard on you. Talk to your partner openly about this and pay attention to your despondent lover’s bedroom habits.

The Falling Out Of Love Warning Signs Quiz

What are the best quotes about failure in love?
  • We have very few shared interests or times that we enjoy being together.
  • Staying together is just not a priority for me, for my partner, or for both of us.
  • Flirting with others appeals to me so does sex with other partners.
  • In my gut, I don’t see my partner as a truly good person.
  • We have a hard time talking over differences constructively.
  • I’d rather not talk about what bothers me than risk getting into arguments about it.
  • I still resent some of the hurtful things my partner has said and done in the past.
  • There are things in my life that have disturbed me deeply, and/or my partner continues to be profoundly upset about something in his/her life, and we don’t talk about these experiences.
  • I rarely feel playful or joyful about my relationship when I look ahead at our future, I feel bleak.
  • I rarely express appreciation, affection, or gratitude toward my partner. I find myself feeling irritated toward them.
  • How to interpret your score:

    A score that’s all 0’s would be ideal, but few people are that perfect.

    1’s and 2’s indicate areas in your relationship where there is room for improvement. The fewer the 1’s and 2’s in comparison to the 0’s, the more secure and connected you are to your loved onebut at the same time, even a little improvement in these areas is likely to make your relationship all the more loving.

    Any 3’s mean danger ahead. It’s best do something right away about these. Check out online resources or seek counseling.

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    When My So Has A Rough Day Sometimes It Draws Me From My Cocoon To Try To Make Him Feel Better

    Mature individuals understand that nondepressed folks have bad days sometimes. Bad days are part of being a person.

    Ive been dealing with depression. When my S.O. has a rough day, sometimes it draws me from my cocoon to try to make him feel better. Its pretty easy for me to tell if hes had a rough day, so hiding it would just make the atmosphere uncomfortable and make me feel like he is somehow coddling me. I love him so much, I hate seeing him down, so even if I havent managed to bathe or change my clothes cause I just dont wanna, cant, I will still try to do SOMETHING to make him feel better, and it just might make me feel better along the way.

    Silly little things matter so, so much.

    I think a good way to let your S.O. know youre having a bad day but you are still there for her is something like this: Hey, sweetie/punkin/boo, Ive had a rough day. Knowing youre my girl/coming home to you makes me feel better though. Lets go to bed early. Haha. I sleep more when Im depressed, and my S.O. likes to sleep a lot anyhow.thiskitchenisbitchin

    What Is Samhsa’s National Helpline

    SAMHSAs National Helpline, , or TTY: is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.

    Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 to find help near you. Read more about the HELP4U text messaging service.

    Don’t Miss: What Can Lead To Depression

    The 7 Most Important Things To Know When You Love Someone With Depression

    By Laura Lifshitz Written on Dec 12, 2021

    Depression might just be one of the worst things ever because it’s as if you’re sinking no matter how hard you try to swim to the surface. It’s as if you’re bound and gagged and no matter what knife you use to slice the bounds, you can’t.

    I’m what they call a bubbly, effervescent woman, but I’ve experienced depression in my life. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 14.8 million American adults have Major Depressive Disorder per year. That’s a lot of people.

    When you love someone with depression, your relationship may not always be easy. Loving someone who is dealing with depression takes work.

    Questions To Help Support And Collaborate

    Falling Out Of Love – Original Song

    It can be tempting to just do things for your partner when theyre in a depressive state, because one symptom of depression is lack of motivation. But Julie Fast warns that this may be a mistake, leading instead to increasing their sense of helplessness and dependency.

    Karen and Julie suggest these questions to help your partner find their own way through their symptoms, with you there by their side:

    • What helped the last time you were depressed like this?
    • What do we need to do as a team to get through this rotten downswing?
    • Whats the best way for me to help you?
    • How are you doing with your medications? Are you feeling any difference?
    • Who can we call to help us get through this tough time?
    • What do you need from me?
    • What changes can help you feel better right now?

