Thursday, May 2, 2024

Mthfr And Depression And Anxiety

How Does This Gene Impact Health

What is MTHFR? Dr. Berg Explains in Simple Terms

Normally, the MTHFR gene produces enough of the related enzyme to perform its associated functions well. One function that is particularly important to mental health is the conversion of an essential B-vitamin, folate, into the more usable form, l-methylfolate.

L-Methylfolate enables our bodies to convert the amino acid homocysteine to another amino acid, methionine. The body then uses methionine to make proteins and other important compounds, including neurotransmitters . These brain chemicals are essential for a number of aspects of mental health thus, when this process is impaired, it can increase the likelihood of the mental health issues mentioned previously. In addition, when the enzyme is not working at normal capacity, it can lead to elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood, which can lead to cardiovascular and other health problems.

Despite the increased risks, however, having a specific MTHFR mutation has been associated with a reduced risk of acute lymphatic leukemia and colon cancer in those who have adequate folate levels.

Where Can You Get Vitamin B9

Before the MTHFR enzyme can convert vitamin B9 into methylfolate, your body needs vitamin B9. Natural B9, or folate, is present in the food you eat. Synthetic B9, or folic acid, is found in supplements. The recommended dietary intake varies with age and other factors. Simply put, most adults are advised to get 400 mcg of vitamin B9 per day.

If you think you may not be getting enough folate from food, you can take dietary supplements that provide folic acid. Talk to your healthcare provider about supplement options that can increase your daily intake of vitamin B9.

Possible Mechanisms Of Gene

Folate and MTHFR polymorphisms are related to neural tube defects and have now been implicated in the pathogenesis of several diseases and disorders, including leukemia , colorectal cancer , cardiovascular disease , and other congenital abnormalities .

The 1-carbon cycle/folate metabolic pathway is complex and regulates not only nucleotide synthesis but also DNA methylation. 5-Methyltetrahydrofolate is the predominant circulating form of folate, and it donates a methyl group to homocysteine in the generation of S-adenosylmethionine, a major source of methyl groups in the brain . MTHFR is a critical component of the 1-carbon cycle, and the MTHFR polymorphisms C677T and A1298C affect both nucleotide synthesis and DNA methylation . This forms a plausible biologic explanation for potential associations between genetic variation in folate metabolism and both depression and schizophrenia . The MTHFR C677T polymorphism is associated with a reduction in the bioavailability of folate and folate metabolites and mimics low dietary folate intake .

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How Do Doctors Treat A Mutated Mthfr Gene To Alleviate Anxiety And Depression

It is estimated that up to 40% of all individuals have a genetic mutation in their MTHFR gene, leading to a low production of the critical enzyme responsible for beginning this whole process. Now, in most people, the implications are negligible. However, those with certain specific mutations can suffer for decades without knowing whats wrong. People who suffer from MTHFR gene mutations typically do not respond well to standard SSRIsa common medical treatment for depression and anxiety. If a genetic test is administered and their medical practitioner is able to determine a mutation with their MTHFR gene, they can prescribe L-methylfolate along with an SSRI and enable significantly better outcomes for their patients.

MTHFR is a subtle gene, and one that so many of us know so little about. And yet it holds the keys to better health outcomes for millions of peopleand who would want to deprive themselves of the opportunity to feel better at last? In my practice, I am committed to doing Whatever It Takes to help my patientsand I have seen many positive results firsthand from individuals who take control of their genes through that initial cheek swab.

Supply chains run the world, whether we like it or notin fact, logistics account for nearly 10% of our GDP! The more we understand themboth outside of our bodies and within, the more freedom we have to make choices that lead to greater happiness, longer lives, and a happier, healthier civilization.

Mthfr Genetics And Stress: A Recipe For Anxiety And Depression

MTHFR Gene Mutation Symptoms (With images)
Part 5 of Dr. Donis Series on How Genetic Mutations Affect Your Health

Almost every patient I see has some history of anxiety, depression, PMS, PMDD , or other mood-related health issue. And when you read about my health story , youll find that I have too. To me, as a naturopathic doctor, mood is inextricably connected to your body as a whole I know this on a scientific level simply because hormones, cytokines, and neurotransmitters travel throughout our bodies, including to the brain. How could mood and physical health be separate? And yet, all too often in the current medical model and culture, mental health issues are looked at separately from physical health issues.

In actuality, mood is affected by many things happening inside your body. Changing blood sugar levels, menstrual hormone fluctuations, lack of sleep, nutrient deficiencies, pain, low thyroid function, decreased or increased cortisol at the wrong time of day, digestive issues including leaky gut, neurotransmitter imbalances, and simple stress all have the ability to disrupt even the most stable mood. I call them mood disruptors. Add genetic mutations that can influence mood to the list and its amazing that were ever in a good mood!

This article comes mid-way through a series on How Genetic Mutations Affect Your Health. The first four articles in the series describe genetic mutations , how to test for them, and the SNPs that affect the methylation cycle.

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Possible Signs And Symptoms

Symptoms vary among individuals and depend on the type of mutation they have. People usually do not know they have an MTHFR mutation unless they experience severe symptoms or undergo genetic testing.

