Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Why Do You Feel Depressed Before Your Period

Is There Anything I Can Do

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There are a number of things you can do to lessen premenstrual anxiety and other PMS symptoms, most of which involve changes to your lifestyle and diet.

But dont panic they arent too drastic. In fact, youre already working on the first step: Awareness.

Simply knowing that your anxiety is tied to your menstrual cycle can help you better equip yourself to deal with your symptoms as they arise.

Things that can help to keep anxiety in check include:

  • Aerobic exercise.

Estrogen As An Antidepressant

Estrogen treatment is widely believed to improve depressive symptoms in menopausal women,114118 but study results are inconclusive because of large variations in study design and measures, hormonal status and diagnosis of the subjects, the estrogen compound, dose, and duration of use, and failure to find an effect greater than the placebo response.119122

Burt et al123 identified six studies that included perimenopausal women for estrogen treatment of depressive symptoms. Only two studies were placebo-controlled only one of these showed significant improvement with estradiol compared with placebo after 4 months of treatment, but the treatment advantage over placebo was not sustained after 12 months of treatment.124 In an uncontrolled study of women judged to be depressed or not depressed on the basis of the Beck Depression Inventory, only the group that was not depressed responded to standard replacement doses of conju-gated estrogen.125 Pharmacologic doses of estradiol showed improvement greater than placebo in women diagnosed with depressive disorders126 and in a study of postmenopausal women with scores signifying mental distress .127 Conclusions cannot be drawn from the conflicting results of these studies, which are limited by designs that do not clearly identify essential variables, such as menopausal status and diagnosis of depression, and also lack comparability in the form and dose of estrogen treatment.

What Are The Symptoms Of Pmdd

PMDD is a mix of severe physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms that can make daily life very difficult for those who suffer from it.

Typically, PMDD symptoms show up in the second half of the menstrual cycle – around 7 to 10 days before the period, and continue up till menstruation. PMDD has been included as a depressive disorder not otherwise specified by the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, or DSM.

According to DSM-V manual, a person suffering from PMDD will show at least five of the following key symptoms:

  • frequent and extreme mood swings feeling suddenly sad or tearful or increased sensitivity to rejection
  • increased irritability, anger or relationship conflicts
  • severe anxiety, tension, feelings of being constantly on edge
  • difficulty in concentration
  • lethargy, feeling often and easily tired
  • excessive sleepiness or insomnia
  • feeling overwhelmed or out of control
  • other physical symptoms such as breast tenderness or swelling, joint or muscle pain, a sensation of bloating, weight gain.

Since PMDD is tied to fluctuations in reproductive hormone levels, the above symptoms should be absent for at least a week after periods for PMDD to be diagnosed. If the above symptoms are not cyclical and do not seem to clear up at any time, it may point to another form of underlying depressive disorder.

Before diagnosis, it is also important to make sure that these symptoms are not the result of taking medication or oral contraceptives.

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Why Do I Feel Depressed When I Have My Period

When my period comes, I feel ill and depressed. I don’t want to do anything. My period is heavy and I don’t go to school because of the cramps. It rules my life and I can’t go out at all. Please help. Vicki*

It’s normal to have the blues or feel sick before and during a period. As hormone levels rise and fall during a girl’s menstrual cycle, it can affect the way she feels, both physically and emotionally. This is known as premenstrual syndrome and it can make a girl feel like hiding in bed with the covers over her head.

Luckily, you can do a few things to ease PMS symptoms. Try eating a balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and cutting back on processed foods like chips and crackers. Reduce the amount of salt you eat and drink more water. Say no to caffeine and yes to foods with calcium and whole grains. And get plenty of sleep at night.

Occasionally, PMS symptoms might include feelings of extreme depression and hopelessness. If this is the case, speak with your doctor it may be a sign something else is going on.

Heavy bleeding every so often, especially at the beginning of your period, is probably nothing to worry about. But if you soak through a pad or a tampon in an hour or less, call your health care provider, who can check you out to make sure everything’s OK.

*Names have been changed to protect user privacy.

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Crying During Your Period: Is It Normal? Research and More

“My PMS was tolerable until my second child was born and then everything went off the rails. I’d be looking forward to plans with others, happy, and then about 10 to 14 days before my flow would start, my mood would turn on a dime. I’d be horriblecrying, screaming that ~nobody understands~, just so much emotional pain. I’d basically lock myself up in the bedroom for a full day to cry, get angry, and feel sorry for myself. It took three doctors before I finally found one who would listen to me before I was finally diagnosed with PMDD. I took Prozac for three years for it but it made me feel numb, like a zombie and not like myself. So I quit and my family just deals with me now. As I’ve gotten closer to menopause the PMDD is not as bad, but can be very unpredictable due to hormonal swings from perimenopause. The worst part now is I feel like my friendships have suffered. I always seem to have episodes around major holidays and events and I end up bumming everyone out if I do show up so I end up staying home a lot.” Colleen T., 50, St. Paul, MN

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Track Your Monthly Symptoms

Keep a track of each of your symptoms each month, their severity and on which days they occur via a daily log.

