Saturday, May 4, 2024

Depression Is A Silent Killer

Depression Hurts And Not Just Mentally

How to deal with depression, the silent killer | Health Diary

Depression is often manifested physically, more proof that it’s a real illness… Depression can make it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, it seems to suck all of the energy out of you.

It can lead to stress in the body, back pain, headaches, loss of appetite, insomnia, a diminished libido, fatigue, weight loss and/or weight gain. Remember the old saying, “sound body, sound mind”? Well, it goes both ways.

Depression Prevention And Treatment Programs

As with any condition, early treatment is ideal. The later the visit to the therapist, the more difficult it will be to get a beneficial outcome from any treatment. Left untreated, depression can progress to a chronic state, with significant deterioration of the individuals quality of life, and doctors say that suicide or substance abuse can follow from this.

Particular aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of patients with depression include difficulty in discussing their emotional issues and the tendency to seek help only for physical problems, the reluctance to go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist for fear of the stigma, ignoring the condition for a long period of time, and the lack of a helpful reaction from family, friends, colleagues, and everyone else around.

As with any condition, early treatment is ideal.

Still, there are solutions and information resources that many people can benefit from. An example would be the online platform, designed specifically as a means of support and information for those who suffer from depression or who have a close one who is experiencing it. The information, easily accessible to the general public, comes from specialists in the field of psychiatry.

Symptoms And Patterns Of Depression

Depressive episodes usually involve feeling sad, irritable, and empty you may think that life has lost its meaning. During a depressive episode, a person loses pleasure or interest in activities for most days almost every day for at least two weeks. Other symptoms include difficulty concentrating, suicidal thoughts, low self-worth, feelings of excessive guilt, fatigue, changes in appetite or weight, and disrupted sleep.

Some people may express their mood changes in bodily symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and weakness these symptoms dont stem from another medical condition. Depressive episodes usually affect your life, including family, education, and occupation.

A depressive episode can be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe depending on the symptoms number, intensity, and impact on an individuals functioning. Below are different patterns of mood disorders.

  • Single episode depressive disorder. It is the persons first and only episode
  • Recurrent depressive disorder. Here, an individual has had at least two depressive episodes in the past.
  • Bipolar disorder means that an individual experiences depressive episodes and manic symptoms, including increased energy, euphoria or irritability, talkativeness, racing thoughts, impulsive, reckless behavior, and increased self-esteem.

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A Silent Killer: 10 Reasons Why Depression Is Nothing At All Like You Think It Is

As many people know by now, Robin Williams tragically passed away yesterday from a battle with depression.

I think I speak for nearly everyone when I say that it feels like we all just lost a close friend.

There was something about the twinkle in Williams’ eye that made him feel incredibly familiar. His smile made you feel warm inside, and his laugh seemed to make the world just a little bit better.

He had an immeasurable ability to capture essentially every human emotion, and could bring you from laughter to tears within seconds.

Whether you were watching him as the Genie in “Aladdin,” Peter Pan in “Hook,” or as the profoundly wise yet sad shrink in “Good Will Hunting,” Robin Williams was a natural at connecting with people.

He made us feel OK that we’re a little bit crazy inside because he let all of his crazy out in public… He wore his heart on his sleeve.

Williams wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable, which makes it so tragic that he felt the need to take his life without reaching out to others.

As President Barack Obama so aptly put it:

It’s also important to remember Robin Williams not only for who he was on the screen, but as a human being. Sometimes those who are laughing the loudest are simply attempting to drown an unspeakable sadness within.

Depression is a serious illness, and it impacts people all over the world, famous or not. If you feel depressed, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. In fact, you are more normal than you think. You are not alone.

I Might Not Have Recognised It


Depression is sometimes known as the silent killer, which I now understand. This is because of its longevity without notice. It appears in different forms and can strip away everything you own, love, and care about.

I started experiencing feelings of helplessness at the very early stage of my pregnancy. I had an episode of depression, known as perinatal depression, at the age of 32 following the birth of my daughter. I might not have recognised it only for my aunt-in-law. Having experienced it herself, she was able to recognize the symptoms.

It all started during the first trimester when I was advised that my pregnancy was considered high risk. With little information, I jumped to many conclusions. My thoughts went to: my daughter will never bond with me and I will pass on the disease to my child, and she will blame me for it and hate me forever. I believed these overwhelming thoughts and it affected my whole way of being and doing. At the same time, I experienced moodiness, fatigue, and constant headaches. I could no longer recognise myself in the mirror. My usual bubbly and confident personality was gone.