    Both experts also emphasized the use of collaborative language to help your partner feel supported. Avoid placing blame or full responsibility on your partner, but also avoid taking on all agency or responsibility for yourself.

    Also Check: Who Diagnoses Anxiety And Depression

    Why Is It Hard For Me To Get Over My Ex

    Getting over an ex is never easy, but some things can make it harder. Getting over them can be hard when you feel lonely, because you may start to think that the only person you were connected to was them.

    It can also happen when you lose confidence in yourself with this relationship. Abusive relationships tend to lead you to believe that the only right person for you was that partner, so getting over them can be extremely hard.

    Along with that, having in mind only the positive aspects of the relationship can make it harder for you to let go. So next time you think about what had been, try to look at the good and the bad. You may also have some trouble with letting go. And this might not only be in your relationship, but it is something important to work on.

    Signs You’re Falling Out Of Love

    1. You dont worry about them as much.

    When youre in love, you cant imagine living without that person, which is why you worry about them constantly, especially if they are late coming home or havent returned a call in a long period of time. However, when youre over someone, you arent as emotionally attached and those things that used to make you wonder and worry dont as much.

    2. Youre no longer proud to be with them.

    If you realize you are more embarrassed or ashamed to be associated with your partner, your mind has already checked out of the relationship. Not thinking, Thats my boyfriend/girlfriend! and instead thinking something like Uhhh, yeah thats my boyfriend/girlfriend indicates youre not proud to be with them.

    3. You’re constantly comparing them to others.

    A sure sign you’re falling out of love? “You find yourself comparing them to every potential you could have if you werent with them,” says relationship expert Rachel DeAlto who appeared on TLC’s . “You begin to believe that any relationship could be better than the one youre in.”

    4. Physical intimacy is a thing of the past.

    5. You dont plan dates.

    6. Your relationship is not up-leveling.

    7. You stay with someone for their own wellbeing.

    Also Check: Is Zoning Out A Symptom Of Depression

    Depressed People May Experience Mood Swings

    I have friends and have dated men whose depression seemed to come out of nowhere, like some terroristic mood attack on their brains. Don’t be surprised if your partner is happy-go-lucky one minute and then the next day, slowly sinking into the fog of depression.

    Sudden mood swings between elation and lows could be manic depression, and that’s not when I’m talking about.

    A depressed partner may seem fine and then start to drift into a sad state. Doing things to keep your partner active and less-stressed is key but, most importantly, your partner should be able to recognize the impending depression and trying to prevent being bogged down in its claws.

    But if someone is severely depressed, he or she is going to have an immensely hard time doing that. You’ll have to be patient if you want to deal with this.

    How Partners Can Help

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    For partners of people with depression, it is important for them to understand that they cannot treat someones mental health condition. They also cannot make someone seek help if they do not want to.

    What partners can do is offer understanding, love, and compassion. If someone feels that they are in a loving and secure relationship, they may feel more supported in seeking treatment.

    Some other things that partners can do to help include:

    • Learning about depression: People can educate themselves about depression, how it affects people, and its treatment options to gain a better understanding of what their partner is going through.
    • Providing a safe space: Give the person with depression space to share their thoughts and feelings without judgment. Validate these thoughts and feelings.
    • Offering practical support: When necessary, partners can help with tasks that the person finds difficult, such as cooking meals or going to appointments.
    • Setting boundaries and expectations: Although support is essential, there are limits to what partners can do to help. It is important to ensure that both people understand this and that limitations in support are not due to a lack of care.

    It is also important that partners look after their own mental health when caring for someone with depression. They may wish to consider speaking with a therapist themselves.

    Here are some answers to questions people often ask about relationship depression.

    Also Check: Depression After Birth Of Baby

    What Can I Do If It Is Happening To Me

    If you are considering if you are falling out of love, or if you are depressed. Before taking any action on your relationship, you should figure that out. If you realize you are depressed, you may want to think if it started before or after the relationship started.

