Saturday, May 4, 2024

How To Help Your Loved One With Depression

What Is Depression And Anxiety

How to help a loved one struggling with anxiety or depression l GMA

Health Shots spoke to clinical psychologist Richa Vashista, who explained that depression is a mental health disorder characterized by a persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities. It can cause significant impairment in daily life.

Depression causes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and reduced energy whereas anxiety is an intense, excessive, persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. When a person is dealing with anxiety, they may experience fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and a feeling of tiredness, says Vashista, who is also the chief mental health expert at AtEase.

We may not always know, but at times, depression and anxiety can co-exist. Anxiety can be a symptom of ones depression, it is also common to have depression triggered by constant anxiety or a panic disorder, the expert added.

Supporting Your Loved Ones Treatment

One of the most important things you can do to help a friend or relative with depression is to give your unconditional love and support throughout the treatment process. This involves being compassionate and patient, which is not always easy when dealing with the negativity, hostility, and moodiness that go hand in hand with depression.

Provide whatever assistance the person needs . Help your loved one make and keep appointments, research treatment options, and stay on schedule with any treatment prescribed.

Have realistic expectations. It can be frustrating to watch a depressed friend or family member struggle, especially if progress is slow or stalled. Having patience is important. Even with optimal treatment, recovery from depression doesnt happen overnight.

Lead by example. Encourage the person to lead a healthier, mood-boosting lifestyle by doing it yourself: maintain a positive outlook, eat better, avoid alcohol and drugs, exercise, and lean on others for support.

Encourage activity. Invite your loved one to join you in uplifting activities, like going to a funny movie or having dinner at a favorite restaurant. Exercise is especially helpful, so try to get your depressed loved one moving. Going on walks together is one of the easiest options. Be gently and lovingly persistentdont get discouraged or stop asking.

What To Do When A Loved One Is Severely Depressed

There are no easy answers for helping someone struggling with depression, especially if youve already tried and tried. Here are some tips from experts.

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Reports of Kate Spades suicide and struggle with depression instantly transformed her from symbol of polished prep to a blunt reminder that suffering affects all types. Three days later we woke to the news that another beloved figure, Anthony Bourdain, had taken his life.

These two tragedies have inspired hundreds to tweet some version of the same message: Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.

But deep in the comment threads, some have also been debating a more uncomfortable question: What do you do when a friend is depressed for such a long time that youve started to feel that that nothing you can do will make a difference, and your empathy reserves are tapped out? There are no easy answers. But here are some tips from experts:

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What Will My Doctor Do For Me

You might not feel comfortable talking to your doctor about any mental or emotional problems you are having. But your doctor can help you. He or she can:

  • Ask you questions about your thoughts and feelings that might help you better understand what you are going through.
  • Give you reassurance that you arent crazy but have a medical problem.
  • Tell you what kinds of support are available, such as counseling.
  • Offer you medicine, if its appropriate.
  • Recommend lifestyle changes that can help improve your mental health, such as exercise.
  • Refer you to a specialist, if they think that would be more helpful.
  • See you at follow-up appointments to monitor how you are doing and how you are responding to treatment.

How You Can Help

Infographic: 1 in 20 suffers from depression  know how to help a loved ...

It might seem small, but just doing things together, being there and staying connected can be a big help.

Depression and anxiety are so common that its highly likely that at some point youll know someone who might be experiencing it. It might be someone in your whnau, a team-mate or someone from your community. People with depression and anxiety are more likely to get through with help and support than on their own.Being depressed and anxious can be a really lonely experience. Sometimes the most important thing is having supportive people around or checking in. Having a coffee, watching television, phoning or texting to say Hi can help a lot. When youre feeling down, knowing that people are thinking of you can really lift your spirits.Often when people are feeling bad they dont want to go out and do anything. Everything feels just too hard. So encouraging them to do something with you is a great support. It could be something small like watching funny video clips, listening to music, going for a walk or window-shopping. Think about something you both like to do. There are different things you can do, depending on who youre trying to help:

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Who Global Health Emergency Appeal 2022

WHOs Global Health Emergency Appeal for 2022 helps ensure that 1 billion people will be better protected from health emergencies. This new annual appeal covers WHOs requirements to meet urgent emergency and humanitarian health needs for every region, including the COVID-19 response. We need US$ 2.7 billion to serve people around the world in the most vulnerable settings, including ending the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO, together with health cluster partners, is targeting support to 160 million people in need of critical health assistance across 56 countries.

