I Had A Black Dog By Matthew Johnstone And Living With A Black Dog By Matthew And Ainsley Johnstone
For: A picture book which clearly explains the feelings and behaviours around depression.
In I Had a Black Dog, depression appears as the main character’s constant shadow and companion â an ever-changing black dog sometimes as big as an entire room â capturing the perceived inseparability between the person and their condition.
This picture book has clear language and imagery, and the World Health Organisation has turned the book into videos to educate people about depression and its symptoms.
“Doing anything or going anywhere with Black Dog required superhuman strength. If Black Dog accompanied me to a social occasion, he would sniff out what confidence I had and sniff it away,” writes Johnstone.
A follow-up book, Living with a Black Dog, shows what’s it like to live with someone who is experiencing depression, and how a carer can care for themselves while looking after another person.
Learn Their Love Language
Focusing on your partners love language can be a helpful tool in supporting them. Many folks with depression struggle with self-esteem or low self-worth, so making the effort to communicate with your partner in their love language can go a long way to help reassure and affirm them. Laura Sgro, LCSW
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide To Personal Freedom
- Price: $
When it comes to self-help, The Four Agreements may quickly come to mind. Shamanic teacher and healer Don Miguel Ruiz writes about self-limiting beliefs and a practical code of conduct learned from his Toltec ancestors. Before you write off The Four Agreements for sounding too woo-woo for your liking, know theres a reason for its decade-long hold on the New York Times bestseller list.
The four agreements are simple: be impeccable with your word, dont take anything personally, dont make assumptions, and always do your best. The book teaches that if we have an awareness of four principles, we can improve our lives drastically, explains Timmons, who recommends books to her clients. While the lessons sound simple, Ruizs work shines through his powerful storytelling.
Ruizs simple principles have been touted by inspirational gurus like Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra. Aside from a star-studded list of fans, licensed mental health professionals like Timmons find that The Four Agreements can provide insight into how we are shaped to be a certain way.
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple
In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple: 10 Strategies for Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry, Dr. Seth J. Gillihan provides a person with 10 strategies to help them manage their anxiety, depression, anger, panic, and worry.
People who read this book can learn how to identify negative thoughts and replace them with positive and motivating feelings.
On Amazon, the book has a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars, and it is available on Kindle and paperback for about $10. Individuals can also listen to the audiobook via Audible.
Dont Push Them To Be Happy All The Time
Be understanding if they want to take a break from social events or dont feel like going out one evening. Try to figure out what makes them happy and do it whenever you can, but dont expect them to always be full of energy and enthusiasm. Valentina Dragomir, Psychotherapist and founder of PsihoSensus
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Depression Anxiety And Other Things We Dont Want To Talk About
Price: $
Pastor and psychotherapist Ryan Casey Waller believes that we are not meant to manage the mental illness we struggle with. In his book, Depression, Anxiety, and Other Things We Dont Want to Talk About, he points out that mental health issues are not a symptom of failing spiritually or lacking faith, and that the battle doesnt need to be lonely and discouraging as experienced by so many.
Waller combines clinical insight with practical theology and deep empathy, inviting us to talk about mental health without shame and discover why self-awareness is important. He encourages us to explore how psychology, biology, and spirituality intersect and discover different ways to heal.
Price: $
Its not a coincidence that depression rates have gone up in our modern, fast-paced society.
In The Depression Cure, Stephen Ilardi, PhD, reminds us that human minds and bodies werent designed to function well with poor sleeping and eating habits and long work hours.
He takes us back to basics, using examples of techniques to combat depression that are inspired by populations like the Kaluli of Papua, New Guinea, who are still untouched by modern technology.
The Happiness Trap: How To Stop Struggling And Start Living By Russ Harris
Focuses on: Anxiety and DepressionType: Greater Understanding/Research and Exercises/Action
I love this book. It was quite influential on me when I read it years and years ago and I was quite upset to find out that I had inadvertently ripped off one of the exercises in it in my Self-Knowledge PDF .
Harris is probably the most visible proponent of something called ACT or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. ACT is a relatively new form of therapy that argues that the key to dealing with depression, anxiety, or addiction is to not necessarily to remove bad feelings. Instead, ACT focuses on developing mental tools and habits to simply weather those bad feelings more effectively. Whereas CBT is focused on channeling pain and suffering into more productive interpretations and actions, ACT just says fuck it, bad feelings are bad feelings and they dont necessarily have to mean anything at all, if we dont let them. To me, ACT is one of the more promising recent developments in psychology as it incorporates some of the benefits of mindfulness, with a zest of eastern philosophy thrown in.
The Happiness Trap is also one of the most approachable and enjoyable psych reads out there. The writing is clear and fun, and the exercises are engaging. In my opinion, the best pop psychology books bring some humor and humanity to the subject, and this is one of the few books that pulls that off really well.