This exercise is very helpful in helping your doctor diagnose PMDD, and will also help you predict the days on which you are most likely to experience symptoms. This will make sure you are not caught off guard, and can help prepare for them.

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“I’m overly emotional for the week before my period. Saying that makes it sound like it’s not that bad but I get so distraught that my fiance has actually scheduled it in his phone as ‘blood sport’ to remind himself what’s coming. I’m thankful that he’s patient because I also feel like everyone hates me that week, too.” Kenlie T., 36, New Orleans, LA

“All month long I’m fine and feel even and calm and then suddenly, the week before my period, I can’t handle even the tiniest little thing. My irritability goes through the roof and I feel like I have no friends. It really makes me sad.” Jessica S., 28, Broomfield, CO

“I know my period is coming because all of a sudden all of my joints hurt, especially my knees and ankles. I also get crazy gnarly cramps and once I even had a cyst that ruptured while I was on a date and the guy had to take me to the hospital! It was so embarrassing. Thankfully my husband now is very understanding when this time rolls around each month. The worst part is people who just think I make this stuff up. Some months are better than others and sometimes the pain is completely debilitating! My emotions are also a rollercoaster. Anytime I see something cute or inspiring, I burst into tears.” Ivie C., 21, Rexburg, ID

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How Is Pmdd Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will take a medical history and evaluate your symptoms. You may need to track your symptoms through one or two menstrual cycles. To diagnose PMDD, your provider will look for five or more PMDD symptoms, including one mood-related symptom. Your provider will rule out or diagnose other conditions such as anxiety, depression or reproductive disorders.

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The moodiness and irritability might be frustrating. What can you do?

Talk to your friends about how you feel and try to do something fun. Go out, get your favourite food, listen to music and dance. Have some fun. The dark clouds will go away in no time.

Also, take it easy on your friends and family and don’t transfer aggression on them.

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Do I Need Health Insurance To Receive This Service

The referral service is free of charge. If you have no insurance or are underinsured, we will refer you to your state office, which is responsible for state-funded treatment programs. In addition, we can often refer you to facilities that charge on a sliding fee scale or accept Medicare or Medicaid. If you have health insurance, you are encouraged to contact your insurer for a list of participating health care providers and facilities.

How Can I Beat Depression

If you experience anxiety and severe depression before period, know that you are not alone and that there is a biological basis for your condition. Often, women are told that their PMDD symptoms are imaginary, whereas numerous studies and research has clearly proved otherwise. A combination of the following suggested treatments can potentially help manage and ease the severity of your symptoms:

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What Are The 11 Symptoms Of Pmdd

Symptoms of PMDD, both common and rare, include:

  • severe fatigue.
  • mood changes, including irritability, nervousness, depression, and anxiety.
  • crying and emotional sensitivity.
  • paranoia and issues with self-image.
  • coordination difficulties.

What vitamins should I take for PMDD?

According to the Mayo Clinic, these supplements may be worth a try:

  • Calcium. 1,200 milligrams calcium daily can help ease physical and emotional symptoms.
  • Magnesium. 360 mg can help ease breast soreness and bloating.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin B-6.

Can hysterectomy cure PMDD?

Removal of the uterus / hysterectomy does not improve PMDD. It is the ovarian cycle that triggers the mood centre of the brain and so if the ovaries are left behind, then the PMS will continue after the hysterectomy.

Signs Youre Experiencing Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

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However, if youre experiencing severe PMS symptoms, then you may have a more serious disorder called premenstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD. According to the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual For Mental Disorders , premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a severe PMS condition that results in both physical and emotional symptoms. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder affects every aspect of daily life during your period, from relationships to school and work. Many people describe PMDD symptoms as debilitating, and many have to put their lives on hold during the days they get their period.

Wondering if you have premenstrual dysphoric disorder? Some of the physical symptoms include:

  • Breast tenderness and swelling
  • Moodiness and mood instability
  • Thoughts of suicide**

**If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal thoughts, reach out for help immediately. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255, and is available 24/7.

However, no woman should have to experience these thoughts or emotions simply because they are getting their period. If you believe you have premenstrual dysphoric disorder pmdd, talk to your physician about what options are available to reduce your pain and manage symptoms. For example, some people take hormonal birth control to regulate their periods. Birth control pills not only make your period more regular, but also significantly reduce the pain, help relieve symptoms of emotional pain, and ease other typical menstrual symptoms.

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Key Points About Pmdd

PMDD is a much more severe form of t premenstrual syndrome .

The exact cause of PMDD is not known.