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Why Depression Is A Silent Killer

Depression is a common but serious medical illness that negatively affects your feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Feelings of sadness and hopelessness characterize depression you may also lose interest in activities you once enjoyed. However,depression San Diego is different from the usual mood fluctuations or temporary emotional responses to everyday challenges. Depression can become a severe health condition if recurrent or symptoms range from moderate to severe. The good news is that depression is among the most treatable mental disorders, with about 80-90% of people with depression responding well to treatment.

How Depression May Be Harming Your Health

Depression is a silent killer when ignored. Many people suffering from depression never seek medical attention during their entire lives. They choose to absorb the burden of depression into their different body systems. This can lead to physical symptoms and various diseases at a later stage.

This is a more serious issue than you might think, as depression has many alarming effects on the human body. This article explains how depression can affect your body and cause disability and disease.

Also Check: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness And Depression

Depression A Silent Killer

Shirley J. Davis

For many who read this blog, speaking about depression may seem redundant. However, an enemy that isnt acknowledged becomes a silent killer. So, for both those who understand too well what depression is and how it affects our lives and those who dont know I am writing this post.

Every human on planet earth experiences depression. There are no exceptions. When we lose jobs, loved ones, or face a significant negative life change, it is not at all uncommon for human beings to feel out of control and incredibly saddened. These feelings are transient, meaning that over time they will ease and then disappear without any medical intervention.

However, for three million people in the United States per year, depression becomes more than just being sad. It blooms into a full-blown medical crisis that can last for weeks, months, and even years. For the medical community, this condition earned the name, clinical depression.

Depression: Why Is This Silent Killer Taking Our Youth Away

Depression: The Male Silent Killer

Recently most of us were shaken by the death of the well-known television actress, Pratyusha Banerjee. Her sudden death has brought to light the very common yet under-addressed problem – Depression – that a number of youths are living with.

Most mental and emotional health issues are inconspicuous in nature and, therefore, cause more harm than they otherwise should, most people still live with a number of symptoms of depression without even realizing it or do little to address it. When the depressive symptoms last for more than 2 weeks and affect the individual’s personal, social or occupational life, it is known as clinical depression or major depression. There is often a delay in opting for the treatment because of the social taboo associated with depression.

Although cases of depression can vary from an individual to the other, there are signs that one can look out for, to identify a depressed person:

– Low mood most of the time of day along with frequent crying spells

– Feeling of unworthiness and low self-respect are very common in a depressed person. Due to these feelings, the affected person may become very critical and disapproving about himself or herself.

– Lack of enjoyment and loss of interest in a depressed person makes them no longer derive pleasure from things that once gave him or her happiness.

– From indulging in comfort eating to losing the will to eat, predominantly loss of appetite characterizes a depressed person.

– Major depression

Bipolar disorder

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Depression The Silent Killer

As mental health disorders continue to be diagnosed at an alarming rate, it has become evident that those who suffer are often compelled to initiate self harm to relive them of the symptoms. As it stands, mental illness is the only known disorder that carries a stigma of shame, guilt, and societal judgment so great that often the only recourse for relief is suicide. Until we as a society can show the same compassion and empathy towards mental illness and addiction that we do towards other diseases, we will continue to lose our children, parents, friends, and idols to something that is more times than not, preventable.

The following remarks were penned by a powerful advocate and someone who truly cares, Ms. Katy Peiters-Haslar.

“There are a lot of great posts, articles, and other sentiments out there right now in the wake of the suicide-deaths of two very prominent public figures. The outpouring of support is great, but I wonder if those who have never experienced a clinical depression, the jail of addiction, or extreme anxiety understand WHY this tragedy happens, especially to people who seemingly “had it all.”

This stuff is complicated, not easy to understand if you’ve never been there, but not at ALL surprising, if you understand that head space at all, when someone finally succumbs to those unrelenting, punishing thoughts.

For more information on mental health or addiction please visit or call 1-888-883-8433

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How Can You Overcome Depression

1. See a therapist

Depression is not childs play you cant snap your fingers and wish it away. Depression could go on for years, disrupt ones entire life, and derail one from set goals.

So, rather than keep to yourself and shut out the world or try to fight it on your own, its better to see someone who specializes in helping people deal with depression.

Sometimes, the doctor might prescribe some medications, techniques, and supplements that would help you manage your depression better.

So, if you think youre depressed, endeavor to turn on your phones location and search mental wellness center near me.Go to the nearest one and speak with a licensed therapist.

