Thursday, July 25, 2024

Vitamin D Supplements For Seasonal Depression

Keeping A Regular Sleep Schedule

Vitamin D for Depression

Insomnia, hypersomnia, and other sleep issues have been linked to depression. To cope with these symptoms, create a regular sleep schedule. That could mean setting a sleep and wake alarm. You might also keep a journal to log how long you slept and the quality of your sleep. This will help you track your progress.

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Can Vitamin D Help With Depression

There are two things. There is a reduction in depression due to the reduction in the amount of vitamins D and D3. It has been shown that vitamins D and calcium can be used to regulate moods and ward off depression. Scientists found that people with depression who received vitamins noticed an improvement in their symptoms after taking them.


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If youre experiencing sadness, anxiety, irritability, low energy, oversleeping, social withdrawal, and cravings for carbs and simple sugars around this time of year then youre not alone. You could be experiencing seasonal affective disorder , a condition that affects 5 percent of the United States population, according to Mental Health America.

This may not seem like a serious condition, but it definitely is. SAD patients can experience the same depths of despairs as those suffering from other forms of clinical depression.

While the exact reasons for SAD arent clear, its believed that a vitamin D deficiency and lack of sunlight keeps a part of the brainthe hypothalamusfrom working properly, which leads to a disruption of circadian rhythms. When our circadian rhythms are out of whack, it can affect our levels of melatonin and serotonin, and all of these factors can lead to the negative changes in mood and sleep experienced by SAD sufferers. In North America, the prevalence of SAD increases with latitude , so youre more likely to experience SAD if you live in New Hampshire versus, say, Florida.

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Impact Of Other Factors On Vitamin D Status

Individuals obtain vitamin D either exogenously, from dietary sources, or endogenously, from activation of a subcutaneous vitamin D precursor by ultraviolet rays . Dietary sources can be obtained through naturally-occurring vitamin D in foods, fortification of foods with vitamin D, and a vitamin D supplement. As vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient, metabolism requires normal digestion and absorption of fat. Subcutaneous synthesis is stimulated by exposure to sunlight though this effect varies based on the amount and duration of exposure, latitude, season, and race .

Optimal vitamin D status is hampered by several factors. The limited number of naturally rich foods with this nutrient causes some groups to be at risk for inadequacy . The optimal daily requirement for various age groups is under scientific debate . The current Adequate Intake , which is part of the Dietary Reference Intakes , is 200 IU/day for both women and men from infancy to age 50 400 IU/day for those between 5170 years and 600 IU/day for those > 70 years . Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended increasing the daily intake of vitamin D to 400 IU/day for all infants, children, and adolescents .

Dealing With Seasonal Depression

Vitamin D deficiency linked to seasonal depression

Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, affects many people during the fall and winter months. Seasonal depression may be more common in cold climates, but the condition isnt exclusive to these areas. After the high energy of the holiday season, many people experience a winter slump that affects moods, motivation, and productivity. Heres how vitamin D and supplements can help decrease the symptoms of SAD.

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How Much Vitamin D Should I Take For Seasonal Affective Disorder

research suggests 100,000 IU of vitamin D daily may help alleviate depression symptoms and overall health associated with repeated episodes of recurrent depression. Depression patients suffering recurrent episodes have low levels of vitamin D in their blood, which may have implications for other conditions, such as asthma or heart failure.

What Causes Seasonal Affective Disorder

The exact cause of SAD has not been established. However, triggers may include changes in sunlight in different seasons, disruptions in the natural sleep-wake cycles , decreased serotonin levels, and excess melatonin.

Low vitamin D levels² have been linked to depression, low mood, and an increased likelihood of SAD. Vitamin D levels tend to be lower in the winter months³ when the condition is prevalent due to a lack of sunlight.

Light therapy is often used for people with SAD to increase their vitamin D levels. Based on these observations, some researchers believe that vitamin D may play a role in reducing symptoms of SAD. However, the evidence is still inconclusive.

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Effects Of Vitamin D Supplementation On Mental And Physical Well Being

The use of vitamin D supplementation has been examined for its effects on mood outcomes, particularly in healthy persons. In one study , 250 healthy women were randomized to daily vitamin D or a placebo for a period of one year. Both groups received supplemental calcium during the trial. Findings indicated no difference in mood scores between the two groups. In addition, changes in vitamin D levels were not correlated to changes in mood scores. Results suggested that the dose of vitamin D may have been insufficient to cause a significant treatment difference between groups. randomly assigned 44 healthy persons to varying doses of vitamin A plus one of the following: 400 IU of vitamin D/day or 800 IU of vitamin D/day, or a placebo for a period of five days. The Positive and Negative Affect Scale was used to assess mood at the end of the five days. Results showed enhanced positive affect for the vitamin D treatment groups when compared to the placebo group . In addition, although both vitamin D treatment groups experienced a reduction in negative affect when compared to the placebo group, it was not statistically significant. Although the study demonstrated positive benefits in persons who were healthy, the effect on persons with depression or mood problems was not explored.