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Rising Strong* By Bren Brown
Blurb: The physics of vulnerability is simple: If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall. This is a book about what it takes to get back up and how owning our stories of disappointment, failure, and heartbreak gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggle can be our greatest call to courage and Rising Strong, our clearest path to deeper meaning, wisdom and hope.
Lisa HallifaxRising Strong by Brené Brown. It offers such a beautiful explanation on the nature of courage and vulnerability.
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Depression: Summer holiday coping tips for students
As a student, the summer holidays can be daunting. The long weeks can stretch out in front of us and feel endless. Everyone around us seems happy, and the sun is shining so it can feel like we have no excuse not to be happy! We might have left a support system behind when returning home after studying away, perhaps returning to a family who dont know about, or understand, how were feeling. It can feel really lonely.
Depression: How ecotherapy may help
Depression: How nature helps me
In autumn 2011, I was off work with depression. My over-active mind was tormenting me at night and turning me into a zombie in the daytime. I found I needed to get out of the house as often as possible for a change of scenery, even if only for five or ten minutes.
Join In With Their Self
Its important to understand how to support someone who is depressed, however, you need to know that you cannot fix them. Be there to listen. Pay them compliments. Join them in meditation or yoga practice. Be gentle, and never force them into an activity they dont want to do. Dr. Shantel Gallegos, RN, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC of Vitalitas Denver
Recommended Reading: Depressants Are Very Similar To The Effects Of Alcohol
The Noonday Demon: An Anatomy Of Depression By Andrew Solomon
For: A deep dive into depression, breakdowns, treatments and alternatives, as well as the history and politics of depression.
Andrew Solomon combines his first-person account of depression with his keen curiosity as a writer to offer the reader insight into traditional and alternative approaches, from the benefits of exercise to the Senegalese animist ritual called ndeup, which involves drumming, dancing, and the blood of a ram and a cockerel.
Saved By Cake* By Marian Keyes
Blurb: Learn to bake with Britains favourite womens fiction author, Marian Keyes author of Watermelon and Anybody Out There in her startlingly honest cook-book Saved by Cake.Saved by Cake gives an extremely honest account of Marian Keyes recent battle with depression, and how baking has helped her. A complete novice in the kitchen, Marian decided to bake a cake for a friend and that was it she realized that baking was what she needed to do in order to get her through each day. And so she baked, and she wrote her recipes down, and little by little the depression started to lift, along with her sponges
With chapters on cupcakes, cheesecakes, meringues and macaroons, chocolate cakes, fruit cakes and favourite classics, Marians recipes are aimed firmly at beginner bakers, offering hints and tips to help along the way. Never patronizing, always honest and witty, accessible and full of fun, the bakes and cakes that Marian serves up in this cookbook will put a smile on your face and make you happy. From her Consistently Reliable Cupcakes and Very Chocolately Macaroons, to the ease of her Fridge-set Honeycomb Cheesecake, you will want to have a go at making all of Marians recipes. The shoe and handbag biscuits particularly. Very covetable. Very Marian.
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How Do I Support Someone Ive Been Dating For A While Who Just Got Diagnosed
Maybe youve been with your partner for several years, and theyve just gotten a diagnosis of depression. This can be tricky to navigate, but obviously, if youve been with your partner for a while, you truly want the best for them, and you may have even noticed the depression before they did. Stay calm and understand that, with professional treatment, your partners depression can get better.
Here are 11 tips for supporting a long-term partner with a new depression diagnosis:
A Folder Of 20 Supportive Encouraging Quotes
Each day, The Depression Project emails over 50,000 people a supportive, encouraging quote to help them through their depression. And, when you buy this book, we’ll give you a folder of 20 downloadable images depicting our favourites – which you can send to your loved one to uplift and inspire them!
Bonus #3!
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Unlearning Anxiety & Depression
In this book, Dr. Luciani asks the very important question: What if anxiety and depression are learned habits that can be broken? Since thoughts and daily routines are indeed habits, he explores the effect changing our habits can have on our mood and asks what habits they could be replaced by.
Dr. Luciani’s approach argues that healthier thought and living habits can lead to happier feelings.
If there was ever proof that helpers are not above needing help themselves at times, this book is it. Therapist Lori Gottlieb tells of working with patients who are struggling while she is also wrestling with her own heartbreak. This book offers layers of intertwined stories about people struggling with emotions that result from life showing up in some of the most difficult ways.
How Does Depression Affect Relationship
Living with a depressed spouse is never easy. Depression has a huge effect on your relationship with your spouse. Depression can bring about feelings of irritability, anger, and resentment towards their partnereven if they know its not the persons fault. It is important to remember that someone experiencing depression may not be aware or in control of these negative emotions however, this does not make them feel any less real.