Having one or two MTHFR mutations can slightly increase the levels of homocysteine present in the blood. This condition is called homocysteinemia.

Homocysteine is an amino acid that the body produces by breaking down dietary proteins. Having high levels of homocysteine can damage blood vessels and lead to blood clots. People who have high homocysteine levels tend to have low levels of vitamin B12.

Complications associated with having homocysteinemia due to MTHFR mutations include:

  • abnormal blood clotting

Could A Simple Mthfr Gene Test Provide Solutions To Depression And Anxiety

A desk is not just a desk, but rather an intricate array of materials and processes that all rely on one anotherand, reader, your body is just the same. Just beyond the touch of your skin lies an impossibly complex interplay of elements that are constantly building and destroying and ultimately working to keep you healthy and prevent disease. But just like the challenges found in running any manufacturing plant, there are times when the links in the manufacturing supply chain of your body and brain break down. A malfunctioning anxiety gene or depression gene can result in mental distress and cognitive impairment, and may only be discovered through a genetic test through a simple, painless cheek swab. Thats why, this week, Im going to tell you about a gene that lies at the center of it all, one which, if broken, can wreak havoc on both your mental and physical health. Were talking about the MTHFR gene: the first of many links in a genetic supply chain thatif brokencan lead to dire mental and physical health consequences. While we cant repair the gene, we can modify its expression to provide novel solutions to treat anxiety and depression.

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How To Support Your Body If You Have The Mthfr Variant

Since variations in the MTHFR gene can result in a wide range of symptoms, you’ll want to call on a variety of resources to help manage the downstream impacts of this gene variant. From working with thousands of clients with the MTHFR gene variation, we’ve found a combination of Brain Harmony’s tools and protocols, along with cellular support with a focus on detoxification, seems to be the magic formula.

What To Do If You Suspect You Might Have One Of These Genetic Mutations

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First of all, if youd like to find out if you have any of these genetic mutations , then be sure to read the earlier article in this series that talks about testing for genetic mutations.

Then, once you have your genetic report and have identified which mutations you have, youll want to meet with a practitioner who is trained in this area and can help you with follow up tests to give you a clearer sense of how the mutations may be affecting your health. You may need to do a salivary cortisol and urinary neurotransmitter panelso we can see exactly how stress has affected your stress hormones and neurological messengers.

You may also need to do an organic acids panel to see the metabolites that affect mood, and nutrient levels to identify nutrient deficiencies. Then, if you havent already, completing a food sensitivity panel to determine which foods put stress on your body and the degree to which leaky gut is involved is imperative. A stool panel may also be necessary to identify dysbiosis .

As all of this information comes in, you and your practitioner will be able to create a strategic plan to address each of these areas in an integrated way, keeping in mind that they all influence each other.

An example plan looks like this:

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Is Your Depression Coming From The Mthfr Gene Mutation

If you suffer from depression. Have a family history of depression or you identify with any of the symptoms of depression. You should also get tested for mthfr. Often depression can result for many different reasons. You may also have some of the symptoms of MTHFR that lead to depression. MTHFR gene mutations are commonly un-diagnosed in people with depression. which means that the best treatments for these people who have depression are being missed.

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We all know how imperfect we are.Why not make ourselves a little better suited to survival?

James D. Watson, Nobel Laureate,Co-Discovered DNAs Double Helix

DNA + Environment + Triggers + Chance = Your Personal Health Destiny. Bypass genetic mutations in MTHFR to increase the manufacture of your Happiness Neurotransmitters.

Bruce Alan Kehr, M.D.

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The Conventional Approach To Mthfr

Sarah* is a 38 year old female who is has chronic anxiety, depression, fatigue and is starting to have pain all over her body. She has gone to her family doctor a few times and has received some routine testing which shows everything in a normal range.

Her family doctor is now suspecting a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Her doctor orders a MTHFR genetic test and finds out she is heterozygous for both C677T and A1298C.

Sarah starts taking 5 mg of 5MTHF and 2,000mcg of methyl-B12. Almost immediately she feels awful – her anxiety drastically increases and her fatigue worsens because she can no longer sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. She jolts awake and her body feels like it is buzzing with a nervous energy.

She tells her doctor about her symptoms and he tells her to try to relax more and suggests a xanax prescription.

Not wanting to take additional pharmaceuticals if she can help it, Sarah begins to investigate natural methods to reduce anxiety and depression.

She comes across my name and reads about functional medicine and how it can offer solution to symptoms and conditions that are considered ‘lifelong’ and without any real treatment options.

The Connection Between The Mthfr Gene Mutation Low Bh4 And Depression

497 best Health

There is a complex relationship between MTHFR genes and depression. One of the primary problems is that a MTHFR mutation can cause folate deficiency, which can cause low BH4, a cofactor that produces enzymes vital to healthy functioning neurotransmitters. The low BH4 can lead to low serotonin and dopamine levels. BH4 is needed to support the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin, so when BH4 levels are decreased, the folate cycle is negatively impacted, which can cause depression due to the low serotonin and abnormal dopamine levels.