What Type Of Antidepressants Can Help With Seasonal Affective Disorder

Do You Need More Vitamin D?!?! | Vitamin D Benefits & Seasonal Depression

Medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can treat SAD. They improve mood by regulating serotonin levels in your body.

Another approved antidepressant called bupropion comes as an extended-release tablet. It can prevent seasonal depression episodes when people take it daily from fall to early spring.

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What Are The Symptoms

Symptoms are typical of depression: fatigue, lack of interest in normal activities, social withdrawal, weight gain, and a craving for carbohydrate foods. However, some of these symptoms occur as a result of physical disorders including an underactive thyroid, hypoglycemia, infectious mononucleosis and other viral infections. If you think you have SAD, be sure to consult with your physician to make sure that your symptoms arent due to something else.

The symptoms of SAD that occurs in the summer are typically somewhat different from the more common type of winter seasonal depression. They include anxiety, insomnia, irritability, agitation, weight loss, poor appetite and increased sex drive.

Vitamin D And Schizophrenia

This is not the first study to associate vitamin D deficiency with mental health conditions. In July, Medical News Today reported on a study suggesting low vitamin D levels may increase the risk of schizophrenia.

Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, PhD, of the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in Iran, and colleagues found that study participants with vitamin D deficiency were 2.16 times more likely to have schizophrenia than participants with normal vitamin D levels.

Our findings support the theory that vitamin D may have a significant impact on psychiatric health, said Esmaillzadeh. More research is needed to determine how the growing problem of vitamin D deficiency may be affecting our overall health.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Sad

Knowing the signs of seasonal depression will help you notice the disorder in yourself or a loved one. The following are the most common indicators of SAD:

  • A depressed mood that lasts for most of the day
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or activities
  • Fatigue
  • Stigma: feelings of guilt, shame, or hopelessness
  • Changes in weight or appetite
  • Thoughts of suicide

The signs of seasonal depression are very similar to the signs of major depression and other depressive disorders, so the condition can be difficult to diagnose. However, identifying that theres a problem is the first step toward getting help.

How Can I Best Take Care Of Myself If I Have Seasonal Affective Disorder

7 of the Best Seasonal Affective Disorder Supplements to ...

Talk to your healthcare provider. By planning ahead, you can manage your symptoms and feel your best.

  • Stick to your treatment plan: If you have medications or a lamp for SAD, use them as directed. Follow up with your healthcare provider if you dont see an improvement in your symptoms.
  • Care for yourself: Eat a well-balanced diet. Get enough sleep. Exercise regularly. Try to manage stress, perhaps by talking to a counselor or therapist.
  • Plan ahead: Make a plan for what youll do if your symptoms get worse. If you notice signs of depression, take action. It might help to plan a lot of activities during these months. Having a busy schedule keeps you from hunkering down at home.
  • Start treatment early: Talk to your healthcare provider about preventive treatment. If you know your symptoms start in October, consider starting treatment in September.


  • Isolate yourself: Being alone can make your symptoms worse. Even though you may not feel like going out or being social, try to reach out to friends and loved ones.
  • Use alcohol or drugs: They might make symptoms worse. And they can interact negatively with antidepressants.

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Vitruvi Stone Diffuser $119

While not a chemical remedy for SAD, you cant help but be in a better mood after breathing in the soothing smells of essential oils with a Vitruvi diffuser.

The stone diffuser comes in five aesthetically pleasing colors, including charcoal, black, white, terra-cotta and blush pink. To use, simply fill the device with water up to the designated line, add 20 to 25 drops of your favorite pure essential oils and then return the cap and select a time setting for even dispersion all day.

The Gold Standard Of Brain Supplementation

Memory Health® was tested and proven in double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, becoming the first supplement to receive a patent for the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative disease, specifically Alzheimer’s and dementia. It has been clinically proven to improve cognitive functions and memory. Other tested benefits include improvement in sight, focus, clarity, and mood.

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How Gorgeous Summer Days Can Actually Make You Miserable

If the 4:30 p.m. sunset has got you feeling blue, youre definitely not alone.

Starting as early as November, those who struggle with seasonal depression, or really any sort of depression, can feel stuck in a rut with no sunlight to help them feel better on dark days literally.

First recognized in a 1984 study by Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal, Seasonal Affective Disorder affects a shocking one-fifth of the population on the Northeast Coast. Symptoms include increased appetite, social isolation and cravings for junk food.

Come winter, the lack of sunlight and vitamin D, disruption of sleeps circadian rhythms and the isolation that occurs in colder months especially now during a second winter pandemic are all factors that could contribute to someones seasonal or regular depression.

Now for some silver linings on this storm cloud: There are some therapies that may be able to help. Some swear by a light therapy lamp, exposing themselves for just 10 minutes a day to get some fake sun, while others take vitamin D supplements or find other ways to stay positive and relaxed. While none of these is a cure-all for the winter blues, the suggestions below may be the breath of fresh air and blue skies that help make the days a bit brighter.