These are some of the effects of depression on relationships:
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I Had A Black Dog* By Matthew Johnstone
Blurb: There are many different breeds of Black Dog affecting millions of people from all walks of life. The Black Dog is an equal opportunity mongrel.
It was Winston Churchill who popularized the phrase Black Dog to describe the bouts of depression he experienced for much of his life.
Matthew Johnstone, a sufferer himself, has written and illustrated this moving and uplifting insight into what it is like to have a Black Dog as a companion and how he learned to tame it and bring it to heel.
Gilly Bolton I had a Black Dog by Matthew Johnstone is my all time favourite because it explains everything so clearly. Some of the cartoons are heart rending. Its a good one to get others to read because of the clarity of the message.
Make Sure You Know The Type Of Depression Theyre Dealing With
There are various types of depression, so in order for someone to be supportive of their partner its important to understand the depression diagnosis and possible root causes. For example, bipolar disorder depression is very different from dysthymia or depression related to a loss. Understanding the diagnosis will also help in planning the right treatment. Mary Rzeszut, MSW, LCSW-R & Grouport Therapist
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Parenting The New Teen In The Age Of Anxiety
Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety: A Complete Guide to Your Childs Stressed, Depressed, Expanded, Amazing Adolescence is written for those with children who might find social, academic, and family life difficult and potentially experience anxiety and depression as a result.
It helps parents or caregivers develop a plan to address teenagers needs and deal with their changing minds.
The author, Dr. John Duffy, is a clinical psychologist and podcaster with a more-than-20-year-old practice.
The book has a 4.6-star average rating on Amazon, and the Kindle and paperback versions are available for between $9 and $12.
The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living: A Guide to ACT aims to help individuals free themselves from depression, anxiety, and insecurities.
Russ Harris uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy techniques that should help readers handle painful feelings and overcome self-doubt.
The book has a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars on Amazon, and it costs about $14 on Kindle and $3 on paperback.
Help Them Connect With Other People
Depression can often make people feel isolated, so one of the best things you can do as a partner is helping them connect with other people. This could mean joining a support group together or simply introducing them to friends and family members who will be understanding and supportive. Feeling connected to others is an important part of recovering from depression, so dont hesitate from helping your spouse build meaningful relationships with the people around them.
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Dont Shame Them Or Blame The Depression
If your partner doesnt want to go out for dinner or partake in an activity, avoid blaming it on their depression or assigning depression as the reason behind their decisions because that creates a shame loop. Help them feel encouraged to make decisions by not making those assignments. They will need to feel empowered to successfully slay their bouts of depression and not labeling their choices will help. Molly Mahoney, LCSW, owner of True Therapy
The Noonday Demon: An Atlas Of Depression By Andrew Solomon
Focuses on: DepressionType: Feeling Less Alone and Greater Understanding/Research
Solomon calls his book An Atlas of Depression and once youve covered about half of the 688 pages, you start to realize why: this is everything you would ever want to know about depressionthe personal experience of it, the medical experience of it, the pharmacological treatments, the history of it, the cultural interpretations of it, and of course, Solomons own struggles with it. The book is a lot to take in. What carries the book, though, is the combination of how well-written it is, along with the shocking severity of Solomons own story.
Im going to be honest. Ive been reading about depression and mental health for many years. Ive even suffered from some mild depressive episodes myself. I had no idea the depths this thing can reach. This is the only book Ive ever read that makes me understand why a person might choose to end their own life.
Reading Noonday Demon changed a number of my attitudes and assumptions that Ive had about not just depression, but antidepressants, therapy, and mental health. Had I read it while I was depressed, it would have given me more hope and helped me to navigate getting myself out of it.
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Lost Connections: Uncovering The Real Causes Of Depression
Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression- And the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Hari is a book that helps readers understand depression and anxiety and where they come from. This book uses research from social scientists to garner an actual understanding on these emotional diseases. After explaining depression and anxiety, the book describes seven solutions for curing them. This book also explains the overuse of antidepressants and medication for these diseases.
This, however, is a bit biased. It praises getting the government involved in mental health. The author is very pro-obama. This isnt necessarily a bad thing, but it does distract from the message in the book. This book is good for people who want to hear from an expert, though. Hari was diagnosed with depression and has taken antidepressants, so he understands what the readers are going through and what they want to hear.
- : Johann Hari Johann Hari
- Publisher: Bloomsbury USA First Edition edition
- Pages: 336 pages
The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself From Chronic Unhappiness by Mark Williams teaches readers to speak mindfulness. This book helps readers with the stressful emotions they have. It teaches them to cope with their life experiences, and break through their negative feelings.
- : Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Publisher: The Guilford Press Paperback + CD-ROM edition
- Pages: 273 pages
- : Stephen S. Ilardi
- : Sabrina Benaim