There Is A Light And It Never Goes Out

Dont forget that depression is a treatable condition that, for many people, is manageable and they are able to live normal, healthy lives.

If you start to feel yourself get mired down in how hard things are at the moment, remember that it will not last forever, that help is out there, and never give up hope.

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Offer To Help With Tasks

For those who live with depression, even small tasks, like brushing teeth or cleaning up the kitchen, may drain emotional bandwidth. For this reason, offering to help with something seemingly small can make a huge difference in someones day.

If you have capacity, offer to start a load of laundry, walk the dog, watch the kids for a couple of hours, or drive them to the store.

Help Them With Other Options

How to Help Someone with Depression

If your loved one isnt happy with their treatment or would like to try a different option, you can also help them seek different resources or services. You can find general advice in the Ask Us section of HeretoHelp. To find local services, call the BC Mental Health Support Line at 310-6789 or email us.

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Remember To Care For Yourself

In addition to listening to the individual you want to help, educating you and them, and helping them decide and stick to a treatment course, it is important to remember to also care for yourself: remember to consider how much support you can give them, and not put aside your personal needs and boundaries. This not only helps you stay aware of your own limitations, but also maintains your ability to provide your loved one with support for a longer period of time, and in a more consistent manner.

Offer To Assist With Tasks Or Chores

Depression causes fatigue and loss of interest. Sometimes, one of the best ways to help is to assist with daily chores or errands. Offer to handle some of their errands, schedule appointments, or help around the house.

Daily tasks can feel daunting for someone with depression. Helping in this way can alleviate that burden for your loved one.

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Practical Help Is Incredibly Valuable

We may feel too tired or low to cook diverse or nutritious meals or keep on top of household chores and living in that unkempt, crisps-for-dinner-again state will probably only deepen our feelings of shame or unhappiness, says Beth.

Things that can help: hanging up the wet washing that they put in the machine in a rare surge of energy but have now let sit in the machine for hours, offering to make that call to the doctor for them, prompting them to reply to emails before things start to pile up, reminding them that its bin day tomorrow so theyre not left with several weeks worth of rubbish by the time their mood improves. Its these little things that we remember.

At University during a particularly horrible spell, a friend bought me an apple pie and left it on my doorstep because I mentioned in passing that it was the only thing in the world that felt remotely appealing. Another friend sent me groceries and countless funny memes when I was withdrawing from antidepressants and could barely hold my head up.

By Anya Meyerowitz

Recognize Their Symptoms And When They Worsen

How To Help Someone With Depression (And 5 Things You Should NEVER Say ...

Depression symptoms can vary among individuals. It is more than just sadness. Learn about the clinical symptoms of depression so you can recognize the signs in your loved one.

Those with depression are at an increased risk of suicide and other mental health disorders. Your loved one may exhibit signs or behaviors when they have a depressive episode. Have those symptoms worsened? Did something happen that caused their depression to worsen?

If so, your loved one may need to contact their therapist or healthcare provider. Seek help if they exhibit suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Dont wait to take action.

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Ways To Help Support Someone With Depression

It can be difficult to watch a loved one go through depression. Stigma often surrounds mental illness, and sometimes you may be unsure of what to do. A common misconception about depression is that it will go away on its own, says Dr. Lephuong Ong, a registered psychologist at TELUS Health Care Centres mental health clinic in Vancouver. In reality, clinical or major depression affects the mind, body and mood and can seriously disrupt someones ability to function in many aspects of their life. If you know someone experiencing depression, here are things you can do that may be helpful:

Offer To Help Them Plan For Their First Therapy Visit

It can be helpful to go into an initial therapy appointment with talking points written down. Otherwise, in the stress of the moment can get in the way of a productive session. The person may forget what they were going to say or draw a blank when they are asked about their symptoms. Let your loved one know that youre available to sit down with them and write it all out beforehand. If they decline your offer, respect their privacy!

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Reach Out To Your Loved Ones

A loved one in whose presence you feel secure and who understands you would be definitely open to hearing about your problems. When dealing with such situations, it is always advisable to reach out to a person who wont judge and can provide support. Talking to them and asking for help can make one feel better, says Vashista.