Other Health Benefits Of Vitamin D

Vitamin D and Seasonal Depression

Vitamin D has a surprisingly diverse range of positive effects on the body. Alongside the potential to ease the symptoms of SAD, individuals taking a regular vitamin D supplement may therefore find other concomitant benefits. These can make regular supplementation an even more appealing option for health-conscious individuals.

Some of the bigger benefits of maintaining optimal vitamin D can include:

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Vitamins For Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression is something many people experience. Also known as seasonal affective disorder , this mental health condition is linked to changes in seasons. Many people will start to experience symptoms of SAD in the fall, and these symptoms may continue through the winter. Someone with SAD may feel moody, fatigued or low in energy.

Some of the reasons a person may experience seasonal depression include low serotonin levels that may be related to reduced exposure to sunlight and changes in a persons biological rhythms that can occur in the fall and winter. If someone has major depression or bipolar disorder, their symptoms may become worse in the fall and winter, and people who live further from the equator may be more likely to have this disorder.

Treatments for seasonal depression can include medication, exposure to light and therapy. Vitamins for seasonal depression can also help alleviate or reduce symptoms. Vitamin D is one vitamin in particular that a doctor may recommend for someone experiencing seasonal depression. Vitamin D is produced by the body after sunlight exposure. During fall and winter months when sunlight exposure may be minimal, supplementing vitamin D can improve mood and reduce the symptoms of SAD.

Can Taking Vitamin D Help With Seasonal Depression

For some people, getting into the festive winter spirit can be comforting and exciting. But for many people who struggle with seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder , winters colder temperatures and shorter, darker days can feel dreadful. The lack of sunlight this time of year can also cause low levels of vitamin D, which may contribute to mood changes like depression. You might wonder, then, if taking a vitamin D supplement or eating more vitamin D-rich foods can help ease symptoms of SAD. POPSUGAR spoke with experts to find out.

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Quick Answers To Vitamin D And Seasonal Depression In Step By Step Depth

All green veggies are resources of magnesium since the facility of the chlorophyll particle has magnesium. Sandalwood has sedative buildings and also benefits treating depression and stress. Clary sage is used for dealing with sleep problems, anxiousness, and depression. Essential oils have actually been made use of efficiently for centuries as a standard medication, yet they have been the subject of few researches vitamin d and seasonal depression. According the Globe Health Company, depression prevails worldwide, impacting about 121 million individuals. Untreated depression can bring about self-destruction, and the that approximates that 850,000 people around the world dedicate suicide every year. Depression is the leading root cause of disability around the world and was the 4th leading factor to the global burden of condition for the year 2000, according to the WHO.

Contact your doctor or specialist if you see any kind of changes in signs and symptoms or how you feel. Throughout your loved ones time in treatment, continue to be an energetic vitamin d and seasonal depression source of assistance as well as participate in any type of household sessions that your treatment center might supply. When you have depression, getting assistance is the very best point you can do.

Does Supplementary Vitamin D Improve Seasonal Affective Disorder

Increase your vitamin D for depression

A number of studies have sought to better understand the treatment of SAD. One study, for example, compared the impact of vitamin D supplementation with that of light therapy. They found that while vitamin D levels improved in both groups, the group taking vitamin D supplements experienced far greater improvements. The experts concluded that vitamin D may be an important treatment for SAD.

Further evidence of this effect comes from a relatively small-scale analysis where SAD sufferers were provided either with vitamin D or a placebo tablet. Notably, this regime was commenced in late winter, when vitamin D levels tend to be at their absolute lowest. The results showed that vitamin D3 significantly improved depressive symptoms in volunteers.

Elsewhere, 441 Norweigians took either 20,000ius of vitamin D or a placebo, while undergoing regular assessments for SAD over the course of a year. The findings showed that supplementation with high doses of vitamin D seems to ameliorate symptoms indicating a possible causal relationship.

Lastly, while most research has involved oral vitamin D supplementation, one analysis from Iran used vitamin D injections as the mode of delivery. 120 patients suffering from both depression and low vitamin D status were provided with an enormous 300,000iu dose of vitamin D. The scientists found that the correction of vitamin D deficiency improved the depression state.

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Depression Treatment In Conroe Tx

Five steps for you and your individuals to work together to make the most effective feasible health care decisions. Psychoanalysis, an institution of thought established by Sigmund Freud that stresses the resolution of unconscious mental conflicts, is used by its specialists to treat clients presenting with major depression. An even vitamin d and seasonal depression more widely exercised method, called psychodynamic psychotherapy, is loosely based upon psychoanalysis as well as has an extra social as well as interpersonal emphasis. In a meta-analysis of 3 controlled tests, psychodynamic psychotherapy was found to be as efficient as drug for mild to moderate depression.

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