Thursday, July 25, 2024

Mental Health Services For Depression

Mental Health And Substance Use State Fact Sheets

Colorado Children Experiencing Anxiety & Depression Can Access Free Online Mental Health Services

Throughout the pandemic, many people have experienced poor mental health, with over 30% of adults in the U.S. reporting symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder, up from 11% of adults prior to the pandemic. Negative mental health outcomes have also affected children and adolescents over 20% of school-aged children have experienced worsened mental or emotional health since the pandemic began. Substance use issues have also worsened deaths due to drug overdose increased by nearly 30% from 2019 to 2020, primarily driven by opioids. This increase in mental health and substance use issues comes at a time when resources are already strained, and people with mental health diagnoses often face barriers to care. Among adults with symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder during the pandemic, over 20% report needing, but not receiving, mental health counseling or therapy.

Negative Thoughts And Depression

Worrying or thinking negatively is common in people with depression. This affects your ability to focus on getting better and makes you more vulnerable to unhealthy emotions.

Tips to help you control worry and reduce negative thinking include:

  • Write down what you are worried about. Go through each concern and think about how realistic your negative thoughts are. Explore alternative thoughts and explanations.
  • Try not to focus on the things you cannot change.
  • Focus on the present. Accept your thoughts without actively engaging with them.
  • Write down your problems and brainstorm solutions. Jot down the pros and cons with each option and choose the one that seems the best. Review whether it worked to overcome the problem.
  • Avoid making major decisions about your life at this time.

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

Also known as SSRIs, these typically have fewer side effects than other types of antidepressants. Fluoxetine , sertraline , and escitalopram all fit into this category.

Depression is linked to low levels of serotonin . SSRIs work by preventing your blood from absorbing some of the serotonin from your brain. This leaves a higher level of serotonin in the brain, and increased serotonin can help relieve depression.

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Counselling Or Talk Therapy

The primary treatment for depression or anxiety is psychological counseling, also called talk therapy or psychotherapy. Several types of talk therapy have been shown to be safe and effective for the treatment of depression.

  • Cognitive behaviour therapy can help us see how our thoughts and actions are connected to our feelings. CBT teaches us how to replace negative, depressive thoughts and behaviours with more positive, constructive thoughts and actions.
  • Interpersonal psychotherapy focuses on improving relationships by helping us to resolve conflicts that are contributing to the depression.
  • Solution-focused therapy focuses on personal strengths and helps us to create a positive future for ourself by finding solutions to our stresses and problems.

How Is Depression Treated

People with mental health worries are being urged to seek help in a new ...

Depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders. Between 80% and 90% percent of people with depression eventually respond well to treatment. Almost all patients gain some relief from their symptoms.

Before a diagnosis or treatment, a health professional should conduct a thorough diagnostic evaluation, including an interview and a physical examination. In some cases, a blood test might be done to make sure the depression is not due to a medical condition like a thyroid problem or a vitamin deficiency . The evaluation will identify specific symptoms and explore medical and family histories as well as cultural and environmental factors with the goal of arriving at a diagnosis and planning a course of action.

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Risk Factors For Depression

Depression can affect anyoneeven a person who appears to live in relatively ideal circumstances.

Several factors can play a role in depression:

  • Biochemistry: Differences in certain chemicals in the brain may contribute to symptoms of depression.
  • Genetics: Depression can run in families. For example, if one identical twin has depression, the other has a 70 percent chance of having the illness sometime in life.
  • Personality: People with low self-esteem, who are easily overwhelmed by stress, or who are generally pessimistic appear to be more likely to experience depression.
  • Environmental factors: Continuous exposure to violence, neglect, abuse or poverty may make some people more vulnerable to depression.

Where To Go For Help

Once you decide to seek medical help, start with your primary care doctor. They can evaluate you to make sure that medicines or another illness are not the source of your symptoms.

Your doctor may prescribe treatment or may refer you to a mental health care professional who can do a complete assessment and recommend treatment.

Also Check: How To Notice Someone Is Depressed

How Do I Find A Therapist

If you are looking for marriage, family or individual therapy, your best first step is to contact your health plan. They can provide you with a complete list of mental health experts who fit your needs and accept your insurance.

If youre unsure which type of mental health professional is right for you, contact your primary care doctor. They can help you decide which practitioners might be the best fit.

Which Health Care Providers Treat Depression

Depression Treatment Program | Mental Health Services | Florida | Centerstone

Health care providers in many specialties are trained to identify depression. These general health care providers are qualified to treat depression:

Research has found that people with depression have better outcomes when their primary care doctors and other specialists work together to find the best treatment. They can also keep in touch to make sure that the person follows their treatment plan and that it continues to work for them over time.

