Thursday, April 25, 2024

Ways To Help Yourself With Depression

What If I Am Not Happy With My Treatment

Catastrophizing: How to Stop Making Yourself Depressed and Anxious: Cognitive Distortion Skill #6

If you are not happy with your treatment you can:

  • talk to your doctor to see if they can suggest changes,
  • get an advocate to help you speak your doctor,
  • ask for a second opinion if you feel it would help,
  • contact Patient Advice and Liaison Service and see whether they can help, or
  • make a complaint.

There is more information about these options below.


An advocate is independent from the NHS. They are free to use. They can be useful if you find it difficult to get your views heard.

There are different types of advocates available. Community advocates can support you to get a health professional to listen to your concerns. And help you to get the treatment that you would like. They arent available in all areas.

You can ask an advocate to help you make a complaint. Advocates that do this are called NHS complaints advocates. They are free to use and don t work for the NHS. They re available in all areas.

You can search online to search for a local advocacy service. If you cant find a service you can call our advice service 0808 801 0525 . You can email us too at . We will look for you.

Second opinion

Talk to your doctor about your treatment to see if you can resolve the problem with them first. If you dont agree with their decisions about diagnosis or treatment, you could ask for a second opinion. You are not legally entitled to a second opinion, but your doctor might agree to it if it would help with treatment options.



  • Advocacy by clicking here.

What If My Symptoms Dont Improve

If youre not responding to treatment, you may live with treatment resistant depression. This is when your symptoms have not improved after at least 2 standard treatments. This can also be known as treatment-refractory depression.

There is currently no official criteria used to diagnose treatment resistant depression.

What treatment is available for treatment-resistant depression?There are treatment options for treatment resistant depression. Even if antidepressants have not worked already for you, your doctor may suggest a different antidepressant from a different class.

The new antidepressant you are offered will depend on the first antidepressant you were given.

Sometimes your doctor can prescribe a second type of medication to go with your antidepressant. This can sometimes help the antidepressant work better than it does by itself.

Where antidepressants have not worked, your doctor may suggest talking therapies, ECT or brain stimulation treatments. See the previous section for more information on these.

What is an implanted vagus nerve stimulator, and how is it used in treatment resistant depression?If you live with treatment resistant depression, and youve not responded to other treatments, you may be able ask for an implanted vagus nerve stimulator.

Please speak to your doctor if youre interested in this treatment and for more information. You may be able to get this treatment funded through an Individual Funding Request.

  • NHS – Your Rights by clicking here.

Symptoms And Causes Of Depression

Symptoms of depression can be very different from person to person. However, as a general rule, if you are depressed you feel hopeless, sad and lacking interest in things that used to make you feel happy.

Depression symptoms are bad enough to interfere with work, social life and family life, and can persist for weeks or months.

Doctors describe depression in one of three ways, depending on how serious it is:

  • mild depression it has some impact on daily life
  • moderate depression it has a significant impact on your daily life
  • severe depression this makes it nearly impossible to get through your life day to day

A few people with severe depression may have symptoms of psychotic depression.

Below is a list of depression symptoms it’s unlikely that one person would have all of them.

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Tip : Get A Daily Dose Of Sunlight

Sunlight can help boost serotonin levels and improve your mood. Whenever possible, get outside during daylight hours and expose yourself to the sun for at least 15 minutes a day. Remove sunglasses and use sunscreen as needed.

  • Take a walk on your lunch break, have your coffee outside, enjoy an al fresco meal, or spend time gardening.
  • Double up on the benefits of sunlight by exercising outside. Try hiking, walking in a local park, or playing golf or tennis with a friend.
  • Increase the amount of natural light in your home and workplace by opening blinds and drapes and sitting near windows.
  • If you live somewhere with little winter sunshine, try using a light therapy box.

Take Some Of The Stress Out Of Life

7 Ways Yoga Helps Depression

Depression and anxiety can make it hard for you to deal with everyday situations. By using some of these strategies you can take some of the stress out of your life.

Choose one of these steps:

  • get back into your daily routine, by doing little things like, showering, making your bed, hanging the washing out. Choose one thing to start with.
  • postpone major life changes such as moving house or changing jobs until youre feeling better
  • help someone else who needs support
  • remember to take holidays from work and get away from your everyday life
  • learn to relax. Try yoga, meditation, muscle relaxation or a breathing technique
  • download a mindfulness app, a range of them can be found here on the Mental Health Foundation website
  • Check out the Small Steps website for a range of simple tools you can use to manage your stress, anxiety & low mood.
  • find a counsellor you can trust and work through issues youre facing.

Taking care of your mental or emotional health is important. Your mental health wont always take care of itself, especially in the stressful times.