    If it came before, it might be that your partner fell in love with the person you are when you are depressed.

    They are not to blame for your condition, they may have made it worse, or in some cases made you feel more protected, having a positive impact on you. So to decide what to do, you might want to look for professional help, namely a therapist.

    With one, you will be able to talk, without any judgment about your thoughts and feelings. It will help you understand them better and learn more about your triggers, and how that relationship may be impacting you, and your mental health. If it turns out they are not good for you, it might mean it is time to call it quits.

    Before doing it, you can do an exercise to imagine how your life would be without your partner. Or even how it would feel to you to know they have somebody else. If thinking of those possibilities doesnt bring you any feelings, it is a sign you have fallen out of love.

    But if you feel anything when considering those possibilities, it can mean that you are still in love with them, but your depression is affecting your emotions and the way you express them. In those cases, therapy will help you find better ways to express your emotions.

    Signs That Depression Is Eroding Your Relationship

    If youre depressed, you could be dragging your mate to the dumps with you. Here are 5 common symptoms that wreck relationships and expert advice on how to get love back on trackWhen youre in a relationship and feeling depressed, two people suffer. Karen S., a business executive in her late 20s, had been with her boyfriend eight months when she fell into a funk.She no longer enjoyed her favorite activities, preferring to spend weekends sleeping in and watching TV. Her boyfriend missed the fun-loving, outgoing woman hed fallen for. Their sex life was nonexistent. He thought she wasnt interested in him anymore.A few months later, Karen’s doctor diagnosed her with depression. She eventually got the help she needed, but it was too late – the relationship didnt survive.That doesnt surprise Miami marriage and family therapist Lisa Paz, Ph.D.Depression makes the non-depressed partner feel helpless and confused, she says. silence, withdrawal, and no sex or desire to do anything, partners think this is the turn the relationship is taking that this is the way its always going to be.

    Check out Health Bistro for more healthy food for thought. See what Lifescript editors are talking about and get the skinny on latest news. Share it with your friends , and bookmark it so you dont miss a single juicy post!

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    Is It Ok To Break Up

    Although, it might be time to be concerned about your relationship, when mental illness symptoms are getting in the way of your day-to-day life, or your safety is being compromised. You can definitely be in a healthy relationship with someone who has a mental illness but keep an eye out for when things get unhealthy. Some of the tell-tale signs that your relationship is unhealthy:

    • Inability to control emotions
    • Lack of remorse or empathy for people or animals
    • Narcissistic behaviors

    If any of these red flags come up, dont ignore them. Violence or abuse of any capacity should not be tolerated, regardless of mental illness status. Your safety is important, and that comes first.In general, having a mental illness is not an excuse to treat someone poorly, with disrespect, or lack of empathy. People with mental illnesses are certainly able to treat others with respect and love, just as people without a mental illness may treat you poorly. If you do decide to end your relationship, be conscious of how your words may affect your partner and be sensitive to the issues they are struggling with.

    Falling Out Of Love Or Depression

    Salem – Fall Out Of Love (Feat. Carlie Hanson) (Official Audio)

    The answer is: “It depends.”

    There are so many factors involved with relationships that it is impossible to offer any black and white answers to such questions. It really does depend upon your unique set of circumstances. A situation where two people have been dating for three months is very different from being married for twenty years and having three children.

    A circumstance where one spouse is consistently abusive is very different from a situation where two partners are loving and respectful to each other but may be drifting apart. There is also a big difference when the depressed partner acknowledges that they need help versus the partner who refuses to take any sort of responsibility for themselves or for the relationship.

    So where does that leave the person who wants to know what to do about their relationship with a depressed partner? It is important to understand that although depression may sometimes have a biological cause, stress and life events can definitely push one over the edge into a full-blown depressive episode.

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