Encourage The Person To Get Help

How to Support Someone with Depression

Your loved one may not recognize or acknowledge the signs of depression, so the idea of getting help could be far away. Plus, people often feel ashamed or hesitant about talking to a mental health professional.

Without proper therapy, depression can worsen and give way to other problems, such as alcohol or drug abuse, self-harm, or suicide. A specialized therapist can help the person you care about getting better.

Encouraging your loved one to make that first appointment can help them take that important step and start therapy sooner. If you feel that the process of finding a therapist or scheduling an appointment is being particularly challenging, try offering your help.

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Choose Words Of Comfort Not Direction

For me, the symptoms of an anxiety disorder are sometimes as physical and as tangible as any other illness or injury I’ve experienced, says Natasha. So when people say, try and put it to the back of your mind, calm down or just breathe, even if they have kind intentions it’s about as helpful as telling someone with a broken leg to just walk. What would help instead? Less instructional comments, and more words designed to comfort. For example: ‘I’m here’, ‘I think you’re having a panic attack but I’ll stay with you until it’s over,’ or give me a nod if you want me to call a doctor.

By Bianca London

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States. Call 1-800-273-8255 to get help on mental health advice.

Read Also: Mental Health Services For Depression

Supporting A Loved One With Depression

Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world, with over 264 million people suffering from depression. Here at Allied Psychiatry and Mental Health in Newport Beach, California, board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Hadi Estakhri offers customized treatments to relieve depression symptoms.

Depression profoundly impacts anyone who has it, but it also affects that persons loved ones. Thats why we created this guide: to help you support those around you who have depression. Read on to explore tips and strategies for supporting a loved one with depression.

The Risk Of Suicide Is Real

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What to do in a crisis situation

If you believe your loved one is at an immediate risk for suicide, do NOT leave them alone.

In the U.S., dial 911 or call the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.

In other countries, call your countrys emergency services number or visit IASP to find a suicide prevention helpline.

It may be hard to believe that the person you know and love would ever consider something as drastic as suicide, but a depressed person may not see any other way out. Depression clouds judgment and distorts thinking, causing a normally rational person to believe that death is the only way to end the pain theyre feeling.

Since suicide is a very real danger when someone is depressed, its important to know the warning signs:

  • Talking about suicide, dying, or harming oneself a preoccupation with death
  • Expressing feelings of hopelessness or self-hate
  • Acting in dangerous or self-destructive ways
  • Getting affairs in order and saying goodbye
  • Seeking out pills, weapons, or other lethal objects
  • A sudden sense of calm after depression

If you think a friend or family member might be considering suicide, dont wait, talk to them about your concerns. Many people feel uncomfortable bringing up the topic but it is one of the best things you can do for someone who is thinking about suicide. Talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a persons life, so speak up if youre concerned and seek professional help immediately!

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Signs That Someone May Be Depressed

Depression has lots of possible symptoms.

You may notice that someone:

  • has lost interest in doing things they normally enjoy
  • seems to be feeling down or hopeless
  • has slower speech and movements or is more fidgety and restless than usual
  • feels tired or does not have much energy
  • is overeating or has lost their appetite
  • is sleeping more than usual or is not able to sleep
  • has trouble concentrating on everyday things, such as watching TV or reading the paper

Encouraging The Person To Get Help

While you cant control someone elses recovery from depression, you can start by encouraging the depressed person to seek help. Getting a depressed person into treatment can be difficult. Depression saps energy and motivation, so even the act of making an appointment or finding a doctor can seem daunting to your loved one. Depression also involves negative ways of thinking. The depressed person may believe that the situation is hopeless and treatment pointless.

Because of these obstacles, getting your loved one to admit to the problemand helping them see that it can be solvedis an essential step in depression recovery.

If your friend or family member resists getting help:

Suggest a general check-up with a physician. Your loved one may be less anxious about seeing a family doctor than a mental health professional. A regular doctors visit is actually a great option, since the doctor can rule out medical causes of depression. If the doctor diagnoses depression, they can refer your loved one to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Sometimes, this professional opinion makes all the difference.

Offer to help the depressed person find a doctor or therapist and go with them on the first visit.Finding the right treatment provider can be difficult, and is often a trial-and-error process. For a depressed person already low on energy, it is a huge help to have assistance making calls and looking into the options.

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