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Differences On Ct And Volume Of Subcortical Values In The Whole Brain According To Diagnosis And Mthfr C677t Genotype

The statistically significant results of the 2 × 2 ANCOVA and full factorial model between MDD and HC and between T carrier and C-homozygous groups on CT and volume values are described in Table 4. Patients with MDD showed significantly smaller volume of the subcortical NAC in the left hemisphere compared with the HC group. However, no significant difference in CT values between patients with MDD and the HC group was found. In the comparison of genotype groups, MTHFR C677T allele carriers exhibited significantly reduced CT in the left caudal anterior cingulate cortex , rostral anterior cingulate cortex , frontal pole , right cACC , and supramarginal gyrus compared with the C-homozygous group. In contrast, MTHFR C677T allele carriers manifested significantly increased CT in the left cuneus and pericalcarine in hemispheres on both sides. T allele carriers and the C-homozygous group did not differ significantly in terms of subcortical volume . Significant diagnosis-by-genotype interaction effects on CT presented in the cACC , isthmus cingulate , medial orbitofrontal cortex , and posterior cingulate cortex in the left hemisphere and in the right lateral orbitofrontal cortex .

Table 4. Statistically significant diagnostic main effect, genotype main effect, and diagnosis × genotype interaction effect in the respect of the whole cortical thickness and subcortical gray matter volume.

C677t Gene Mutations And Depression

Those that have the C677T gene mutation only can experience depression in several ways. This gene tends to have an indirect effect on the cause of depression through the inability to use important, essential nutrients. This is because folate metabolism is impaired and this sets up a chain reaction that leads to depression.

Reduced folate metabolism is associated with a deficiency in folate. Therefore you experience folate deficiency symptoms. Folate is needed for the brain and nerves to function properly. As well as being needed for the utilization of certain amino acids that are needed to make neurotransmitters. This means those with C677T gene mutations can get depression.

Further, the reduction in folate causing a folate deficiency affects the homocysteine cycle. So it is needed to support very important chemical reactions that protect and balance mental health. When this important cycle is disrupted depression can easily result.

When you have the C677T gene mutation. You also have a reduced ability to use other important nutrients that support mental health. Here are some examples of the symptoms as they relate to certain nutrients and mthfr depression:

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What Happens When The B Complex Group Of Vitamins Is Deficient

  • Vitamin B1 lactic acid builds up in your body which leads to lactic acidosis, which in turn leads to anxiety and triggers panic attacks.
  • Vitamin B2 a coenzyme that makes vitamin B6 work properly as an antidepressant is reduced. B3 cannot be made properly from the amino acid tryptophan when B2 is low which leads to depression.
  • B3 Vitamin anxiety and depression.
  • Vitamin B5 fatigue with anxiety, restlessness, and irritability.
  • Vitamin B6 depression, nervousness, irritability, and fatigue.
  • B12 Vitamin irritability, anxiety or tension, shortness of breath and heart palpitations 6

Your Mthfr Gene And The Genetics Of Depression

Signs of Anxiety and Depression

Depression can be influenced by your unique genetic code. Your MTHFR gene may be particularly implicated in negative health outcomes. Genetic testing can help you and your doctor get to the root causes of your depression, and lifestyle and dietary interventions can help you feel whole again. In this blog, you will learn:

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What You Can Do

  • Talk to your doctor about getting tested for MTHFR. Make sure you also check with your insurance company to see if they cover the expenses for this testing.
  • Start supplementing with an active form of folate. We recommend L-Methylfolate supplementation daily for the best results.
  • Switch to a healthy and balanced diet with folate-rich foods like dark leafy greens, broccoli, lentils and other beans.
  • MTHFR mutations can also compromise your bodys ability to absorb B12. Adding an active B12 supplement into the mix helps your body stay balanced. Make sure you consider only the active forms of B12 , NOT cyanocobalamin.
  • Talk to your doctor if youre planning a pregnancy. Your healthcare provider will help you fine-tune your supplementation and dietary needs.
  • We suggest you try L-Methylfolate and B12 supplementation first if youve been diagnosed with an MTHFR gene mutation and suffer from anxiety.

    Try our Methylfolate supplements. They include the purest, stable, and bioactive nutrient form of folate available today patented Magnafolate-C®.

    Methylfolate Only

    Correlation Of Ct Or Subcortical Volume With Illness Duration Depression And Anxiety Severity

    We investigated correlations between the course of the disease, HAMD score, HAMA score, and CT/volume values of ROIs in MDD patients using partial correlation analysis separately. Consequently, we could not find any significant correlations . The data are described in detail in Table 6.

    Table 6. Analysis the correlation between cortical thickness, volume of subcortical values with clinical status of disease.

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    Risk Factors For Mthfr Mutation

    People inherit one copy of the MTHFR gene from each of their parents, which means that everyone has two MTHFR genes. Mutations can occur in one or both of these genes.

    Having a parent or close relative with an MTHFR gene mutation can increase a persons risk of inheriting the same variant themselves.

    People with two parents who have a mutation have an increased risk of having a homozygous MTHFR mutation.

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