Being strong mentally means youre better prepared for lifes challenges. There are many ways we can protect our mental and emotional health as we go about each day. These same strategies can help prevent mental distress from developing in the future. It might take time for the positive feelings to return, but keep at it. Things will get better!

Also Check: What Should You Do If You Re Depressed

Listen To Uplifting Music

I say uplifting music because some music may have the potential to make you feel worse. Whatever your genre of music preference is, music has the ability to help you forget about your troubles and lift your mood.

In a review of 9 research studies, psychological therapy was found to be more effective when combined with music therapy for improving mood through emotional expression.

  • Bite into a chilli
  • Chewing leather
  • Draw over all your old scars, which will provide a repetitive action and hopefully will relieve urges.
  • Draw yourself or around your arm on a piece of paper, draw the harm you are imagining then destroy the picture
  • Drawing on yourself in red marker
  • Make ice cubes with added red food colouring and rub them on where you want to self-harm
  • Mix warm water and food colouring and put it on your skin
  • Putting on fake or henna tattoos and then peeling them off
  • Putting plasters or bandages on where you want to self-harm
  • Snapping an elastic band on your wrist
  • Squeezing ice cubes
  • Take a hot shower and use a good exfoliating body wash and a sponge or glove and scrub!
  • Take a photo of yourself when you are feeling upset, write all over it how you are feeling then destroy the picture.
  • Use skin coloured plasticine, smear it on your skin, cut into the plasticine pour fake blood or food colouring into the fake cut.
  • Use stage makeup to create fake injuries

Physical Distractions

Embrace Your Emotions And Accept Them As Valid

You may think depression is manageable if you suppress and compartmentalize your feelings. The technique, however, is unhealthy and ineffective in the long run.

The effective thing to do is acknowledge when youre having a bad day. Engage in activities that are helpful rather than focusing on your emotions. You can also notice and name your emotions.

From watching depression symptoms fluctuate, we can also practice self-healing and learn to hope again.

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Nurture Yourself With Good Nutrition

Depression can affect appetite. One person may not feel like eating at all and another might overeat. If depression has affected your eating, be extra mindful about getting the right nourishment. Proper nutrition can influence your mood and energy.

Unfortunately, the comfort foods you may be craving wont help your mood they may even do the opposite. Avoid foods high in sugar, fats or sodium as they provide little to none of the nutrition you need. You should also cut out alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant that can worsen your symptoms of depression.

Focus on nourishing your body. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and have regular meals. Even if you dont feel hungry, try to eat something light like a piece of fruit to keep you going.

Help Them To Find Support

Lift Depression With These 3 Prescriptions- Without-Pills | Susan Heitler | TEDxWilmington

Your friend might not be aware of what professional support options are available, or they may be unsure of how to get support. Even if they know about support options, it can be daunting to see a health professional.

You can offer support by encouraging your friend to speak to a health professional or an adult they trust. You could offer to join them for the conversation if they want, or even ask if theyd like you to book the appointment if its with a professional. A GP can organise a mental health care plan for them if needed. This means that your friend will get a referral to a psychologist or other professional. Theyll also get Medicare-subsidised sessions getting help doesnt have to mean they have to fork out hundreds of dollars.

Not everyone is ready to see somebody face-to-face. You could recommend hotlines or online chat-based helplines. The ReachOut NextStep tool can also provide tailored support options so they can make their own plan. Here are some support services they could use, and some more information about getting professional support for depression and anxiety.

If theyre not able to seek help on their own, ask for their permission to talk to an adult they trust on their behalf. If they refuse, and youre still really concerned, consider talking to an adult you trust, such as a teacher, parent or school counsellor.

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Do Something You Enjoy

Depression can push you to give in to your fatigue. It may feel more powerful than preferred emotions.

Try to push back and do something you love something thats pleasurable or meaningful. It could be playing an instrument, painting, hiking, or biking.

The byproduct of engaging in meaningful activities can be a lift in your mood or energy, which can further motivate you to continue to engage in helpful activities that help with navigating symptoms.

Research suggests that walks in nature may improve depressive symptoms in people with clinical depression.

Time in natural spaces may improve mood and cognition, and lower the risk of mental health disorders. However, theres only limited research on the direct effect of nature on those with clinical depression.

Consider taking a walk at lunch among the trees or spending some time in your local park. Or plan a weekend hike. These activities can help you reconnect with nature and soak in some rays at the same time.

Limit Alcohol And Drugs

Many people with depression turn to alcohol and other substances as a way to cope with their symptoms. Although drinking your blues away may sound tempting, its one of the worst things you can do when you live with depression.