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Depression Treatment California At Montare Behavioral Health

The residential depression treatment in California at Montare Behavioral Health utilizes individualized treatment plans in a therapeutic environment in order to treat depression.Treatment options include psychotherapy, medication,exercise,neurofeedback, light therapy, brain stimulation, and holistic treatments.

Often, the sooner one enrolls in depression treatment, the better off that person will be. For those individuals who are experiencing depression, seeking help through depression treatment can be beneficial.

If youre looking for depression treatment centers or anxiety treatment centers in California, the depression treatment offered here at Montare Behavioral Health is designed to treat depression and the mental health issues that it comes with.

Not only do we treat a wide variety of depression disorders, but we can also help you restore a sense of control to your life, and provide ongoing support after you complete treatment. Additionally, we offer treatment services for various disorders such as bipolar disorder or generalized anxiety disorder.

If you are looking for outpatient or inpatient depression treatment in California contact us today to learn more about how we can help you overcome depression or any other co-occurring disorders you are dealing with.


The Best Depression Resources And Organizations For Support And Treatment

If youre experiencing loneliness, depression, or symptoms of a mental health condition, you don’t have to feel alone. There are dozens of free and valuable resources available to you.

Many organizations can connect you to mental health professionals, support groups, and other free and easy-to-access information.

With more than 19.4 million Americans experiencing depression each year, it’s important to end the stigma around mental health, instill early screenings, and make interventions and treatments available to all.

These are the best organizations for depression and other related mental health conditions.

Read Also: Depression Groups For Young Adults

Government Of Canada’s Role

The Government of Canada works to help Canadians maintain and improve their mental health, including coping with depression. Within its jurisdiction, the Government of Canada works to:

  • Support research and its dissemination
  • Strengthen the capacity of the primary health care, home care and acute care sectors to effectively deliver mental health programs and services
  • Raise awareness through social marketing campaigns
  • Conduct surveillance on mental health trends in the population.

In 2007, the federal government provided funding to establish and support the Mental Health Commission of Canada to lead the development of a national mental health strategy, create a knowledge exchange centre and reduce the stigma about mental illness.

What Are The Symptoms Of Clinical Depression


The following are symptoms that are often experienced with depression. In order to have clinical depression, you would have to experience 5 or more of these symptoms for a 2 week period and because of the symptoms have caused trouble in life – for example having trouble in school or work. Sometimes life factors like losing a job, becoming sick, or losing a loved one can trigger sadness. A mental health professional or support person could help you determine how to make sense of your symptoms and explore treatment options.

  • Persistent sad, anxious or “empty” mood
  • Loss of pleasure and interest in activities once enjoyed, including sex
  • Sleeping too much or too little, middle of the night or early morning waking
  • Reduced appetite and weight loss, or increased appetite and weight gain
  • Restlessness, irritability
  • Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feeling guilty, hopeless or worthless
  • Thoughts of suicide or death?

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Dont Give Up The Resources Are Out There Possibly On Your Smartphone

Experts concur that it make take some time and effort to find a mental health provider, but your search will likely pay off. In the interim, you might want to turn to your smartphone.

Tele-mental health in all forms has become a huge resource and there are great resources online offered by large health systems, says Harry Nelson, managing partner of Nelson Hardiman, head of the Behavioral Health Association of Providers and co-author of From ObamaCare To TrumpCare: Why You Should Care. The challenge there is that you need to be licensed in the state where the patient lives, but that said, we’ve seen a flourishing growth in treatment of all mental health by telemedicine and I expect it to grow exponentially. Reach out to your local hospital system to ask if they offer these services.

Supports For Indigenous Peoples

Mental health and cultural supports

Phone and online counselling, support programs, and treatment and healing centres are available virtually for Indigenous people across B.C.

Virtual Doctor of the Day for First Nations

Virtual appointments and access to primary and mental health care closer to home. This program is for First Nations people and their family members who have limited or no access to doctors.

Substance use and psychiatry service

Provides Indigenous people in B.C. with access to specialists in addictions medicine and psychiatry. This service is also available to the family members of Indigenous people, even if they are non-status.

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See If Youre Eligible For Medicaid For Free Therapy

If you dont have insurance coverage, check to see if you qualify for Medicaid .

If a person does not have commercial insurance but has medical assistance , then they need to look for someone who is in their network, says Dr. Jesse Matthews, a licensed psychologist.

Most providers who take Medicaid work at clinics or community mental health centers. Sometimes these are affiliated with universities and are used as training sites for graduate students. If a person has Medicaid, they should be able to access mental health care free of charge.