  • The main symptoms that distinguish PMDD from other mood disorders or menstrual conditions is when symptoms start and how long they last.
  • Symptoms of PMDD are so severe that it affects your ability to function at home, work and in relationships.
  • Aside from a complete medical history and physical and pelvic exam, there are very few tests to diagnose the condition.
  • Over the course of a year, during most menstrual cycles, 5 or more of the following symptoms must be present:
  • Depressed mood
  • Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Moodiness
  • Insomnia or feeling very sleepy
  • Feeling overwhelmed or out of control
  • PMDD is a serious, chronic condition that does need treatment that may include lifestyle changes and sometimes medicines.
  • Pmdd Causes And Risk Factors

    Researchers donât know the exact cause of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Most think it may be an abnormal reaction to hormone changes related to your menstrual cycle.

    PMDD affects up to 5% of women of childbearing age. Many women with PMDD may also have anxiety or depression.

    Studies have shown a link between PMDD and low levels of serotonin, a chemical in your brain that helps transmit nerve signals. Certain brain cells that use serotonin also control mood, attention, sleep, and pain. Hormonal changes may cause a decrease in serotonin, leading to PMDD symptoms.

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    Why Do I Get Depressed Before My Period

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  • 2021-12-05T05:52:15+00:00Added an answer on December 5, 2021 at 5:52 amIm not a doctor, but I have experienced the same thing that you have. I read that this is a symptom of PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome. You might want to check with your doctor for this? Though I know it is hard to feel energetic when you are feeling depressed, try to stay active, eat healthy, exercise, meditate, etc. There are many ways to deal with depression. The key is to find the best way for you.
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  • 2021-12-06T05:31:19+00:00Added an answer on December 6, 2021 at 5:31 amHypothyroidism is a possibility. Its an underactive thyroid, which can cause depression. A person on birth control pills may also be hypothyroid. If the birth control pill is taken continuously, it can suppress the function of the thyroid gland. A low thyroid hormone level can lead to depression, weight gain, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, and problems with menstruation. It can also cause headaches, depression, forgetfulness, insomnia, and abnormal menstrual periods. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism include a hoarse voice, slow speech, weight gain, joint pain, dry skin, and brittle fingernails.
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  • Treatment Of Postpartum Depression

    Why Antidepressants Make You Feel Worse – At First

    Reported treatments for PPD include antidepressants, hormones, and psychotherapy, but there is a paucity of well-designed controlled studies, samples are small and there are no definitive conclusions.


    Sertonergic antidepressants with reported efficacy for PPD include fluoxetine in double -blind study,150 and sertraline, venlafaxine, and fluvoxamine in open studies.151153 Results in the sertraline study suggested that response is swift and at low doses, but these findings were not supported in another retrospective record review.154 The many antidepressants available are clearly effective for depression but are generally unstudied for PPD. Other considerations in the selection of an antidepressant are the patient’s tolerability of side effects and the response to a previously prescribed antidepressant. For women with previous episodes of depression, the general guideline is to prescribe the antidepressant used in the previous episode if the patient had a satisfactory response.

    A major concern about drug therapy for breast-feeding mothers is the effect of medication on the infant.155 In small studies, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, desipramine, clomipramine, imipramine, sertraline, fluvoxamine, and paroxetine were not detected in quantifiable amounts in infant, plasma and all infants were thriving.156161 The results are encouraging, but cannot be generalized to all infants exposed to these medications.

    Hormone treatments



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    Related: This Woman’s Photo Shows What It’s Really Like To Live With Extreme Pms

    “A week before my period, I become a complete psycho, completely unlike myself. I’m tearful, want to eat everything that’s sweet or salty, have absolutely no tolerance for anything other than perfection, and prefer to be left completely alone. I already take an antidepressant but my PMDD was a complete nightmare so my doctor gave me Prozac to take for just 10 days a month. Basically, I start it when I start to get that irrational feeling and keeping taking it until my period starts. And that’s just the emotional stuff. On the physical side, I have debilitating cramps, backaches, and headaches that last for days. Yep. I’m a peach.” Kristen L., 40, Knoxville, TN

    Watch a hot doc explain how to treat a headache without drugs:

    “In the past, PMDD almost made me suicidal and totally broke my spirit. Yes it was that bad. Every month. Eventually I got tired of being a ‘crazy PMS woman’ and decided I needed to fix this. Since I don’t like to take pharmaceuticals, I branched out to homeopathic remedies and I discovered St. John’s Wort and essential oils, especially clary sage and Doterra Calm-Its. It’s a lot better now but I still have my hard days.” Amy S., 43, Zebulon, NC

    Why Does This Happen

    At the start of her period, a woman has incredibly low levels of estrogen and progesterone.

    When there are low levels of estrogen, less serotonin is released to the brain. This means women will feel less happy and satisfied since serotonin is the happy hormone.

    As her period comes to an end, estrogen levels come back up as eggs are prepared to be released once more. Her estrogen levels peak at ovulation, and she would find herself in a happy and more relaxed state as the ovulation happies are back.

    Being a woman is not a joke, she has to go about her normal activities while all this is happening to her body.

    If she doesnt get pregnant while ovulating, her estrogen levels begin to drop.

    Sometimes her mental state affects her period, women going through undue stress have shorter periods. Women experiencing anxiety also have shorter periods. Bipolar women are known to have irregular cycles.

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