Studies show that alcohol use and depression are deeply interlinked. Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder that people with alcohol addiction face. And when someone lives with both alcohol abuse and depression, their prognosis for both disorders is worse.

The same is true of other drugs. For example, people who abuse stimulant drugs often experience depression during the come down. Cannabis use and depression are also highly associated.

The next time you feel tempted to reach for the bottle , pause and consider its consequences. Reach out to a supportive friend if necessary. Distract yourself until the urge to drink passes.

If you live with substance use disorder on top of depression, its critical to get treatment for dual diagnosis.

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When To Seek Professional Help

Any level of depression should be taken seriously and the faster you address the symptoms, the less likely you are to develop a more severe type of depression. Seeking professional help is a sign of bravery and self-respect because it shows that you are dedicated to caring for your mind and body. A therapist can offer more clinical advice and guide you through treatment with approaches that are more tailored to your specific situation and needs. However, if you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, tell someone you trust and seek assistance immediately.

Everyone experiences low points in their life and their mental health, but depression is a treatable mental illness and you can recover. Whether you or a loved one is feeling depressed, every persons experience with mental illness is different but help is available. Visit our Key Services page to learn more about the treatment methods we offer and to explore our list of additional health and wellness classes to support your overall mental health.

If you are in a crisis, please call us at 303-425-0300 or by calling the crisis line at 844-493-8255. The 24/7 crisis walk-in center and withdrawal management program is open at 4643 Wadsworth Blvd, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.

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Take Part In An Activity You Enjoy

Depression, Anxiety, Anger, etc. How to lift yourself from a downward ...

You may give in to fatigue when you are depressed. There may be a sense of power associated with it that is greater than preferred emotions.

Dont give up. Try something you love something meaningful or pleasurable. A musician, painter, hiker, or biker could be the one to do it.

When you engage in meaningful activities, you may experience a lift in your mood or energy, which may motivate you to continue doing helpful activities.

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Ok Im Feeling Depressed So Now What

Now that you know the symptoms of depression, some positive coping skills can be useful. All of the following techniques are supported by scientific research and medication prescribers like psychiatrists and these skills are frequently recommended as important parts of treatment even for patients who continue to take antidepressant medications.

WARNING: Do not suddenly go off your prescribed antidepressant medications without first talking to your medical provider. Discuss any questions or concerns about the side effects of your medications with your provider.

Show Empathy And Understanding

You dont need to provide perfect emotional support, as others have struggled before you. Ask yourself how you would respond if you were in their shoes.

Instead of offering solutions when your friend is struggling, try to understand that there may be nothing you can do to immediately solve their problems.

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Revamp Your Sleep Routine

Sleep issues are fairly common when you have depression.

When youre feeling deeply fatigued and low, sleep might feel like the only thing youre capable of. It may even feel like self-care, but this isnt always the case.

You might sleep 10 to 12 hours , struggle to get out of bed, and spend the day drifting in and out of focus.

Or maybe you have a hard time falling asleep altogether.

Not only can sleep deprivation make depression symptoms worse, lying awake in bed gives your brain plenty of time to fixate on unwanted and negative thoughts.

To get more restful sleep , consider these tips:

  • Stick to the same bedtime and waking time every day.
  • Get some sunlight during the day, but keep your bedroom cool and dark for sleep.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the late afternoon or evening.
  • Try to avoid using your phone and computer for at least 1 hour before bed.

Research supports physical activity as a beneficial self-care treatment option for depression so if you can exercise, consider making time for regular physical activity.

But we get it, when you have depression, being active is usually easier said than done.

How can you think of working out when you feel too drained to even get out of bed? The best approach is to take it slow.

Find Something To Look Forward To

Coping With Depression

This is a technique I routinely use as an anti-blues vaccination. When Im down I search for something to put on the calendar that makes me happy and excited. Indeed, this 2007 study showed that people get an emotional lift when they contemplate a future fun event, versus looking back on a fabulous activity from the past. Book a trip, buy concert tickets, plan a partywhatever brings a flush to your cheeks and a rumble of joy to your belly.

My biggest mood turnarounds arise when I begin a project that can potentially create some good in the world and lead to fulfilling connections. For example, Ive volunteered as a mentor to underserved young women who want to write, sought publishing contracts to write a book, taught workshops, submitted a video to do a TedX talk . The point is: stop continually telling yourself nothing good will ever again happenyouve been there, seen that, done that.

The Upshot: Depression is a diagnosable and treatable condition. There’s no reason to suffer in silence or to guess whether or not what you’re feeling qualifies as depression. Your primary care physician can help direct you to someone who specializes in mental health. In the meantime, here’s a guide to the s and a quick assessment . You can also download one of these for more information.

*Names of patients are changed

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