Dr. Fran Walfish, a psychotherapist, suggests contacting your local Psychoanalytic Training Institute.

“They generally require the patient to commit to three to five times a week psychoanalytic therapy sessions over a period of at least one to two years in duration in exchange for free therapy,” she tells NBC News BETTER. “The patient is assured to receive treatment from the same singular qualified M.D. who is getting supervision and advanced specific training in intensive long-term treatment.”

Patient Blogs On The Real Experience Of Coping With Depression

Addressing Access to Mental Health Services for Women with Postpartum Depression

Lawyers With Depression Dan Lukasik, a lawyer from Buffalo, New York, started this blog to help law students, judges, and lawyers who cope with depression. Read his posts about depression among men and how to change your thinking.

Postpartum Progress Katherine Stone founded Postpartum Progress, the worlds most widely read blog about maternal mental illness, to help other pregnant women and new mothers with postpartum depression and other mental illnesses related to pregnancy and childbirth. On the website, you can find treatment programs, support groups in your area, a list of Black mental health providers, and more.

Depression Marathon This patient blog was started by a female runner and health professional with severe and persistent depression. Her posts touch on how her life has changed since being diagnosed with depression and alcoholism, how she copes through running, and her thoughts on life in general.

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Free Mental Health Services And How To Find Them

Mental health services, including mental health clinics, are needed by anyone with a mental health condition. These services include mental health medication prescription and management, substance abuse treatment, specific therapies and more. Mental health services are typically paid for by insurance or out-of-pocket but low-cost or free mental health services are also available in most communities.

  • If you’re in immediate distress, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273 TALK or chat with them online. The Lifeline, which is free and confidential, can not only provide immediate support for those going through a rough time but they can also make referrals to mental health services near you.

Online Tools Developed To Support Recovery From Depression And Anxiety

There are a lot of places online that can support you with a variety of strategies for managing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Some suggestions are:

  • MoodGYM: This online cognitive behavioural therapy program from the Australian National University is designed to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • MindSpot: This free, government-funded program provides online assessment and treatment courses, and can also help you to find local services.
  • myCompass: This interactive self-help service is from the Black Dog Institute. Their online tool helps you to track your moods and build resilience. The Black Dog Institute has more tools and apps here.
  • This Way Up: CRUfAD delivers a range of clinically-proven courses, from CBT programs for anxiety and depression, to general self-help and wellbeing. These can be done with or without a clinician and are available for free or at a low cost.
  • BITE BACK: This is Black Dog Institute’s free, self-guided online wellbeing and resilience program for young people aged 1316 years old.

ReachOuts Tools and Apps collection has some more suggestions to help you manage depression or anxiety. These have been reviewed by young people and clinical professionals.

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Supports For Students Educators And Parents


Confidential, free counselling and referral services by app, phone or online chat for all registered post-secondary students. Here2Talk is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Speak to a counsellor on the phone at or use if you are a student calling from outside of Canada .

WE Well-being

Free online resource for students, parents and educators to support social and emotional well-being in this new world of remote learning.


Gender and sexuality alliance meetings that take place online and over the phone. Find resources on SOGI 123, by educators for educators, to support students looking for a safe place to share.

EASE at home

EASE at home offers helpful tips for parents, like how to teach children calming breathing techniques or use structured games like scavenger hunts to build routine in a way thats fun.

What Increases Your Risk

Postnatal Depression: Talking To Your GP

Experts don’t know why some people get depression and others don’t. But certain things make you likely to get depression. These are called risk factors.

Important risk factors for depression include:

  • Having a father, mother, brother, or sister who has had depression.
  • Having had depression before.
  • One-time stressful events, such as the death of a loved one, losing your independence or your job, or having a serious accident.

Other risk factors include:

  • Long-term stressful situations, such as living in poverty, having marriage or family problems, or helping someone who has a long-term medical problem.
  • Physical or sexual abuse in childhood or in a relationship, such as domestic abuse or violence.
  • Getting older.
  • Having substance use disorder.
  • Having a long-term health problem, such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, cancer, or chronic pain. Read more about depression and chronic illness.
  • Having a mental health problem or behavior disorder, such as post-traumatic stress disorder , dementia, anxiety disorder, or an eating disorder.
  • Having had a recent serious illness or surgery.
  • Having a health problem such as anemia or an underactive thyroid gland . Treating the health problem usually cures the depression.
  • Using certain medicines, such as steroids or opioids. If you stop using the medicine, the depression will probably go away.

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Other Types Of Depression

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