2. Set goals

One of the feelings associated with depression is the feeling that one cannot accomplish anything.. Theyre usually accompanied by various depreciative thoughts like, Nothing I try ever works out, I dont deserve this or that, I am not worthy of this, No one can love me, et cetera. Someone constantly thinking such thoughts will only sink deeper into depression.

So, a counter-strategy is to set small goals that you can easily accomplish for yourself and then go ahead to accomplish them. It could be something as simple or basic as washing the dishes, doing the laundry, learning a new instrument, learning to drive, joining a sports team, et cetera.

This gives you a sense of accomplishment and keeps you busy at the same time.

3. Exercise constantly

4. Challenge negative thoughts

6. Sleep

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Treatment Goals For Depression

In addition to understanding depression, it is also important to remember that there are treatment goals for depression.

Manage symptoms

One common goal of therapy is the reduction or elimination of depressive symptoms. In some cases, a person will be prescribed medication in an effort to correct any chemical imbalances in their brain however, other methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and/or lifestyle changes can be effective in reducing depression.

Providing a safe environment

If you suspect someone you care about is suffering from depression, its important that you provide a safe environment in which they feel comfortable sharing what they are experiencing. By understanding this mental disorder from both perspectives, you can provide the support your loved one needs to recover.

Returning to the world without the illness

The final goal of treating depression is to help a person fully return to the world. It can be difficult for someone who has been suffering from clinical depression for years to suddenly find themselves feeling better, so it is important that you do not force your loved ones into activities or interactions they are uncomfortable with. Forcing them to do something they are not ready for can cause them to retreat from their support system and begin experiencing depressive symptoms again.

Depression Is A Silent Killer


Depression has once again claimed another happy soul, her friends & Family are very shocked about it.

Early this morning I woke up and like I always do, took my phone and started scrolling through my social media and this time it was my Facebook.

I came across a post by one guy who has lost his friend to Suicide and it touched me. I then took it upon myself to just go through her timeline and in all honesty, I don’t know why I did that, seeing that I do not know the lady but, I guess a part of me was curious to see how people that know her feel about it and how it has affected them.

After reading a few post on her timeline posted by her friends mostly, and seeing how shocked they are, I found myself too in tears, as much as I dont know the lady but I found myself relating to her and her pain, but the only difference between us is that Im still alive.

It hurt me the most when I saw one post by her friend, whom she seemed to be reaching out to, I guess she must have been silently crying out for help to her but not saying much in words but, her friend seems to be left with the guilt of how she wishes she couldve been there for her.

She has left her friends and family with endless questions they will struggle to find answers to. I feel sorry for the baby she has left behind, it must have been hard, I hope her soul may rest in perfect peace.

I wrote a poem inspired by her story, Enjoy.

It’s usually hidden under

I know I will find it, its been promised to me before

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I Could Only See Darkness Where There Was Light

I had many fears about the birth and intense feelings of fear about my babys safety even when she arrived and was healthy, these feelings and fears did not go away. I could only see darkness where there was light, feeling lifeless where there should be energy. It felt like my body was about to stop functioning. My senses were trying to shut down on me. I was feeling hopeless.

It was a difficult time with many adjustments, particularly as we were living in England and my own family was back in Africa, and my husbands family was in Ireland. I put all my energy into looking after my daughter and forgot about myself. It negatively affected my relationship with things I love, such as studying and work, and isolated me from others.

As part of our journey seeking out help, my husband received a diagnosis of depression too. He had been going through it for more than twenty years, but we had not realised. Many members of my family back home, and friends in the UK at the time were fearful of the diagnosis and the treatments available. In my culture, it is believed that anything related to mental health is akin to a person being crazy and unstable. My husband was a great support and helped me seek out professional help once it was identified.

Depression Comes In Many Forms

We all get sad from time to time, but when it persists and makes it difficult for us to carry out our daily lives, then it might be a sign of something more serious.

Depression is also linked to other forms of mental illness, such as anxiety and bipolar disorder.

We all might show signs and symptoms of these various illnesses, that does not necessarily mean that we have them. Regardless, there is nothing wrong with going to see a doctor if you feel concerned about your mental health.

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The Silent Killer: Depression And Mental Health Problems In The Workplace

August 27, 2015 By

The energy it takes to come into a meeting and pretend that everything is OK when youre having a hard time concentrating when your stomach feels like its dropping out the bottom, when you feel numb or flat that takes a toll on you

Read the full story here: .

Depression can have a monumental impact on ones job performance and security. Interested in making your workplace better equipped to improve mental health? We can help. Call us at for workshop information today: 250-861-3644.

Filed Under: NewsTagged With: depression, mental health, workplace

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